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NEWS: FUNimation renames Conan

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space clam

Joined: 11 Oct 2003
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PostPosted: Tue Feb 10, 2004 7:04 pm Reply with quote
Legato 2057 wrote:
Fruits Basket: Vegetable Container
Blue Gender: Turquoise breed
Lupin the 3rd: Hudson Hawk
Tenchi Muyo! GXP: Sci-fi anime otaku's wet dream
Kiddy Grade: Kindergaten
Yuu Yuu Hakusho: Casper killer
Dragon Ball: Planetary destruction

That is hilarious! (Die Casper!)

SakechanBD wrote:
Proman wrote:
Please, give American kids some credit! Japanese kids didn't turn into "inolerant, narrow-minded, conservative wing-nuts" did they?
I do believe he was being sarcastic. It's not that he thinks that American children will turn into conservative bible-thumping wing-nuts. I believe he was alluding to the chunk of conservative bible-thumping wing-nut parents in America think that, and would go on an utter rampage if their children were watching a show that had people named Mr. Satan.

Sakechan is right, I was being overly facetious. (I knew someone would fall for it.) I say it because usually I fall into that category of conservative right wing-nuts, and I was *actually* refering to something else. I alluding to the seemingly-common belief that possible references to religion** will have a huge, profound (negative) impact on our kids, and our youth will not be "enlightened" to the grand world of tolerance, diversity, and all the other splendors the leftist media presents. I am a fiscal, moral, and practical conservative, and I will not start a political debate.

(Although Sakechan's analysis is probably just as correct...)

** we don't seem to have as much a problem with any other religion as Christianity and/or Judaism...strange...

*edited for parenthetical clarification*

Last edited by space clam on Wed Feb 11, 2004 7:17 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Joined: 16 Oct 2003
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PostPosted: Wed Feb 11, 2004 7:26 am Reply with quote
Proman wrote:
space clam wrote:
Neardawg1979 wrote:
Editing references to heaven and hell, God and Satan (Mr. Satan), and even death.

Nowadays in America, we're overly careful not to speak of an exclusive religion (*cough cough Christianity cough*) Heaven, hell, God, Satan are commonly (though not necessarily exclusively) Christian beliefs, and putting said references in a cartoon might turn our kids into intolerant, narrow-minded, conservative wing-nuts, and who wants that?

Please, give American kids some credit! Japanease kids didn't turn into "intolerant, narrow-minded, conservative wing-nuts", now did they?
Well, not Christian one's, no. Wink
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PostPosted: Tue Feb 17, 2004 1:09 am Reply with quote
simonsays6 wrote:
Swordfish_II wrote:
HockeyKamen wrote:
Beatdigga wrote:
What, are they afraid Conan O Brien is gonna sue?
Maybe more like Sir Arthur Conan Doyle(writer of many a Sherlock Holmes novel).

But the author's name is Conan, not the character. Last time I checked, I don't think you can't exclusively own a name.

Spike Lee lost his suit against SpikeTV on those grounds...

I personally would like to know what exactly those "legal issues" were...

Conan The barbarians owner The estate of whoever wrote the original Evil or Very Mad
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PostPosted: Tue Feb 17, 2004 2:59 pm Reply with quote
Perhaps the name Conan then is trademarked for commercial use in a title itself for the US?

If that's the case, then it would make sense that although they can't stop somebody named Conan, it would put a restriction on it's use for for commercial properties. A show called Late Night wouldn't be a problem because it's followed up by the name of a person, rather than a commercial property.

That's my suspicion anyway.
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Joined: 19 Feb 2004
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PostPosted: Thu Feb 19, 2004 4:26 am Reply with quote
Argh, I just can't stand this!!
Being an absolute Conan fan since I was in first grade, this change has made me lose all faith in the American anime market... somehow, they just manage to screw everything up.

They just have to have their own names, their own logos, and their own theme songs while the rest of the world is doing fine with the original Japanese versions.

I wonder how many more decent manga/anime are gonna fall victim to the US market... Anime cry
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Tony K.

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PostPosted: Thu Feb 19, 2004 9:16 am Reply with quote
KudoEdogawa wrote:
Argh, I just can't stand this!!
Being an absolute Conan fan since I was in first grade, this change has made me lose all faith in the American anime market... somehow, they just manage to screw everything up.

They just have to have their own names, their own logos, and their own theme songs while the rest of the world is doing fine with the original Japanese versions.

I wonder how many more decent manga/anime are gonna fall victim to the US market... Anime cry

Calm down now Anime smile + sweatdrop. It's not the end of the world. Look, I use to be somewhat like you when I first started watching DBZ (which coincidently is also under FUNimation's control). I owe my interest of anime to that show, and I loved watching it while I was growing up.

And as my tastes for other series developed or matured, I started to decipher between original formatted anime and the westernized versions of them. I especially hated what happened to DBZ, and I started a grudge against companies that did anything similar to it (FUNImation, most of all).

But after a while, I realized that it was pointless to hate on companies like that since they're only trying to make some money. And if making money includes providing less than perfect transition properties (like dubbing, scripting, and whatever), then that's what they're going to do.

Thankfully though, they're usually considerate enough to at least keep most of the originality within their subs or whatever. Sure, most of us would like to see our favorite shows dubbed to perfection in order to go with the flow of the original Japanese version, but in order to keep the balance of power (a.k.a. money), companies have to make certain sacrifices that they think will be good for the fans and good for themselves.

Just try to remember that there are always alternatives to everything in life, although some of those decisions can lead to consequences. But for the most part, you do have a choice.

In the case of Conan, you could always just watch the sub version and get your kicks that way. For me, I totally detested DBZ's dubbing, except for the first 52 episodes done by the Ocean Group, but at least the sub version sticks to the original very well in all of its latter episodes.

