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REVIEW: Cross Ange: Rondo of Angel and Dragon Blu-Ray part 2

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PostPosted: Thu Sep 15, 2016 9:08 am Reply with quote
" it completely dodges any explanation of how that character could have possibly survived before they reappear in the next episode."

Actually, they "explain it" in the next episode preview. You should mention those previews, by the way. They are hillarious.
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PostPosted: Thu Sep 15, 2016 10:38 am Reply with quote
DmonHiro wrote:
" it completely dodges any explanation of how that character could have possibly survived before they reappear in the next episode."

Actually, they "explain it" in the next episode preview. You should mention those previews, by the way. They are hillarious.

Easy, a wizard did it and in this case, the wizard was a maid. I can just imagine the show runners responding to that "Sure, you question that but you completely ignore how Vivi's condition was known and controlled by a very select few." Yes, her spoiler[lollipops keep her in human form; Comes in handy all the time at Arzenal and they quickly created them just in time so no rumors came out about one of their members being different. I find the explosion a lot easier to explain... Embryo did it, why not?... than that.]

Or the song.. the songs... "Yes, your family Royal birthright involves lyrics that can control a spoiler[mech from another universe, specifically so that it can tranverse the spatial barrier.].

Or male dragons... it's probably best not to think on that one... at all.

But what I love about this series is that all of this gets explained or at least can get explained by one simple sentence: spoiler[Everything is the way it is because Embryo wants it that way. And not quite because he wants to be all powerful... he already is... but because he's immortal and deathly bored.

And this is why I find the world so complex and fascinating: These objects, organizations and weaknesses were set up so that people would act in the desired way even under the guise of Free Will.]

The only reason the system failed was because spoiler[he let it. And male dragons don't turn human because he's not into that.]
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Paul D. Atreides

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PostPosted: Thu Sep 15, 2016 11:30 am Reply with quote
Cross Ange was quite the ride.

Initially I only watched because it was so controversial. I find controversy interesting, so I thought I might as well take a look and come to my own conclusion. But after a few episodes I was watching it because I was sincerely enjoying it. I pretty much agree with everything Theron says, and reading his episode reviews every week was part of the fun.

But you know what I really want to see? An ANNCast review of it, with Theron as the guest. Please make that happen!
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PostPosted: Thu Sep 15, 2016 12:05 pm Reply with quote
^I doubt Zac and Jacob would find watching the show conscionable even in a professional capacity. That is how objectionable they found the first episode. And as long as that is true, I doubt that that would happen.

And if Embryo is a Kant fan, he's not a good one, given he used or tried to use literally everyone (not just in the cast, but everyone and thing in the show's universe). That's kinda a big no-no in Kantian ethics.

Last edited by zrnzle500 on Thu Sep 15, 2016 12:16 pm; edited 2 times in total
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PostPosted: Thu Sep 15, 2016 12:13 pm Reply with quote
Tusk is like the normal version of Kira Yamato. Smile
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PostPosted: Thu Sep 15, 2016 12:18 pm Reply with quote
Yeah, after watching the first episode, I couldn't take it anymore. Confused
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Spike Terra

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PostPosted: Thu Sep 15, 2016 12:35 pm Reply with quote
zrnzle500 wrote:
^I doubt Zac and Jacob would find watching the show conscionable even in a professional capacity. That is how objectionable they found the first episode. And as long as that is true, I doubt that that would happen.

I remember reading that Zac had seen past episode 17 from like an old discussion but then again I wouldn't want to force anyone to a review a show that they despise on a moral level.

I hate double quote but this line from Theron
Those who found plenty to hate about the first half will find more things to despise in the second half, while those who loved it will see even more fun in the events to come
is the perfect way to either deter or encourage people to check out the second half. Cross Ange was one of my favorite shows in recent years and I hope to see more from this series in the years to come.
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PostPosted: Thu Sep 15, 2016 12:38 pm Reply with quote
zrnzle500 wrote:
And if Embryo is a Kant fan, he's not a good one, given he used or tried to use literally everyone (not just in the cast, but everyone and thing in the show's universe). That's kinda a big no-no in Kantian ethics.

Yeah, I did think that was an odd match, but I was able to freeze one of the scenes where he's reading his book and its title was one of Kant's works.

