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Shelf Life - Venti Drama with Extra Sauce

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Joined: 05 Dec 2005
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PostPosted: Mon Aug 13, 2007 5:02 pm Reply with quote
...dear God that scares me. I'm sorry you found that in your drink.

and believe me- i've met heartless girls like Sae. I don't know if they don wigs- but they have been known to steal others boyfriends, get them drunk and mak out with them, or simply have a one night stand with their best friends bf.

i think that's the only reason I haven't been able to bring myself to buy peach Girl- it'd remind me too much of those girls. So the High school drama.

....and I loved Boston Public until they took my favorite teacher off. the one who got stabbed in his classroom? *sigh* memories...

...Space Pirate Mito. I had a sampler disc of it...I think it was like the frist four episodes...and I enjoyed it. but not enough to purcahse it. But its a nice reminder- maybe someday i'll grab it. A pair of Queens looks...well. I don't think i'd like it.

...as for the shelf-
Where did you get that Axel plushie? And the Spiral poster?

As for the manga...awesome! I think theres about five seris there I don't own- but i've got others in their place. i wish I could get it all together though. *fumes*

Awesome colmun! Go to a different starbucks from now on.
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Joined: 24 May 2005
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PostPosted: Mon Aug 13, 2007 5:13 pm Reply with quote
Glad to see Saiunkoku getting the love it deserves. A lot of people do compare it to Fushi Yugi. I don't think there similar at all. But this is mainly because I HATED FY and never made it past the second disc. Saiunkoku on the other hand has just the sort of female lead I look for in anime. The show getting licensed singlehanded restored my faith in the chances of josei shows. Everyone go buy it so they will license season 2
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Buster Blader 126

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PostPosted: Mon Aug 13, 2007 5:26 pm Reply with quote
SakechanBD wrote:
If you look at the picture that Richard J posted, you can see that the inside fans out, leaving space only for each disc. It's similar to some of the CD binders that some stores sell.

Oh, I see.

Damn, that's definitely a predicament for me. I'm not one who'd like to throw away the DVD cases either, yet I generally like to keep the series I collect in a box. Better think this one through carefully.

Thanks for the explanation.
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PostPosted: Mon Aug 13, 2007 6:18 pm Reply with quote
Totally tangential... for anyone who's heard the full version of the Saiunkoku opening theme, "Hajimari no Kaze," do you think the instrumental bridge sounds like Cyndi Lauper's "Time After Time?"

Every time I listen to the song, I want to start singing Cyndi Lauper.
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Hika Yagami

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PostPosted: Mon Aug 13, 2007 6:19 pm Reply with quote
[quote="domino"]Saiunkoku is indeed an amazing series, but are the quality issues I hear about true?
I heard they got Shuurei's name wrong... (used the Chinese reading of her name instead of the Japanese reading? I never expected a big DVD company to make a bootleg-level blunder...... )

I'm not a big fan of the DVD box, either. Seems a bit plain for a series that carries the meaning "many colors" in its title, no?[/quote]

They probably did it so that her last name won't be confused with the Yellow clan's name(since both the Red and Yellow clan are both called "Kou" in the Japanese version).

I can't wait until I get my copy!
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PostPosted: Mon Aug 13, 2007 6:44 pm Reply with quote
I'm going to have to try this Sauinkoku series now, seeing as how Fushigi Yuugi was a stepping stone for cementing my love of anime as well. At least on the surface they seem to have a lot in common: beautiful art, set in China, girl surrounded by a bunch of hot guys, Midorikawa Hikaru and Seki Tomokazu both cast in major roles.
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Joined: 25 Nov 2004
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PostPosted: Mon Aug 13, 2007 6:59 pm Reply with quote
Merkatz wrote:
domino wrote:
Saiunkoku is indeed an amazing series, but are the quality issues I hear about true?
I heard they got Shuurei's name wrong... (used the Chinese reading of her name instead of the Japanese reading? I never expected a big DVD company to make a bootleg-level blunder...... )

Geneon representative commented about the name change issue in this thread:

Apparently the original creator asked them to use Hong instead of Kou.

