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Village Elder

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PostPosted: Thu Aug 08, 2019 2:57 pm Reply with quote

I've had fairly good luck with Fantagraphics up to this point. Wandering Son is at least readable even if they did jinx it by making it too expensive. Otherwise what I have are collections of newspaper comic strips. The Pogo and Peanuts books are odd sized but have dust covers so they can be read while at the dinner table. The Prince Valiant collections are huge but are thin so are readable sitting. The Poe Clan I will probably have to read at a desk.

People who do not accumulate a lot of books do not understand the need to shelve them both efficiently and with at least some sort of logic. It always amuses me when I see furniture stores selling book cases with the shelves a foot or more deep and 13 to 15 inches between. A couple of those are useful for larger books, but too many are a waste of space. Most of my book shelves are 8 or 9 inches deep and 9 or 10 inches between shelves.

I have a number of books from the mid to late 1800s but I tend to think of them as old, but not antique. To me antique denotes something too valuable to use. These are all here for reading purposes. Nothing special some Washington Irving, Jules Vern (got to love those high Victorian bindings) and some early Kipling and Conan Doyle.

As to current reading, I just finished Accomplishments of the Duke's Daughter volume 4. I really enjoy this series and I wish we were also getting the novel that is its base. I like her low key approach to changing things. Now we are getting into the court intrigue that started the story. I find this to be superior to the competitor, My Next Life as a Villainess. I prefer when the protagonist is at least competent. In the latter book she is a ditz.

I am currently reading volume 3 of Gleipnir. This series started seriously weird and has gotten progressively weirder. At this point, I'm finding it hard to find any character in it to root for. Next up will probably be a couple of print light novels from J-novel Club.
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Joined: 01 Aug 2008
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PostPosted: Sat Aug 17, 2019 7:47 am Reply with quote
Moto Hagio is by far my fave manga-ka, so of course I have to weigh in here (I just received my copy of Poe 1--cost me, including shipping, about $34 Canadian, but I did pre-order it from Amazon when they had the list price at about $24 American, which I know is around $30 now).

Like I said, I've been obsessed with her work for the past twenty years or so--ever since I was 10 and Viz published Four Shojo Stories that contained They Were 11. I have everything published in English--which isn't much (the other Viz manga, A Prime, the Fantagraphic books, and the shoujo issue of the comics Journal with the full interview with her that was later excerpted and included in one of the Fantagraphic books but is especially handy as they have a complete--up to that time--bibliography of *all* her works, including serialization dates and page count). *anyway*. Oh, I also have her French translations--which is basically a nice two volume box set--but at least I can read it and it has a lot of shorter work not published in English--and I have sets of my two favourite of her titles untranslated even though I can barely read Japanese--A Cruel God Reigns (which of course is epic length) and the vastly underrated MESH. As well as various art books, etc... So yeah, I'm a fan.
(Oh! And her great 50 page story in the Parasyte M volume that recently came out in English and I wasn't expecting to much like...)

And I'm loathe to insult anything about these Fantagraphic books--I'm just glad that they continue to work with Rachel Matt Thorn on new Hagio translations even if, like everything Fantagraphics, it's a slow process. I remember being shocked when they announced their first work--I just thought no one would touch Hagio in English after the Viz releases.

As for Alan's question about size. Poe volume 1 is about 500 pages and Rachel Thorn has told me volume 2 will be about the same (set for next Summer)--which will complete the original series of interconnected short stories (sadly, there are no plans to do the recent revival series, although the original anniversary one off from 2016 might be included in volume 2). So this will cover the original 5 tankoubons.

It's roughly the same size as the previous four volumes of Hagio titles that Fantagraphics have released, and the same heft (though oddly they're all slightly of different heights except for the two volume Otherworld Barbara volumes--but they still look nice together on my shelf).

In terms of how big they are, the first teaser Hagio title from them, A Drunken Dream and Other Stories, selecting some fan favourite short stories, is "only" about 300 pages. It came out in 2010 and sadly, like nearly all Fantagraphic titles, onlyhad oneprint run so now goes for ridiculous prices online.

