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Top 10 best / top 5 worst manga

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Joined: 08 Jul 2007
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PostPosted: Tue May 20, 2014 2:30 am Reply with quote
I agree about Hana Kimi. It was one of the first shoujos I read when I first started reading manga. I picked it up because it was a very popular series then (and probably still is today). I remembered reading all 20+ volumes and coming away vastly disappointed. I thought that perhaps I had too much expectations coming into the series, which is why I ended up disliking it so much. This was before I understood the serialization process of manga, which probably would have given me a better understanding of the disjointed nature of this particular manga and why it was so ridiculously drawn out.

I wouldn't call myself a sex hound and given the overall tone of Hana Kimi, I probably shouldn't have expected much, but the manga was too chaste for my tastes. There was a lot of build-up that really led nowhere. I probably would have been quite satisfied had there been a lot of lovey dovey type relationship chapters, but there wasn't. We got every type of silly side story under the sun, while the relationship between the pair stayed stagnate.

Also, I hate gender benders. There's something about that type of deception that I find immensely unappealing as a trope.

I do like Oresama Sensei, but I'll admit that I haven't kept up. I think it's a hilarious manga (I nearly died laughing with the crazy ninja gags), and I get that the humor might not be to everyone's taste. However, I can only run on gag story arcs for so long. I know there's an attempt there to develop side characters and relationships, but it's just too drawn out (at last from where I last read anyway) and not enough development on the parts of the main character and her relationship. I mean, who the heck is she supposed to fall in love with anyway? I've read 13 volumes and I have to remind myself that she's a girl sometimes. I'm okay reading about Mafuyu, her sensei, Hayakawa, and even Mafuyu's friends, but it's over indulgent when I have to delve into the stories of her school "enemies" too. I frankly, don't give a you know what about any of them. It's almost, if not worse than Skip Beat!
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Joined: 08 Sep 2012
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PostPosted: Fri Aug 15, 2014 4:17 pm Reply with quote
Ookiku Furikabutte has just shot into my top 10 (knocking off Magi) - my full list is on page 2 but I will also post my reasonings below Very Happy

3. Ookiku Furikabutte - After watching Big Windup I fell in love with this series. I kept hoping for a third season until I found out that the anime wasn't a big enough success to get one. So I decided to pick up the manga... Well it took me a while to convince myself to read the scans (hell there's no other way to read it in a language I can understand). I love every character but especially all the members of Nishiura. I love the boisterousness of each of the character and the development they undergo as a group of friends. I love some of the banter and conversations they have through out the manga which didn't make it into the anime. The action is fantastic, the pacing is perfect and the story telling is a masterpiece!
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Jose Cruz

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PostPosted: Tue Dec 16, 2014 11:42 pm Reply with quote
I am a beginner in terms of manga. Though my top favorites are as of now.

Gunnm: Great story in the cyborg genre. By the end my eyes were wet with emotion, indeed a classic for a reason.

Nausicaa: Miyazaki's masterpiece, superior to any of his films because the manga medium allows for a depth of character and theme that film does not. My favorite manga of all time for now and indeed a great work of literature.

Lone Wolf and Cub: Incredibly powerful tale of revenge. Immortal classic of the manga medium and obviously extremely influential. Before reading it I had already experienced many of it's tropes elsewhere and it's influence over Japanese pop culture is incredible. Besides being one of those obvious classics it is also by itself a great work that is simultaneously entertaining.

20th Century Boys & 21st Century Boys: It's a common trope in manga/anime to play around with simultaneous timelines but none that I have read/watched are as skill full and complex that way than this one. A monumental achievement in character development. Kept me engrossed to the end of the narrative.

Vinland Saga: Historical fiction has always attracted me. It's a very realistic manga that depicts medieval Europe with more realism than most other depictions I heard about, however, it also has the typical super exaggerated combat scenes of shounen/seinen manga where a viking can throw a horse with a punch. Still, despite some absurdities like those, it's really great and I loved Askeladd, one of the greatest characters of the medium.

