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NEWS: Disappearance of Haruhi Suzumiya Film Announced for 2010

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PostPosted: Thu Oct 08, 2009 8:54 pm Reply with quote
ninjapet wrote:
well think about it, there up against the K-on! songs. Nothing can beat those right now

Which says most self-proclaimed otaku are no different from the ordinary general population: they just follow the fashion trend like a herd of sheep.
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PostPosted: Thu Oct 08, 2009 10:04 pm Reply with quote
dormcat wrote:
Count the number of character song sales.

Just a friendly request; could you not use Japanese as a response to something I said without at least providing a translation? I'm only a mono-lingual Caucasian, after all. This is what I got with Babelfish:

Babelfish wrote:
2 rank 32,881 “the [ke] it is and is!”Image song Akiyama fairway 3 rank 31,384 “the [ke] it is and is!”Image song Hirasawa 唯 3 rank 27,534 “the [ke] it is and is!”Image song Nakano Azusa 5 rank 25,887 “the [ke] it is and is!”Image song Tainaka law 6 rank 25,019 “the [ke] it is and is!”Image song koto blowing pongee… … … 13 6,320 Nagato possessions rare (saw grass field Minori) 16 5,071 cool shrine [haruhi] (the plain twill) 21 4,120 Asahina you see and start (the Goto 邑 child)

Now, I recognise Nagato, Haruhi and Asahina, and I can surmise what you are trying to say. Basically, none of their character or "Image" songs made the top ten in sales. But Babelfish's format isn't exactly the best; it hurts my brain to read, it really does.

I am surprised that they didn't do better. I still believe the Japanese otaku are way too loyal to franchises to the point of stupidity (like all those poor guys who are buying K-ON musical instruments even though they don't know how to play them). However, I'll concede you a point; not every piece of Haruhi merchandise is going to go flying out the door. That probably belongs to any Neon Genesis Evangelion product with Rei Ayanami's face on it. But whatever.

I do want to know if these are the first Image songs that have been released for each character, and if the songs didn't feature somewhere else as well (like an album).
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Big Hed

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PostPosted: Thu Oct 08, 2009 10:12 pm Reply with quote
And still FMP lies neglected. There is no god.

But seriously, this is good news. I hope Disappearance is a return to form for the franchise, since season two was lacking something.

And I don't see what the big deal about Endless Eight is; the arc wasn't particularly good or bad in my opinion, though maybe my opinion would differ if I hadn't watched it all at once. Having watched it, I would of course buy it; it's only a few bucks that needs to be spent once.
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PostPosted: Thu Oct 08, 2009 10:27 pm Reply with quote
dtm42 wrote:
Just a friendly request; could you not use Japanese as a response to something I said without at least providing a translation? I'm only a mono-lingual Caucasian, after all. This is what I got with Babelfish:

I was in a hurry (morning before leaving for work) so I didn't bother translating it. Here you go:

Rank #2 32,881 discs K-ON! image song Mio Akiyama
Rank #3 31,384 discs, K-ON! image song Yui Hirasawa
Rank #3 27,534 discs, K-ON! image song Azusa Nakano
Rank #5 25,887 discs, K-ON! image song Ritsu Tainaka
Rank #6 25,019 discs, K-ON! image song Tsumugi Kotobuki
Rank #13 6,320 discs, Yuki Nagato (Minori Chihara)
Rank #16 5,071 discs, Haruhi Suzumiya (Aya Hirano)
Rank #21 4,120 discs, Mikuru Asahina (Yuko Goto)

Not sure how it got two #3; maybe the source had a typo.
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Emma Iveli

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PostPosted: Thu Oct 08, 2009 10:34 pm Reply with quote
Oh wow! I was never expecting that in a million years! Awesome!

Also I have a rather interesting thoery about this movie and Endless 8...

Endless 8 was Eight Freakin' Episodes to drive people nuts, comnpalin and just make people think it's an eicmreablly stupid idea... then they bring in the big guns: Disappearence is a movie! Everyone celebrates! Hurray!

