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PR: VIZ Media Presents Exciting Properties at 2007 MIPTV

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Malintex Terek

PostPosted: Wed Apr 18, 2007 1:19 pm Reply with quote
>>Honey & Clover

Hah, well, I guess this press release had some merit after-all; the bloody show finally got a license.
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PostPosted: Wed Apr 18, 2007 5:47 pm Reply with quote
Malintex Terek wrote:
>>Honey & Clover

Hah, well, I guess this press release had some merit after-all; the bloody show finally got a license.

Yeah, when I skipped through it, I felt like doing a back-flip, but when I actually read through it...

Anime News Network wrote:
San Francisco, April 17, 2007 – VIZ Media, LLC (VIZ Media), one of the entertainment industry's most innovative and comprehensive publishing, animation and licensing companies, arrives at MIPTV this year, Booth # A012, with a variety of exciting properties for both North American and International markets. Held in Cannes, France, April 16 though April 20, MIPTV is the global content event for co-producing, buying, selling, financing and distributing entertainment content across all platforms.

... I didn't know what to make of it.

So, to clarify for stupid people like me, does this mean that Honey & Clover (the first season only) is licensed by Viz in North America, or is this just the same deal as a few months ago when it was announced that Viz has acquired the rights to it in Europe?
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Joined: 18 Sep 2005
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PostPosted: Wed Apr 18, 2007 7:17 pm Reply with quote
Malintex Terek wrote:

Hah, well, I guess this press release had some merit after-all; the bloody show finally got a license.

As much as it pains me to agree with you (Razz), it really is about time someone licensed this. It does seem to be quite popular, even though I personally couldn't get through one episode because I found it rather dull (I'm not really big on the slice-of-life genre).

Now, if only someone would finally license Ouran and NANA (both of which still shock me by being unlicensed, especially Ouran since it's been done it's run in Japan for awhile), then I would be happy Smile
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Joined: 02 Nov 2006
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PostPosted: Wed Apr 18, 2007 7:17 pm Reply with quote
I'm very happy and excited Honey and Clover is getting liscensed. It's a wonderful anime.

I think Viz liscensed only the first season for now...they might' want to see how well it does before getting the second...

@marie-antoinette: I can see how someone would find it dull, especially if you don't like the genre...but it really tugs at your heartstrings and the characters are great...
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Jedi General

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PostPosted: Wed Apr 18, 2007 7:21 pm Reply with quote
Yes! It's about time this series got licensed. Even if it is only the first season, it's still exciting news.

Somebody really needs to license Monster though.

marie-antoinette wrote:
Now, if only someone would finally license Ouran ....

Oh yes, Ouran so needs to be licensed as well.
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Tony K.

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PostPosted: Wed Apr 18, 2007 7:38 pm Reply with quote
Ah~, such a sweet series this is. Can't wait to add it into the collection. Hopefully they'll have some nice boxes or something within the next 10 years after the inital indv. releases are done since they don't do starter sets...
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Malintex Terek

PostPosted: Wed Apr 18, 2007 8:47 pm Reply with quote
marie-antoinette wrote:

As much as it pains me to agree with you (Razz), it really is about time someone licensed this. It does seem to be quite popular, even though I personally couldn't get through one episode because I found it rather dull (I'm not really big on the slice-of-life genre).

I feel the same way, really. "high-brow" anime/manga seems to be so rare that people are prepared to shower the scace few with praise, but I think despite the hype Honey & Clover, Nodame Cantabile, and 20th Century Boys are really mediocre titles, not terrible but totally undeserving of their acclaimed status.

marie-antoinette wrote:

Now, if only someone would finally license Ouran and NANA (both of which still shock me by being unlicensed, especially Ouran since it's been done it's run in Japan for awhile), then I would be happy Smile

Shh, we wouldn't want to anger a certain eunuch. Wink
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PostPosted: Wed Apr 18, 2007 8:48 pm Reply with quote
This is definitely exciting. I was shocked when Peach Girl was licensed and Honey and Clover was still on every torrent site Sad
If I was to try and convince anybody who only bought legit anime to start watching fansubs I'd start with Honey and Clover.
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Joined: 03 Oct 2006
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PostPosted: Wed Apr 18, 2007 9:04 pm Reply with quote
CloverKuroba wrote:
I think Viz liscensed only the first season for now...they might' want to see how well it does before getting the second...

