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Your Top 10 / Worst 5 things. Why? (w/ index).

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Joined: 05 Feb 2008
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PostPosted: Thu Jun 05, 2008 10:50 pm Reply with quote
rainbowcourage wrote:
How do we get indexed? Or is it done on a regular basis?

I was under the impression that frentymon usually did the updates, but was busy with the tournament. Try to PM them to see where they got up to on the index here.
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Joined: 09 Apr 2008
Posts: 427
Location: Louisiana
PostPosted: Sun Jun 15, 2008 1:01 am Reply with quote
I guess I'll limit mine to series I've finished for simplicity's sake.

Top Ten:

#1: Cowboy Bebop: This anime opened my eyes to the possibilities of the genre. Once I saw this, I realized there was more to anime than Dragon Ball and Sailor Moon. Seamless animation and loveable characters made it an instant favorite.

#2: Princess Tutu: A gripping story steeped in literary themes and ballet tradition, packaged in lovely, dreamlike animation and a beautiful soundtrack featuring Tchaikovsky and other great composers.
One of the few anime I could safely call "artistic."

#3: Baccano!: The character designs caught my eye, and then I proceeded to fall in love with it. It's stylish and entertaining with a good mix of laughs and drama and violence. Has two of my favorite anime pairings!

#4: Macross Plus: Everything good about Macross, packaged in an easy-to-digest mini series and top-notch animation. The non-mecha fan's mecha series.

#5: Toppa Tengen Gurren Lagann: The show that runs on pure awesome. Everything went together just right, from the "don't take this too seriously" tone to the awesome cast. Only gripe? Episode 4's animation.

#6: Denno Coil: While it is a children's series, it runs the gauntlet of moods from silly to tragic to downright creepy. I really liked the characters. They look and act like children. They can be sad without being angsty, and cute without being moe.

#7: The Big O: At first glance, it looks like Batman: The Animated Series. It's a super robot series with 1920's era style.

#8: Nodame Cantabile: A great series about music. Inspiring and uplifting.

#9: Fushigi Yuugi: I was skeptical of this series for the first twenty episodes or so. Once I was finished, I knew I'd seen something great. Who couldn't love Nuriko? An epic story with a great cast.

#10: Akazukin Chacha: Totally clean and routinely funny. I wish some talented writer could get ahold of this one and give it a good dub.

My worst list is actually kind of hard, because I'm the type who gives up on series I don't like. So I'll just include everything:

Five Worst:

#1: Tenchi in Tokyo: I really liked Tenchi Muyo and Tenchi Universe, but Tenchi in Tokyo lacked everything I liked about the other series.

#2: Gasaraki: The down-to-earth mecha and politcal plots were fine, but once it started trying to shoehorn Japanese mysticism onto the plot I just gave up.

#3: Cardcaptor Sakura: There's something intrinsically hard to accept about eleven year-olds discussing love as though they're adults.

#4: Beyblade: The fate of the world hinges on a game based on battling tops! Huh?

#5: Bakugan: Battle Brawlers: Just. No.
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Joined: 31 Mar 2005
Posts: 6905
Location: Kazune City
PostPosted: Sun Jun 15, 2008 3:46 am Reply with quote
dtm42 wrote:
rainbowcourage wrote:
How do we get indexed? Or is it done on a regular basis?

I was under the impression that frentymon usually did the updates, but was busy with the tournament. Try to PM them to see where they got up to on the index here.
A little ctrl+f experimentation shows that page 63 is the latest page indexed. Starting at this post on page 65, lists are not indexed. So basically, anything after the point where frentymon originally posted the index on page 63. Since frenty very graciously donated his time and efforts to making the index, please don't harass or pressure him to update the index. I might try adding a few more links if I get the time -- if anyone wants to expedite the indexing of their list, include a line in the index format in your list. It'll make it easier for me or frenty or whoever scans over the thread to update the index.

EDIT: Index updated.
I'm leaving the next three posts as is for "backup."

Last edited by Zalis116 on Sun Jun 15, 2008 10:13 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Joined: 31 Mar 2005
Posts: 6905
Location: Kazune City
PostPosted: Sun Jun 15, 2008 5:06 pm Reply with quote
(testing these out before editing the first pages. I know this alphabetical breakdown is unbalanced on a letters basis, but it works out to a 200-214-212 split on the numbers front.)

Part 1 A-E

-EndlessShadow- -- Pg44 -- Oct06 -- U5 -- (Q)
-shana- -- Pg44 -- Oct06 -- U20
.::Lain::. -- Pg70-- Nov07 -- U100
.calla. -- Pg55 -- Apr07 -- U5
.Hack//Ghost -- Pg15 -- Jul05 -- U5 -- (X)
.Qwerty -- Pg70-- Nov07 -- U100
10000 men named George -- Pg59 -- Jun07 -- U20
2Real -- Pg25 -- Dec05 -- U300 -- (X)
2Real -- Pg62 -- Jul07 -- U300 -- (Q)


