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REVIEW: Gonna be the Twin-Tail!! BD+DVD

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Joined: 05 Jul 2011
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PostPosted: Thu Jun 30, 2016 11:14 am Reply with quote
I have so much love for this series. It's actually one of the few shows I gave a perfect show based entirely on how much I loved it. It's stupid and it knows it is and just plays with it in the best of ways. I've been waiting to own this for forever and will be buying it as soon as I get a chance.

I just wish it had a lot more episodes, I could watch it for forever.
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Joined: 17 Feb 2008
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PostPosted: Thu Jun 30, 2016 12:04 pm Reply with quote
Too long for its meager plot, drags while characters start to grate, Twoearle gets annoying really quickly, boob jokes begin to feel mean, some censorship

Wait, this release is censored!? Was their anything to censor in the original airing, or...? (I haven't watched it yet, as weirdly enough, I like to buy before I watch)
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Spike Terra

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PostPosted: Thu Jun 30, 2016 12:08 pm Reply with quote
Cyclone1993 wrote:
I have so much love for this series. It's actually one of the few shows I gave a perfect show based entirely on how much I loved it. It's stupid and it knows it is and just plays with it in the best of ways. I've been waiting to own this for forever and will be buying it as soon as I get a chance.

I just wish it had a lot more episodes, I could watch it for forever.

I agree with you 100%. I got my blurays for Twintails a week ago (but I still haven't tried the dub for it yet).

That being said, I enjoyed reading this review. Rebecca, I think you gave a good analysis to this show even if that analysis was counter to my massive fan-boyesque love for this bizarre sentai series. If I had one criticism for your review, it would be that I think you scored the music a little too low. I thought the opening and ending themes were great. However the soundtracks true strength was for enhancing the jokes. I don't think I would have laughed as much at the scene where Erina takes the pee pill (seriously Twoearle why the hell did you make that) if they didn't have the dramatic Titanicesque music in the background.
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PostPosted: Thu Jun 30, 2016 1:00 pm Reply with quote
I don't have much to add here, but I liked this show quite a lot. It's definitely a dumb show, but it's very self-aware. I never felt like it actually dragged, hell, I'd probably want more of this.

Personally I loved how they got these really big name voice actors in the Japanese version to do the villains. There really isn't any reason or need for that, but it's really fun hearing all those voices together. Especially spoiler[Shuuichi Ikeda in the last episode caught me off guard. It was great.]
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PostPosted: Thu Jun 30, 2016 1:09 pm Reply with quote
kyokun47 wrote:

Wait, this release is censored!? Was their anything to censor in the original airing, or...? (I haven't watched it yet, as weirdly enough, I like to buy before I watch)

It really is minor - just one bath scene towards the end where breasts are obscured. It's actually pretty weird, because at a different point, Dark Grasper is walking around totally naked and the "censorship" is swirls of dust and feels very much like a parody of censorship. But it really isn't enough to make this not worth buying if you like this kind of show.

The pee pill...why is there always something I can't work in to my reviews?! That whole scene was so...this show. Laughing
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PostPosted: Thu Jun 30, 2016 1:18 pm Reply with quote
I got a kick out of this show. It never intends to be taken seriously, and it's pretty obvious that the cast had fun with it.
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Joined: 29 Apr 2013
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PostPosted: Thu Jun 30, 2016 1:57 pm Reply with quote
the animation getting a b was too high, I remember the animation being pretty abdin this show with lots of QUALITY moments, unlcluding one full frontla nudity scene because someone painted a body suit using skin colour. that being said, it was the tv/stream version, the animation might have gotten retouched for bluray.
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PostPosted: Thu Jun 30, 2016 2:28 pm Reply with quote
This is completely true: the show was too long. It would have been great as a 4 episode OVA, but the remaining 8 episodes just draggen on and on. It really seemed like it was going to end after the defeat of the dragon beast, and that would have worked.
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PostPosted: Thu Jun 30, 2016 3:13 pm Reply with quote
maximilianjenus wrote:
the animation getting a b was too high, I remember the animation being pretty abdin this show with lots of QUALITY moments, unlcluding one full frontla nudity scene because someone painted a body suit using skin colour. that being said, it was the tv/stream version, the animation might have gotten retouched for bluray.
Indeed, many things were redone, so from the sound of the review, it seems Funi at least got the home video version instead of the TV broadcast masters.
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Joined: 27 Jan 2012
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PostPosted: Thu Jun 30, 2016 3:19 pm Reply with quote
I loved this show, so I probably would have given it a B-. Good review though. The series was goofy and lighthearted, and I liked that it reveled in its ridiculousness. It put a smile when I watched it, and it made me laugh more than any of the other comedies that were airing that season. The opening and endings were great too. That said, I'm gonna have to agree with maximillianjenus on the animation. I love the art style and character designs but the animation was pretty cheap.
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PostPosted: Thu Jun 30, 2016 3:33 pm Reply with quote
Does anyone know why Funimation would censor this show, kinda strange for anime from Funimation to be censored.
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PostPosted: Thu Jun 30, 2016 11:35 pm Reply with quote
Zalis116 wrote:
maximilianjenus wrote:
the animation getting a b was too high, I remember the animation being pretty abdin this show with lots of QUALITY moments, unlcluding one full frontla nudity scene because someone painted a body suit using skin colour. that being said, it was the tv/stream version, the animation might have gotten retouched for bluray.
Indeed, many things were redone, so from the sound of the review, it seems Funi at least got the home video version instead of the TV broadcast masters.

