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NEWS: Devils' Line English Dub Cast Revealed Ahead of Saturday Premiere

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PostPosted: Fri Apr 20, 2018 6:53 pm Reply with quote
ADR Recordist? Engineer too bland of a job title?
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PostPosted: Fri Apr 20, 2018 7:12 pm Reply with quote
Adam Gibbs is playing two moody guys this season. So Luci Christian and Adam Gibbs are gonna alternate between working at FUNimation and Sentai on a weekly schedule? How are they accomplishing that? Source Connect? Also, if they can do that, maybe Hilary Haag and Alison Keith can do the same thing for the Full Metal Panic: Invisible Victory Simuldub.
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Angel M Cazares

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PostPosted: Fri Apr 20, 2018 8:03 pm Reply with quote
I wish Sentai and HIDIVE all the luck in the world because, based on the first episode, Devil's Line looks like a stinker. I suppose a solid English dub could make the show tolerable. I will check episode 2 when it is available dubbed.

BTW, I just went to hidive.com, and it will start streaming Girls' Last Tour on May 11 for the U.S. and Canada. Hopefully Made in Abyss and Land of the Lustrous are added soon.

Raebo101 wrote:
So Luci Christian and Adam Gibbs are gonna alternate between working at FUNimation and Sentai on a weekly schedule? How are they accomplishing that?

I was thinking the same.
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PostPosted: Fri Apr 20, 2018 8:24 pm Reply with quote
Well at least this dub isn't being directed by Shannon Reed or John Swasey. Kyle is the best likely choice for a quick turn around project of this nature. I will say Houston dubbing is in dire need of some new blood in the leading roles department. I do see a few new names among the cast hopefully they prove to be worthwhile additions to be Houston talent pool for dubbing. I'll definitely be watching the first episode at the very least anything after that will depend on if the dubbing production has some quality in it.
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PostPosted: Fri Apr 20, 2018 9:46 pm Reply with quote
I'm starting to think that maybe rushing to do simuldubs, while cool in concept, results in great titles not getting them, and then average to terrible ones getting them (didn't Hand Shakers get a simuldub too, to absolutely no one's caring?) I'd rather wait a few episodes (like 3, maybe) to see what's still actually good. I think a lot of people might have checked out Hand Shakers ep 1, but it was only because it had a... reputation, let's say.

Of course, exceptions can be made for continuing series getting them, that's pretty logical (especially if prior seasons were received well). And ok, this is Crunchyroll, but I'd far rather have effort put into a Megalobox dub instead. I feel like simuldubs are counting your chickens before they hatch. I hate it when all the new series come out, series A is well received instantly and everyone wants more of it right now, and then series B, everyone goes "meh" to "please never mention this series existing, ever again", and yet, series B already had a simuldub lined up for it. I just don't get it.

If someone can legit explain to me how they decide what series get simuldubbed (sequel series to well liked series aside), I really do want to know!
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PostPosted: Fri Apr 20, 2018 11:18 pm Reply with quote
classicalzawa wrote:
And ok, this is Crunchyroll, but I'd far rather have effort put into a Megalobox dub instead. I feel like simuldubs are counting your chickens before they hatch. I hate it when all the new series come out, series A is well received instantly and everyone wants more of it right now, and then series B, everyone goes "meh" to "please never mention this series existing, ever again", and yet, series B already had a simuldub lined up for it. I just don't get it.

If someone can legit explain to me how they decide what series get simuldubbed (sequel series to well liked series aside), I really do want to know!

Actually, this is Sentai and HiDive, no CR involved. As for how either company decides, no one has really told us. Beyond titles that have a large built in audience, either due to a popular manga here or a previous season, we don’t really know.
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He started it

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PostPosted: Sat Apr 21, 2018 12:14 am Reply with quote
I believe classicalzawa was referring to Megalo Box as the CR show, not Devil's Line
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PostPosted: Sat Apr 21, 2018 12:44 am Reply with quote
classicalzawa wrote:
Of course, exceptions can be made for continuing series getting them, that's pretty logical (especially if prior seasons were received well). And ok, this is Crunchyroll, but I'd far rather have effort put into a Megalobox dub instead. I feel like simuldubs are counting your chickens before they hatch. I hate it when all the new series come out, series A is well received instantly and everyone wants more of it right now, and then series B, everyone goes "meh" to "please never mention this series existing, ever again", and yet, series B already had a simuldub lined up for it. I just don't get it.

