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Best Hero/Heroine Tournament: Finished!

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Joined: 28 Sep 2005
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PostPosted: Mon May 11, 2009 1:40 pm Reply with quote
Group C-17: Nausicaa. Her heroics to me deem them a lot more believable than Gohan. Gohan has always had to struggle throughout, doubting himself more than believing in himself.

Group C-18: Ichigo. A good guy, knows what he's fighting for.

Group C-19: Kurau. From what I got to see from Kurau in the best pairing tourney, she definitely has what it takes for her heroics to display.

Group C-20: Lady Oscar. She has to go through quite a bit, and steadily makes her way through while performing her duties.

Group C-21: Ai Tanabe. Listening to the conversations from people here, she seems like the better choice.

Group C-22: Monkey D Luffy. I can't go wrong with my main man here.

Group C-23: Duck. She is doing what is right in her heart.

Group C-24: D. D kicks ass while being heroic.
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Joined: 08 Apr 2008
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PostPosted: Mon May 11, 2009 5:18 pm Reply with quote
Don't have a lot of time now and want to get these in before the deadline, so no explanations for now.

Group C-17
Gohan, Dragonball Z
Nausicaa, Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind
My vote: Nausicaa

Group C-18
Pazu, Castle in the Sky
Ichigo Kurasaki, Bleach
My vote: Pazu

Group C-19
Ginji Amano, Getbackers
Kurau Amami, Kurau Phantom Memory
My vote: Kurau Amami

Group C-20
Yang Wen Li, The Legend of the Galactic Heroes
Lady Oscar, The Rose of Versailles
My vote: Lady Oscar

Group C-21
Yugo Beppu, Yugo The Negotiator
Ai Tanabe, Planetes
My vote: Ai Tanabe

Group C-22
Franz D’Epinay, Gankutsuou: The Count of Monte Cristo
Monkey D. Luffy, One Piece
My vote: Monkey D. Luffy

Group C-23
Duck/Princess Tutu, Princess Tutu
Tatsumi Saiga, Speed Grapher
My vote: Duck

Group C-24
D, Vampire Hunter D
Alice L. Malvin, Pumpkin Scissors[/quote]
My vote: Alice L. Malvin
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Joined: 05 Feb 2008
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PostPosted: Mon May 11, 2009 6:17 pm Reply with quote
So Lady Oscar has regained the lead. Darn.

Six out of eight isn't bad, but it probably won't be good enough to keep my current ranking. Double darn.
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Joined: 29 Oct 2008
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PostPosted: Mon May 11, 2009 9:11 pm Reply with quote
It seems I forgot to vote. This will be quick, then.




Pazu. If Bleach had ended after Soul Society or if it went into a better direction... maybe Ichigo. But as it is, Pazu.




A toughie. Oscar is ultimately the winner, however.








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Joined: 20 Mar 2009
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PostPosted: Mon May 11, 2009 10:28 pm Reply with quote
C-17 Nausicaa

C-18 Pazu

C-19 Kurau

C-20 Wen Li

C-21 Ai Tanabe

C-22 Franz

C-23 Tatsumi

C-24 D

Very last minute. I have finals and stuff...
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Joined: 03 Nov 2003
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PostPosted: Mon May 11, 2009 11:06 pm Reply with quote
Round 2 Group C is now closed.

Official results can be seen here. Lady Oscar barely edged Yang Wen Li, but otherwise the matches were all varying degrees of blow-outs. That seems unlikely continue next round, however.

Anyway, the final Group of Round 2 should be up very shortly after I post this. Also, we are still taking suggestions for video clips for the upcoming third round. If you want the best clips to shine first then recommend something!
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Joined: 28 Feb 2008
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PostPosted: Mon May 11, 2009 11:08 pm Reply with quote
Ack too late. Well, I thought votes ended at midnight fourm time. Shows how well I pay attention to things.

Last edited by Olliff on Mon May 11, 2009 11:10 pm; edited 1 time in total
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PostPosted: Mon May 11, 2009 11:09 pm Reply with quote
Round 2 Group D is now closed.

Okay, I was wrong last time about there being a lot of competitive matches, but this time I really mean it, damn it! D-17 in particular could be dicey, and I foresee at least a couple of other close battles.

Anyway, on to the fun.