thanks, yeah, it looks like they improved it quite a bit, taht folder even has the "frontal nudity" bit Anime hyper
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PostPosted: Fri Jul 01, 2016 11:09 am Reply with quote
I watched this streaming as one of my "dumb thing to watch over dinner" picks, but I didn't get all the way through. Maybe I should give it another try...

Rebecca wrote:
transforms all the men on Earth in BL uke lookalikes for his girly-boy attribute.

Wrong target audience. The girly-boy archetype in question is the "otokonoko" (literally "male girl", a pun on the word for boy), which is solidly male targeted. The show rags on male-targeted otaku obsessions almost exclusively; it might be fun to see a genderflipped version going after otome/fujoshi "attributes"...
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Joined: 27 Dec 2009
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PostPosted: Fri Jul 01, 2016 8:50 pm Reply with quote
Yeah, this show was way better than I thought it was going to be. I bought it blind sort of as a joke for myself, like "this is probably going to be really stupid." Turns it out, it is pretty stupid, but it knows it is and has fun with it. I really appreciate the melding parody of otakuism and super sentai. Kind of wish there was more combining; they only combined once. Aika's subversive relationship with Twoearle was pretty good too, especially the sound Maaya Uchida makes when Aika knocks Twoearle across the head.

The story was too thin; I was hoping it would go deeper. It's an adaption of a light novel that currently has 11 volumes. I don't know how far the anime goes, but I feel like there's probably more story that they could have adapted. I'd like a sequel that builds off the foundation they have here, but I have to imagine this didn't do so well in Japan. I'd be interested in reading the light novels too, if fan translations exist, or if Viz decided to bring it over. Yen Press seems to be the only one really focusing on light novels though, so I doubt Viz would be interested unless light novels are doing really well in the market.

I think there's stuff here people would like, as long as they give it a chance, since it's more than it let's on at first glance.

@Zalis116: Wow, the difference between the TV version and the home video version is stunning. I feel like the difference usually isn't so stark. They put a lot of work into the Blu-ray then.

Also, I feel like saying the show is censored is a bit misleading. As far as I know, these are the same as the home video masters in Japan. The only "censoring" is some mist in one of the last episodes, but I would consider that normal.
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leafy sea dragon

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PostPosted: Sat Jul 02, 2016 5:13 am Reply with quote
TarsTarkas wrote:
Does anyone know why Funimation would censor this show, kinda strange for anime from Funimation to be censored.

My guess is that FUNimation did not censor it, but received it like that from the source. That's the best reason I can think of why it'd be inconsistent like that.

lebrel wrote:
Wrong target audience. The girly-boy archetype in question is the "otokonoko" (literally "male girl", a pun on the word for boy), which is solidly male targeted. The show rags on male-targeted otaku obsessions almost exclusively; it might be fun to see a genderflipped version going after otome/fujoshi "attributes"...

Is that related to the sissy-boy fetish that seems to be popular in the United States among middle-aged men? (The sissy-boy character, from what I can gather, is a teenage or young adult male who looks highly effeminate, far more than the bishounen, and behaves meekly, timidly, and submissively. In extreme cases, he'll have a malformed, underdeveloped, or otherwise tiny penis. He may or may not cross-dress, but when he does, the sissy-boy pretends to be a girl. They also often, but far from always, crave sex. You mostly find this character in erotic fiction.)

Razzuel wrote:
The story was too thin; I was hoping it would go deeper. It's an adaption of a light novel that currently has 11 volumes. I don't know how far the anime goes, but I feel like there's probably more story that they could have adapted. I'd like a sequel that builds off the foundation they have here, but I have to imagine this didn't do so well in Japan. I'd be interested in reading the light novels too, if fan translations exist, or if Viz decided to bring it over. Yen Press seems to be the only one really focusing on light novels though, so I doubt Viz would be interested unless light novels are doing really well in the market.

There's a ton of Japanese fanart of Tailred, if that's anything to go by. Then again, Is It Wrong to Pick Up Girls in a Dungeon? dropped off in popularity a ton after the Hestia meme ran its course, so fanart popularity might not have much to do with a TV show's ratings or home video sales.
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