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Joined: 29 May 2013
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Posted: Fri Jul 01, 2016 11:52 am
Is this thread for making fun of the new berserk anime?
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Joined: 24 Feb 2012
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Posted: Fri Jul 01, 2016 11:56 am
Jacob, why are you telling people to watch the berserk movies when they could watch the original anime.
I started watching the episode, but won't have time to finish it until later today. I will say that the CGI looks as hideous as could be expected, the movements are terribly wonky. And the opening animation? Jesus, it's like they never heard of in-betweeners. I also really hope they'll change that for future episodes, I don't know why they felt we needed to see Griffith raping Casca at the beginning of every episode. Really hoping it's a sort of "previously in Berserk" for people who forgot and not what we'll get for the next 13/26 weeks
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Joined: 05 Feb 2013
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Posted: Fri Jul 01, 2016 11:58 am
Quote: | So when a mono-textured, poop-colored, people-eating-tree burst from the ground at a glorious five frames per second to toss Playstation 2-era NPCs into its mouth, not even my strong nostalgic feelings for Berserk could overpower the disappointment. |
Big Thanks to Jacob for summing up my feelings about the show in one poignant sentence.
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Joined: 28 Apr 2011
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Posted: Fri Jul 01, 2016 12:01 pm
I have been wanting to get into Berserk for a while. I was too young in the 90s to even know about it, and I haven't even heard of the series until about last year. Where do I begin to watch? Any help would be tremendously appreciated. By the way, I'm not a manga-only type of person as I like to experience both every medium of a franchise as possible, beginning with anime first.
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Joined: 23 Dec 2007
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Posted: Fri Jul 01, 2016 12:05 pm
I wrote this before i saw Berserk , i am being punished? Like WTF?
Amanchu! The manga started off as a well done Mono No Aware and turned into another (slightly better) K-ON-esque moeblob virginity porno within volumes. I can recommend the anime if it stops with ep.13 but not otherwise. How often have I used this line?
Arslan Senki: Fuujin Ranbu The adaptation couldn´t wait to have enough manga to adapt, so why didn´t they just do the books instead of this compromise? The manga has more subplots, better pacing and the new show is only 8 eps. long + 1 OVA. This rushed adaptation is at least better than the incomprehensible 90s OVAs.
Berserk Look @ the confirmed episode names gang. The team appears to be doing the very 1st chapter and the next ep is Vol.18. This is catastrophic as Berserk has a Watchmen like structure. Skipping arcs will invalidate the the whole narrative. Occasional 1 min. flashbacks can´t "fix" this! Fancy 3D animation (i for one love the clips themselves, how rare is actual animation on a TV anime?) won´t save the show from being broken at the very core. I thus expect a 6-7/10 music video to go along with the manga and hope for the best. Half a "missing" series + and another "missing" half due to the abhorred films, which didn´t even get basic characterization right (!), make NO adaptation at all... Why did Berserk adaptations peak in 1997?
Mob Psycho 100 I like ESP but the manga is pretty meh and ONE´s other "magnum opus" already left me lukewarm. I will also note that no remake manga exist here. Bones put a lot of money into the animation but can they turn a no-budget webcomic into the Next Big Thing, without "proper" story boards to lead them. If so, then One may became the next Toriyama in the west.
Orange will probably be proclaimed as the "drama of the year", or whatever, and the Shoujo (turned Seinen) manga is a fine enough read but hardly perfect. The biggest problem is the barely there ending, which will need to be expanded.
Interesting YA romance shows are rare, so I take what I get.
Rewrite I ain´t a Key fan as most of their shows turn out to be emotionally manipulative moe-harem nonsense. Certainly better than most such offerings but you only live once. The different Air and Angel Beats! broke that mold though and ended up being interesting enough, so i may get my 3rd B-. At least it´s not based on porn but the anime is made by no names.
Durarara!! is getting an obligatory OVA and Drifters in getting one too before the fall show. That manga has a lot untapped potential. A loose and reworked adaptation would be nice. Nothing much here, as always
The Mobile Suit Gundam Thunderbolt ONA is getting a "restored" movie edition and Kingsglaive: Final Fantasy XV looks pretty promising. Advent Children Complete was one of the few good game to film adaptation, the best even but is this what it has come to? A home release videogame tie-in is the highest profile anime film of the summer, sigh.
I ain´t gonna lie, this season is a wet piece of nothing and a potentially the worst in 3 or so years. A broken Berserk adaption may be the sole dish on my plate. Thank god for BoJack Horseman, The Killing Joke, Voltron and co. See you when all had a chance to air.
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Shay Guy
Joined: 03 Jul 2009
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Posted: Fri Jul 01, 2016 12:10 pm
Quote: | Still, the strong direction and generally clean visual design make ReZERO's aesthetics a notch in its favor.
