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The Mike Toole Show - Reed All About It

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Joined: 06 Jun 2010
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PostPosted: Sun Nov 03, 2013 8:20 pm Reply with quote
I had thought the last lines of the MASK theme were "Come see the laser rays/Fire away!" Which makes as much sense as anything, I guess.
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Joined: 12 Dec 2010
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PostPosted: Sun Nov 03, 2013 9:16 pm Reply with quote
The only reason I know what MASK is is because of the Robot Chicken parodies, which I found hilarious.

Looking those evaluation numbers, it surprises me that Crunchyroll is valued at close to $100,000,000 compared to the $30 million for Gonzo.

I really have to wonder how much they spent on the production of Attack on Titan. It is one of the most successful series in years, and at a recent convention panel in London, the producers from Wit Studio were asking fans to continue to show their support to ensure a second season. Did nearly every animation studio in Japan have a hand in that series?
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Joined: 09 Nov 2006
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PostPosted: Sun Nov 03, 2013 9:19 pm Reply with quote
brankoburcksen wrote:
Did nearly every animation studio in Japan have a hand in that series?

The production of Shingeki was...fraught.
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Joined: 30 Oct 2010
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PostPosted: Mon Nov 04, 2013 12:17 am Reply with quote
Evangelion's Rei Ayanami really commoditized the “premium girl” angle of anime productions, but she was really just walking the trail blazed by the likes of Anice; I still sometimes bump into forty-ish fans at conventions who carry a torch for her, and they're still churning out Anice-related merchandise like figures.

I'm pretty sure Anice's popularity is due to a combination of her being an elementary school teacher and her outfit, which includes a short, tight-fitting skirt and long stockings. It's the "hot for teacher" syndrome. What elementary school wouldn't want to be taught by a teacher like that? Very Happy
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PostPosted: Mon Nov 04, 2013 12:26 am Reply with quote
The thing that struck me when I was struggling through the few raw episodes of Minky Momo I managed to find the time for was how much humour it had: "Long, long ago. Long ago last week...".

I need to watch more.
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Joined: 31 Dec 2002
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PostPosted: Mon Nov 04, 2013 10:19 am Reply with quote
This has to be the best Mike Toole article so far. I'm almost tempted to watch some of this stuff now.
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Joined: 20 Dec 2007
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PostPosted: Mon Nov 04, 2013 11:26 am Reply with quote
My fave Reed show is definitely Idol Densetsu Eriko, which is an adorable showbiz shoujo series but with a sense of cataclysmic DRAMA that you'd expect from something like Fist of the North Star or Oniisama E! In one episode the heroine is giving a concert and her nemesis plans to ruin her career by having a bunch of racecars zoom onstage and run her over! This sort of thing happens every episode. It's like eating 100 cheeseburgers, in cartoon form. Love it!!
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Joined: 08 Jan 2012
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PostPosted: Mon Nov 04, 2013 2:05 pm Reply with quote
That total amounted to $840,000. You could buy a fairly decent single-family house in my neighborhood for that.

Wow, do you live in California or something? Where I live $840,000 could get you a really nice single family house, a nice car or two, and still have money to splurge.
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PostPosted: Mon Nov 04, 2013 3:05 pm Reply with quote
kawaiibunny3 wrote:
not really, I mean Mahou no Mako-chan (1970) had some very over-dramatic scenes (I mean, her magic murders some criminals right in the second episode), Fushigi na Melmo (1971) her whole magical pills comes from the ghost of her dead mother who dies on-screen. Mahou Tsukai Chappy, Cutey Honey and Majokko Megu went to some dark places too too. I'm sure Sally and Akko-chan had a dark episode or two (but I haven't seen them the whole way through, so I can't really speak for them)

So while Minky Momo is the first to have the main character literally die (then get reborn of course) its not really the first to explore dark times. 70s kids anime in general seemed to have a more "better they learn the facts of life now" attitude (here's lookin at you Hutch the Honeybee)

Ah, thank you for the information kawaiibunny. That explains a lot. Seems I need to see a lot more magical girl shows. What you pointed out speaks volumes about good 70s anime. Not like the 80s and 90s here, where the U.S. tried to whitewash all the "bad stuff" out of cartoons to avoid "giving kids the wrong ideas". XD

I've seen quite a bit of the second Sally the Witch series back in 2009, but from the episodes I saw while in South Korea, I didn't notice any particular dark or mature elements. Sally's magic just tended to go haywire in the episodes I managed to watch, but that's about all I could remember.
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Joined: 09 Feb 2005
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PostPosted: Mon Nov 04, 2013 10:04 pm Reply with quote
We never got Beast Wars II and Neo 'cause we were already busy with the Canadian-made cartoon. You'd think they'd want to slap together a dub to fill the time between 13 episodes a year, but apparently Transformers toys were at stock capacity back in the '90s.

As for Robots in Disguise, we'll never see it on DVD: Saban produced it, then sold it and their entire catalog to Disney back in 2001. And Disney never gives back. Yeah, I know Saban's back, but he only got Power Rangers and Digmimon back from Disney. Everything else is off limits.

Thankfully, Robots in Disguise was part of the UK's ridiculous DVD production boom of the early 2000s, and was re-issued numerous times. Finding a box set is a little pricey, but it's all been uploaded here, there and everywhere these days.
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Joined: 15 May 2010
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PostPosted: Tue Nov 05, 2013 6:06 am Reply with quote
I remember watching Idol Eriko and Zorro in Japanese dub on NHK BS2 twenty years ago.Also saw the Mandarin dub of 1990's version of Minky Momo ages ago on Star Phoenix Mandarin Channel.I do love those
days when Ashi Productions churning out good stuff.

anime version of Ultra Maniac was actually nice.