I plan to read a ton of more manga to arrive at 10 titles that I love and I will post them in the future. But so far my top 10 has 5 entries deserving to be there.

Last edited by Jose Cruz on Mon Dec 05, 2016 1:03 am; edited 1 time in total
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Jose Cruz

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PostPosted: Mon Jul 27, 2015 12:32 am Reply with quote
Update, now adding a couple new titles to finally assemble a good top 10 manga list:

Gunnm Last Order: Continues the adventures of Alita. Like the original, it's sense of world building is incredible which endows the manga with a great atmosphere. Also, it's has a great characters, very memorable indeed and displays such great show of imagination. The factions created are very creative as well as the depiction of the fall and recovery of civilization after collapse in the early 21st century. I loved everything about it except when the fight scenes got a tad bit convoluted.

Koe no Katachi: Great manga. The psychology of teenagers has never been depicted in a more realistic manner, well at least for me, this has been a powerful read so far. And I found out this manga almost by accident, what a great accident it was indeed.

Yokohama Kaidachi Kikou: Talking about atmosphere, nothing is better than Yokohama Kaidachi Kikou, perhaps similar to the series Aria: The Origination in atmosphere.

Yotsuba: Perhaps the My Neighbor Totoro of manga, considering it is a very realistic depiction of childhood and the joy of daily life. While Azumanga Daioh was also great, Yotsuba reaches the peaks for this mangaka, in my honest opinion. A masterpiece of graphic fiction.

Vagabond: Great depiction of the way of samurai and of the human condition in general. I have learned a good deal about my own life by reading this as the life of Miyamoto Musashi represents the deal and struggle that humans go through life. The realistic art is also exquisite, reminds me of Lone Wolf and Cub but it is slightly more philosophical than that old classic.
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Joined: 19 Oct 2015
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PostPosted: Mon Nov 02, 2015 3:35 am Reply with quote
Jose Cruz wrote:
Update, now adding a couple new titles to finally assemble a good top 10 manga list:

Gunnm Last Order: Continues the adventures of Alita. Like the original, it's sense of world building is incredible which endows the manga with a great atmosphere. Also, it's has a great characters, very memorable indeed and displays such great show of imagination. The factions created are very creative as well as the depiction of the fall and recovery of civilization after collapse in the early 21st century. I loved everything about it except when the fight scenes got a tad bit convoluted.

Koe no Katachi: Great manga. The psychology of teenagers has never been depicted in a more realistic manner, well at least for me, this has been a powerful read so far. And I found out this manga almost by accident, what a great accident it was indeed.

Yokohama Kaidachi Kikou: Talking about atmosphere, nothing is better than Yokohama Kaidachi Kikou, perhaps similar to the series Aria: The Origination in atmosphere.

Yotsuba: Perhaps the My Neighbor Totoro of manga, considering it is a very realistic depiction of childhood and the joy of daily life. While Azumanga Daioh was also great, Yotsuba reaches the peaks for this mangaka, in my honest opinion. A masterpiece of graphic fiction.

Vagabond: Great depiction of the way of samurai and of the human condition in general. I have learned a good deal about my own life by reading this as the life of Miyamoto Musashi represents the deal and struggle that humans go through life. The realistic art is also exquisite, reminds me of Lone Wolf and Cub but it is slightly more philosophical than that old classic.