If true it makes perfect sense... think about it.
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PostPosted: Thu Oct 08, 2009 11:00 pm Reply with quote
Manwards wrote:
I'm excited for this! The two reasons I was hesitant when this was first speculated still stand - a shorter running time and a longer waiting time - but when I think about Kyoto Animation with a film budget, and how ridiculously faithful to the series they've been to date, I'm sure they'll do a great job. They're hardly going to butcher it. In hindsight, this seems like the execution of a strategy they've had in place since 2007, if not earlier.

Also, this way, I might actually be able to read the light novel first! Yen Press should be releasing their translation next October, assuming they keep to the schedule they've established so far. That would certainly be a novelty. They missed Sigh by about a month.

And while I'm exhausted with praising "Endless Eight" (not defending it, as I believe a work speaks for itself, and the opinions of its viewers, positive or negative, mean very little), I thoroughly enjoyed it. Watched every episode twice, and was arguably more emotionally invested in it than any other arc to date. Haruhi isn't a normal story. It hasn't been since "Boredom" was serialised before "Melancholy". I applaud KyoAni for taking their time, enjoying themselves, and experimenting with the material. I hope they do something similarly surprising in the future.

Ohhh boy, it's been a long time since I've seen random inexplicable Kyoani praise for lack of effort. Laughing

In any case I'm glad they enjoyed themselves Rolling Eyes , but isn't it supposed to work the other way around. As in they work hard to provide quality entertainment and then the fans give them money to own the LE copies of said entertainment. Sorry but why should they be praised for not doing their job again? I mean they did an absolutely terrible job on the second season compared to the first.

Emma Iveli wrote:
Oh wow! I was never expecting that in a million years! Awesome!

Also I have a rather interesting thoery about this movie and Endless 8...

Endless 8 was Eight Freakin' Episodes to drive people nuts, comnpalin and just make people think it's an eicmreablly stupid idea... then they bring in the big guns: Disappearence is a movie! Everyone celebrates! Hurray!

If true it makes perfect sense... think about it.

If nothing else (actual quality and effort I mean) this is why the movie will be successful. I mean god forbid maybe they just want to do a movie and it has nothing to do with Endless Eight. I love how even after all this time there are those that think Kyoani has some genius master plan when really all it comes down to is that they are willing to pander like nobody else.

Though as far as I can see this announcement has been met with what I find to be appropriately and expectedly mixed reactions. I mean honestly I myself just can't summon up the will to care about this franchise anymore myself for the time being. To me it's proven itself to be carried far more by hype, marketing and trendiness than it has by actual quality and the same goes for the reputation of the company behind it. Good luck with the movie there Kyoani-Chan, but honestly I think it's going to take some real effort as opposed to the same old gimmickery to get the casual fan back on board.
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PostPosted: Fri Oct 09, 2009 12:35 am Reply with quote
I posted my thoughts right when I heard this news "Holy Crap!" And apparently that got deleted. Well anyway I will now offer a more thought-out response.

Endless Eight wasn't ALL bad. The 1st episode was kind of cute and slice-of-lifey, then the 2nd was like spoiler["we've got a time continuum problem here." ] in the third, you're like...ok, NOW they're gonna solve it, but they didn't. And then by the 4th, 5th, 6th, and 7th episodes, we were all like "dear God, just get on with the damn story already! Still, if Bandai and Bang-Zoom get to dub this, they could add their own comedic "flair" to each episode, a la the Funi dubs of Shin-Chan and Sgt. Frog, to make those episodes worth watching, even for fansubbies who were all like "the same crap is happening AGAIN!"

As for the Disappearance movie, I'm sure it will be awesome! There's no way Kyo-Ani would troll movie-goers like they did Haruhi's TV audience!
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Sakagami Tomoyo

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PostPosted: Fri Oct 09, 2009 3:42 am Reply with quote
britannicamoore wrote:
Have you seen the show? Not being mean but to me I feel like they aren't her friends. spoiler[They fear her for what she could do to the world...and most of the time seem to put up with her behavior only because of that]. But thats just my two cents.