Heart of Thomas, which came out in 2013, contained the complete series and so was a pretty hefty 600 pages. On the other hand the translation of Otherworld Barbara (one of her titles I knew very little about before, and I found intensely moving and wonderful) that came out in two volumes over 2016-2017 was 400 pages each.

Honestly, I LOVE this format for these titles. They're not titles that would sell well, sadly, even if done cheaply, and the presentation is done with so much care. They aren't as easy to read as a paperback, but the art looks great (I admit I do read them quite often laid upon my lap while siting in bed).

My one main objection is--like I said about nearly all Fantagraphic titles, they do only one, relatively small, print run and you really have to get them relatively quickly (I just saw that Heart of Thomas is also fully out of print and goes for over $200 bucks on Amazon Marketplace). I admit, I have two copies of most of them as I found cheap deals when they came out.

(Another issue I've had is I've often had to return a copy because the hard cover corners and spine get banged up in the mail).

Rachel Thorn implied to me that Fantagraphics weren't interested in doing any of Moto Hagio's longer series (so they won't touch A Cruel God Reigns which was 19 volumes originally--though I think it might be hard to bring over anyway due to its graphic themes of a boy's sexual abuse by his step father). But most of her series are generally short--under 1000 pages. *If* they were to attempt a longer series, I *would* object to this format--I think the size is too big for long series, and the price too high, as well as the long wait between editions (Wandering Son was cheaper and came out more regularly, but I do think it was this format that killed it--at least I assume they've given up on translating any more).

BUt yes, it was confirmed that due to low sales, Wandering Son is permanently on hold at volume 8 (unlike the Hagio books, I don't think any volumes sold out). Shame as they were just a bit over half way complete. I keep wondering if Viz will pick it up... They picked up Sweet Blue Flowers, another Takako Shimura manga (a yuri high school one) after it had been dropped by a smaller English publisher, and released i complete in 4, 400 page omnibuses.

ANYWAY, excuse such a rambling post--I had to work a 30 hour shift today and am still wired but tired. I haven't really compared my Japanese issues of Poe to the first volume yet--I'm curious as to whether they'll publish the stories/chapters in the order they were written or in the chronology of when they are set--in Japan various versions have done one or the other. (I'm hoping for in the order of when they are written as I like seeing the progress in Hagio's style, as well as I like when the stories jump back and forth through the decades).
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Joined: 22 Aug 2019
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PostPosted: Thu Aug 22, 2019 4:33 am Reply with quote
I've been reading Realm of Terracotta: Last Life on webtoons.

It's about adventure, superpower, and revenge, the hero used to live under the wings of his elder brother, but as time changed, his brother got into danger, he has to become stronger to get back to his brother, so it's also about the personal growth of the hero.

Based on the brief, I know that the story is set in the Warring state period when the land of Zhongyuan was in total chaos, each kingdom hoping to topple the others and reign over the land. Hundreds of powerful clans emerged, all of them support different kings.

The Meng family was the head of the Martial Clan. Their ability, Martial Spirit, gives the bearer the spirit and ability of a great warrior. Meng Yuan (the hero) one day saves a young man named Mo Dun from the abusive Huhai, the youngest son of the Qin Emperor. Infuriated, Huhai orders Meng Yuan to be banished from Xianyang.

It's said to be updated every Friday, I think I'll keep reading.
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Joined: 19 Jan 2008
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PostPosted: Thu Sep 05, 2019 11:41 pm Reply with quote
Some stuff! I've been thoroughly distracted by video games lately though, I will admit (Dragon Quest Builders and Yakuza, mostly)

Skull Faced Book Seller Honda San 1
Yes, it's still hilarious and awesome, but I honestly think the anime delivered the humor SO much better, so I'd recommend checking that out instead, tbh.

Witch Hat Atelier 2-3
I read vol 1 a little while ago and just got in 2 and 3 and it's such fantastic solid fantasy goodness! The world-building is amazing and it's probably the highlight of the series. It's probably why the girl is new to the world as well, giving a good excuse to gradually build on it. It's soo good, read it! Glad it kept up its strong start too!