It'd feel somewhat empty for them not to release the sequel. Yeah, on its own, the first H&C is satisfactory with its finale, but the second season wraps up everything nicely in a neat little bow on the box (and inside is an adorable Hagu doll... OH DEAR GOD PLEASE VIZ CONSIDER THAT AS AN EXTRA).

I just want a freakin' box, the opening and closing themes translated, and good audio and visual work done and I'll be satisfied beyond the bare minimum. I've only checked out two DVDs from Viz over the years (Key the Metal Idol and Saikano), and I wasn't exactly chipper with both.

I'll take what I can get, but I'd rather Geneon have picked this one up.

Malintex Terek wrote:
I feel the same way, really. "high-brow" anime/manga seems to be so rare that people are prepared to shower the scace few with praise,

Wait, so what does that make mineand other snobss opinions who seek out those "high-brow" anime/manga titles that you speak? I can't tell if you say such things because of the general state of the medium (which is pretty much true), or if you just have an agenda to bash certain shows. It's not like Death Note or Fullmetal Alchemist where you have fans claiming them to be the a pair of the most deep anime out there which is far, far from the case.

but I think despite the hype Honey & Clover,

Oh boo on you, MT.

Nodame Cantabile,

Yep, agenda confirmation. We've been through this before, methinks, what with people just simply really liking it and not hoisting it up as some trophy of shoujo-josei mixture in manga and anime.

and 20th Century Boys are really mediocre titles,

Volume fifteen (Or is it sixteen?) on isn't great, yeah, but are you honestly going to sit there in your comfy chair and type out that 20th Century Boys, up until that point, isn't one of the most finely crafted thriller in recents years in the comic medium?

not terrible but totally undeserving of their acclaimed status.

Brandish thou's whip against the truly uber-popular titles which have practically no literary merit that get post after post in forums and thousands leeching each episode off bittorrent, not niche ones that are outside the norm and popular on the Internet for English-language speakers.

Shh, we wouldn't want to anger a certain eunuch. Wink

You two still haven't settled that little war? Oh lawd.

Edit: Gah, mistakes plague me.
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Joined: 31 Mar 2005
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PostPosted: Wed Apr 18, 2007 11:09 pm Reply with quote
HellKorn wrote:
I just want a freakin' box, the opening and closing themes translated, and good audio and visual work done and I'll be satisfied beyond the bare minimum. I've only checked out two DVDs from Viz over the years (Key the Metal Idol and Saikano), and I wasn't exactly chipper with both.

I'll take what I can get, but I'd rather Geneon have picked this one up.
Maybe we'll get lucky and have the opening & closing songs translated, but I'm keeping the fansubs on the HD for the insert song translations, which I doubt that Viz will bother with Rolling Eyes
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Malintex Terek

PostPosted: Wed Apr 18, 2007 11:17 pm Reply with quote
HellKorn wrote:

Wait, so what does that make [myself and the others who value those "high-brow" anime/manga titles that you speak of snobs?] I can't tell if you say such things because of the general state of the medium (which is pretty much true), or if you just have an agenda to bash certain shows. It's not like Death Note or Fullmetal Alchemist where you have fans claiming them to be the a pair of the most deep anime out there which is far, far from the case.

Snobs? Pretty much.

It's not like I hate "high-brow" anime; I have some favourites as well, but I'm willing to acknolwedge their flaws and say "they're not for everyone". That's pretty much the central problem with stories that require a refined taste - not everyone will like said titles.

But like a lot of "popular" anime, 20CB, H&C, and NC are promoted way more than they should be when, among other "high-brow" anime, they're just normal titles. This discrimination is annoying for me, since I don't value those titles very highly, but even if I did, to blatantly be considered "the best anime/manga of all time" just because they're different from Naruto is a *tad* outrageous. I like One Piece too, but it's hardly the best of anything.

How "deep" someone takes a series is really up to personal interpretation, but for manga/anime that actually make attempts to act "deep" like the three titles I mentioned actually turned out quite shallow. H&C was supposed to be some uber-duper awesome slice-of-life love story, which it was, but it was also boring. I don't find my own life so boring as to like H&C because I want to be Takemoto or something along those lines.

Nodame Cantabile, as I've said before, is both ugly and generic, and falls under the typical "gimmick" anime like Bartender. I didn't like the humour, I didn't like the interpretation of a musician's life (though I acknowledge the author's experiences are bound to differ from my own - it just feels so alien) and I absolutely hated the look.