A W -- Pg7 -- Mar05 -- U5
Abarekiller -- Pg8 -- Mar05 -- U100
abynormal -- Pg76-- Jun08 -- U100
ACF_AngelCopFan -- Pg75-- May08 -- U20
AegisX -- Pg54 -- Mar07 -- U100 -- (Q)
aflimmer -- Pg18 -- Sep05 -- U100 -- (Q)
Akemi_Idaku -- Pg3 -- Dec04 -- U300
Akitot1 -- Pg14 -- Jun05 -- U5
alanimefreak24 -- Pg5 -- Jan05 -- U20
Alestal -- Pg66-- Aug07 -- U300
Alucard27 -- Pg4 -- Jan05 -- U100 -- (Q)
alchemist2102 -- Pg5 -- Jan05 -- U20
Alucard27 -- Pg13 -- Jun05 -- U100 -- (X)
amannin -- Pg69-- Sep07 -- U20
Amayirot Akago -- Pg74-- Apr08 -- U100
amergin -- Pg25 -- Dec05 -- U5
AnaPana83 -- Pg38 -- Jul06 -- U100
Angelcake -- Pg28 -- Jan06 -- U100
AngstSchreeuw -- Pg14 -- Jun05 -- U5 -- (Q)
anianalizer -- Pg10 -- Apr05 -- U100
animan09 -- Pg19 -- Sep05 -- U5
Anime^fangirl^shenlu -- Pg13 -- Jun05 -- U5
Anime-Addict -- Pg33 -- Apr06 -- U5 -- (Q)
animeaddict92 -- Pg40 -- Aug06 -- U100
animecrzy -- Pg28 -- Jan06 -- U5 -- (Q)
AnimeEnthusiast -- Pg24 -- Nov05 -- U100 -- (Q)
animelovercin_121 -- Pg36 -- Jun06 -- U20
ann186186 -- Pg38 -- Jul06 -- U5
Annie_Jr -- Pg7 -- Feb05 -- (R)
anony -- Pg40 -- Aug06 -- U100 -- (Q)
Antimonitor -- Pg49 -- Jan07 -- U100 -- (Q)
aoi777 -- Pg6 -- Jan05 -- U100
AoFRyo -- Pg11 -- May05 -- U20
Aokage -- Pg10 -- May05 -- U300 -- (X)
Aoshi Zero -- Pg9 -- Apr05 -- U20 -- (X)
Arbalest X -- Pg34 -- May06 -- U5
Arcwave -- Pg66-- Aug07 -- U300
areallystupidguy -- Pg70-- Dec07 -- U20
areaseven -- Pg1 -- Dec04 -- (R) -- (Q)
Ari-chan -- Pg54 -- Mar07 -- U100 -- (Q)
Ariolander -- Pg74-- May08 -- U100
Arkard -- Pg19 -- Sep05 -- (R) -- (Q)
Arxilius -- Pg37 -- Jul06 -- U100
Ashado -- Pg21 -- Oct05 -- U5 -- (Q) -- (X)
Ashen Phoenix -- Pg41 -- Aug06 -- U300 -- (Q)
Ashton -- Pg10 -- Apr05 -- U100 -- (Q)
asimpson2006 -- Pg75-- May08 -- U100
Assassin_ -- Pg28 -- Jan06 -- U300
AstralSaudade -- Pg69-- Sep07 -- U20 -- (Q)
ats -- Pg18 -- Aug05 -- U5
Aura Ichadora -- Pg74-- Apr08 -- U100
Autybot -- Pg74-- May08 -- U5
avaris -- Pg44 -- Oct06 -- U5 -- (Q)
Aylinn -- Pg49 -- Jan07 -- U100 -- (Q) -- (X)
ayz75 -- Pg23 -- Nov05 -- U5 -- (Q) -- (X)
Azmodeus -- Pg69-- Sep07 -- U100
Azumangaman -- Pg27 -- Jan06 -- U300 -- (Q)

bardok -- Pg45 -- Nov06 -- U20 -- (Q)
Batajitsu -- Pg59 -- Jun07 -- U100 -- (Q)
beanerman_99 -- Pg7 -- Mar05 -- U20 -- (Q) -- (X)
Belldandy's Lover!! -- Pg55 -- Apr07 -- U20
Berserkfury819 -- Pg70-- Nov07 -- U300[
b]Bickazer -- Pg34 -- May06 -- U5[/b]
Bl@Ze -- Pg19 -- Sep05 -- U5
Bl00dHoUnD -- Pg22 -- Oct05 -- U100 -- (Q)
Bl00dHoUnD -- Pg26 -- Jan06 -- U100 -- (Q) -- (X)
BlackRose321 -- Pg6 -- Feb05 -- U100 -- (X)
BladeBlur -- Pg63 -- Jul07 -- U20
blind_assasin -- Pg65 -- Aug07 -- (R) -- (Q)
bloodlust -- Pg2 -- Dec04 -- U20 -- (Q)
BlooDrAgOn -- Pg40 -- Aug06 -- U300 -- (Q)
BlooDrAgOn -- Pg45 -- Nov06 -- U300 -- (Q)
bluecrescent -- Pg70-- Dec07 -- U20 -- (Q)
bluepita -- Pg36 -- Jun06 -- (R) -- (Q)
birgritte -- Pg27 -- Jan06 -- U100 -- (Q)
bonbonsrus -- Pg52 -- Mar07 -- U300 -- (Q)
Bonta-kun87 -- Pg23 -- Nov05 -- U20 -- (X)
Bosque -- Pg16 -- Aug05 -- U300 -- (X)
Brack -- Pg21 -- Oct05 -- U100 -- (Q)
Brandon Heat -- Pg6 -- Feb05 -- U5
Brainsloth -- Pg21 -- Oct05 -- U5 -- (Q)
braves -- Pg71-- Jan08 -- U300
brightredglow -- Pg11 -- May05 -- U20 -- (Q)
Busaiku Chama -- Pg46 -- Dec06 -- U100 -- (Q)
Buuck -- Pg68-- Sep07 -- U5


c_young -- Pg40 -- Aug06 -- U5 -- (Q)
Cabamalan -- Pg49 -- Jan07 -- U20
Caine Sensei -- Pg69-- Oct07 -- U5
Calculusman -- Pg36 -- Jun06 -- U300 -- (Q)
Calidh -- Pg46 -- Dec06 -- U5
Callik -- Pg48 -- Jan07 -- U20 -- (Q)
CaptainHarlock -- Pg5 -- Jan05 -- U5
carnivalcreepa -- Pg8 -- Mar05 -- U20
Casey Jones -- Pg73-- Mar08 -- U100
cerealkilllerr -- Pg1 -- Dec04 -- U100
Chauzu -- Pg72-- Mar08 -- U5
Cheesemon -- Pg10 -- May05 -- U300 -- (Q)
chinkilla666 -- Pg11 -- May05 -- U5
cheezisgoooood -- Pg30 -- Mar06 -- U300 -- (Q)
ChevelleRocker -- Pg16 -- Aug05 -- U5
chichiriNoDa -- Pg71-- Jan08 -- (R)
Chiroptera Rex -- Pg8 -- Apr05 -- U300 -- (Q)
Chrno2 -- Pg67-- Aug07 -- (R)
classicalzawa -- Pg71-- Jan08 -- U300
Cloe -- Pg8 -- Apr05 -- (R) -- (Q) -- (X)
Code001 -- Pg34 -- May06 -- U100 -- (Q)
coldmug -- Pg38 -- Jul06 -- U300
Comartemis -- Pg72-- Feb08 -- U100
Contrer6 -- Pg66-- Aug07 -- U5
coolcat600 -- Pg15 -- Jul05 -- U20 -- (Q)
covah -- Pg55 -- Apr07 -- U100
Cow-Boy_Be-Bop -- Pg43 -- Oct06 -- U300 -- (Q) -- (X)
Craeyst Raygal -- Pg2 -- Dec04 -- (R) -- (Q)
CrazyIdiots -- Pg65-- Aug07 -- U20
Crimson Ninja -- Pg29 -- Mar06 -- U20
Crisco Disco -- Pg69-- Oct07 -- U100
crow-kun -- Pg35 -- May06 -- U300
csfr3ak -- Pg18 -- Aug05 -- U5
Cthulhu33 -- Pg8 -- Mar05 -- U5
Culley -- Pg36 -- Jun06 -- U5 -- (Q)
CyberViper -- Pg27 -- Jan06 -- U300 -- (Q)