So just remember that even if the U.S. anime/manga industry may change something you've liked or experienced, as long as you have or have seen the original, you've got nothing to worry about. Have a nice day! Very Happy

P.S: Welcome to the forum! Wink
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PostPosted: Thu Feb 19, 2004 5:17 pm Reply with quote
KudoEdogawa wrote:
Argh, I just can't stand this!!
Being an absolute Conan fan since I was in first grade, this change has made me lose all faith in the American anime market... somehow, they just manage to screw everything up.

They just have to have their own names, their own logos, and their own theme songs while the rest of the world is doing fine with the original Japanese versions.

I wonder how many more decent manga/anime are gonna fall victim to the US market... Anime cry

Jesus H. Tap-Dancing Christ, do I have to say this again?

It's just a title change. Did you neglect to notice that everything else is being left untouched? Honestly, if an anime's name being changed is so bloody awful, why don't we go and start little hissy fits everytime a title's even translated to English? Translating the name is changing it, too, after all. Why don't we go scream at Viz for calling Ayashi no Ceres "Ceres, Celestial Legend?" Or we could just continue screaming at FUNimation because they changed DBZ's title from "Doragonboru Zedo." Even better, let's all demand Columbia-Tristar's blood for renaming Knockin' on Heaven's Door to "Cowboy Bebop: The Movie," or go bang down ADV's door because the "Shin Seiki" in Evangelion's title doesn't exactly correlate to "Neon Genesis" (I know this was GAiNAX's decision, but it's still an "evil" name change).

If a simple, innocent, harmless name change made you lose faith in the entire domestic industry, I suggest therapy. Or a new hobby that doesn't involve foreign products.
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Joined: 13 Apr 2004
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PostPosted: Tue Apr 13, 2004 2:57 am Reply with quote
arxane wrote:
[...]for example, a preteen girl is thrown into the back of a trunk, lying next to a severed human head[...]

Hmmm... a 2-month late quote here.

1. The girl wasn't "thrown" into the boot, she hid there in a hide-and-seek game.

2. The "head" was found to be a theatrical dummy anyway.
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PostPosted: Tue Apr 13, 2004 2:53 pm Reply with quote
KudoEdogawa wrote:
I wonder how many more decent manga/anime are gonna fall victim to the US market... Anime cry

If there is a God, all of them. Very Happy

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Joined: 13 Feb 2004
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PostPosted: Tue Jun 15, 2004 5:19 pm Reply with quote
alright, i think all of you are wrong for the title change... i think fox kids owned the rights to the title " detective conan", but then found out that the show was filled with murdur and graphic violence... so they dumped it... adult swim picked it up and had to chnge the name since fox kids still had the rights to the name from the contract that they signed... yeah, srry for posting this so late... but i just had to say it...
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PostPosted: Tue Jun 15, 2004 5:38 pm Reply with quote
dustopants wrote:
alright, i think all of you are wrong for the title change... i think fox kids owned the rights to the title " detective conan", but then found out that the show was filled with murdur and graphic violence... so they dumped it... adult swim picked it up and had to chnge the name since fox kids still had the rights to the name from the contract that they signed... yeah, srry for posting this so late... but i just had to say it...

Thanks for kicking the dead topic back up. =/

But anyway, I have really found no real evidence of what you state. Number 1, Fox never had any rights over the series whatsoever. FUNimation bought the rights to the series from the beginning. Second of all, the Fox Box is run by 4Kids, therefore, they would have initally bought the rights (had such a thing happened), rather than Fox.

Also, I highly doubt that 4Kids would waste money to buy the rights to a series, and dump it the next second because "they didn't know" about the blood and violence in the seires. It just really doesn't make sense.

Finally, Fox did not make a name change to the series or anything. Goodness. The reasons for the name changes are well stated above. And had Fox ever made a name change, FUNimation would have had the rights to reverse and modify that change. When a company buys the rights to a series, that usually comes with all the rights, including the right to change names and content around.

Creative guess, but lacks major evidence. Still, it's somewhat creative, but I think you need to eduicate yourself a little bit more on the topic before throwing out guesses and theories. ^^;
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Joined: 24 Apr 2004
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PostPosted: Tue Jun 15, 2004 5:40 pm Reply with quote
I don't really care if names are changed as long as the story is not changed and not a lot is edited out. I could never pronounce Joey's Japanese name so I'm okay with the name change there.
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PostPosted: Tue Jun 15, 2004 5:41 pm Reply with quote
I don't really care if names are changed as long as the story is not changed and not a lot is edited out. I could never pronounce Joey's Japanese name so I'm okay with the name change there. But Detective Conan does sound better than Case Closed.
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PostPosted: Tue Jun 15, 2004 6:17 pm Reply with quote
Animefan16 wrote:
I don't really care if names are changed as long as the story is not changed and not a lot is edited out. I could never pronounce Joey's Japanese name so I'm okay with the name change there. But Detective Conan does sound better than Case Closed.

It's really not that hard. Jounouchi. JOE-NO-UU-CHI. Razz

Character name changes don't bother me too incredibly as long as some effort is made to make the Americanized name at least sound like the original Japanese name. But most of the time I think they're unnecessary and take away from the Japanese culture of the series in general. As for series names, I have absolutely no problem with translating them into English (Kidou Senshi Gandamu -> Mobile Suit Gundam), but as for changes like Detective Conan -> Case Closed, I can understand the anger from sone fans when that happens. Unfortunately, it's a copyright issue (this instance was, anyways) and there's nothing anybody can do about it.
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PostPosted: Tue Jun 15, 2004 7:04 pm Reply with quote
I did some research and turns out there is a book called "Case Closed". It's about the kennedy assasination. It's stupid how they also use a new title that's also incorporated but its still a good show.
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