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Nassty, nassty bad wordsesss....

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PostPosted: Tue Jun 29, 2004 2:24 pm Reply with quote
I'm curious... why is it that the board software appears to censor certain words, replacing them with "bad word"?

I'm talking about f.l.a.s.h.b.a.c.k and f.l.o.c.k.

Why these? They seem harmless, but maybe they're codewords for some nefarious activity.

I note that none of the Anglo-Saxon monosyllables (a.k.a. "four letter words") appear to be censored.

- abunai
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PostPosted: Tue Jun 29, 2004 4:32 pm Reply with quote
It also censors b.a.t.c.h, too.
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PostPosted: Tue Jun 29, 2004 6:51 pm Reply with quote
Nagisa wrote:
It also censors b.a.t.c.h, too.

Oookaaayy.... Twisted Evil Here's my Tarantino moment:

"Flock you, you batch! And flashback your little dog, too!"

I'm truly sorry, I just couldn't resist. Rolling Eyes

Notice that it parses the text strings, so inserting anything - be it periods, spaces or BBCode commands - will interrupt the censor.

This really is the weirdest thing.

- abunai
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PostPosted: Tue Jun 29, 2004 10:17 pm Reply with quote


Okay, here's what happenned.

Some people have a habit of writting f*ck on the forum sometimes. So I went and censorded f*ck b*tch and a bunch of others...

And it seems that PHPBB reads the * as a wildcard.
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PostPosted: Wed Jun 30, 2004 3:01 am Reply with quote
Tempest wrote:


Okay, here's what happenned.

Some people have a habit of writting f*ck on the forum sometimes. So I went and censorded f*ck b*tch and a bunch of others...

And it seems that PHPBB reads the * as a wildcard.

I figured it might be something like that.

So, um, why bother in the first place? Notice, please, the words "shit" and "piss" aren't censored... and "f.u.c.k." becomes "fudge" Rolling Eyes

Isn't it rather silly to censor the bowdlerized versions with the asterisks, when the uncut versions aren't censored? And again, why bother, since anyone with half a brain can find a workaround?

Instead of bothering with censorship software, why not simply add a "keep a civil tongue in your head" to Teh Rules, and enforce it by warnings and bans?

Personally, I see nothing wrong with curse words, as such - it's how you use them. There's obviously nothing wrong with this sentence:

"I know it's wrong to b.i.t.c.h about this, but..."

whereas this sentence is clearly wrong (because it's a personal attack):

"You don't know anything about anime, you b.i.t.c.h.!"



P.S. If you absolutely have to replace "bad words" with something, don't use "bad word" - that looks absurd. Try something like "[there used to be a word here that the user's Mom said not use - since the user didn't listen, we've replaced it with this friendly reminder]" or something like that. Humour is a wonderful teaching tool.
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Joined: 24 Jul 2003
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PostPosted: Wed Jun 30, 2004 10:17 am Reply with quote
abunai wrote:
Tempest wrote:


Okay, here's what happenned.

Some people have a habit of writting f*ck on the forum sometimes. So I went and censorded f*ck b*tch and a bunch of others...

And it seems that PHPBB reads the * as a wildcard.

I figured it might be something like that.

So, um, why bother in the first place? Notice, please, the words "shit" and "piss" aren't censored... and "f.u.c.k." becomes "fudge" Rolling Eyes

Isn't it rather silly to censor the bowdlerized versions with the asterisks, when the uncut versions aren't censored? And again, why bother, since anyone with half a brain can find a workaround?

Instead of bothering with censorship software, why not simply add a "keep a civil tongue in your head" to Teh Rules, and enforce it by warnings and bans?

Personally, I see nothing wrong with curse words, as such - it's how you use them. There's obviously nothing wrong with this sentence:

"I know it's wrong to b.i.t.c.h about this, but..."

whereas this sentence is clearly wrong (because it's a personal attack):

"You don't know anything about anime, you b.i.t.c.h.!"



P.S. If you absolutely have to replace "bad words" with something, don't use "bad word" - that looks absurd. Try something like "[there used to be a word here that the user's Mom said not use - since the user didn't listen, we've replaced it with this friendly reminder]" or something like that. Humour is a wonderful teaching tool.

'Piss' isn't necisarrily as 'bad' as f.u.c.k. and b.i.t.c.h. but you were right about the bitching thing.
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Joined: 20 Mar 2003
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PostPosted: Mon Aug 09, 2004 4:43 am Reply with quote
abunai wrote:
P.S. If you absolutely have to replace "bad words" with something, don't use "bad word" - that looks absurd. Try something like "[there used to be a word here that the user's Mom said not use - since the user didn't listen, we've replaced it with this friendly reminder]" or something like that. Humour is a wonderful teaching tool.

Abunai, your posts are always a joy to read. It seems Danes have a great sense of humour. Laughing

Last edited by ShellBullet on Mon Aug 09, 2004 6:27 pm; edited 2 times in total
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PostPosted: Mon Aug 09, 2004 7:42 am Reply with quote
ShellBullet wrote:
Abunai, your posts are always a joy to read. It seems Danes have a great sense of humour. Laughing

Hush, now - they'll throw me out of the country if I'm suspected of a sense of humour... Wink

Hmm. This reminds me of a joke (totally off-topic, but what can I say - I'm a sucker for a good joke):

    In a gentlemen's club in London, a multicultural group of members, each nation represented by a single member, gathers to embark on a wager. They will each have one year exactly to write a book on a predetermined subject. A topic will be drawn at random from a number of paper slips in a hat.

    The topic drawn is: elephants.

    At the end of the year, they all reconvene in the club lounge, to present their books.

    - The British member has written One Hundred Elephants I Have Shot
    - The French member has written Les amours des éléphants ("The love life of the elephants")
    - The American member has written Elephants-R-Us: A how-to guide for starting your own elephant franchise
    - The German member has written Entwicklungen des Elefanten des sud-ostliches Tanganyika, erster Band ("Studies of the Elephants of South-Eastern Tanganyika, Volume One")
    - The Swiss member has written Einfuhrzollhandbuch - Elefanten ("Customs duty handbook - Elephants")
    - The Swedish member has written Elefantor och hur man titulerar dom ("Elephants, and how one adresses them")
    - The Danish member has written Elefant på hundrede måder ("Elephant served 100 different ways")
    - The Norwegian member has written...
      (wait for it)
    ... Norge og vi nordmenn ("Norway and us Norwegians")

Laughing *ahem*

There is infinite scope for variation, if there's a particular nationality you wish to poke fun at.

- abunai
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