And BTW, I'm a guy and absolutely love Saiunkoku. And I'm collecting Kashimashi aswell, it's a sweet little series.

Somehow their explanation of why they changed Shuurei's name makes me only more displeased. Seems like one of those "we tried to make this less confusing but only ended up making it more confusing" bits. A simple translation note would've saved them the trouble of having viewers scratching their heads when they hear "Kou" but read "Hong".

Or if they were going to change a character's name to make the names less similar, why change the main character's name instead of the more minor character's? And they changed Shuurei's name to something that means "yellow", when the character's names are supposed to be the other way around... (Shuurei's "kou" is crimson, while the other "kou" is yellow.... yet they changed Shuurei's name to be "yellow" and not the other way around?!). And one look at Shuurei's clothes made her "crimson" name all the more significant...

Though I'm upset over it, Saiunkoku is still definitely on my "must buy" list.
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Richard J.

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PostPosted: Mon Aug 13, 2007 7:25 pm Reply with quote
SakechanBD wrote:
=/ I really wish Geneon would stop releasing boxes that require you to throw out the DVD case. I guess it saves space or something, but I enjoy the packaging artwork a lot, and having to throw it away kind of stinks.
You and me both. I'm still 50/50 on whether or not to buy the art box release of this one and I ALWAYS buy the art box LE. It's practically a part of my relgious views. Thou Shalt Buy The Art Box.

It was easier with R.O.D. the TV, because that particular toss-the-single-cases art box was so perfect for the series. I mean, it was like a real book!

I'm just not sure I want to not have that first volume cover though. It may be very pink, but it's so awesome! Anime hyper

mistress_reebi wrote:
It's not like you admit to watching Tokyo Mew Mew or Hello Kitty. Saiunkoku is shôjo but it isn't something that shelters men out from watching it. It takes a real man to admit he likes shôjo.
It's too bad Tokyo Mew Mew's release was a 4Kids funfest. It actually seemed like it could have been a fun series otherwise. I've never seen any of Hello Kitty.

I think Peach Girl is about the only true shoujo I've got. (Unless Diamond Daydreams is shoujo. I love that series.)

Going back to Saiunkoku, I'm not really bothered by the name change. I think the explanation is reasonable if not necessarily needed and I doubt it will impact the story negatively. (Of all the blind buys on my current list, this is one of only two with a "Will Buy" next to them. The other is Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha is anyone cares. I've heard and read good things about this one and anything magical girl is good in my book.)
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Joined: 06 May 2006
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PostPosted: Mon Aug 13, 2007 7:59 pm Reply with quote
This week's Shelf Obsessed is impressive. I too love those big phonebook mangas straight from Japan. I just wish we could see the doujinshi titles he has. I also collect doujinshi, and have about 125 to date, all either Naruto or by the circle Strawberry Lunch (Arina Tanemura's assistants make up that circle).
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Joined: 13 Aug 2007
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PostPosted: Mon Aug 13, 2007 8:15 pm Reply with quote
britannicamoore wrote:

...as for the shelf-
Where did you get that Axel plushie? And the Spiral poster?

As for the manga...awesome! I think theres about five seris there I don't own- but i've got others in their place. i wish I could get it all together though. *fumes*

Awesome colmun! Go to a different starbucks from now on.

I got the Axel plushie at this year's Connecticon. They also had a Roxas plushie.

The Spiral Poster was from a Japanese magazine, gotten at the Japanese bookstore in Rockefeller center.

I feel ecstatic that I made shelf-obsessed, but there is one thing I feel I should correct.

I'm a girl. Not a guy. ^^;
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PostPosted: Mon Aug 13, 2007 8:18 pm Reply with quote
Jamee wrote:
This week's Shelf Obsessed is impressive. I too love those big phonebook mangas straight from Japan. I just wish we could see the doujinshi titles he has. I also collect doujinshi, and have about 125 to date, all either Naruto or by the circle Strawberry Lunch (Arina Tanemura's assistants make up that circle).