Daiyoukai Ramza -- Pg72-- Mar08 -- U100
dalucifer0 -- Pg11 -- May05 -- U5
danth78 -- Pg31 -- Apr06 -- U5 -- (Q)
Darc_knight -- Pg39 -- Jul06 -- U100
Dargonxtc -- Pg33 -- Apr06 -- (R) -- (Q) -- (X)
Dark_Plague -- Pg45 -- Nov06 -- U20
darkinusgurl -- Pg11 -- May05 -- U100
darkinusgurl -- Pg51 -- Feb07 -- U100
Darkling_ -- Pg43 -- Sep06 -- U5
DarkMe -- Pg23 -- Nov05 -- U5
Darknight55 -- Pg15 -- Jul05 -- U100 -- (Q)
Darknight55 -- Pg40 -- Aug06 -- U100 -- (Q) -- (X)
DarkTenshi90 -- Pg19 -- Sep05 -- (R) -- (Q)
Darkvyse88 -- Pg53 -- Mar07 -- U20 -- (Q)
dcmsm -- Pg33 -- Apr06 -- U5
Death's Shadow -- Pg16 -- Aug05 -- U5
DeathScythe808 -- Pg23 -- Nov05 -- U20 -- (Q)
deepon05 -- Pg43 -- Oct06 -- U300
Deltakiral -- Pg31 -- Mar06 -- (R) -- (Q)
deltavoyage -- Pg47 -- Jan07 -- U20
DemonDragonJ -- Pg31 -- Apr06 -- U300 -- (Q)
DemonEyesLeo -- Pg9 -- Apr05 -- (R)
DemonicHunter -- Pg39 -- Aug06 -- U5
denisuki~ -- Pg52 -- Mar07 -- U5 -- (Q)
dgreater1 -- Pg11 -- May05 -- U300
dgreater1 -- Pg54 -- Mar07 -- U300 -- (Q)
Diedrupo -- Pg2 -- Dec04 -- U100 -- (Q)
dirkusbirkus -- Pg75-- May08 -- U100
disciple666 -- Pg9 -- Apr05 -- U5
dj rub -- Pg18 -- Sep05 -- U100 -- (Q) -- (X)
DKL -- Pg11 -- May05 -- (R) -- (Q)
DKL -- Pg55 -- Apr07 -- (R) -- (Q)
DKong -- Pg49 -- Jan07 -- U300
djarch -- Pg9 -- Apr05 -- U100 -- (Q)
DJcream -- Pg68-- Sep07 -- U5
DMKA -- Pg3 -- Jan05 -- U5--Q
dozi -- Pg1 -- Dec04 -- U100 -- (Q)
dragon_star -- Pg16 -- Aug05 -- U5
DragonsRevenge -- Pg49 -- Jan07 -- (R) -- (Q)
Dranxis -- Pg44 -- Oct06 -- (R) -- (Q)
Drayen -- Pg14 -- Jun05 -- U5 -- (Q)
drievel -- Pg14 -- Jun05 -- U5
DriftRoot -- Pg3 -- Dec04 -- U300 -- (Q)
Drowning_Wolf -- Pg47 -- Jan07 -- U300 -- (Q)
Duo Maxwell -- Pg43 -- Sep06 -- U100
dustandechoes91 -- Pg35 -- Jun06 -- U5 -- (X)
dylan2d -- Pg36 -- Jun06 -- U20 -- (Q)


Eesha -- Pg11 -- May05 -- U5
Efan -- Pg18 -- Aug05 -- (R) -- (Q)
ehrsatzmessiah -- Pg66-- Aug07 -- U5
Eidolone -- Pg21 -- Oct05 -- U20 -- (Q) -- (X)
El Bastardo -- Pg32 -- Apr06 -- U5 -- (Q)
EL Guay -- Pg16 -- Aug05 -- U20 -- (Q)
El Oso -- Pg8 -- Apr05 -- U100 -- (Q)
el2king -- Pg28 -- Feb06 -- U5 -- (Q)
ElementSun -- Pg66-- Aug07 -- U300
Elisian -- Pg74-- Mar08 -- U100
elniro -- Pg2 -- Dec04 -- U100
EmDiPi_Micke -- Pg46 -- Dec06 -- U100 -- (Q)
Enjeru -- Pg33 -- Apr06 -- U300 -- (Q)
epixeltwin -- Pg57 -- Jun07 -- U300 -- (Q)
erams -- Pg41 -- Aug06 -- U20 -- (Q)
eric-jan -- Pg34 -- May06 -- U100 -- (Q)
Eruanna -- Pg47 -- Dec06 -- U300 -- (Q)
EVAyanami -- Pg18 -- Aug05 -- U20 -- (Q)
Exaar -- Pg33 -- Apr06 -- U300 -- (Q)
excel7769 -- Pg22 -- Oct05 -- U100
excel958 -- Pg38 -- Jul06 -- U100
EVA fiend -- Pg45 -- Nov06 -- U300 -- (Q)
Evera -- Pg30 -- Mar06 -- U5 -- (Q)

Last edited by Zalis116 on Sun Jun 15, 2008 5:20 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Joined: 31 Mar 2005
Posts: 6905
Location: Kazune City
PostPosted: Sun Jun 15, 2008 5:10 pm Reply with quote
Part 2 F - O

F.A.I.T.H -- Pg23 -- Nov05 -- U20 -- (Q)
Fadeproof -- Pg41 -- Aug06 -- U5 -- (Q) -- (X)
Fake Alias -- Pg75-- Jun08 -- U5
ff_fanatic98 -- Pg21 -- Sep05 -- U5 -- (Q)
Fiasnahk -- Pg53 -- Mar07 -- U5 -- (Q)
Fiction Alchemist -- Pg29 -- Feb06 -- U300 -- (Q)
Firlien -- Pg75-- May08 -- U5
fish1021 -- Pg61 -- Jun07 -- U5 -- (X)
Flame-X -- Pg29 -- Feb06 -- U100
Flou -- Pg6 -- Feb05 -- U20
Flou -- Pg16 -- Aug05 -- U20 -- (Q)
flushingmemos -- Pg11 -- May05 -- U5 -- (Q)
free2slap -- Pg36 -- Jun06 -- U300
free2slap -- Pg42 -- Sep06 -- U300
frentymon -- Pg33 -- Apr06 -- (R) -- (Q)
frentymon -- Pg46 -- Dec06 -- (R) -- (Q) -- (X)
freshkazuki -- Pg14 -- Jun05 -- U300 -- (Q)
frouella -- Pg37 -- Jul06 -- U300 -- (Q)
Fui -- Pg28 -- Jan06 -- (R) -- (Q)
fujiwara -- Pg56 -- Apr07 -- U100 -- (Q)
Full_Metal_Goku -- Pg38 -- Jul06 -- U20
Fullerific -- Pg36 -- Jun06 -- U20 -- (Q)
Futurhythm -- Pg15 -- Jul05 -- U20 -- (Q)
FuuH -- Pg40 -- Aug06 -- U100


