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REVIEW: Wagnaria!!3 Sub.Blu-Ray Part 1

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Joined: 01 Oct 2015
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PostPosted: Sat Jul 16, 2016 12:21 pm Reply with quote
I like how in season three Inami finally began to learn how to pull her punches. That shows character growth, something that season two lacked. Every major character showed some personal growth S3, except Taneshima. *Whistles*
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Joined: 05 Jan 2016
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PostPosted: Sat Jul 16, 2016 12:31 pm Reply with quote
To anyone who is reading this and hasn't watched Wagnaria yet, I fully recommend you watch it, especially if you love comedy. Super fun, comical series. Sad to see it's over, both the anime and the manga. But, I can't wait til the Wagnaria!! spinoff WWW.Working!! anime adaptation.
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Joined: 11 Sep 2003
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PostPosted: Sat Jul 16, 2016 1:08 pm Reply with quote
I know this has become a cliche in AoA review threads but I'm still astounded by their prices. I guess I'll bite because this series is so likable, though.

Sloppy_Jimbo wrote:
Every major character showed some personal growth S3, except Taneshima. *Whistles*

Poplar doesn't have any room for growthspoiler[ (I see what you did there btw)] because she's the mascot. She might as well be a talking animal.

Sloppy_Jimbo wrote:
To anyone who is reading this and hasn't watched Wagnaria yet, I fully recommend you watch it, especially if you love comedy. Super fun, comical series.

Fully agree. This is a sitcom done exactly right. Doesn't overstay its welcome and has little story-lines that don't overreach and actually go somewhere (albeit slowly).

And while they're slow, the three series actually depict less than a year of time in context so it doesn't strain credulity that way like say, Maison Ikkoku does (how many years did it take for that romance to resolve again?).
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PostPosted: Sat Jul 16, 2016 1:15 pm Reply with quote
Fronzel wrote:
I know this has become a cliche in AoA review threads but I'm still astounded by their prices. I guess I'll bite because this series is so likable, though.

Yep cliche is the right word for it, I've the first two seasons from NISA and I will buy this one to have the full series, but I'll have to steel myself to deal with AoA & their pricing.

I wish that the manga could be licensed, Servant X Service ( same mangaka ) was, one can always hope.

Mark Gosdin
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Joe Mello

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PostPosted: Sat Jul 16, 2016 1:38 pm Reply with quote
Sloppy_Jimbo wrote:
Every major character showed some personal growth S3, except Taneshima. *Whistles*

If I had to counter this, I'd say that the change in Taneshima was that the reliance on her as a comic prop reduced. While she does get caught up in spoiler[Todoroki's storyline] the payoff on that would've been in the theoretical 4th season, and instead Taneshima backs into the supporting cast for S3.

In other words, her growth is that the show made her smaller.
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PostPosted: Sat Jul 16, 2016 1:42 pm Reply with quote
I'm not normally one to complain about AoA's prices, but it's really frustrating in this instance because it sounds like a pretty bare-bones release, compared to seasons 1 and 2 which were released by NISA had their full deluxe treatment, and I really enjoyed the concept art and promo art they came with. Season 3 was my favorite by far so it's sad that we don't even get a measly little booklet with it while paying twice as much.
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Stampeed Valkyrie

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PostPosted: Sat Jul 16, 2016 2:52 pm Reply with quote
Whoa I just looked at the price... RS has it listed for $70 for part 1 which is just episodes 1-7. I have the other deluxe sets for Seasons 1 and 2 from NIS and really would be interested in this.. but $140 for 13 episodes subbed... nope.

Speaking of which RS also has the the other 2 seasons for $42 and $46... so $89 for 2 seasons and $140 for season 3...

AoA will get me with Charlotte and probably Erased.. but not this..
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Joined: 31 May 2005
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PostPosted: Sat Jul 16, 2016 4:03 pm Reply with quote
Really enjoyed the first two seasons, so disappointing that AoA is releasing season 3. Maybe, at some point they'll change their policy and release a reasonably priced season set, but until then, this will go missing from my collection.
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Joined: 16 Feb 2012
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PostPosted: Sat Jul 16, 2016 7:45 pm Reply with quote
Joe Mello wrote:
Sloppy_Jimbo wrote:
Every major character showed some personal growth S3, except Taneshima. *Whistles*

If I had to counter this, I'd say that the change in Taneshima was that the reliance on her as a comic prop reduced. While she does get caught up in spoiler[Todoroki's storyline] the payoff on that would've been in the theoretical 4th season, and instead Taneshima backs into the supporting cast for S3.

