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Hey, Answerman! [2007-03-16]

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Joined: 22 Nov 2005
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PostPosted: Thu Mar 15, 2007 11:17 pm Reply with quote
I am very much not gay but if I were walking around wth my boyfriend and some chick suddenly "squee'd" me, I would

1) consider said chick highly dangerous
2) recall every reason why I stopped dating girls.

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Joined: 06 Feb 2004
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PostPosted: Thu Mar 15, 2007 11:21 pm Reply with quote
Oh my God, that dog is so friggin' adorable! It looks like a small Black Hayate from FMA!


If con is the opposite of pro, wouldn't congress be the opposite of progress?
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Cowboy Cadenza

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PostPosted: Thu Mar 15, 2007 11:24 pm Reply with quote
I'm sick and tired of subs fans criticizing dubs and dub voice actors. A lot of dubs these days are rather well done, and there are COUNTLESS English voice actors working in the anime industry right now who consistently turn in marvelous performances. I can name many, if you want me to. If you like subs, whatever, it's your choice. I tend to question the number of dubs this kind of person is actually making their judgement on, though.

It's not like I'm saying all dubs are great, obviously, I just find it annoying when people are subbie elitists and/or unwilling to recognize good dub acting.
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Joined: 11 Jun 2005
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PostPosted: Thu Mar 15, 2007 11:25 pm Reply with quote
To the author of the rant;

You do realize that your entire rant is based on your opinion on the quality of dubs, and not on actual facts, don't you? Sorry, but my opinion is the exact opposite.

I do not claim to be an expert, either. I'm just a fan.
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Joined: 05 Dec 2005
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PostPosted: Thu Mar 15, 2007 11:29 pm Reply with quote
I love the FMP banner.

The question about other jobs was nice. I'm surprised someone even asked it.

Wow to think someone esle out there got to learn about gay rights through yaoi is odd. For me yaoi kind of...shed light on something I never paid attention to. it's a long story so i'll cut it short. Your friend is goign to fair. Squeeing at gay guys? I mean sure it can cause a lightheadedness (some friends dragged me to a gay bar once...wow) but you don't attack them on the street. It is a good thing she cares about gay rights but she's being over the top. What to tell her...tell her that if she read manga with boyxgirl relationships...and if she had a boyfriend she wouldn't want someone glomping her if they thought it was cute.

Also tell her that she should just learn to respect strangers and their personal space.

Religion? As in pray: Oh Great Osamu Tezuka you are the center or my being?
Actually it'd be more like...Kouchi Jun'ichi or someone esle. :shurgs:

What kind of puppy is that? I want one!

As for the rant...how much do they pay the audiobook readers? I think your dislike of dubs is getting the way because there are a LOT of good dubs out there. You might be missing them because you watch subs. That's just my opinion. Or you're watching dubs of Initial D or something from the early anime Dub processes.. I also think that'd be odd- Jim Dales as Tuxedo Mask. Or Kenshin.

I'd going to have to pass on that. But you get props for the idea.

Last edited by britannicamoore on Thu Mar 15, 2007 11:30 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Joined: 11 Sep 2003
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PostPosted: Thu Mar 15, 2007 11:30 pm Reply with quote
There was a lot of bust inflation in some random Slayers manga I read once. Small-breast jokes are a staple of that series, but they must have drawn Lina with a C-cup, at least.
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Joined: 30 Oct 2002
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PostPosted: Thu Mar 15, 2007 11:39 pm Reply with quote
"The quality of the dubbing is usually horrendous"

If that line had been said several years ago, I would've agreed mostly likely. But not today.

The ranter also seems to place the blame of bad dubs solely on the shoulders of the voice actors. The ranter fails to take into account a few other important factors, like the quality of the scripts, the quality of the voice directors, and even the quality of the show itself. Describe the many voice actors featured in today's dubs as "mediocre-to-cringe-worthy" is, in my opinion, a terrible description. The voice actors I've seen and met enjoy what they do, and while they might not always give their best performances all the time for whatever reason, they do it enough that they deserve respect for their efforts.
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Joined: 25 Nov 2004
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PostPosted: Thu Mar 15, 2007 11:50 pm Reply with quote
Yaoi fans who "GLOMP ^.^ " and "SQUEE" and stalk real gay men make me ashamed to be a fan of the genre. People like that are disgusting.