Magus of the Library 1

While a bit predictable in many ways, it's still a very solid and enjoyable read and I rather want to know more about the world and the lead. But while some of the plot elements were easy to predict, the magic stuff going on around grimoires? That's pretty awesome. Also, while the cover says it's based on a book by someone, I can literally find nothing about the original book or author, I am SO confused! I've seen some ideas floating around that it's going to be an in-universe author, and that honestly makes the most sense right now because neither than book nor that author exist, as far as I can tell.

Beasts of Abigaile 1-4 (complete)
A fun shojo supernatural series. It's by the author of Kaiju Girl Carmelise and I'm going to be paying attention to this author from now on. It ended a bit abruptly though, I think it could've used another volume, or even just two more chapters, to really finis the ending more solidly.

Dr Stone 5-7
Or something, I dunno what the last vols I said I read were. But it's still a strong series and I'm still loving Bill Nye as a ridiculous shonen lead.

Quintessential Quintuplets 1
Library read. If I were more into the ecchi harem with quintuplets genre, I'd probably be all over this, but it's not the genre for me. It's not bad for its genre though.

High School Prodigies Have it Easy, Even in an Isekai World 1
Library read. More isekai! But I'll rent anything at the library. IT reminded me a little of Danganronpa if it were an isekai I guess? That would be one hell of a spinoff. But it's basically a forgettable isekai with nothing to make it stand out from the crowd (except reminding them of Danganronpa) at the end of the day.

The Alchemist who Survived and now dreams of a peaceful life 1
More excellent world-building! This involves a young alchemist who, due to circumstances, winds up in the future (but still like, a medieval fantasy world, mind you) and finds her low level generic potions are suddenly hot stuff. It kind of reminded me a bit of Rising of the Shield Hero, but a shojo, and not an isekai, and a more likable lead who doesn't try to become a romantic item with their slave (oh I hope it stays that way!) But they are both good at making potions and the skill comes in extremely handy in both of their worlds. I'm definitely looking forward to more of this one!

Beastars 1
Ok, so the first thing I thought when I read this was 1) ok, this mangaka has GOT to be a furry and 2) did the mangaka have a major thing for Zootopia or something? because some of the similarities to Zootopia are pretty obvious. Fur aside, it's a solid series and I want more!

Daytime Shooting Star 1-2
Eh, this was a more generic shojo romance to me, bit of a snoozefest for me personally. Also, I'm not big into student-teacher relationships (I say as I devour Dengeki Daisy). The lead herself isn't anything too special to keep me going either. I'll pass from now on.

Ryuko 1
So while I love seeing new people throw their hats int the ring, I found Ryuko to be confusing and boring. I don't see a whole lot in this for me, but if you dig the art style, it might be worth a shot.

Love in Limbo 1-2 (complete)
A yaoi tends to sneak on here all the time it seems. I quite liked this one though, minimal and easy to skip sex (sure, that's the reason a lot of people read it, but nope! Not me! Maybe it's the being asexual part....), but I really liked the relationship and fantasy purgatory world of the series. I'll be paying attention to this author now, methinks.

Sacrificial Princess and the King of Beasts 6
Another awesome volume of this series! It's really a shame that it hasn't seemed to catch on yet as it's just SUCH a good series and needs more love.

My Boy 4
This series continues to have such a misleading title while still being really good. It's a shame it has that title though, I feel like it'd get more love without it.

I'm Standing on a Million Lives 1
I guess this is part isekai, part "trapped in a video game"? It was fairly standard, but not quite so forgettable that I'm not at least willing to check more out from the library.

Black Canvas: My So-Called Artists' Journey 1
I'm so annoyed my comic shop hasn't gotten this one in yet and I had to get it from the library! Because I want my OWN copy! It's autobiographical, but I honestly found it so gripping I was upset to put it down. I honestly think I liked this one more than both Princess Jellyfish and Tokyo Tarareba Girls. Must read.

86 -eighty six- novel 1
Something about this reminded me of Valkyria Chronicles (or maybe I just played VC4 pretty recently and it's a damn good game). And this was a damn good novel! I'm eagerly awaiting the comic shop to get in vol 2 so I can read more of my horrific fantasy war! I think this'll get an anime down the line, personally.