Galaxis -- Pg57 -- Jun07 -- U5
Gamelore -- Pg4 -- Jan05 -- U100 -- (X)
gas -- Pg8 -- Mar05 -- U5
gatexor -- Pg42 -- Aug06 -- U20 -- (Q)
gatexor -- Pg45 -- Nov06 -- U20 -- (Q)
Gecko Zero -- Pg2 -- Dec04 -- U20 -- (Q)
Gemini Angel -- Pg11 -- May05 -- U100
Geosis -- Pg20 -- Sep05 -- U5
GloriousPikachu -- Pg20 -- Sep05 -- U100 -- (Q)
Glory Questor -- Pg1 -- Dec04 -- (R) -- (Q)
gpeng2006 -- Pg25 -- Dec05 -- U5 -- (X)
graceoftheblueyes -- Pg3 -- Jan05 -- U5 -- (X)
GreatTeacherKen -- Pg71-- Dec07 -- U100 -- (Q)
Greennunu -- Pg28 -- Jan06 -- U300
Grzi -- Pg46 -- Dec06 -- U5
GTO Neko -- Pg71-- Jan08 -- U100
guardiangelboi -- Pg65-- Aug07 -- U20


HackTsukasa -- Pg41 -- Aug06 -- U20
hanachan01 -- Pg26 -- Dec05 -- (R) -- (Q)
Hanagata -- Pg15 -- Jul05 -- U20 -- (Q)
Hao-sama -- Pg73-- Mar08 -- U5
happy_fanged_bunny -- Pg24 -- Nov05 -- U5
haruhifan1200 -- Pg46 -- Dec06 -- U100 -- (Q)
Hatiko -- Pg30 -- Mar06 -- U100
Hawking -- Pg20 -- Sep05 -- U20
Hazzor -- Pg48 -- Jan07 -- U5
Henry Jones -- Pg26 -- Dec05 -- U20 -- (Q)
hiddenryuu -- Pg51 -- Feb07 -- U100 -- (Q)
Himemiya -- Pg47 -- Dec06 -- U100 -- (Q)
hinamorichan -- Pg52 -- Mar07 -- U5
Hitsu -- Pg41 -- Aug06 -- U100
Hitsugaya_Toushiro01 -- Pg35 -- May06 -- U5
hiyah -- Pg32 -- Apr06 -- U5 -- (Q)
HMMcKamikaze -- Pg69-- Oct07 -- U300
Hoenheim -- Pg35 -- Jun06 -- U100 -- (Q) -- (X)
houtaru -- Pg7 -- Feb05 -- U20 -- (Q)
hollaback12 -- Pg34 -- May06 -- U20
hoodaman -- Pg22 -- Oct05 -- U20 -- (Q)
Hopeforest -- Pg35 -- May06 -- U5
Huntsman -- Pg36 -- Jun06 -- U20
HyugaHinata -- Pg73-- Mar08 -- U300


ice9 -- Pg53 -- Mar07 -- U20 -- (X)
Icefire16 -- Pg48 -- Jan07 -- U5 -- (Q)
IDK -- Pg56 -- May07 -- U20
ikillchicken -- Pg51 -- Feb07 -- (R) -- (Q) -- (X)
ikillchicken -- Pg67-- Aug07 -- (R) -- (Q)
ikillchicken -- Pg70-- Nov07 -- (R) -- (Q)
Illumina -- Pg3 -- Dec04 -- U100
illegal_ninja -- Pg36 -- Jun06 -- U5
illuz -- Pg54 -- Mar07 -- U5
imperative7 -- Pg72-- Feb08 -- U20 -- (Q)
ingshan -- Pg28 -- Jan06 -- U5
InKY Amuro Tachibana -- Pg20 -- Sep05 -- U5 -- (X)
intothemystic -- Pg24 -- Dec05 -- U100
Inu-Yasha -- Pg2 -- Dec04 -- (R)
Inu_Yasha_jr. -- Pg7 -- Feb05 -- U300
ippo44 -- Pg37 -- Jul06 -- U5 -- (Q)
Irebun -- Pg52 -- Mar07 -- U5 -- (X)
Irebun -- Pg57 -- Jun07 -- U5 -- (Q) -- (X)
Irukichan -- Pg23 -- Nov05 -- U20 -- (Q)
Isikari -- Pg52 -- Feb07 -- U100 -- (Q)
ivangu -- Pg62 -- Jul07 -- U5 -- (Q)


j22 -- Pg58 -- Jun07 -- U5
Jacintamusica -- Pg24 -- Nov05 -- U20 -- (Q)
Jade L. -- Pg53 -- Mar07 -- U20
Jagsmen -- Pg53 -- Mar07 -- U5 -- (Q)
Jedi General -- Pg46 -- Dec06 -- (R) -- (Q)
jetz -- Pg55 -- Apr07 -- (R) -- (Q)
jigoku_hime -- Pg70-- Nov07 -- U100
jncalp -- Pg4 -- Jan05 -- U100 -- (Q)
joon -- Pg1 -- Dec04 -- U20 -- (Q)
JTemari -- Pg15 -- Jul05 -- U5
JustlceGundam -- Pg31 -- Mar06 -- U5 -- (Q)
JustNoOne -- Pg51 -- Feb07 -- U5


Kaguzuchi -- Pg66-- Aug07 -- U20
kaitoueesu -- Pg6 -- Feb05 -- U300
Kalvarius -- Pg50 -- Feb07 -- U20
Kaolin_Yatsura -- Pg3 -- Jan05 -- U100 -- (X)
karitaru -- Pg30 -- Mar06 -- U100 -- (Q) -- (X)
Kaneda5891 -- Pg3 -- Dec04 -- U5
Keonyn -- Pg19 -- Sep05 -- (R) -- (Q) -- (X)
Kero_Kitty -- Pg69-- Sep07 -- U20
kersmaka -- Pg58 -- Jun07 -- U5 -- (Q)
Key -- Pg1 -- Dec04 -- (R) -- (Q)
Kidder -- Pg35 -- May06 -- U300 -- (Q)
KimiWaPet2150 -- Pg23 -- Nov05 -- U5
Kirkdawg -- Pg72-- Feb08 -- U300
kittycatgirl2k -- Pg28 -- Jan06 -- U100 -- (Q)
kobe8byrant -- Pg13 -- Jun05 -- U5
Kouji -- Pg22 -- Oct05 -- (R) -- (Q)
Kourin -- Pg8 -- Mar05 -- U100 -- (Q)
Koya -- Pg38 -- Jul06 -- U5
Kruszer -- Pg2 -- Dec04 -- (R)
Kuririn -- Pg36 -- Jun06 -- U100
Kurisutaru -- Pg39 -- Aug06 -- U5 -- (Q)
Kurosaki_Ichigo_1000 -- Pg35 -- May06 -- U100 -- (Q)
Kyio -- Pg18 -- Sep05 -- U20
Kyouta -- Pg35 -- May06 -- U5


