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KAIKA Shares New Single 'Tokyo, Are We Good?'

The Japanese Artist's Latest Offers A Peak At Her Forthcoming Debut Album

Tokyo, Japan — On the eve of her first full-length album coming out, Japanese singer-songwriter KAIKA shows just how much she's grown as an artist with latest single “Tokyo, Are We Good?” The driving rock song offers a new perspective on her sound, while retaining the emotionally rich power of her lyricism. It's available on all streaming platforms, and a music video set on the streets of Japan's capital is out now.

Watch The Video For “Tokyo, Are We Good?” Here

“Tokyo, Are We Good?” finds KAIKA operating at a faster tempo, creating a rock number racing forward at the same pace as life in the titular metropolis can get. It allows for a new view on her singing, while still packing in the emotional detail of navigating life in modern times as a young woman animating all of her work. Now, it's just delivered with a little more punch and a festival-ready bounce.

Listen To The Song Here

The song arrives one week before the release of KAIKA's debut album Umarerumaekara Kimiwo Shitteru. That full-length offers all angles of her songwriting, from reflective folk tunes to rollicking rock cuts. Written entirely by KAIKA herself, it's an audio document of an emerging artist's voice taking shape.


Debuting in 2024, KAIKA is an artist blurring the line between the real world and digital life. She first appeared at virtual singer KAF's solo show in January 2024, appearing on stage physically but, thanks to cutting-edge technology, able to appear as if she's caught between worlds. She released her debut single “Kaika” in April of the same year.

Visit KAIKA's official website


Founded in 2019, Tokyo KAMITSUBAKI STUDIO is a creative agency and management company at the cutting-edge of technology and entertainment. The group counts a variety of forward-thinking artists as part of its roster, including many virtual singers blurring the lines between the digital and real world.

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