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Shelf Life - Venti Drama with Extra Sauce

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PostPosted: Mon Aug 13, 2007 1:59 pm Reply with quote
Richard J. wrote:
Ask and I shall ensure you receive! (Well, within reason.)

Art box exterior.

Art box interior. (This takes a while to load on my computer for some reason.)

Thanks Richard!!! Very Happy (Loads slow on my computer too.)

Boy the rumors were true, it is pretty funky. But it's pretty unique I think I will like it. Also it looks like an excellent space saver, which is a huge plus! Can't wait, now all I need is a shipping confirmation email. Although, now that I look at it, that won't happen for another week.

SakechanBD wrote:
=/ I really wish Geneon would stop releasing boxes that require you to throw out the DVD case. I guess it saves space or something, but I enjoy the packaging artwork a lot, and having to throw it away kind of stinks.

Thats why I have been working on a sort of notebook/picturebook of all the pencel boards and different types of art(like from thrown away cases). It is going very slow mostly because I am so busy, but it is something I can work on for five minutes at a time and still enjoy it.

I always find a place for pictures or art that I like.
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Joined: 16 May 2005
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PostPosted: Mon Aug 13, 2007 2:20 pm Reply with quote
I absolutely love Saiunkoku! I have been hooked since the first episode and am currently trying to get my cousin hooked onto this. I hope the 2nd season is good too.

I can't wait to get my hands on the box set, it looks very pretty and well done.... as soon as I get some extra cash.....
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PostPosted: Mon Aug 13, 2007 2:25 pm Reply with quote
YES. I totally echo your sentiments on Saiunkoku, to the letter. Glad it got a good review; it deserves it. (And how great it is that Bamboo is a woman!)

Anime really needs more admirable girls like Shuurei; too many idiot bimbos out there (Miaka from Fushigi Yuugi is a good foil to Shuurei). Hehe, I... really want to become a young woman like Shuurei (the whole "intelligent and independent!" type, she's a great role model.
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Buster Blader 126

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PostPosted: Mon Aug 13, 2007 2:29 pm Reply with quote
lscoresby wrote:
I would also like to note that my boyfriend is a fan of the series too. Some guys can like the series even with its amazing girliness. Cool

Damn right we can. Cool I watched about 9 episodes of it before it got licensed, and Saiunkoku is just awesome. I'm still thinking of how I'm going to get the series, but I definitely want to.

SakechanBD wrote:
=/ I really wish Geneon would stop releasing boxes that require you to throw out the DVD case. I guess it saves space or something, but I enjoy the packaging artwork a lot, and having to throw it away kind of stinks.

Why would one have to throw out the DVD cases for this box? Can anybody explain this to me?
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PostPosted: Mon Aug 13, 2007 2:30 pm Reply with quote
Thanks Foaming Foamer.
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Joined: 25 Nov 2004
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PostPosted: Mon Aug 13, 2007 2:32 pm Reply with quote
Saiunkoku is indeed an amazing series, but are the quality issues I hear about true?
I heard they got Shuurei's name wrong... (used the Chinese reading of her name instead of the Japanese reading? I never expected a big DVD company to make a bootleg-level blunder...... )

I'm not a big fan of the DVD box, either. Seems a bit plain for a series that carries the meaning "many colors" in its title, no?
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PostPosted: Mon Aug 13, 2007 3:17 pm Reply with quote
There was no mistaking what it was—a 2”, crinkly, coarse, black pube.

I hope that's all that jerk did to your brew....Anyway, get your money back.
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Redbeard 101
Oscar the Grouch
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PostPosted: Mon Aug 13, 2007 3:29 pm Reply with quote
SakechanBD wrote:
s3r3nity wrote:
I read a review in an anime magazine for Story of Saiunkoku, and although it got a good review, it seemed to me like a rip off of fushigi yuugi. now, considering i've only read the first manga of FY, I don't really have a place to say that, but the whole "reverse harem in china" made me think of that. But since no one else here seems to think that, maybe I'll try it out.

When I first saw the cover, I thought, "I hope this isn't a Fushigi Yuugi ripoff." And then when I saw the opening sequence, I thought, "Man, even the shots look like they were ripped off from Fushigi Yuugi."

But, the series itself is nothing like FY. The story is completely different, and although there are some coincidences, the two are nothing alike.

Richard J. wrote:
Dargonxtc wrote:
By the way do studios send you these? If so, do they send you the boxes as well? I heard this box was a little funky, but I can't find any pics of it.
Ask and I shall ensure you receive! (Well, within reason.)
Art box exterior.
Art box interior. (This takes a while to load on my computer for some reason.)