Lagatcy -- Pg23 -- Nov05 -- U20 -- (Q)
leerock89 -- Pg71-- Feb08 -- U5
legendfunk -- Pg72-- Mar08 -- U100
LegendVer2 -- Pg22 -- Oct05 -- U20 -- (Q)
LeoKnight25 -- Pg18 -- Aug05 -- U300 -- (Q)
Levitz9 -- Pg51 -- Feb07 -- U300
Lilithi -- Pg71-- Feb08 -- U100
Little Miss Maria -- Pg10 -- May05 -- U20
Lord Vicious -- Pg5 -- Jan05 -- U5
logoras05 -- Pg31 -- Mar06 -- U5
Lord_Ilpalazzo -- Pg13 -- May05 -- U20 -- (Q)
LydiaDianne -- Pg35 -- May06 -- (R) -- (Q)
LydiaDianne -- Pg49 -- Jan07 -- (R) -- (Q)
LydiaDianne -- Pg71-- Feb08 -- (R) -- (Q)
Lyle -- Pg3 -- Jan05 -- U5


m_jonis -- Pg6 -- Feb05 -- U20 -- (Q)
m1ndb3nder -- Pg6 -- Feb05 -- U5 -- (X)
machiaveli -- Pg53 -- Mar07 -- U5
Maclam -- Pg2 -- Dec04 --U100 -- (Q)
Magic Messenger -- Pg15 -- Jul05 -- U5 -- (Q)
mahoro -- Pg25 -- Dec05 -- (R) -- (Q)
major_pain -- Pg28 -- Jan06 -- U100
Manganime00 -- Pg59 -- Jun07 -- U5 -- (Q) -- (X)
manu morisato -- Pg70-- Dec07 -- U5
mariochua -- Pg29 -- Mar06 -- U20
Master_M2K -- Pg53 -- Mar07 -- U100 -- (Q)
masterzephyr -- Pg25 -- Dec05 -- U20
maxima423 -- Pg42 -- Sep06 -- U100 -- (X)
mchief0 -- Pg29 -- Mar06 -- U5 -- (X)
Megadrivemaster -- Pg14 -- Jun05 -- U5 -- (Q)
Mewtwo22 -- Pg46 -- Dec06 -- U20 -- (Q)
Master Roshi -- Pg22 -- Oct05 -- U5
Meaneko -- Pg63 -- Jul07 -- U5
melli-chan -- Pg21 -- Oct05 -- U5
Meyham -- Pg52 -- Mar07 -- U20
Mihara -- Pg35 -- May06 -- U20 -- (Q)
mimi2mariah -- Pg32 -- Apr06 -- U5
Mini Jesus -- Pg39 -- Jul06 -- U100 -- (Q)
Mini_Alquemist -- Pg37 -- Jul06 -- U20 -- (Q)
Mirrinus -- Pg50 -- Jan07 -- U300 -- (Q)
Mishamew -- Pg29 -- Feb06 -- U100 -- (Q)
Mistress9 -- Pg32 -- Apr06 -- U300 -- (Q)
mjgeo -- Pg41 -- Aug06 -- U300 -- (Q)
Mmsven -- Pg74-- May08 -- U100
Monumension -- Pg18 -- Sep05 -- U300 -- (Q)
moondoggie84 -- Pg47 -- Dec06 -- U20
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PostPosted: Sun Jun 15, 2008 5:17 pm Reply with quote
Part 3 P-Z

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Joined: 17 Jan 2008
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PostPosted: Sun Jun 15, 2008 7:36 pm Reply with quote
Looking at the list, I realized I haven't posted here yet, so here goes.

Top 10:
Series rated as masterpieces:
(1) Samurai X: Trust & Betrayal To this day this is still some of the best animation ever. The story is emotional, the characters are unforgettable, and it sets the stage for the greatest shounen series ever, the Kyoto arc of Rurouni Kenshin.

(2) Last Exile This series is stunning. The visuals created in this fantasy world have to be seen to be described, everything from the figureheads on the vanships, to the medals on a soldier's uniform are created in exeptional detail. CG is used and sucessfully blended with the 2D artwork in a way seldom accomplished by other series. The cast is full of exceptional people who go about life in a tough world, each striving to fufill their dreams.

(3) RahXephon A series by one of my top three animation studios, Bones. Everything in this series from the music, to the cast clicked with me in ways other series have not. There are plot twists around every corner, and it all comes together in a very satisfiying conclusion. This is one series that seems to either be loved, or hated by those that watch it, but I am for sure in the camp of the former.

Series rated as excellent:
(4) Full Metal Panic-the Second Raid Moving on to the second of my top three animation studios, we have a series by Kyoto Animation. The original Full Metal Panic was a solid series that introduced an excellent cast, but this series takes everything to a higher level. It manages to have better action, comedy, character development, and story in about half as many episodes.

(5) Cowboy Bebop This is a series that really needs no description. If you are looking for a series to show to someone who you want to start watching anime, I can think of few better than this one. Pure entertainment, real emotion, with an ending that I never saw coming. The only thing that keeps this series from bieng a true masterpiece is it's episodic nature, with only a few episodes containing any kind of plot progression.

(6) Hellsing OVA A pure guilty pleasure series. Ultra violent, with vampires fighting nazis, a butler who makes Batman's Alfred look like a little girl in comparison, and the most overpowered protagonist in the history of anime: Alucard. This series also has quite possibly the best english dub I have ever heard. One of the worst things about the fall of Geneon entertainment is that this series may never be finished in R1 quality.

(7)Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex My third favorite animation studio, Production I.G., is probably most famous for this series. At times a bit too political, it still features excellent action, one of the top english dubs, and a cast that evolves subtly over time. Even the supporting cast members each get a turn in the spotlight, and this adds to the overall immersion into the story.

(8) Berserk To this day, this series is the one that got me into whatever little manga that I read. The story is one of darkness, dispair, and loss. This series suffers from some poor animation at times, and has no ending to speak of, but it tells a story that I just can't stay away from. It does not pull any punches, and is not afraid to shock you with acts of depravity and extreame violence.

(9) Claymore This series is another guilty pleasure. Half demon sword wielding women fight full fledged demons. The plot leaves something to be desired at times, and Raki is one of the most annoying tagalongs in recent memory, but all of this is more than made up for with excellent action, and some suprising character growth by a cast who is supposed to be devoid of emotions.