interesting list. Will try to read some of those.
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PostPosted: Mon Nov 16, 2015 5:08 pm Reply with quote
[Edit]: Please provide reasons. Errinundra.
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Redbeard 101
Oscar the Grouch
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PostPosted: Mon Nov 16, 2015 7:05 pm Reply with quote
Hello Danmyao, welcome to the forums! While we're always happy to have new posters we do frown upon simple list posts with no substance to them. So if you would could you please edit your list and add some reasons why you like those titles. Thank you.
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Joined: 25 Nov 2015
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PostPosted: Wed Nov 25, 2015 10:14 am Reply with quote
[Edit]: Please provide reasons. Errinundra.
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Joined: 20 May 2008
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PostPosted: Wed Nov 25, 2015 1:20 pm Reply with quote
^ Very good. But had you bothered to read the post above yours, or indeed the rules above the posting box, you would have understood that simply listing is forbidden around here. Rolling Eyes Why do or don't you like those titles?
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Joined: 14 Jun 2008
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PostPosted: Wed Nov 25, 2015 1:54 pm Reply with quote
Yes, as st_owly says, please provide reasons. If reasons aren't given by the end of the week, I'll be deleting the posts from Danmyao and InvisibleSenpai. I would love to see why you guys like these manga.
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Joined: 09 Dec 2015
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PostPosted: Wed Dec 09, 2015 6:29 pm Reply with quote
[Edit]: Please provide reasons. Errinundra.
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Jose Cruz

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PostPosted: Mon Dec 05, 2016 1:02 am Reply with quote
I will change Joe no Katachi in my top 10 for Ashita no Joe. Now that's an amazing achievement in manga/comics, its is said to provide the basis for sport comics and also influenced tremendously shounen manga, being the quintessential boxing manga. Still it's from 1968-1973 so that it reflects Japan was it was still a developing country: the whole atmosphere and mentality displayed in the manga look tremendously distinct from contemporary Japanese pop culture, feeling more like Japanese films from the 50's and 60's, which are more simple and visceral than the highly sophisticated and self conscious otaku culture that has dominated Japanese visual culture over the past couple of decades. Still basic elements of what makes Japanese combat based narratives entertaining, that you can see in manga like DragonBall and YoYoHakusho, can be seem in Ashita no Joe as well: stuff like boxers with wildly different power levels (one boxer being so superior to another to be able to fake losing by allowing the other to hit him many times while pretending to feel pain). Its emotional power is also unsurpassed by any manga/comic I have read to this day.[/list]
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Joined: 14 Jun 2008
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PostPosted: Fri Feb 10, 2017 3:36 pm Reply with quote
You may notice that some lists and reponses have been deleted. Please provide reasons, even brief ones, of why you like your choices. Thanks.
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Joined: 12 Apr 2017
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PostPosted: Wed Apr 12, 2017 10:04 pm Reply with quote
This topic is not much clear. I mean, each one of us prefers different genre/ kind of manga. For example, my worst manga list is composed of shoujo manga and it will not be accepted by some fangirls. That's why I will give my top 10 I love.
10, Akagi: Yami ni Oritatta Tensai
Akagi is not just a typical pure genius. He is a freaking devilish genius who can feel the fortune smiles upon him. If you love type of genius character, you definitely love him.
9, Ibitsu
A true fan of horror manga will find Ibitsu everything he desired in a horror genre. A horror myth, unstoppable ghost, horrific scenes and weakling main. What could you want more?
8, GTO
GTO is truly a monument for School Life manga. A violent gangster become a teacher, and his craziness helps him most of the time.
7, Kimi no Iru Machi
It's really difficult to choose one Romance manga, as I find lots of manga in this type as great as Kimi no Iru Machi. However, I love Kimi no Iru Machi because of the realistic Slice of Life in this romantic story. And well, the fact is I love Eba Yuzuki.
6, One Piece
A great popular manga, suitable for all ages.
5, Death Note
A highly recommended manga for everyone. Why? A thrilling deathmatch by 2 geniuses, a beyond human imagination power, an extraordinary Criminal genre

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Joined: 17 Apr 2017
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PostPosted: Mon Apr 17, 2017 5:20 am Reply with quote
Zoophilia Syndrome and Ecchi Shoujo Pantsu. Although I don't regret reading them I still wish that I would had never laid my eyes on them.
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