Overall, ReZERO's writing seems strong enough to make it well worth a look. |
Last edited by Shay Guy on Fri Jul 01, 2016 12:20 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Joined: 05 Aug 2014
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Posted: Fri Jul 01, 2016 12:17 pm
Low expectations going into Berserk due the CG and staff.That said,I really enjoyed this despite the janky CG. The OST and sound design is top-notch stuff.The direction nails the bleak and dark atmosphere the series is known for,and it looks pretty good at points (some of those shots are just beyond bad). I foresee a lot of bitching from the fans already (besides the bad CG) due to it not being a panel for panel adaptation with them switching and mixing some stuff; the big thing being them cutting the Lost Children arc,which would be superfluous here since that was their in the manga to reintroduce the audience to Guts in his state and the world after the eclipse. Looking forward to seeing where they go with this.
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Joined: 24 Aug 2014
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Posted: Fri Jul 01, 2016 12:18 pm
Berserk: Like everyone else has pointed out, the CG is pretty wonky and it can look straight out of an early PS2 game at times. It's definitely not a great looking show, and it's obvious how they tried to cut corners with any and all characters that weren't essential to the show... HOWEVER, as Jacob pointed out, the director makes great use of the 3D space he's given, making all fight scenes look extremely dynamic and tense. Along with that comes the music, that seems to fit all scenes very well, and the pacing ensures we don't stay in one scene for too long before dropping into the next one.
All in all, I enjoyed my time with the episode, and I'm not too worried about them skipping content: they seem to be thinking of this show as a follow-up to the movies, so obviously the Golden Age is going to be skipped. As for the Black Swordman arc and the Lost Children Arc... well, they showed Guts at his most edgy, to be honest, the former because we hadn't been shown the character development he suffered through the Golden Age arc, and the latter because it seemed to be trying to tie things with what came before said arc. So yeah, I feel those are all pretty necessary cuts.
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Joined: 22 Feb 2015
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Posted: Fri Jul 01, 2016 12:21 pm
Themaster20000 wrote: | I foresee a lot of bitching from the fans already (besides the bad CG) due to it not being a panel for panel adaptation with them switching and mixing some stuff; the big thing being them cutting the Lost Children arc,which would be superfluous here since that was their in the manga to reintroduce the audience to Guts in his state and the world after the eclipse. |
Lost Children was a lot more than that, but I won't get into that. My problem is they've cut out certain aspects of the story that really should be introduced to new viewers, and it's not gonna make a lot of sense to them. I think it's really patchwork at the moment. I'll wait and see if they introduce those aspects, but I don't think it'll be done smoothly.
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Joined: 20 Dec 2007
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Posted: Fri Jul 01, 2016 12:24 pm
As for the review of Momokuri, is her actions really that bad or off putting. Anime is filled with second hand kisses. Today, I got to hear from a local news anchor, that she didn't wash her face for days after being kissed on the cheek from a basketball player. Is that really any different. I would concede if she was like the stalker in Penguindrum, but from what you said, she is not.
Will probably give the show a chance and see if the characters are engaging. They kind of have to be in this kind of show, unless if this show is going to go off the deep end as Rebecca seems to imply.
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+ 光
Joined: 22 Mar 2016
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Posted: Fri Jul 01, 2016 12:29 pm
Shay Guy wrote: |
Quote: | Still, the strong direction and generally clean visual design make ReZERO's aesthetics a notch in its favor.
Overall, ReZERO's writing seems strong enough to make it well worth a look. |
Ahem. |
Came here to point out the same.
Wrong preview guide, man.
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Joined: 30 Jun 2015
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Posted: Fri Jul 01, 2016 12:33 pm
Berserk - 0.5/5
It's a thing I guess? I don't know who this is made for since it's a boring adaptation that skips a lot of necessary plot elements and is tonally inconsistent. The OST and dialogue make this feel as if it's a self-parody with its over the top broodiness.
ReLife - 1.5/5
For a little bit there I thought this was going to be a poignant tale about the soul crushing nature of salary man life. But nope, it's a typical school comedy with jokes that have been used over and over again only now with a little bit more interesting circumstances than usual.
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Joined: 23 Jun 2014
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Posted: Fri Jul 01, 2016 12:43 pm
I liked Momokuri; it has a sweeter-than-most feel to it.
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Joined: 04 Oct 2014
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Posted: Fri Jul 01, 2016 12:44 pm
Berserk (3.5) : Even with lowered expectations, It was a still a bit disappointing. The CG was definitely janky, and this is coming from someone who was liked many of the CG anime that has come out in recent years. Still have to see the original and I might just do that instead but we'll see.
Momokuri (2.5) : yeah just about as creepy as Rebecca said. I don't think I can bring myself to watch another episode.
ReLIFE (4 maybe): As a 25 yo who's professional life isn't going as planned (though not as badly), I can sympathize with the guy. I don't mind the high school antics, though I can't say I would do the same in his position. Animation isn't much to write home about
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Joined: 04 Oct 2012
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Posted: Fri Jul 01, 2016 1:00 pm
Berserk's directing, cinematography, and editing were a mess. Framing was consistently bad; most shot were from weird, wonky angles; editing was frantically random, swerving from shot to shot without anchors; and camera work was nauseating and only served to accentuate the other flaws. I can only begin to imagine how long-time fans must feel. Was this not supposed to be a big production? What a disappointment.
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