Group D-17
Ashitaka, Princess Mononoke
Daisuke Aramaki, Ghost in the Shell franchise
Goh Sawutari, Godannar

Winner: Ashitaka
Total: 21-5-1

Group D-18
Arika Yumemiya, My-Otome
Kikuchiyo, Samurai 7

Winner: Kikuchiyo
Total: 18-9

Group D-19
Roy Mustang, Fullmetal Alchemist
Mahoro Ando, Mahoromatic franchise

Winner: Mahoro
Total: 17-10

Group D-20
Van Fanel, Escaflowne franchise
Kamina, Gurren Lagann

Winner: Kamina
Total: 21-6

Group D-21
Simon, Gurren Lagann
Tohma , Fantastic Children

Winner: Simon
Total: 22-5

Group D-22
Honoka, The Third: The Girl With The Blue Eye
Nagi Kirima, Boogiepop Phantom

Winner: Honoka
Total: 24-3

Group D-23
Jimmy Kudo (aka Conan Edogawa), Case Closed/Detective Conan
Youko Nakajima, The Twelve Kingdoms

Winner: Youko
Total: 25-2

Group D-24
Juna Ariyoshi, Arjuna
Yomiko Readman, Read or Die OVA

Winner: Juna
Total: 14-13

Last edited by Key on Mon May 18, 2009 11:17 pm; edited 2 times in total
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Joined: 05 Feb 2008
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PostPosted: Mon May 11, 2009 11:12 pm Reply with quote
Hey Olliff, why did you wait till so late to vote? Your vote would have tied it all up in C-20.

I know you thought it ended at midnight forum time, but that doesn't mean you couldn't have voted anytime in the previous 168 or so hours.

Geez that's annoying.
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Joined: 20 Mar 2009
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PostPosted: Mon May 11, 2009 11:15 pm Reply with quote
Key wrote:
Anyway, the final Group of Round 2 should be up very shortly after I post this. Also, we are still taking suggestions for video clips for the upcoming third round. If you want the best clips to shine first then recommend something!

Are you looking for AMVs or simply scenes from the show, and if so, is there a specific source that they must come from? As in, are we allowed to link unlicensed clips?
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Joined: 17 Jan 2008
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PostPosted: Mon May 11, 2009 11:22 pm Reply with quote
Group D-17
Ashitaka, Princess Mononoke
Daisuke Aramaki, Ghost in the Shell franchise
Goh Sawutari, Godannar

Voting for: Ashitaka

Group D-18
Arika Yumemiya, My-Otome
Kikuchiyo, Samurai 7

Voting for: Kikuchiyo

Group D-19
Roy Mustang, Fullmetal Alchemist
Mahoro Ando, Mahoromatic franchise

Voting for: Mahoro Ando

Group D-20
Van Fanel, Escaflowne franchise
Kamina, Gurren Lagann

Voting for: Kamina

Group D-21
Simon, Gurren Lagann
Tohma , Fantastic Children

Voting for: Simon

Group D-22
Honoka, The Third: The Girl With The Blue Eye
Nagi Kirima, Boogiepop Phantom

Voting for: Honoka

Group D-23
Jimmy Kudo (aka Conan Edogawa), Case Closed/Detective Conan
Youko Nakajima, The Twelve Kingdoms

Voting for: Youko Nakajima

Group D-24
Juna Ariyoshi, Arjuna
Yomiko Readman, Read or Die OVA

Voting for: Juna Ariyoshi
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Joined: 03 Nov 2003
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PostPosted: Mon May 11, 2009 11:36 pm Reply with quote
Once again voting right away just for the hell of it.

Group D-17
Ashitaka, Princess Mononoke
Daisuke Aramaki, Ghost in the Shell franchise
Goh Sawutari, Godannar

This one might be tricky for others but not for me. I voted against Aramaki last round, so he's out. Goh certainly has an heroic spirit, and does many heroic things, but in action and attitude he can't match Ashitaka. He does very little in the movie that isn't heroic in some way, whether it's protecting his village, rescuing San, or trying to spoiler[stop a rampaging forest god who's lost his head].

Really, if people vote for Aramaki over him for any reason other than a general hate for Miyazaki works, I want to see a justification. I could maybe see a case argued for Goh, but I can't see how Aramaki could possibly be a better embodiment of heroism than Ashitaka is. No one less than Kamina should beat him.