Whew, so much to read on my pile! I have more Snow White with the Red Hair, Go with the Clouds North by Northwest, a bunch of finished stuff that I always swear I'll get to, and, most shiny, the Poe Clan! My comic shop got it in! Because I sort of requested that they did and they somehow did, mwahaha! So that'll shoot to the top of the read pile, that's for sure!
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Joined: 14 Oct 2019
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PostPosted: Mon Oct 14, 2019 7:51 am Reply with quote
Currently reading The Eminence in Shadow, because i like it. Overpowered isekai mc, full of misunderstanding. Loyal servant, etc..
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Surrender Artist

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PostPosted: Wed Dec 25, 2019 1:09 am Reply with quote
At long last, I have finished Dorohedoro. I started reading it on September 23rd, 2013 and I confess that my grasp of the storyline became pretty loose, especially over the last few volumes, which I read rather far apart, but that didn't matter; I still enjoyed riding along with it. This was such a weird, dark, absurd story that I couldn't help but adore it. Whatever happened and whyever it did so, I was entirely in favor and enjoyed it. The art was strange, perfectly ugly and weird. I can't imagine how it will be faithfully animated, but I'm interested in seeing them try. I loved how constantly bizarre and silly it was; the finale volume gave the more-or-less protagonist formidable magic powers through a damned gyoza wand! I'm very glad that I read it and I'm a little forlorn that the trip has pulled into the parking lot at the Holiday Inn Express, or wherever.

I hope that it has a pool.
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Joined: 07 Feb 2020
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PostPosted: Fri Feb 07, 2020 2:58 am Reply with quote
darkhunter wrote:
Read a good manga and want make a comment about it to let others know how you fee? Please let us know what you read and let us know the good, bad and the ugly.

What do you like (or don't) like about the book? It can be license book, scan, other graphic novel and comic books.

Do not List/Spam this thread, post will be reported and deleted.So take some time and put some thought into it

{Am stickying this thread because of its popularity. ~nobahn}

I read Solo Leveling, it's manhwa (korean), but it's super cool! I started with a novel on ranobe, but later I found manhwa.
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Joined: 10 Mar 2009
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PostPosted: Mon Apr 27, 2020 10:24 am Reply with quote
I am generally not a big manga reader, I generally like to view stuff once as anime with fresh eyes, but I just recently rushed through what I could find available of a manga called Love Me For What I Am (Fukakai na Boku no Subete o). I had actually found out about it a while ago, and kind of decided to take it slow to savor it, and then last night when supposed to be going to sleep I went through the half of the chapters I had not read.

It is a lovely manga with LGBT themes that kind of just stands out against a lot of portrayals I see of that sort of thing, especially how a lot of English people think things are in Japan in regards to transgender individuals, or at least how there can some conflict with the idea of otokonoko. But what makes it the most special is its non binary character, some of it felt like it hit me especially strongly in that regards, and I honestly can't think of anything else that handled a character like this as not a boy or girl without going kind of genderless.

I would probably lose my mind if an anime took an approach like this, and kind of feel down about binging and not knowing anything similar.
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PostPosted: Fri May 01, 2020 3:55 pm Reply with quote
I tried reading Ubel Blatt. I think I read about 1 and a half volumes. I just couldn't get into it. I found the writing kinda lame. The characters were really boring, the villains were over-the-top evil and it seemed like the manga was mostly interested in sex, violence and being ooh so dark and edgy. But without interesting characters and story beats it was just boring. The world building was ok, but not good enough to get me interested. I'm a sucker for dark fantasy so I'm a bit disappointed that Ubel Blatt turned out to be so lame.

Instead of trying to find something else dark and heavy, I went the opposite way and started reading Bokura wa Minna Kawaisou. I remember liking the anime (the english title is a real headache) and conveniently this manga is on Crunchyroll for which I have a subscription for. I started from the very beginning because I can't really remember the anime all that well. The setup is quite simple, just a bunch of unique people living together so it really relies on making the characters and their interactions fun. Which I think it does well. Since it's a romcom it also needs a cute heroine. Ritsu is a cute and likeable dandere so it has that. Or is she a kuudere? I always get danderes and kuuderes mixed up. Anyway it's not mindblowing, but it's sweet and charming enough to put a smile on my face.
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Joined: 20 Dec 2007
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PostPosted: Tue May 05, 2020 8:45 am Reply with quote
Just finished the eighth volume of "Chio's School Road" manga. About the further adventures of Chio (Bloody Butterfly) and her friend Manana on their way to school or home. The way of butt battles, escaping the clutches of the Kabaddists, and avoiding the police is the hijinks fare of this volume.