=/ I really wish Geneon would stop releasing boxes that require you to throw out the DVD case. I guess it saves space or something, but I enjoy the packaging artwork a lot, and having to throw it away kind of stinks.

I save the packing myself. Well let me re-phrase that. If I can't get the cover into what ever box the show is sold with I save the dvd cases. I've mentioned I'm a huge art fan so I don't usually just get rid of the dvd cases. I kept all the ROD tv cases, Black Lagoon, and others. That's of course assuming the art is worth keeping. I mean Stellvia wasn't that great, plus they had the same pictures in there anyway, just smaller.

I had seen flyers for Saiunkoku at Otakon I believe. I didn't see crap for information, just a small cardboard flyer that companies toss out at you. So hearing your review was helpful. It piqued both my gf's interests and mine as well. I am man enough like Richard to voluntarily watch a "girly" show and probably half of my top 10 anime would be considered girly. The pink case also doesn't bother me....though I do have my gf's very large and very pink Moonphase wallscroll hanging on my wall right now so I might be a bit desensitized to Pink at the moment.

As for your coffee/tea woes....do you search for trouble lol? If it's not airport security it's pubes in the tea....either you must search out trouble or someone really doesn't like you lol. I just wanna know (and I kinda don't at the same time) want to know how it even got into your drink to begin with.
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Joined: 21 Jul 2005
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PostPosted: Mon Aug 13, 2007 3:58 pm Reply with quote
domino wrote:

I heard they got Shuurei's name wrong... (used the Chinese reading of her name instead of the Japanese reading? I never expected a big DVD company to make a bootleg-level blunder...... )

I believe they did screw up or for some reason change Shuurei's last name or at least that's what I got from watching it at Otakon.

I must say, I think this series is one for anyone not just girls. I'm a guy (and straight one) and I liked the series. Then again, girls look at me weird when I tell them I liked Fushigi Yuugi, but both while both of the stories have the pretty-boy types, they both have a good storyline and compelling drama. They also have a good bit of action to.

When I first saw Saiunkoku, it was by accident. A fansubbing group was using the characters in a banner of theirs and I thought it was fanart of someone taking characters from another anime and dressing them up like Fushigi Yuugi. Once I looked into it and found it was Saiunkoku, I checked out the series and was hooked.

As a note to those who might be scared due to the comparisons, don't worry. There isn't constant screaming of other character names (MIAKA.... TAMAHOME). Nope doesn't happen here. And to those who found Miaka annoying and hated her, you'll probably like Shuurei. She's almost the opposite of Miaka. She has a much stronger will and smarter than Miaka. Her only weakness is money.

So I encourage guys and girls alike to watch the series.

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PostPosted: Mon Aug 13, 2007 3:59 pm Reply with quote
Buster Blader 126 wrote:

Why would one have to throw out the DVD cases for this box? Can anybody explain this to me?

If you look at the picture that Richard J posted, you can see that the inside fans out, leaving space only for each disc. It's similar to some of the CD binders that some stores sell.

psycho 101 wrote:

As for your coffee/tea woes....do you search for trouble lol? If it's not airport security it's pubes in the tea....either you must search out trouble or someone really doesn't like you lol. I just wanna know (and I kinda don't at the same time) want to know how it even got into your drink to begin with.

Okay, here's my theory. We'll call the Starbucks employee Joe, for convenience. Joe goes to the bathroom during his shift, or perhaps rubs one out in the bathroom during his break, and gets a pube attached to his wrist or his shirt sleeve. Unknowingly, he goes back to work, the pube still hanging precariously onto his body. During the course of his work, he goes to the ice trough, and reaches to put ice into a cup. It's at that moment that either the pube falls into the cup-- or it attaches itself onto an ice cube, ready for the next victim.

So I say that Joe did it, in the ice machine, with a pube.
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Redbeard 101
Oscar the Grouch
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PostPosted: Mon Aug 13, 2007 4:21 pm Reply with quote
SakechanBD wrote:
Buster Blader 126 wrote:

Why would one have to throw out the DVD cases for this box? Can anybody explain this to me?

If you look at the picture that Richard J posted, you can see that the inside fans out, leaving space only for each disc. It's similar to some of the CD binders that some stores sell.

psycho 101 wrote:

As for your coffee/tea woes....do you search for trouble lol? If it's not airport security it's pubes in the tea....either you must search out trouble or someone really doesn't like you lol. I just wanna know (and I kinda don't at the same time) want to know how it even got into your drink to begin with.