Sort of. spoiler[Initially, Haruhi considers the others to be her subordinates at best and her property at worst. After Kyon chews her out for it in Sighs she does soften up a bit.
As for the others, it's not so much pure fear... certainly they're concerned about what she could do to the world, but each of the organizations they represent has their own objectives and motivations that involve Haruhi.]
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Shiroi Hane
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PostPosted: Fri Oct 09, 2009 3:58 am Reply with quote
Why does the article say the second light novel is out this week when I've had my copy for weeks?
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Sakagami Tomoyo

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PostPosted: Fri Oct 09, 2009 5:16 am Reply with quote
The official release date was this week. Some stores don't let the official release date hold them back and start selling as soon as they receive their stock.
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PostPosted: Fri Oct 09, 2009 5:39 am Reply with quote
LagannImpact wrote:
I posted my thoughts right when I heard this news "Holy Crap!" And apparently that got deleted. Well anyway I will now offer a more thought-out response.

Endless Eight wasn't ALL bad. The 1st episode was kind of cute and slice-of-lifey, then the 2nd was like spoiler["we've got a time continuum problem here." ] in the third, you're like...ok, NOW they're gonna solve it, but they didn't. And then by the 4th, 5th, 6th, and 7th episodes, we were all like "dear God, just get on with the damn story already! Still, if Bandai and Bang-Zoom get to dub this, they could add their own comedic "flair" to each episode, a la the Funi dubs of Shin-Chan and Sgt. Frog, to make those episodes worth watching, even for fansubbies who were all like "the same crap is happening AGAIN!"

As for the Disappearance movie, I'm sure it will be awesome! There's no way Kyo-Ani would troll movie-goers like they did Haruhi's TV audience!

So being "cute and slice of lifey" makes something automatically better or superior? Confused Granted I know there are plenty of people that actually think that, but I just think that it's a state of being as opposed to something universally good or bad. Wouldn't it just be easier to point out how the first episode was a lead off for the arc and therefore didn't qualify as repetitive or pointless by the sheer virtue of the fact that it happened to be the first repeat that we saw?

Also not that I would think Kyoani/Kadokawa would screw over honest movie goers (mostly because I think in normal business terms), but what guarantees that they won't have some weird gimmick for the movie that ends up making it decidely subpar in some way and unsatisfactory for the ticket buyer. I mean this is a duo that loves it's marketing gimmicks. Never rule out the possibility entirely I say.
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PostPosted: Fri Oct 09, 2009 10:11 am Reply with quote
This is good news, I typed Haruhi Suzumiya into youtube and one of the newest videos show the preview. So is this what they are working on now, after trolling they reveal bliss.
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Sven Viking

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PostPosted: Fri Oct 09, 2009 11:24 am Reply with quote
Luna Loving wrote:
Niomo wrote:
darkninjawill wrote:
It would be hilarious if the movie turned out to be an extended version of endless 8. KyoAni would effectively go down in history as the greatest trolls ever Very Happy

a two hour movie of the same scenes repeated to the song "Never Gonna Give You Up" (Rick Roll'd luls)

I wouldn't even bother tempting them. Let's just assume for now that they are not willing to waste money on a movie, even if they would do a TV series. Let's just hope that the stakes are too high. :/

There's always hope, I guess :/.
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Shay Guy

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PostPosted: Fri Oct 09, 2009 12:12 pm Reply with quote
Kaioshin_Sama wrote:
Wouldn't it just be easier to point out how the first episode was a lead off for the arc and therefore didn't qualify as repetitive or pointless by the sheer virtue of the fact that it happened to be the first repeat that we saw?

Well, yeah. Taken by itself, the first episode is a pretty good story -- summery slice-of-life with the variation that since Haruhi's in charge of it, everything and the kitchen sink is being crammed into two weeks and one episode. And the "Endless Eight" short story in book 3 is even better, because it throws in another distinctly Haruhi-like twist involving challenges to the space-time continuum based on Haruhi's emotional state. But Nagaru Tanigawa knew that there was no point in showing any loop other than the last.