(10) The Slayers This is the first anime series that I think I ever laughed out loud at. It is over the top, insane, and is not afraid to make fun of itself. For pure fun, all three seasons of this series are hard to beat, a comedy classic, with hints of real emotion and depth from time to time.

Honorable mentions go out to : Outlaw Star, Bleach, Black Lagoon, Kurau: Phantom Memory, Ef- a Tale of Memories, GTO, Noir, and Blue Gender.

Worst: I don't really want to insult anyone's anime, so I will just say that I am not a fan of shows aimed at kids, just for the purpose of selling toys, video games, cards etc. If a show has a several seasons with no development, than it would probably make a list of my least favorite anime.
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Joined: 21 Jan 2004
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PostPosted: Sun Jun 22, 2008 2:27 pm Reply with quote
My Top 10 Best Anime:

1. Rurouni Kenshin: Tsuiokuhen- The best choreographed action anime I've seen to date with powerful dramatic scenes that portray the painful past of Rurouni Kenshin's Kenshin Himura very well.

2. Grave of the Fireflies- The most painful and emotionally powerful anime film I've seen yet. The effects war has on two orphaned siblings is so painfully realistic that I was moved to tears once the movie reached its end.

3. Kare Kano- The definitive of shoujo romantic titles I've come across. It has its shortcomings in the visual department and the lack of a finale. But, the heart of the series lies in the realistic progression of a relationship which takes place through Yukino and Arima's eyes, along with the friends they connect with.

4. Koi Kaze- A refreshing take on romance anime where two siblings question the taboos of society as they start entering a relationship that goes beyond just being siblings.

5. Serial Experiments Lain- A surreal cyberpunk anime that delves into the mysteries of Lain's character and where the line blurs between reality and the wired world as humanity becomes increasingly reliant on technology. The anime had enough plot twists to hook me into it and I'm still wondering to this day just what Lain is.

6. Key the Metal Idol- An underrated anime with a haunting, dramatic soundtrack and plenty of plot twists focused around Key's character and her quest to gain 30,000 friends.

7. Azumanga Daioh- A fun high school comedy where there are plenty of laughs to get off the antics of both the students and the teachers. I'll never forget about Osaka and the Yukari-mobile from this comedy gem. Very Happy

8. RahXephon- My favorite mecha title to date with fluid and slick animation, a powerful soundtrack, and enough plot twists and character mysteries that kept me watching the series to the very end.

9. Fruits Basket- A comedy-drama that has plenty of charm, depth, and humor through all the characters that Tohru interacts with.

10. Revolutionary Girl Utena- A classic shoujo title featuring plenty of character depth and symbolism focused around the coming-of-age of the characters featuring elegant settings and lovely character designs.

My Top 5 Worst Titles

1. Boku wa Imouto ni Koi wo Suru- An OAV that felt too rushed in developing its questionable relationship between siblings. It felt so unnatural that it had me shaking my head more than admiring it.

2. Street Fighter Alpha: Generations- I do like watching anime adaptations of video games now and then. But, this take on Street Fighter had sloppy visuals and took enough liberties on the personalities and backgrounds to the characters which really urked me.

3. X (movie)- It's really disappointing when animation studios release a hit manga series onto movie format just to milk it for money. The visuals are a treat, especially with action scenes. But, there were so many characters that they were given little to no depth thus I couldn't feel much sympathy for them when they do eventually get killed off.

4. Yu-gi-oh- Any anime used to promote a children's card game is enough to annoy me. All the plot and characters to Yu-gi-oh are just an excuse to get card games going which are quite boring to watch, especially when all the characters have to explain every move and card effect that they are about to do to their opponent.

5. Dragon Ball Z- I might get nailed for this one. I used to get suckered into watching this during my early days of anime fandom. But, DBZ's biggest problem I noticed as I kept watching it was that it just didn't know when to end. I had heard on some sites a while back that Akira Toriyama was intending to end the series at the Frieza and Cell sagas. But, the popularity of DBZ drove Toriyama and Toei to continue making the series beyond each intended saga. Not to mention that after seeing better animated action titles like Hellsing and Full Metal Alchemist that DBZ paled in quality compared to them.
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Joined: 20 Jun 2008
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PostPosted: Thu Jun 26, 2008 3:44 am Reply with quote
It's not hard to think about the 10 best animes, but it's definitely hard to list them in order, but here we go:

Top 10

#1 - Rurouni Kenshin plus Samurai X - Trust and Betrayal Describe these series with a few words would be hard. Stunning, heartwarming, exciting and at some times encouraging with perfect opening and ending themes. After 10 years i have yet to see such a good anime, definitely the best.

#2 - Darker Than Black This anime kept me stunned during all the 24 episodes. The mysteries of Hell's gate and very nicely designed characters. This anime didn't let me down in any aspect.

#3 - Pumpkin Scissors I read so much criticism about this anime in most places i looked up, mostly about the name "Pumpkin Scissors" which was more than explained during the anime. But it's better to just ignore them all. Pumpkin Scissors is a very nice and heartwarming anime which won't let you down when it comes to excitement, a good storyline and a good art work.

#4 - Great Teacher Onizuka Very dramatic at some points but never exaggerated. Never giving up, a friend that everyone would want, "Onizuka 22 years old single, nice to meet you". Top 5 is definitely where it should be.

#5 - Code Geass Many people would disagree with me here. But this anime is totally my type. The best opening i've ever seen.
Intellectual and elegant. Lelouch has come to revenge his mother and bring his sister a better world.

#6 - Gungrave So silent, passive and the best friend you could ever find. A very good mafia anime, but the good part of this anime is definitely Brandon Heat's personality.

#7 - Death Note This could be the best anime ever made if it had kept it's course and didn't have such a bad way of ending. With his intelligence and the death note,spoiler[trying to create a new world order, with him as the King, he failed. But something we all know, he definitely changed that world a lot.]

#8 - Neon Genesis Evangelion This anime played around with my feelings a lot. It's a very hard anime to describe so search somewhere else for info. The remaking would definitely get a higher rank here but as I'm talking about the older series.

#9 - s-Cry-ed Always getting stronger and never giving up. Kazuma lives on, never abandoning his friends. I don't really know why i like the series this much, but i can say for sure it's worth to get into the top 10.

#10 - Heroic Age I was indecise about this spot, but after thinking a little it definitely belongs to heroic age. Stunning art work, great fights and even spoiler[planets being destroyed in the process]. I totally agree with myself when i say: "This is the best anime to watch whilst drunk."

Animes that really hurt my heart for leaving out of the top: Berserk, Black lagoon, Full Metal Alchemist, Guyver, Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumyia, Ouran high school host club, Scrapped Princess.

