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NEWS: Capcom Reveals Resident Evil 4 Remake for March 2023 Release

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PostPosted: Thu Jun 02, 2022 10:51 pm Reply with quote
Finally I can play the game in colors other than brown.
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Joined: 25 Oct 2021
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PostPosted: Thu Jun 02, 2022 11:54 pm Reply with quote
Don't really see the point of a remake when the original is on every single platform known to man other than a quick cash grab. I have a feeling they're going to cut a lot of segments from the game out like 3make did; only more extreme since 4 is one of the longest RE games and I can't see them letting it stay 16-20 hours for modern audiences.
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Joined: 31 Oct 2009
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PostPosted: Fri Jun 03, 2022 12:06 am Reply with quote
^On the positive, it means they can fix 5 and especially 6 with their inevitable remakes.
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Joined: 20 Nov 2018
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PostPosted: Fri Jun 03, 2022 12:16 am Reply with quote
Hmm, unlike with 3, which seemingly came out of nowhere about a year after the remake of 2, I'd say the bar for this one will be high for a few of reasons.

1) 4 is probably the 2nd most liked entry in the franchise next to 2, and some like it better than 2.

2) I noticed that this is exclusive to the new generation of consoles rather than being a cross gen title, so this will be their first chance to show off what they can manage to pull off with a triple-A title using the extra power that the PS5 and Xbox Series will offer.

3) They have had a while to work on it since the remake of 3, so hopefully that's indicative of it not being a rushed product.

Although, I will say that it sucks to not be able to play all the remakes of the first 4 games on one system. After 4 I quit caring about the series anyway, even though I heard the series came back to its roots with 7 and 8
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PostPosted: Fri Jun 03, 2022 12:26 am Reply with quote
Can we have a remake of dino crisis since they shared the same engine as resident evil?
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Joined: 10 Nov 2021
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PostPosted: Fri Jun 03, 2022 1:06 am Reply with quote
Megax36 wrote:
Hmm, unlike with 3, which seemingly came out of nowhere about a year after the remake of 2, I'd say the bar for this one will be high for a few of reasons.

1) 4 is probably the 2nd most liked entry in the franchise next to 2, and some like it better than 2.

2) I noticed that this is exclusive to the new generation of consoles rather than being a cross gen title, so this will be their first chance to show off what they can manage to pull off with a triple-A title using the extra power that the PS5 and Xbox Series will offer.

3) They have had a while to work on it since the remake of 3, so hopefully that's indicative of it not being a rushed product.

Although, I will say that it sucks to not be able to play all the remakes of the first 4 games on one system. After 4 I quit caring about the series anyway, even though I heard the series came back to its roots with 7 and 8

They pumped out the remakes of 2, 3, and now 4 in a span of 4 years all on the same engine which is not a lot of development time and indicates a lot of cut corners as we saw with 3. Considering 4 is one of the most iconic and beloved games of all time, there doesn't seem like much of a chance of this living up to expectations people have for it. Going off the trailer alone I'm already not a fan of all the changes they made. The remakes don't seem like they're made for us oldschool fans to begin with though.
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Joined: 20 Nov 2010
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PostPosted: Fri Jun 03, 2022 3:34 am Reply with quote
NJ_ wrote:
^On the positive, it means they can fix 5 and especially 6 with their inevitable remakes.

I am really curious as to whether they'll try that. RE3 shows they're willing to just throw out the script if it suits their needs, so stuff like how, say, RE5 is co-op centric and RE6 has several different storylines may not be as much of a barrier as I'd assume.

Although hey, maybe a bad RE6 remake would finally get people to appreciate what a good game the original RE6 actually is (I am not kidding). Stranger things have happened. :)
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Joined: 16 Sep 2017
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PostPosted: Fri Jun 03, 2022 4:01 am Reply with quote
@Kicksville: Glad someone said it. I absolutely hated RE5 and because of that I didn't play 6 for a loooong time after launch. Fool me once, you know. But a number of years later, when I saw it super cheap on a sale, I decided to give it a go with a friend in co-op (I also played RE5 in co-op, so that isn't an automatic fix) and we honestly had a blast.
It's not a traditional RE game by any means, isn't scary or creepy or anything. But if you embrace the B-game quality and schlockyness of it all, you can honestly have a great time with that game. It doesn't play badly at all. It's just a decent RE-flavored co-op shooter with some crazy ideas.

About the topic:
I'm looking forward to this one. RE7, RE2 Remake and RE8 were really good for the most part and actually managed to spook me a few times, which has become a very rare thing to happen to me with horror games in general, after, say, Silent Hill 3. RE4 itself only gave me a scared feeling in one specific part too and after that, not even those indie horror games that a lot of people found terrifying did anything for me in that regard, so I was pretty surprises to see that these newer RE games managed to give me some spooks and scares.

RE4, for me, was a bit of a double-edged sword at the time. I disliked that it changed its overall atmosphere and approach as much as it did while being called RE4 (I would have been okay with it being a spin-off or new IP because that would have not lowered the chances of another 'regular' RE game as much as this one did) but ignoring that and judging it by itself, I liked it a lot. But I always wondered what could have been, if they didn't change direction from what they tried to do with it originally.
Now I don't think the hook-man build with the ghostly hallucinations looked all that good and I can totally see why they scrapped that, but I couldn't help but be intrigued by how they tried to merge the more classic feel with the more modern over-the-shoulder aiming.

I don't expect them to really bring back much of the scrapped elements (though some more focus on Leon's own infection could be interesting, since that is something that originated in 3.5 and was sorta kept in the final game) but seeing how RE2 was pretty different in tone to the original as well, I think in a way I might kinda get my "what if" scenario with this, after all.
And that's kinda how I'm looking at this one anyway. A alternate universe take on the game. And as that, I'm pretty stoked for it.
I wouldn't mind them bringing in SOME of the snark and corniness of the original though, but I'd appreciate it being a little slower and spookier than the original still.