This series reminds me a lot of D-Frag.
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PostPosted: Thu Jun 04, 2020 6:08 am Reply with quote
I am currently reading 4 mangas, here they are.

Bijin Onna Joushi Takizawa-san It's about relationships between superior and her inferior, it's 4-koma manga that is telling daily ocassion of them. It contains perverted jokes because of superior has big two.

Goblin Slayer: A young priestess has formed her first adventuring party, but almost immediately they find themselves in distress. It's the Goblin Slayer who comes to their rescue--a man who's dedicated his life to the extermination of all goblins, by any means necessary.

Yakusoku no Neverland:Emma, Norman and Ray are the brightest kids at the Grace Field House orphanage. And under the care of the woman they refer to as “Mom,” all the kids have enjoyed a comfortable life. Good food, clean clothes and the perfect environment to learn. One day, though, Emma and Norman uncover the dark truth of the outside world they are forbidden from seeing.

Don't Toy with Me, Miss Nagatoro: Mischievous Nagatoro always bugs her upperclassman and he can't figure out if it's just to get a reaction out of him, make his life miserable, or is secretly harboring feelings for him.
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PostPosted: Tue Jun 30, 2020 2:58 pm Reply with quote
Just finished the ninth and final volume of "Chio's School Road" manga. The last two ending chapters were nice and nostalgic. Going to miss this manga.

Read the 2nd volume of Divine Raiment Magical Girl Howling Moon. I am enjoying it. Probably not for all readers as it has content warning label on it. On the fan servicey side. Best friends receive magical divine garments from opposing sides in an Elder war.
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PostPosted: Mon Jul 06, 2020 7:31 pm Reply with quote
Just caught up with the latest chapters of Toilet-Bound Hanako-kun.


Did you like the anime?

PLEASE READ THE MANGA. It's so good. It's so good, you guys, srsly I stayed up the past few nights reading this til three in the morning. Because I could not friggin stop.

(Um don't copy me; that is unhealthy hahaha) But please DO read it. What I love about this is it's really unpredictable...Hanako and Nene's relationship is too adorable for words...I love all the characters, I love the worlds Aida Iro creates...I love all the Japanese urban legends. And of course the artwork is amazing.

I'd love a second anime season...but at the rate we're going, we're gonna need WAY more than just 12 more episodes to cover such great story-telling in a satisfying way...
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Joined: 15 Jan 2012
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PostPosted: Tue Sep 08, 2020 4:24 pm Reply with quote
After enjoying the anime for Oda Cinnamon Nobunaga, I was surprised to see that it's actually being released in English via digital. I'm not a stranger to how changes are made to the anime version of a manga, but I wasn't expecting how drastic the differences been the two versions are.

There's 4 volumes translated so far and it's not an exaggeration to say that there's like 5 jokes/gags that stayed the same in both versions. The anime completely changes punchlines and set ups for most of the jokes. There's also multiple times where the writers looked through the manga, cherry picked a few things, and made a completely new scenario. I gotta say that for the most part, the anime made me laugh more than the manga.
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Joined: 10 Mar 2009
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PostPosted: Sat Sep 19, 2020 9:16 pm Reply with quote
I have been reading the Watamote (No Matter How I Look at It, It's You Guys' Fault I'm Not Popular!) manga, I watched the anime when it came out, and very much felt a connection with how my own social anxiety, but I never got around to continuing with the manga. I think that I ended up on TV Tropes with the series and seen to come across info that Tomoko does start to not be so isolated and makes connections with people, and also apparently becomes more explicit that she is bisexual and either is not self-aware or is in denial. I thought that was enough interest for me to pick the series up again.

I have so far read chapter 67. And there has so far been a chapter that even had Tomoko questioning if she might be gay, but saying that it can't be right because she is straight and everyone is like that, which felt like the most in denial bi thing ever.
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