I won't mention the top worst as my memory is horribly short when it comes to stuff i don't like.
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Joined: 20 Jun 2008
Posts: 55
PostPosted: Sat Jun 28, 2008 5:32 pm Reply with quote
My top ten
10: Noein-this series is a little hard for me to understand at parts since the time/space discussions went a bit over my head but the overall story is throughly interesting and probably the best surprise of last year.
9: Rumbling Hearts-This series could've easily fallen into the mold of so many other romance stories but it avoids it through it's sheer honesty about life and the changes that occur over a short period of time after high school.
8: My-HIME-Another great surprise pickup (thanks to the first episode that was on a NEWTYPE DVD). I figured this would be a series similar to something like Ikki Tousen before I watched the DVD but it was insanely better then I was expecting and the fact that all twelve HIME got at least some sort of backstory was amazing for a cast of over twenty major characters.
7: The Melancholoy of Haruhi Suzumiya-Cultural Phenomenon, weird first episode, and cute girls usually make me want to steer clear but I'm gald I picked up this series and had a ton of fun watching it. I can't wait for the novels to come out (through Yen Press I believe) and for the second season to come.
6: Princess Mononoke-Miyazaki's best work and one of the best stories ever done in any animated format.
5: Cowboy Bebop-Soundtrack, Voice Acting, Action, and the overarching story are what made this series so good and it deserves all the acclaim it gets.
4: FLCL-Once I was able to wrap my head around what was going on (I figured it out around ep. 4) this becamse so much better then I thought it was. It's Gainax doing their usual thing (a coming of age tale) and masking it with an insane plot that keeps you watching just to see how weird it'll go. The music from the Pillows didn't hurt things either.
3: Hellsing Ultimate-The only unfinished work in my top ten is the sickest, goriest, and most fun work to come out in a long time. What other series can make you squirm, laugh, and gaze in awe in only 45 minutes of running time?
2: Grave of the Fireflies-If you do not cry during this beautiful movie you are not human.
1: Wolf's Rain-Keiko Nobumoto followed up Cowboy Bebop (she was the main writer on the series) with another epic tale that in my eyes surpasses bebop in story. It seems simple but the amount of detail put into each character's individual story really makes this stand out. And the last arc of the series is so tragic yet so satisfying that it tops my list over any other anime I've ever seen.
Honorable Mentions: Saikano, Death Note, Bleach, Red Garden, Welcome to the NHK, Boogiepop Phanton, Gunbuster, Fullmetal Alchemist, and Neon Genesis Evangelion.

Top Five Worst
5: to Heart-just couldn't get into it.
4: His and Her Circumstances-the last six episodes just ruined this series.
3: Ikki Tousen-I want substance with my action story and gratuitous nudity, yuri, and a creepy cousin/cousin/aunt thing doesn't cut it as substance.
2: Dominion Tank Police-This just bored the hell out of me.
1: Shin Chan-How in the hell did this even get made?!
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Joined: 26 Jun 2008
Posts: 8
PostPosted: Tue Jul 01, 2008 7:20 pm Reply with quote
First I shall be posting my top 5 worstanime, and then in my next post I'll be posting my top 10.

Five worst anime of all time

1.Naruto-........Okay people first of all, Naruto is neither mature nor deep, and meaningful. It is a series about a spikey haired tween in an orange jumpsuit. The pasts of the characters are very cliche, there's hardly any romance, the fighting gets boring, FILLERS, and the fandom just scares the hell out of me. Though I will admit that Shippouden and the manga are slightly better. Still though this is the anime that gives fans bad names everywhere.

2.Fruits Basket- I know I know what you're all thinking, WHY THE HELL DID YOU PUT FRUITS BASKET IN YOUR TOP 5 WORST?!?! WHAT"S WRONG WITH YOU?!?! Well I'm sorry but the series quite frankly makes a mockery out of the orginal manga series. Remember people this is top 5 worst ANIME, not actual series that may have been manga first. Anyways, in my honest opinion this is the worst adaptation of a manga I have ever seen. It's two short, they cut out important storyline details, they warped the characters personalitys(*cough Shigure cough*) and they basically made up thier own idea on how or why Akito is the way he is. While I will give the series some props, mostly just for the beautiful music which acutually does suit the series, and the lesson on how "Life is the most Valuable Gift Of all'' is a nice and beautiful message. But still though the problem with this anime is it can't seem to really decide whether it wants to follow the manga, or come out onto it's own. So basically you get a series which follows the manga volumes 1-6 to a tee, while cutting out lots of important plot details, and scenes. And then it makes up it's own ending after they did all the episodes of the first few volumes, really I'd go as far to say that the anime has no plot at all, and is just a colorful rendition of some of the manga chapters. While tons of anime series in the past have deviated from their original manga forms, think FMA and Sailor Moon. Those series though were long enough to provide a reasonable explanation for thier endings, and provided lots of new interesting story ideas to the original work. Unfortunatly Fruits Basket was just didn't have enough episodes to do that, and the ending feels rushed. Basically this is a very sloppy rendition of the orginal manga, that doesn't seem to know what it's trying to be. In short, stick to the manga........you'll be happier and more satisfied trust me.

3.Digimon-I remember seeing a few episodes of Digimon back when I was a kid, and for some reason it just always seemed to bore me to no end. I liked Pokemon much more than this piece of crap. Basically this series is a Pokemon wannabe and a rip-off, enough said.

4.Bobobobobo-This series has no point, even Azumanga Daioh has more of a plot than this joke.

5.Ghost In The Shell-An extremly overrated anime, it's art isn't very good and the storyline just gets way too confusing and boring after awhile. I don't know maybe for me this is just personal prefrence, I never liked Steam Tech Futurisistic Mecha shows much.
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Joined: 25 May 2005
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PostPosted: Tue Jul 01, 2008 9:23 pm Reply with quote
3.Digimon-I remember seeing a few episodes of Digimon back when I was a kid, and for some reason it just always seemed to bore me to no end. I liked Pokemon much more than this piece of crap. Basically this series is a Pokemon wannabe and a rip-off, enough said.

I just never understand this viewpoint. Aside from making friends of creatures and being based off some type of a game, the two really aren't that similar. Pokemon just has trainers who train their creatures to fight in competitions. Digimon is a full on story where the humans join with their creatures to fight for a common good.