Okay, here's my theory. We'll call the Starbucks employee Joe, for convenience. Joe goes to the bathroom during his shift, or perhaps rubs one out in the bathroom during his break, and gets a pube attached to his wrist or his shirt sleeve. Unknowingly, he goes back to work, the pube still hanging precariously onto his body. During the course of his work, he goes to the ice trough, and reaches to put ice into a cup. It's at that moment that either the pube falls into the cup-- or it attaches itself onto an ice cube, ready for the next victim.

So I say that Joe did it, in the ice machine, with a pube.

Wow...that's quite a theory there Bamboo lol. Right now you're reminding me of Mel Gibson in Conspiracy Theory lol. Though in the end it turns out he's not really that crazy after all....so maybe there's something behind your madness hehe. Perhaps you've insulted "Joe" before and to get even he pulled one out and put it in there to get even. Though I doubt sweet innocent Bamboo would ever have pissed someone off like that. Wink

I must also say I hate you right now Bamboo. Thanks to your blasted column my list of anime to get keeps getting longer and longer. Shocked I'm going to have to start selling my organs to afford it all soon. So thanks for helping a poor man become even poorer lol.
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Joined: 18 May 2007
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PostPosted: Mon Aug 13, 2007 4:23 pm Reply with quote
domino wrote:
Saiunkoku is indeed an amazing series, but are the quality issues I hear about true?
I heard they got Shuurei's name wrong... (used the Chinese reading of her name instead of the Japanese reading? I never expected a big DVD company to make a bootleg-level blunder...... )

Geneon representative commented about the name change issue in this thread:

Apparently the original creator asked them to use Hong instead of Kou.

And BTW, I'm a guy and absolutely love Saiunkoku. And I'm collecting Kashimashi aswell, it's a sweet little series.
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PostPosted: Mon Aug 13, 2007 4:30 pm Reply with quote
psycho 101 wrote:

I save the packing myself. Well let me re-phrase that. If I can't get the cover into what ever box the show is sold with I save the dvd cases. I've mentioned I'm a huge art fan so I don't usually just get rid of the dvd cases. I kept all the ROD tv cases, Black Lagoon, and others. That's of course assuming the art is worth keeping. I mean Stellvia wasn't that great, plus they had the same pictures in there anyway, just smaller.

I had seen flyers for Saiunkoku at Otakon I believe. I didn't see crap for information, just a small cardboard flyer that companies toss out at you. So hearing your review was helpful. It piqued both my gf's interests and mine as well. I am man enough like Richard to voluntarily watch a "girly" show and probably half of my top 10 anime would be considered girly. The pink case also doesn't bother me....though I do have my gf's very large and very pink Moonphase wallscroll hanging on my wall right now so I might be a bit desensitized to Pink at the moment.

It's not like you admit to watching Tokyo Mew Mew or Hello Kitty. Saiunkoku is shôjo but it isn't something that shelters men out from watching it. It takes a real man to admit he likes shôjo.

domino wrote:

Saiunkoku is indeed an amazing series, but are the quality issues I hear about true?
I heard they got Shuurei's name wrong... (used the Chinese reading of her name instead of the Japanese reading? I never expected a big DVD company to make a bootleg-level blunder...... )

I'm not a big fan of the DVD box, either. Seems a bit plain for a series that carries the meaning "many colors" in its title, no?

Her name in the English release is Hong, but on the internet it's Kou. That explains why it's different. I wondered how they got Hong, so they used her Chinese name? Picking that name out of a hat didn't seem right.
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Katsu Koneko

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PostPosted: Mon Aug 13, 2007 4:53 pm Reply with quote
Oooh Saiunkoku, now that I've read all the positive reviews for it, I think I'll check it out. Whoo~ Anime hyper
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Joined: 17 Mar 2006
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PostPosted: Mon Aug 13, 2007 4:55 pm Reply with quote
While the review had me considering picking up Saiunkoku, that picture of the artbox took it right away- if I have to buy a case with each disc, I'm darn well gonna use 'em! (Time to wait and see if a more traditional artbox presents itself.)

As for the Starbucks incident... as someone with thick, dark hair (on my head), I can say that on occasion one will start to grow that's much thicker than the rest of my hair, and usually sticks straight out, like a single-stand curly mini-cowlick. it's terribly annoying, and it usually doesn't take me long to get frustrated and pull them out. Hopefully, your barista has similar hair to mine and didn't realize it didn't go in the trash like it should.
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