Also, if we are going to talk about CR, it's such a shame 2 of the most well received shows last season, Laid Back Camp and Place Further than the Universe, never got simuldubs. I'm sure Funi will dub them for the home video, but I mean come on, they dubbed Junji Ito Collection and Katana Maidens, which turned out not very popular at all.
I totally agree with you. Even Sentai is Dubcasting this show instead of Tada-kun, which probably would've been a better choice.
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PostPosted: Sat Apr 21, 2018 1:59 am Reply with quote
Raebo101 wrote:
Adam Gibbs is playing two moody guys this season. So Luci Christian and Adam Gibbs are gonna alternate between working at FUNimation and Sentai on a weekly schedule? How are they accomplishing that? Source Connect? Also, if they can do that, maybe Hilary Haag and Alison Keith can do the same thing for the Full Metal Panic: Invisible Victory Simuldub.

I don't know about Adam, but I can make a fairly reasonable guess about Luci. Considering Luci is married (10th anniversary on 4/19) and has 2 girls (both in the kindergarten to 2nd grade age range), I think she might use SourceConnect for her Funi sessions.

In this late Jan. tweet, Bryson Baugus, shows a write-up of his busy schedule at least for that week. I would imagine the schedule has stayed similar in recent weeks:

Class and rehearsal for Windermere today. driving to Houston tomorrow morning to work on a cool anime project that I got cast in this past week, then driving back in time for a fitting and rehearsal. Class, Box Office Work, and rehearsal on Wed. Going to Dallas Thurs morning to record more of an anime that I can't wait to announce later in the week, then driving back in time for rehearsal. Friday, the same as Wednesday.
Repeat next week except I'll just be doing Houston on Tuesday and Thursdays. To say this was gonna be an intense month would have been an understatement.

source: twitter.com/baugusbryson/status/958050819752030209
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PostPosted: Sat Apr 21, 2018 4:45 am Reply with quote
They have managed to streamline the process somewhat; We can now complain "Why are they dubbing x instead of y?" in realtime as I'd really rather be watching Tadakoi dubbed right now.

I'll check out the dub but I'm not seeing a lot of places it can go.
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PostPosted: Sat Apr 21, 2018 10:27 am Reply with quote
I want to see Cutie Honey Universe dubbed, then at the same time I am not big on simulcasts, but then again will they go back and dub it if next season they got new shows to dub hmm....
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PostPosted: Sun Apr 22, 2018 12:28 am Reply with quote
The 3-episode rule really applies here, as the first episode has almost nothing to do with the story (the male lead doesn't even appear until the 3rd Act). Ep 2 is the first episode where the MCs interact significantly, and time-wise, it's as much world-building as character development.

I saw the ep1 dub today, and I've got to say that I really enjoyed it. I'm more of a Funi fan, as ADV/Sentai dubs are a lot more hit or miss for me (even with overlapping cast/staff pools). But I really like Luci Christian (English!Tsukasa), and English!Anzai is already giving the character more emotional range than Japanese!Anzai (although hopefully that improves as more subbed eps are released). So this will likely be one that I watch both subbed & dubbed.
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PostPosted: Sun Apr 22, 2018 10:51 am Reply with quote
I was an Anime Network subscriber and hopped on Hidive from the get go. This definitely adds more value to the subscription.

I hate to say this, but I watched all of Hand Shakers dubbed. I am a glutton for punishment.

Now if only Hidive would release a Roku app so I could use my preferred method of streaming.
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PostPosted: Sun Apr 22, 2018 1:57 pm Reply with quote
CaptainAvatar wrote:
Now if only Hidive would release a Roku app so I could use my preferred method of streaming.

QfT. There's actually a lot of backcatalog stuff and recently-released dubs I'd like to check out on HIDive, but even a few weeks of watching Devils Line (and Cutey Honey) on desktop when I have a perfectly good TV feels like punishment.
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Joined: 25 Mar 2009
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PostPosted: Sun Apr 22, 2018 11:55 pm Reply with quote
Nice cast list, looking forward to hearing this dub.

Raebo101 wrote:
Adam Gibbs is playing two moody guys this season. So Luci Christian and Adam Gibbs are gonna alternate between working at FUNimation and Sentai on a weekly schedule? How are they accomplishing that? Source Connect? Also, if they can do that, maybe Hilary Haag and Alison Keith can do the same thing for the Full Metal Panic: Invisible Victory Simuldub.

Yeah guess that's what it is, I love that this is now possible, it's great hearing more of them.

Here's hoping that makes it even more likely for the FMP dub to be able to get them back which would be awesome. Smile

MarshalBanana wrote:
I want to see Cutie Honey Universe dubbed, then at the same time I am not big on simulcasts, but then again will they go back and dub it if next season they got new shows to dub hmm....

Yeah, I really hope that gets dubbed at least in time for the blu-rays.
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