20CB was the biggest disappointment, though - I was expecting something epic, but instead I got some semi-surreal mystery that tries to hard to be "complex" and "innovative". Considering this title was the most acclaimed, I suppose I set myself up for a fall, but the disparity between the hype and the reality was quite a huge gap.

I did like Monster, though, but it's not perfect. Not at all.

HellKorn wrote:

Yep, agenda confirmation. We've been through this before, methinks, what with people just simply really liking it and not hoisting it up as some trophy of shoujo-josei mixture in manga and anime.

I'm just naming off the most popular "high-brow" titles.

HellKorn wrote:

Volume fifteen (Or is it sixteen?) on isn't great, yeah, but are you honestly going to sit there in your comfy chair and type out that 20th Century Boys, up until that point, isn't one of the most finely crafted thriller in recents years in the comic medium?

Praise like that tempts me to say something pungent, but that's not appropriate at all since 20CB isn't that bad. Undoubtedly, you were really impressed by it; I wasn't. I didn't get to volume 15/16, though - I just got up to ten. It was unbearable at that point.

HellKorn wrote:

Brandish thou's whip against the truly uber-popular titles which have practically no literary merit that get post after post in forums and thousands leeching each episode off bittorrent, not niche ones that are outside the norm and popular on the Internet for English-language speakers.

Ultimately, all "uber-popular" titles are going to end up over-hyped, or hyped for the wrong reasons - Death Note and Code Geass are fine examples. But, really, for people to take a blind eye to this phenomenon just because "high-brow" titles are designed to require more insight/patience than something brainless like Hokuto no Ken is really just earns a long, somber sigh from me. Neutral

HellKorn wrote:

You two still haven't settled that little war? Oh lawd.

I'd like to honor his wishes, since he could appear at any moment and start throwing saliva. I know where he's coming from so I can understand the annoyance, so out of respect for that disposition I'm trying to refrain from talking about [ASHFORD ACADEMY], but sometimes, well... :p
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PostPosted: Wed Apr 18, 2007 11:37 pm Reply with quote
As long as I can spend months talking about 20CB, then I'll probably be okay (that and I want a complicated mystery that actually takes time to come up with interesting drama... I'm assuming that this element is present, yes? Because, that was actually the most appealing aspect of Monster *which I actually still do talk about and read... yeah, constantly re-working my ideas about the story*)

Anywho, I'll probably get this (assuming that we're actually getting it)... going in blind, so wish me luck (but hey... J.C. staff designs are cute)


And while we're at it, I need to pick up the Full Moon DVDs... I've been putting it off for like, ever (I'm not that far behind anyway, considering).
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Joined: 03 Mar 2005
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PostPosted: Thu Apr 19, 2007 6:29 am Reply with quote
Woohoo! Honey & Clover is one of my all-time favorite anime series. I'm glad somebody finally picked it up!

Now I just have to wait for "Nana" & "Ouran" and I'll be a happy otaku Very Happy.
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Joined: 23 Aug 2006
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PostPosted: Thu Apr 19, 2007 12:23 pm Reply with quote
marie-antoinette wrote:
Now, if only someone would finally license Ouran and NANA (both of which still shock me by being unlicensed, especially Ouran since it's been done it's run in Japan for awhile), then I would be happy Smile

Well my understanding is that Ouran has been licensed. There were several reports from NY Comicon where couple of companies were asked to license Ouran - to which their reply was that they had tried to, but someone had already beaten them to it. Why this licensor would sit on the announcement is beyond me, but oh well, wait and see what happens.
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Jedi General

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PostPosted: Thu Apr 19, 2007 12:41 pm Reply with quote
kolibri wrote:
marie-antoinette wrote:
Now, if only someone would finally license Ouran and NANA (both of which still shock me by being unlicensed, especially Ouran since it's been done it's run in Japan for awhile), then I would be happy Smile

Well my understanding is that Ouran has been licensed. There were several reports from NY Comicon where couple of companies were asked to license Ouran - to which their reply was that they had tried to, but someone had already beaten them to it. Why this licensor would sit on the announcement is beyond me, but oh well, wait and see what happens.

Really? Now that's an interesting tidbit. If it really has been licensed, I'm also puzzled as to why this mystery licensor hasn't announced it yet. Oh well, we'll just have to be patient and wait I guess.
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