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Aizen Is A Good Person (theory)

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Joined: 12 Apr 2015
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PostPosted: Sun Apr 12, 2015 12:00 am Reply with quote
What if Aizen was a good guy all along (regardless of the many “evil” acts he did), knew of the Quincy’s existence and plot, and indirectly created Ichigo as the counter force.

First and foremost please read this theory:

The following theory is the source (and predecessor) of my theory and my theory is nothing without it.

spoiler[So, first off, all of the captains of the Gotei 13 knew of the Vandenreich before they invaded Soul Society (for the first time). Some of the captains went as far as purposely withholding their bankai as to not give the Quincy the advantage of counter measures; but Aizen also withheld his bankai. Why would Aizen withhold his bankai? (Although it is likely because he did not need to use it, it makes more sense for the following reason). Aizen also knew of the Quincy and for the same reason as the captains he also wanted to conceal his powers. Before going further, it must be stated that Aizen may have had another ulterior motive for all of his actions (besides what Aizen already stated as why); as stated by Ichigo (to Urahara) “…maybe he’d always just been searching for someone who was on the same level he was.” (Chapter 422 page 15). So Aizen wanted something as strong as (if not, stronger than) himself. For what purpose (again, besides the purpose Aizen already mentioned) would Aizen have for wanting to have an equal in terms of power… someone who would (if said person is on the side of Soul Society and/or has a grudge against Aizen) indefinitely kill him (if he was not already immortal).] Now this is a big conclusion but what if Aizen experimented on different beings (to create the “perfect being”) to be able to create a force that was able to resist and fight against the Quincy force.

All of the following supports this idea. spoiler[Aizen experimented with hollowification many times (even going as far as to create the Vaizard and making the “White” that was [absorbed] by Masaki Kurosaki (Chapter 315.07 page 19 to Chapter 315.a page 21) to make a being that could “surpass the limits between hollows and shinigami” (this is not a direct quote), created the “White” (that was [absorbed] by Masaki Kurosaki ) as a possible “perfect being” (Chapter 529 page 18 to Chapter 533 page 12), and when the “White” failed yielding Ichigo (the hollow/human/quincy/shinigami hybrid “thing” (as the best term to describe him) and another being that could be classified as a “perfect being”) Aizen studied Ichigo since his birth to see whether or not he was powerful enough to resist the quincy force. Although this would bring up a counter argument as Aizen created the Hogyoku, it could be hypothesized in two ways: one being that he wanted to experiment on himself for the purpose of again creating a “perfect being” able to combat the Vandenreich and the other being he wanted to test the power of Ichigo to know whether or not he was strong enough for the Vandenreich.]

The portion of this theory that relates to why Aizen studied Ichigo is a bit vague; sorry. Aizen is a good guy and indirectly creates spoiler[Ichigo through the failure of the “White” and studied him and had studied his power (and progress) since Ichigo’s birth. This idea itself would explain some of the actions done by Aizen (other than the ones previously mentioned and explained. In Chapter 174 page 16, Aizen cuts Ichigo and states that he “…meant to completely cut off everything below the waist…” but leaves him alive; as to not destroy a test subject. Aizen stabs Hinamori and leaves her bleeding out even though every reader of Bleach knows that he could have killed her if he actually desired so (Chapter 169 page 16). Aizen tells the Espada not to hunt down the Ichigo’s party, even though everyone stronger than Arronro Arleri (including Yammy) could have hunted them down and killed them all before they even arrived in Las Noches (Chapter 245 page 11). To top it all off, Aizen barely kills anybody despite being the first primary antagonist and “villain” of the series and despite being able to kill most of the vice-captains and captains in the fake human world whereas all of them (except for Matsumoto) was unconscious; this does not include the 46 Chambers nor Gin but those could have a logical reasoning behind them; as shown several times in the manga (whereas I won’t point them out) the members of the Gotei 13 have expressed the idea that there must be sacrifices to destroy evil and technically Aizen killed Gin in self-defense. Also, just to put it out there, in Chapter 396 page 18 Aizen feels Ichigo’s reiatsu and states “So this is your reiatsu? Excellent… it’s well developed… just as I planned.” Later on Aizen prompts Ichigo to become even stronger (not directly but because Ichigo thought he had to protect his town) and loses to him as Ichigo was superior.]

So Aizen is a good guy despite the “evil” deeds he committed the creator of Ichigo, and the person who technically spoiler[saved Soul Society]; what a twist! Any and all feedback is welcomed.

Also, what do you make out of Ishida stating spoiler[“I have not exterminated you so that you can relay a message to Aizen. Tell him ‘The Quincy are here’ and that in reality, it is not the shinigami he should fear but rather the Quincy.”] Is that foreshadowing the Vandenreich’s attack?

{Sorry, but this is an anime website. Also, added spoiler tags.~nobahn}
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PostPosted: Mon Apr 13, 2015 4:40 am Reply with quote
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