Group D-18
Arika Yumemiya, My-Otome
Kikuchiyo, Samurai 7

I'm more familiar with Arika, and think she has plenty enough heroic actions and attitude to justify a third-round appearance against any but a top contender.

Group D-19
Roy Mustang, Fullmetal Alchemist
Mahoro Ando, Mahoromatic franchise

I adore Mahoro but don't think she's one of those "top contenders." Even so, I'll take her over Roy Mustang any day in the heroism department. Roy, you got practically a free pass last round, but not here.

Group D-20
Van Fanel, Escaflowne franchise
Kamina, Gurren Lagann

Van has enough merits to deserve to be here, but he's run into a juggernaut. It could be (fairly) argued that no anime character more embodies pure manly heroism than Kamina does, and those aren't his only merits. Sorry, Van, you've been regulated to "speed bump" status.

Group D-21
Simon, Gurren Lagann
Tohma, Fantastic Children

Simon will win this one going away - and should - but this is actually a closer match-up of merit than the vote total is going to reflect. Tohma isn't a push-over in the heroism department, and certainly puts in a lot of effort, but the sheer scale of what Simon does just swamps him.

Group D-22
Honoka, The Third: The Girl With The Blue Eye
Nagi Kirima, Boogiepop Phantom

As a big fan of both characters (and the person who nominated and wrote the Guide entries for both), I will say this unequivocally: Honoka should win, and by a lot. Nagi has her merits, but Honoka is one of those rare heroines who can convincingly balance action and emotion, in the process being both bad-ass and touchy-feely without selling either aspect short. And she's cuter, too!

Group D-23
Jimmy Kudo (aka Conan Edogawa), Case Closed/Detective Conan
Youko Nakajima, The Twelve Kingdoms

Jimmy/Conan is third-round-worthy material, but not over Youko. The way she gradually grows and develops over the course of the series is just too impressive to deny, while Jimmy, for all his heroic case-solving, remains quite static.

Group D-24
Juna Ariyoshi, Arjuna
Yomiko Readman, Read or Die OVA

Yomiko, but only because she has possibly the weakest competition in the group. She won't get my vote past this round, though.
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Joined: 03 Nov 2003
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PostPosted: Mon May 11, 2009 11:45 pm Reply with quote
arachneia wrote:
Are you looking for AMVs or simply scenes from the show, and if so, is there a specific source that they must come from? As in, are we allowed to link unlicensed clips?

Definitely not AMVs. These clips should be scenes from the title that are up to 5 minutes in length. You don't have to provide the actual clip, just a link to it (if it's on YouTube) or time codes and episode #. See this post for more specifics.
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Joined: 28 Jan 2006
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PostPosted: Tue May 12, 2009 12:44 am Reply with quote
Group D-17
Ashitaka, Princess Mononoke
Daisuke Aramaki, Ghost in the Shell franchise
Goh Sawutari, Godannar

Since my previous choice had her butt kicked out of the tournament, I'm going to vote for the one who did it Aramaki because I think sometimes you have to be tough to save people.

Group D-18
Arika Yumemiya, My-Otome
Kikuchiyo, Samurai 7

I'm going to go with Arika because like many heros she wants to save those that she cares for, and sometimes those who she doesn't even know and probably should hate.

Group D-19
Roy Mustang, Fullmetal Alchemist
Mahoro Ando, Mahoromatic franchise

Roy because trying to redeme yourself is a tougher road then what most heros take. Roy may have person reasons for wanting to becoame the Leader of his nation, but he's also doing it so save many many people.

Group D-20
Van Fanel, Escaflowne franchise
Kamina, Gurren Lagann

Sticking with Van mainly because I like him a lot better.

Group D-21
Simon, Gurren Lagann
Tohma , Fantastic Children

Tohma because when he remembvered what he'd done, he didn't curl up in a ball and die.

Group D-22
Honoka, The Third: The Girl With The Blue Eye
Nagi Kirima, Boogiepop Phantom

Nagi because of the Guide.

Group D-23
Jimmy Kudo (aka Conan Edogawa), Case Closed/Detective Conan
Youko Nakajima, The Twelve Kingdoms

Yoko because she, like many others, could of curled up and died or gone insane. But, she didn't she fought through her fears and succeeded in reviving a nation.