GoShogun/Macron-1?Not a big fan of that.Machine Robo and Dancougar are much better!Blocker Corps was aired in the Philippines in the 1970's on RPN 9.

The English dub version of that 1985 Minky Momo movie was nice.Too bad Harmony Gold didn't bother dubbing the whole anime series itself.
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Joined: 11 Jul 2012
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PostPosted: Tue Nov 05, 2013 8:59 am Reply with quote
Also, remember ''Megaman'' and ''Skysurfer Strike Force''! How about that, members of ''The Anime News Network Forum''?
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Joined: 16 Aug 2006
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PostPosted: Tue Nov 05, 2013 1:50 pm Reply with quote
Levitz9 wrote:
I knew I wasn't crazy!

We're all crazy!

Back in '01-'02, before the Mexican broadcasting chain Univisión bought out channel 11 in Puerto Rico, I recall having seen a single episode of an animated adaptation of Zorro, dubbed in Spanish! I never knew if it was an anime or not, and my attempts at locating it in the ANN Encyclopedia were fruitless, but it's good to know that it was a real thing!

It's really a co-production with an Italian firm, the same sleazeballs who did "The Legend of the Titanic" (the one with the octopus, not the rapping dawg). Every one of their productions tends to have the prerequisite cute animal sidekick/s.

Puerto Rico also used to air Spanish-dubbed episodes of Ranma 1/2, Dragon Ball, and Sailor Moon up until the early '00s. These days, there just isn't any children's television, save for canned programming blocks courtesy of Univisión--dubbed episodes of Pinky Dinky Doo and Dora the Explorer (which is horrendous: Dora is fluent in both English and Spanish in the English track, but her Spanish dub actress is barely understandable in English.) Oh, and we get Spanish-dubbed episodes of Beakman. I bet they pay for those with someone's Burger King money.

Shame all that fun was over. Univision in it's infancy was doing the same thing in the 80's. This was like our equivalent to all the French dubbed anime Quebec was getting over the years.

In a weird way, I miss that old Zorro show. I was only able to watch that one episode. Ah, well, at least I now know it wasn't a fever-dream.

It's probably out there in InternetLand, just do what I do (which is confidential).

belvadeer wrote:
That Turtles OVA was just really stupid. I'm glad it never came here. Even spoiler[Shredder turning into a giant dragon] couldn't save how dumb it ultimately ended up being.

I know one longtime TMNT writer who thought it kicked ass. I see it as a perfect "omake" to the show had it gone there (the best we got was animation cels selling at Toys R Us for Christ sake).

So is Minky Momo the first magical girl anime where it had an ending like that and paved the way for the genre to have "dark" or "mature" twists? (I say both words in quotes because the terms are too broad now.) Personally I'm curious to learn about as many classical magical girl shows as possible.

That's what they say, think of that the next time you watch Madoka Magica and think highly of that.

Also this..

Gyt Kaliba wrote:
The TMNT OVA is certainly an amusing little footnote in the franchise's history. I'd agree with you too that, as bizarre as it is in places (like Shredder's random new design), it actually fits really well with the OT tone-wise at least. The humor feels right at home with what they did back in that series. The only things I really hate is the shoehorned in transformations, and...Krang's voice. And the fact that they know how painful it is by making a gag of it. Gaaah.

Still I didn't mind either Bebop or Rocksteady having such intellectual mumbling you wouldn't expect a typical dumb henchman to have.

twinklestarex wrote:
GoShogun/Macron-1?Not a big fan of that.Machine Robo and Dancougar are much better!Blocker Corps was aired in the Philippines in the 1970's on RPN 9.

The Philippines had it pretty good until Marcos came down on the giant robot craze with a sledgehammer.

twinklestarex wrote:
The English dub version of that 1985 Minky Momo movie was nice.Too bad Harmony Gold didn't bother dubbing the whole anime series itself.

It would certainly fit in with Noozles, David The Gnome and whatever other foreign goodies Nickelodeon use to play in the 80's.

Southkaio wrote:
Also, remember ''Megaman'' and ''Skysurfer Strike Force''! How about that, members of ''The Anime News Network Forum''?

Well, you were the first to ask about it, I'm sure someone will come alone and pick it up from there. Wink
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Joined: 02 Sep 2007
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PostPosted: Tue Nov 05, 2013 2:04 pm Reply with quote
I always disliked the Ruby Spears' Mega Man series, since the opening made it looked like a more exciting show than it actually was.I always figured the show was animated by a Japanese studio, even if the character designs were a bit too westernized compared to the games at the time.
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Joined: 16 Jan 2007
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PostPosted: Tue Nov 05, 2013 2:44 pm Reply with quote
I've had the luck to see the original Chon Senshi Borgman, which, had actually at least one non Japanese release in one EU country (Italy). It was forbidden to sell it outside Italy though because at the time the series didn't even have a Japanese DVD release (recently it was released as a BD box including all the sequels and spinoff).
I think, despite its age, that is still a nice series. Despite adding some annoying side characters for younger audience there are some interesting choices. For example,

spoiler[in the end, the brother of one of the characters who was brainwashed into fighting against the Borgman never recovers and is killed still believing he is the "fake persona"]

Sadly none of the sequels (which is the US basically got) really managed to work well. Last Battle really was a mess, and Lover's Rain tried to inject drama over an event that had zero in the ending of the series. The "sequel", Borgman 2 was a 3 OAV affair that went nowhere.
Of all the "guy in armor" series of the period Ashi's Borgman is probably one of I like more, along with Shurato.
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