In other words, her growth is that the show made her smaller.

No, no, it's Aoi who had the least amount of growth; To counter the counter argument, I think Taneshima had the most growth because she had to do it on her own while everyone else had support. I think her exclusion make her more able to carefully watch those around her, setting her up for the end of the series. Just like the "normal girl", she probably has a life outside of Wagneria; She's just ther eto do her job... and Aoi's job... and Inami's job when there are male customers... and so on...

Aoi was fully static as she went from relying on her mother, her brother and then her new mother, father, brother figures of Wagnaria. Then she went home... to rely on her original family again. She wishes she was a prop as then she'd be useful.

Wait, it's even worse than that because she ends up using both her family and the Wagneria staff in the end. Once home again, does she even need to work... does she even work in the first place?

My standard for the anime workplace comedy is Servant x Service from the same author. It's like Working but actually admits that all its characters exist outside of the workplace. It's also a lot more realistic and with a talking toy bunny mascot/boss, that's saying something.

The biggest problem with Working is that not only are side characters, as well one or two main characters, walking running gags, new characters are introduced just as punchlines to those running gags. Then they hang around, adding to the run time of the entire series which really could be a single series. But as everyone links, the fairly stable main cast connect to oddballs who in turn connect to greater oddballs.

Culminating in the ultimate link, the greatest oddball: spoiler[Takanashi's mother]. It makes the whole setup tiring in the end because not only are we suppose to care about these people, we also have to remember how they connect and to whom.
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Joined: 11 Sep 2003
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PostPosted: Sat Jul 16, 2016 8:19 pm Reply with quote
Animegomaniac wrote:
Just like the "normal girl", she probably has a life outside of Wagneria;

I like to imagine she has a boyfriend because moes never do. He is 1cm shorter than her.

Animegomaniac wrote:
Aoi was fully static as she went from relying on her mother, her brother and then her new mother, father, brother figures of Wagnaria. Then she went home... to rely on her original family again.

I don't think we're ever told just how old she is but she has the atmosphere of a child. Of course she goes back to her family.

Animegomaniac wrote:
My standard for the anime workplace comedy is Servant x Service from the same author. It's like Working but actually admits that all its characters exist outside of the workplace. It's also a lot more realistic and with a talking toy bunny mascot/boss, that's saying something.

It also goes nowhere with the examination of the character's motivations regarding their jobs, has a much weaker romance angle, and flounders in that realism for a while before the author's talent for understated silliness (well-seen in Working!) re-emerges.
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Joined: 05 Apr 2016
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PostPosted: Sun Jul 17, 2016 2:10 am Reply with quote
Weird that the review of Wagnaria's third season is out without the ones for the previous two. Would those reviews come out sometime soon, or maybe not? Rolling Eyes

I find Satou and Todoroki a pretty nice couple. Slowly developed, of course, at least they are more believable than the other couple in this particular show. If only they can refrain from any anticlimactic twists...
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Joe Mello

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PostPosted: Sun Jul 17, 2016 3:12 pm Reply with quote
Animegomaniac wrote:
Aoi was fully static as she went from relying on her mother, her brother and then her new mother, father, brother figures of Wagnaria. Then she went home... to rely on her original family again. She wishes she was a prop as then she'd be useful.

Except the entire joke is that she isn't. When Yamada is first introduced, she's introduced as lying and manipulative, but is quickly defanged as incompetent and delusional trying to pursue a manga fantasy of the perfect fantasy. When she finally gets a family who will to love her without reservation (as opposed to her co-workers who mostly just tolerate her) spoiler[she's back at Wagnaria in the very next scene.]
Yamada's growth is her abject rejection of growth. And maybe her skill in recovering lost wives.
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Joined: 11 Sep 2003
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PostPosted: Sun Jul 17, 2016 5:28 pm Reply with quote
Joe Mello wrote:
When she finally gets a family who will to love her without reservation (as opposed to her co-workers who mostly just tolerate her) spoiler[she's back at Wagnaria in the very next scene.]

"Yamada is indispensable!"

That's a joke about how important she had become to the comic chemistry; the author really couldn't get rid of her because her nonsense is too valuable to poke the other characters into amusing reactions.
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Joe Mello

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PostPosted: Mon Jul 18, 2016 10:31 pm Reply with quote
Tbh even though she was my least favorite character for the first 35-or-so episodes, Yamada is probably the only character that started as a fully-formed idea (or close to it) as opposed to one or two quirks turned up to 11.
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