The creatures in Digimon are aware and intelligent creatures with their own personalities, motives and so on. The world is also a very inhuman world and the series tells an ongoing story, rather than the episodic style that Pokemon presents. The trials they all face and what is at stake is all very different. The similarities are really only in the basics and only seem to be a ripoff as much as any other set of series that shares a genre is a ripoff. Any mecha series might as well be considered a ripoff then because they all involve giant robots that fight as a basic element.
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Joined: 26 Jun 2008
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PostPosted: Wed Jul 02, 2008 10:18 pm Reply with quote
Keonyn wrote:
3.Digimon-I remember seeing a few episodes of Digimon back when I was a kid, and for some reason it just always seemed to bore me to no end. I liked Pokemon much more than this piece of crap. Basically this series is a Pokemon wannabe and a rip-off, enough said.

I just never understand this viewpoint. Aside from making friends of creatures and being based off some type of a game, the two really aren't that similar. Pokemon just has trainers who train their creatures to fight in competitions. Digimon is a full on story where the humans join with their creatures to fight for a common good.

The creatures in Digimon are aware and intelligent creatures with their own personalities, motives and so on. The world is also a very inhuman world and the series tells an ongoing story, rather than the episodic style that Pokemon presents. The trials they all face and what is at stake is all very different. The similarities are really only in the basics and only seem to be a ripoff as much as any other set of series that shares a genre is a ripoff. Any mecha series might as well be considered a ripoff then because they all involve giant robots that fight as a basic element.

Well, I don't know. Maybe I was just never really paying attention to the story as a kid, all I knew was that I thought the art was bad, it wasn't really that funny, and the Pokemon were cuter, and more exciting.
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Joined: 20 Jun 2008
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PostPosted: Thu Jul 03, 2008 4:00 am Reply with quote
FireMiko-Kagomechan wrote:
First I shall be posting my top 5 worstanime, and then in my next post I'll be posting my top 10.

Five worst anime of all time

1.Naruto-........Okay people first of all, Naruto is neither mature nor deep, and meaningful. It is a series about a spikey haired tween in an orange jumpsuit. The pasts of the characters are very cliche, there's hardly any romance, the fighting gets boring, FILLERS, and the fandom just scares the hell out of me. Though I will admit that Shippouden and the manga are slightly better. Still though this is the anime that gives fans bad names everywhere.

2.Fruits Basket- I know I know what you're all thinking, WHY THE HELL DID YOU PUT FRUITS BASKET IN YOUR TOP 5 WORST?!?! WHAT"S WRONG WITH YOU?!?! Well I'm sorry but the series quite frankly makes a mockery out of the orginal manga series. Remember people this is top 5 worst ANIME, not actual series that may have been manga first. Anyways, in my honest opinion this is the worst adaptation of a manga I have ever seen. It's two short, they cut out important storyline details, they warped the characters personalitys(*cough Shigure cough*) and they basically made up thier own idea on how or why Akito is the way he is. While I will give the series some props, mostly just for the beautiful music which acutually does suit the series, and the lesson on how "Life is the most Valuable Gift Of all'' is a nice and beautiful message. But still though the problem with this anime is it can't seem to really decide whether it wants to follow the manga, or come out onto it's own. So basically you get a series which follows the manga volumes 1-6 to a tee, while cutting out lots of important plot details, and scenes. And then it makes up it's own ending after they did all the episodes of the first few volumes, really I'd go as far to say that the anime has no plot at all, and is just a colorful rendition of some of the manga chapters. While tons of anime series in the past have deviated from their original manga forms, think FMA and Sailor Moon. Those series though were long enough to provide a reasonable explanation for thier endings, and provided lots of new interesting story ideas to the original work. Unfortunatly Fruits Basket was just didn't have enough episodes to do that, and the ending feels rushed. Basically this is a very sloppy rendition of the orginal manga, that doesn't seem to know what it's trying to be. In short, stick to the manga........you'll be happier and more satisfied trust me.

gotta disagree with you there mate, god knows why people insist in animes being the same as the manga
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Joined: 31 Mar 2005
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PostPosted: Thu Jul 03, 2008 4:34 am Reply with quote
egoist wrote:
FireMiko-Kagomechan wrote:
First I shall be posting my top 5 worstanime, and then in my next post I'll be posting my top 10.

Five worst anime of all time

2.Fruits Basket- I know I know what you're all thinking, WHY THE HELL DID YOU PUT FRUITS BASKET IN YOUR TOP 5 WORST?!?! WHAT"S WRONG WITH YOU?!?! Well I'm sorry but the series quite frankly makes a mockery out of the orginal manga series. Remember people this is top 5 worst ANIME, not actual series that may have been manga first. Anyways, in my honest opinion this is the worst adaptation of a manga I have ever seen. It's two short, they cut out important storyline details, they warped the characters personalitys(*cough Shigure cough*) and they basically made up thier own idea on how or why Akito is the way he is.
Unfortunately Fruits Basket was just didn't have enough episodes to do that, and the ending feels rushed. Basically this is a very sloppy rendition of the orginal manga, that doesn't seem to know what it's trying to be. In short, stick to the manga........you'll be happier and more satisfied trust me.
gotta disagree with you there mate, god knows why people insist in animes being the same as the manga
You have to remember though, at the time they made the anime, Akito's true nature hadn't been revealed in the manga, or at least I don't think it had been. So you can't exactly blame them for coming up with something to explain him. As far as cutting things out, I don't even remember anything being cut from the anime aside from spoiler[Kyo's hat that Yuki gave to Tohru]. Yeah, they re-arranged some events, but it was all in the name of creating an anime that could stand on its own. Given a budget and timeslots for only 26 episodes, what would you have done differently? Would the FB anime really have been better if the events of eps 24-26 (manga v6) had been moved to eps 20-22, to make way for the dramatic conclusion of, let's say, v8c45 (Tohru meeting Ritsu) in episode 26? Sure, that would've been a more faithful adaptation of the manga, but it would've been a pretty lackluster ending for the anime. Can you really blame them for trying to go out with a bang? And it wasn't even a made-up ending for the most part, since most of the events actually do come from the manga. Granted, there are a few anime inventions (like the 2nd half of ep 26), but compared to eps 23-26 of the Negima! anime, it's not "made up out of thin air." In terms of anime that ended way before their source mangas did, Fruits Basket fared far better than most. Negima!, Berserk, Rurouni Kenshin, Spiral, Love Hina, Ai yori aoshi, His & Her Circumstances...all of these had far worse "go get the manga if you want more" endings compared to Fruits Basket.

As for "no actual plot," was the manga really any different at that point in time? A lot of the manga in the early going was [meet member of Zodiac] -> [hear about that person's tragic backstory] -> [help them solve their problem]. Aside from a few little clues that wouldn't be relevant until many volumes in the future, the manga itself didn't have that much of an overarching plot at the time the anime was made.

If you want to hate the anime, that's your business, but at least give it a fair shake as an independent product before declaring how much it fails in relation to the manga. After all, the same thing is said about most comic- and book-based movies and TV shows anyway.
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