And about RE3 Remake: Apparently that game was originally planned as DLC and was kinda just a side gig.
I believe it, because that's pretty much exactly what it felt like and it would explain why it was so lack-luster and had so much cut.
That, and the fact that even the original RE3 wasn't really seen as a main line game by the devs anyway, makes me think its lower quality isn't too much of an indicator of RE4's quality.

What I AM wondering about though, is, if RE4 Remake comes out in March and is already being announced and will probably be marketed throughout the year, when are they gonna show off, and ultimately release, the promised RE8 DLC?
That one is a bit concerning. I mean, they said they only even DECIDED to make the DLC after they saw how well-received RE8 was and rumors around RE4 Remake being in development have been circulating since before RE8 was even out, so they were plenty busy with that and continue to be so.
So who is making the DLC and when? Surely they can't wait until RE4 is out to release DLC for the previous release, can they? Nobody's gonna care at that point.
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PostPosted: Fri Jun 03, 2022 4:33 am Reply with quote
vampiyan wrote:
Don't really see the point of a remake when the original is on every single platform known to man other than a quick cash grab.
Because most of us don't mind paying to play the old favorites with modern graphics, and updates to gameplay.
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PostPosted: Fri Jun 03, 2022 6:08 am Reply with quote
I still would rather they remade Code Veronica, given it was the last one in the series to use the traditional tank controls and frankly could use the remake. Meanwhile 4, and I like 4 a great deal when I played it, has been ported to damn near anything. The only game to be ported more has been the original Doom, and that’s because I don’t see RE4 running on an ATM or a sonogram (actual things Doom has been ported to!),
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PostPosted: Fri Jun 03, 2022 7:56 am Reply with quote
I am ready to be called a pervert again!
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Joined: 28 Oct 2007
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PostPosted: Fri Jun 03, 2022 10:48 am Reply with quote
Pandsu wrote:

What I AM wondering about though, is, if RE4 Remake comes out in March and is already being announced and will probably be marketed throughout the year, when are they gonna show off, and ultimately release, the promised RE8 DLC?
That one is a bit concerning. I mean, they said they only even DECIDED to make the DLC after they saw how well-received RE8 was and rumors around RE4 Remake being in development have been circulating since before RE8 was even out, so they were plenty busy with that and continue to be so.
So who is making the DLC and when? Surely they can't wait until RE4 is out to release DLC for the previous release, can they? Nobody's gonna care at that point.

That is a fair question. If memory serves, that DLC announcement said that they were only then starting, and that was about a year ago now. I'd like to think that it means it will be fairly substantial if it takes that long. Then again, quicker DLC releases tend to happen because those parts were in active development alongside the main game.

I could see them waiting until around RE4's release though. The DLC could serve as a sellable "appetizer" to get people to then buy RE4 remake.
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Joined: 21 Sep 2014
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PostPosted: Fri Jun 03, 2022 11:22 am Reply with quote
vampiyan wrote:
Don't really see the point of a remake when the original is on every single platform known to man other than a quick cash grab.

Interesting take when those ports you mentioned were far more blatant about being cash grabs. At least this actually new unlike every version that came out after the original GameCube version.

vampiyan wrote:

I have a feeling they're going to cut a lot of segments from the game out like 3make did; only more extreme since 4 is one of the longest RE games and I can't see them letting it stay 16-20 hours for modern audiences.

If I’m being honest there are parts of the game that could stand to be cut namely the couple of instances of backtracking and Ashley’s playable segment. And the regenerators.

Megax36 wrote:

Although, I will say that it sucks to not be able to play all the remakes of the first 4 games on one system. After 4 I quit caring about the series anyway, even though I heard the series came back to its roots with 7 and 8

Those reports are greatly exaggerated.

livin_large wrote:
Going off the trailer alone I'm already not a fan of all the changes they made. The remakes don't seem like they're made for us oldschool fans to begin with though.

In part they are the other half is clearly for people who were not alive when those games originally came out. Also what changes don’t you like? there wasn’t a whole lot to go off of in that trailer.
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Silver Kirin

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PostPosted: Fri Jun 03, 2022 12:31 pm Reply with quote
I hope Capcom will eventually make a Code Veronica Remake but remaking RE4 is not a bad idea, the original game is still amazing but its development changed a lot so there certain aspects in the game that feel kind of disjointed. It would be great if they add some of the elements from the original build like the "Hooked Man" and the living dolls.
It'll also be nice if Capcom decided to make an Neutral Spanish dub for the game, REVII was dubbed into European Spanish and RE Village got a Brazilian Portuguese dub. RE4 was immensely popular in Latin America, due to the popularity of modded PS2s, and it would be amazing if Leon's voice actor from the movies and CGI productions, Gerardo García, would voice him in a videogame.
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Joined: 16 Sep 2017
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PostPosted: Fri Jun 03, 2022 1:09 pm Reply with quote
Greed1914 wrote:
I could see them waiting until around RE4's release though. The DLC could serve as a sellable "appetizer" to get people to then buy RE4 remake.

True. They might even use the fact that both of them take place in a Village (at least at the start) in some kind of clever way to tie them together and have the final bit of DLC serve as a transition into RE4 remake. I mean they might have a demo again anyway so who knows, maybe they'll directly implement that demo into the DLC or perhaps even have part of the DLC take place within the environment of RE4 (either in a modified form because it takes place at a different time, or directly or whatever).

I might be getting a bit carried away here but who knows, really.
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