Group D-24
Juna Ariyoshi, Arjuna
Yomiko Readman, Read or Die OVA

I'm going to go with Yomiko because while she makes a better bookworm, she stood up and did what she needed to do to protect the world and her friends.
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Joined: 30 Mar 2009
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PostPosted: Tue May 12, 2009 2:28 am Reply with quote
Group D-17
Ashitaka, Princess Mononoke
Daisuke Aramaki, Ghost in the Shell franchise
Goh Sawutari, Godannar

Vote-Ashitaka: This is an easy one for me, because Ashitaka is one of those true embodiments of heroism in my book. He’s cursed for protecting his people, and instead of getting angry about it, he faces that head on, intending to make a difference in the world around him and protect others, no matter the cost to himself. Easily a final round contender in my book.

Group D-18
Arika Yumemiya, My-Otome
Kikuchiyo, Samurai 7

Vote-Kikuchiyo: I like Kiku a little more in this fight, but I think this might be the end for him. He’s got a simple mindedness from being a kid, and a great heart. He’s willing to put others first, even if he’s a little too focused on being a Samurai at points.

Group D-19
Roy Mustang, Fullmetal Alchemist
Mahoro Ando, Mahoromatic franchise

Vote-Mahoro: I like Roy, but his heroic moments are often tempered by his military mindset. Mahoro on the other hand, knows her fate, and despite that she wants to do what’s best to try and make it up to the person she feels she owes the most. She also continues to fight to protect and save others, despite the cost to herself, so I give Mahoro the slight edge here.

Group D-20
Van Fanel, Escaflowne franchise
Kamina, Gurren Lagann

Vote-Van: I’m voting for Van because I think people attribute WAY too many heroic elements to Kamina. He’s a moron, not a hero. By sheer coincidence, he manages to come out on top and that blind-sighted bullheadedness of his manages to inspire others. But he’s never really aware of his actions or the effect they have on others around him. Van on the other hand is fully aware of what he does, and even the times where he goes evilish, it’s because he’s tainted by the desire to be stronger to protect those around him and avenge his destroyed kingdom. Van is a more tainted character, he doesn’t have Kamina’s purity I’ll grant you that, but in the end, he’s far more aware of what his actions are. When he goes off and does something foolish to save the day, he’s aware that he may be making a sacrifice. Kamina simply always believes he’ll win regardless of the situation, so I give my vote to Van for being heroic, while still understanding what’s being asked of him.

Group D-21
Simon, Gurren Lagann
Tohma , Fantastic Children

Vote-Simon: While I think Kamina is strictly a moron, I believe that Simon had to deal with the results of that stupidity, and thus he’s more aware of the results of his actions. I feel that overcoming what he did makes Simon a far better hero. He continues to inspire other people around him, faces all of his challenges head on, and makes a choice that I don’t know many people would be willing to make. I don’t have a problem with characters falling down, I respect them more for it, when they manage to pick themselves back up and that’s exactly what Simon does.

Group D-22
Honoka, The Third: The Girl With The Blue Eye
Nagi Kirima, Boogiepop Phantom

Vote-Honoka: I gotta go with Honoka here. It’s been a VERY long time since I’ve seen Boogiepop, and I’ve not seen the The Third, so I’m basing this on the guide and what I’ve read on both characters, and to me Honoka seems a better choice.

Group D-23
Jimmy Kudo (aka Conan Edogawa), Case Closed/Detective Conan
Youko Nakajima, The Twelve Kingdoms

Vote-Youko: Perhaps my second easiest vote this round; I have to give this to Youko. She’s your average girl who’s plucked out of her school and thrown into a mystical world where people and creatures are trying to kill her. She undergoes a lot of trials, and in the end, she has to learn to overcome everything that happened to her and become a good leader. Throughout, she shows a lot of strength, and does become a fantastic leader, despite all her trials and it’s really hard to go up against someone with that kind of strength.

Group D-24
Juna Ariyoshi, Arjuna
Yomiko Readman, Read or Die OVA

Vote-Yomiko: I’m probably voting a bit biased on this one. I just love Yomiko, as she’s not the strongest character in the world, although her paper abilities are awesome. I think it’s the fact that despite what happens to her, she continues to believe in her friends to the very end. She’s got a pure heart and a great naivety about her that is great to see in someone who fights so hard to protect the world.
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