There's a book Salia carries around in one scene (which I believe Embryo was also shown holding) which had a title that had something to do with "knights of the Southern Cross" but I couldn't place that reference.
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PostPosted: Thu Sep 15, 2016 12:44 pm Reply with quote
^Now that you say it, I think I remember the scene. Which one was it? Critique of Pure Reason is the one that comes to mind (a book I actually own. I was really into philosophy in high school).
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PostPosted: Thu Sep 15, 2016 12:50 pm Reply with quote
I mostly remember Ange because mangaka Tanemura Arina was a pretty big fangirl of the series - I think ANN mentioned this in an article.
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Paul D. Atreides

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PostPosted: Thu Sep 15, 2016 12:58 pm Reply with quote
zrnzle500 wrote:
^I doubt Zac and Jacob would find watching the show conscionable even in a professional capacity. That is how objectionable they found the first episode. And as long as that is true, I doubt that that would happen.

You know, for a moment I was actually worried that Cross Ange would ruin Zac and Theron's relationship. Or that Theron would even get fired from ANN due to backlash from the other critics.

Luckily that didn't happen. But considering how brutal the controversy around this show got, I assume other relationships weren't so lucky.

{Edit}: I removed your link because it's rather tacky to link to something that basically is nothing more than insults and personal attacks against someone. That's what most of those comments there were. I'm not accusing you of those comments, just saying that there is no reason to link to them as it's just garbage. If people want to see it that badly they can google it themselves. ~ Psycho 101
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Angel M Cazares

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PostPosted: Thu Sep 15, 2016 2:14 pm Reply with quote
Paul D. Atreides wrote:
You know, for a moment I was actually worried that Cross Ange would ruin Zac and Theron's relationship. Or that Theron would even get fired from ANN due to backlash from the other critics.

Firing Theron because of his opinion on a controversial show would have been outrageous. In his very eloquent reaction to the first episode of Cross Ange Zac was more disheartened with the fact that there is an audience that wants to see anime where women are sexually and physically abused.

I actually liked Cross Ange, but I did not agree with all of Theron's opinions of it. But I would have been upset if Theron had lost his job at ANN just because of his opinions.
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Paul D. Atreides

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PostPosted: Thu Sep 15, 2016 2:43 pm Reply with quote
angelmcazares wrote:
Paul D. Atreides wrote:
You know, for a moment I was actually worried that Cross Ange would ruin Zac and Theron's relationship. Or that Theron would even get fired from ANN due to backlash from the other critics.

Firing Theron because of his opinion on a controversial show would have been outrageous. In his very eloquent reaction to the first episode of Cross Ange Zac was more disheartened with the fact that there is an audience that wants to see anime where women are sexually and physically abused.

I actually liked Cross Ange, but I did not agree with all of Theron's opinions of it. But I would have been upset if Theron had lost his job at ANN just because of his opinions.

I'll probably step on a landmine here, but I'll go ahead and do it anyway:

Why is it that people are more upset with sexual abuse than murder in fiction? In Fate/Zero there is a villain who murders children for fun, yet apparently that didn't cause anyone to hate the show or stop watching it. But whenever sexual abuse happens in a show, it doesn't matter if a villain did it and you're clearly supposed to hate him/her for it, people will be outraged and stop watching. Why? That doesn't add up.
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PostPosted: Thu Sep 15, 2016 2:51 pm Reply with quote
Paul D. Atreides wrote:
Why is it that people are more upset with sexual abuse than murder in fiction? In Fate/Zero there is a villain who murders children for fun, yet apparently that didn't cause anyone to hate the show or stop watching it. But whenever sexual abuse happens in a show, it doesn't matter if a villain did it and you're clearly supposed to hate him/her for it, people will be outraged and stop watching. Why? That doesn't add up.

Murder's too common in stories to be effectively used to advertise one has the Right Opinions.
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PostPosted: Thu Sep 15, 2016 2:55 pm Reply with quote
angelmcazares wrote:
Firing Theron because of his opinion on a controversial show would have been outrageous.

I think outrages barely starts to describe it. Theron is one of the few reviewers I read on this website; wanting him gone because he does not obediently follow the other reviewers opinions? Now I understand why journalism in the USA has become nothing but blatantly pandering to a demographic.

In his very eloquent reaction to the first episode of Cross Ange Zac was more disheartened with the fact that there is an audience that wants to see anime where women are sexually and physically abused.

I think that is amusing, since it makes it sound like Cross Ange was the first anime to contain such elements. Mind you, I am not into female abuse (which is permissive nowadays in hentai), but there are quite a lot of other titles before this one about rape, one of which I could not get into but that zac (and hope) praised so much (wont say the title, but I say that pedoBEAR approved it) just because it was done by a famous director.
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