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INTEREST: Yuichi Nakamura, Yuuki Kaji Tie for This Season's Most Popular Male Voice Actors

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Joshua Zarate

Joined: 12 Jan 2017
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PostPosted: Mon Apr 02, 2018 4:59 pm Reply with quote
Huh, I honestly didn’t expect that. I really enjoyed their voice work in the past and I’ll be looking forward to hearing them multiple times for Spring.
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PostPosted: Mon Apr 02, 2018 9:33 pm Reply with quote
I've always been curious about how Yuuki Kaji looked like when he first sang the Oppai Dragon theme song from High School DxD.
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PostPosted: Mon Apr 02, 2018 10:39 pm Reply with quote
And they say the Eng. dub VA are overused. Wink Well, sure they dub VA are frequently re-used and Monica Rial is the most prolific Eng. dub VA, but I think more complaints on over-using seiyuu should be used more often.
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Gina Szanboti

Joined: 03 Aug 2008
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PostPosted: Tue Apr 03, 2018 12:51 am Reply with quote
So this was not a poll, but just counting how many roles they have this season? That would be more like "most cast" rather than "most popular" then.

Did Hiroshi Kamiya go on vacation this season or something? I'd expect him to be up there too.
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Time Bandit

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PostPosted: Tue Apr 03, 2018 1:41 am Reply with quote
I ADORE Yuuki Kaji. He was wonderful in Hakata Tonkotsu Ramens in the previous season, and I am a VERY big Attack on Titan fan. (I'm also rewatching all of Tokyo Ghoul to be ready for the new season, and YAY he's there too!). So I am very happy that I will have his voice in several shows I plan to watch this season.

I also really enjoy Mamoru Miyano (Steins;Gate 0 I'm ready for you!).

I would really like to see more of Hiroshi Kamiya and Kenjiro Tsuda (my absolute FAVORITE!) this season. At least I have Beatless and Juushinki Pandora to hold me over...but I want more of both of them!
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PostPosted: Tue Apr 03, 2018 9:25 am Reply with quote
It seems like there's a lot smaller of a talent pool for male seiyuu than female, and they have a much longer shelf life to boot.

Are there just no young men in Japan that want to be seiyuu, or does the industry just keep wanting to play it safe by using the same 10 guys over and over? It's weird to me since it seems like female seiyuu have exactly the opposite problem.
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Joined: 05 Apr 2015
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PostPosted: Tue Apr 03, 2018 5:16 pm Reply with quote
Kadmos1 wrote:
And they say the Eng. dub VA are overused. Wink Well, sure they dub VA are frequently re-used and Monica Rial is the most prolific Eng. dub VA, but I think more complaints on over-using seiyuu should be used more often.

I'll complain when, say, Nakamura Yuuichi stops being able to go from this to this, with this thrown in. And even those on the list whose voices are not as flexible, like Kaji or Sakurai, are very versatile actors with a great sense for expressing the various aspects of their characters. (If the seiyuu awards were worth anything Sakurai would already have won something for Osomatsu. He's awesome in that role.)

Sure, not all of them are awesome, for example I'm pretty much done with Miyano Mamoru, who slowly seems to freeze into his own mannerisms and who hasn't done anything noteworthy in years (that I've heard, anyway - the last good acting I've heard from him was in Nobunaga Concerto). Currently he seems to be expressing a complete non-understanding of Reinhard in LoGH: Die Neue Thesis (although that may not be all his fault). But he's immensely popular so he gets cast in everything where they can get away with it, because having him in a show means more money and more viewers. (As Mizushima Tsutomu reportedly said, he was happy when he managed to convince Kamiya Hiroshi to join the cast of Prison School, because the immensely popular Kamiya being on board meant more sponsor/investor money.)

rizuchan wrote:
Are there just no young men in Japan that want to be seiyuu, or does the industry just keep wanting to play it safe by using the same 10 guys over and over? It's weird to me since it seems like female seiyuu have exactly the opposite problem.

There's a lot more than 10, and there's a lot more male seiyuu cast in shows than you probably notice. But the popular guys tend to get the main roles, for obvious reasons. Also, with the popularity of otome games, mobile games with pretty boys, drama/situation CDs, idol stuff, etc. a lot of younger seiyuu find it easier to get jobs and hopefully be noticed and have their break in that field, rather than anime as such.
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