"She" has.

Most of my DJ's are yaoi (Naruto and Full metal Alchemist leading the pack.) I've also got a few gag doujinshi from Shaman King/Matantei Loki Ragnarok/D. Gray-man. A few doujinshi magazines are also in there. (somewhere Anime hyper)
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Joined: 26 Aug 2005
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PostPosted: Mon Aug 13, 2007 8:28 pm Reply with quote
I have mixed feelings about Saiunkoku. The series starts out fantastically strong, and hooks you in. But then it seems to lose direction and falter. To me, it lost a lot of the potential it had.

If you are familiar with korean manwha, Goong is a series that had a similar premise to the beginning of Saiunkoku (though set in modern day, alternate reality unified-Korea), but took it in an appropriate direction, ensuring that who you know the main character is, stays the focus of the series.

Don't get me wrong, it's definitely has great start, but you may have to put some effort in to stick with it.
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PostPosted: Mon Aug 13, 2007 8:34 pm Reply with quote
Richard J. wrote:
It's too bad Tokyo Mew Mew's release was a 4Kids funfest. It actually seemed like it could have been a fun series otherwise. I've never seen any of Hello Kitty.
True, anyone who has read the latest news on 4kids knows my views on Mew Mew. Cool Sad we will never see it.

As far as the whole big enough a man to watch X and Y. I think that it can get a bit silly. I mean you like a show you like a show. I know when I watch shows I try to erase all preconceived classifications that are associated with it. It is hard to like a show when you are thinking "this is aimed at girls, I shouldn't be liking it so much", or "this show is for boys I must like it". Stuff like that.

Don't get me wrong I get what everyone is saying, but I think it is silly to take such notions with anymore than grain of salt. It doesn't make you anymore a man or a woman to just like what you like. Ask any Bleach fangirl. Or even better a DBZ fangirl.

More on the box:
I don't know, I mean everyone says it is plain. But the way I am looking at it, it seems like that ribbon will be facing the outside, so that should look pretty good and different on the shelf I would think.
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Joined: 02 Sep 2005
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PostPosted: Mon Aug 13, 2007 9:35 pm Reply with quote
Wow. I daresay, your pube in the iced tea tale is worse than the time I was eating in the mall and found a cockroach crawling around in my half-eaten pita from Wendy's! ::shudder:: I feel your pain Crying or Very sad
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Redbeard 101
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PostPosted: Mon Aug 13, 2007 10:05 pm Reply with quote
mistress_reebi wrote:
psycho 101 wrote:

I save the packing myself. Well let me re-phrase that. If I can't get the cover into what ever box the show is sold with I save the dvd cases. I've mentioned I'm a huge art fan so I don't usually just get rid of the dvd cases. I kept all the ROD tv cases, Black Lagoon, and others. That's of course assuming the art is worth keeping. I mean Stellvia wasn't that great, plus they had the same pictures in there anyway, just smaller.

I had seen flyers for Saiunkoku at Otakon I believe. I didn't see crap for information, just a small cardboard flyer that companies toss out at you. So hearing your review was helpful. It piqued both my gf's interests and mine as well. I am man enough like Richard to voluntarily watch a "girly" show and probably half of my top 10 anime would be considered girly. The pink case also doesn't bother me....though I do have my gf's very large and very pink Moonphase wallscroll hanging on my wall right now so I might be a bit desensitized to Pink at the moment.

It's not like you admit to watching Tokyo Mew Mew or Hello Kitty. Saiunkoku is shôjo but it isn't something that shelters men out from watching it. It takes a real man to admit he likes shôjo.

I have watched Hello Kitty actually. Would you consider Fushigi Yugi, Loveless, and Gravitation shojo? If so seen em all. Own Loveless actually. While not really shojo, I don't think, I do also have Mirage of Blaze and Descendants of Darkness.
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