Two episodes could've still been interesting, especially if you hadn't already read the short story: one slice-of-life breather episode, then a "wait, something's wrong here" time loop episode that twists around the other. Even three could've worked, if they used the third for confusion and disorientation, preferably with lots of cross-loop montaging.

But really, enough has been said about Endless Eight, with the exception of "why?" This movie is definite good news. Hell, one of the biggest reasons people were upset about E8 was because it left no episodes for Disappearance. If the movie is good enough, it might be enough to redeem them.
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PostPosted: Fri Oct 09, 2009 1:59 pm Reply with quote
Kaioshin_Sama wrote:
Ohhh boy, it's been a long time since I've seen random inexplicable Kyoani praise for lack of effort. Laughing

And it hasn't been long enough since my genuine and explicitly opinionated enjoyment of something was met with condescending negativity. Hardy-har!

You certainly post a lot for somebody who "can't summon up the will to care about this franchise anymore", and, like many fans, for lack of a better term, you seem to think your opinion is fact. The "second series" (putting aside semantics) was only a failure if you didn't enjoy it, and as somebody that did enjoy it - a great deal - I can't agree.

I wonder, why are you so certain that KyoAni don't have a plan? Doesn't it all make sense? Back in 2006, they most likely didn't think Haruhi was going to be as popular as it was. They just adapted the stories they thought would be best, from various volumes, and had fun by mixing up the broadcast order. "Boredom" was serialised in Kadokawa's Sneaker even before "Melancholy" was, so it was nothing unprecedented for the franchise. Then they moved on to Kanon. When it became clear they had a surefire franchise on their hands, they took their time, finished their remaining projects (Lucky Star kept Haruhi alive in people's minds, and I wouldn't trade Clannad and After Story for another 50 episodes with the SOS Brigade) and thought about what to do next.

In 2007, they started teasing (or "trolling", to use a term I despise) the next wave of stories. In 2009, they rebroadcast the original series, put everything in the right order, and fill in all the missing gaps. If the "second series" is worse than the first, it's because they picked the cream of the crop the first time, and this new run is comprised of what was left over. They still did an excellent job of animating them. The new "art style" isn't as drastic as all that, and it adds more than it subtracts in my opinion (particularly regarding facial expressions), and the attention to detail and fluidity are still light years ahead of most other TV anime. Having just read Sigh, I can safely say the faithfulness to the novels hasn't diminished, either.

Now, everyone is on the same page for "Disappearance". They know it's the one everyone wants, so they're doing it as a movie. Running time concerns aside, it'll probably look beautiful. After that, another TV cour can polish up the middle volumes, and they can probably end on another film, or even two.

Seems like a plan to me.

What it comes down to is that you, personally, and a lot of other people, wanted "Disappearance" in 2007. You didn't get it then, so you demanded it in 2009. You didn't get it then, either, and now you're acting like you've been personally betrayed. It's coming out in 2010, and it's obviously been planned that way for a long time, and now you proclaim not to care.

Why do you think they did "Endless Eight"? Do you honestly think the head of an animation studio sat there and said to himself, "How can I annoy people on internet forums?" Is it not slightly more likely they thought it would be an interesting experiment, and that people would take it in the playful, creative spirit it was intended? Perhaps it was a result of scheduling - they had 14 timeslots, and couldn't go beyond the events of "Disappearance". Whatever the case, its supposed poor quality is not a universal constant, but an opinion - yes, just like mine - and at the end of the day, it really is just an anime series. I see no problem with enjoying what we have, for what it is, and looking forward to what's next. There are plenty of other things to do while we wait.

I realise I'm talking to myself here. You don't value my opinion any more than I value yours. It's why I don't post on forums more often: nobody ever changes their mind, negativity runs rampant, and everybody gets far too worked up over what is, essentially, free entertainment.

In summary ("tl;dr" if you really want), I'll see Disappearance when it comes out, and I'll enjoy it. It'll be a good story, with lovely animation and a sublime cast. Until then, I'll be watching other series', writing my own stories, and generally living my life without worrying too much. I would recommend the same to anybody.
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