And I actually agree with the rant. Best one posted in awhile. I definitely prefer subs myself, but I agree that bad dubs aren't bad because they're not the original; they're bad because they're BAD. For every good dub produced, there are dozens of dubs that are like nails against a chalkboard. Good dubs ARE possible, they're just very rare.
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Joined: 31 May 2005
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PostPosted: Fri Mar 16, 2007 12:02 am Reply with quote
I find reading subtitles bothersome, so I almost always watch the dub. I must admit, though, the dub for Hikaru no Go is pretty bad. The Japanese version is much more enjoyable.

Usually, though, I prefer the dub. I have many favorite voice actors, like Vic Mignogna and Luci Christian, Mona Marshall, Eric Vale, John Burgmeier, Justin Cook, Sean Schemmel, Christopher Sabat, Lisa Ortiz, Sandy Lang, Wayne Grayson, Dan Green(watch him in Samurai Deeper Kyo and Knight Hunters Eternity! the outtakes are hilarious!) Laughing

My favorite voice actor is Liam O'Brien. His voice is SO SEXY!
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Redbeard 101
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PostPosted: Fri Mar 16, 2007 12:12 am Reply with quote
Oh and magically every sub is gold right? I love the sub elitists who bash every dub and act like subs are nothing but gold. I guess all Japanese voice actors can take a huge dump and it's the best thing since sliced melon bread right? Anyone whose an extremist on EITHER side,wanna be fair here, is a moron and close minded. Sure there's a fair amount of bad dubs but guess what, plenty of bad subs too. I have NEVER once heard a sub elitist ever mention a bad sub. No it's all "I hate this company" or "This American VA is horrible." Go cry me a river. If they suck so much get off your lazy ass and go become a VA yourself so you can do it right since you obviously are da s%^t. Most of these people work a normal 9-5 job and do this on the side as an extra thing. Give them some credit. They're busting their asses off to help in their way bring you the anime you want to watch. So are the ADR scripters, voice directors, and the other staff. I'm so sorry our American VA's aren't as cool and talented as you Japanese gods are. Rolling Eyes

disclaimer: Just to make clear this rant, in response to a rant, is not directed at any one person.or solely towards extreme sub lovers. I have equally wonderful views of extreme dub elitists but the rant from the column was against them hence my reply against dub elitists. Does that help?
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Joined: 07 Oct 2004
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PostPosted: Fri Mar 16, 2007 12:27 am Reply with quote
Answerman wrote:
they just released Captain N: The Game Master for crap's sake.

Easy on my Captain N that show was my bedtime treat, rewatching that show over and over on VHS......and now I have it all on DVD I love it even more.

And yes anime can be a religion.....ever heard of evangelion? Rolling Eyes
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Joined: 04 Sep 2005
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PostPosted: Fri Mar 16, 2007 12:43 am Reply with quote
I guess the ranter hasn't listened to the same crappy audiobooks I have, with readers who sound like the rejects from Saturday morning cartoons. Those in radio theatre might do a good job transitioning to voice acting, but there seem to be very few people who even do that any more. Too bad we can't mix anime dubs and old radio show actors LOL. Wouldn't you die if you heard Jack Benny's voice coming out of Kakashi-sensei's mouth? XD

But really, the old "I hate American VAs" argument is just boring anymore. There are good and bad voice actors on both sides of the Pacific, and the pool of good ones is growing over here. Do we really need to say more than that?

Re the yaoi thing.... When will people understand that yaoi has nothing to do with gay men? If someone thinks she's learning about gays by reading it, she needs to be slapped upside the head with copies of Stonewall and And the Band Played On.

Yaoi men are about are realistic as Doraemon. Everyone needs to just take a deep breath and remember that it's Women's Fantasy and doesn't need to resemble reality anymore than romance novels do, because reality ain't the point.
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Joined: 16 May 2006
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PostPosted: Fri Mar 16, 2007 12:52 am Reply with quote
I think someone should totally make a youtube video about anime as a religion, it would probably be hilarious.

Well, I was going to start by listing several series where I prefer the dub, but then I realised that would take to long. That being said, I could also make quite a list of dubs I didn't like. Whenever I pick up a new series I usually just start watching the dub and if I don't really like how it sounds I switch to the sub. I thought the rant was kinda unfair to voice actors, they're just trying to work with what they've got. I will say, though, in a lot of dubs it really wierds me out when small kids sound 20 years old. I really don't notice that as often on the Japanese tracks.
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Wolverine Princess

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PostPosted: Fri Mar 16, 2007 12:53 am Reply with quote
psycho 101 wrote:
Oh and magically every sub is gold right? I love the sub elitists who bash every dub and act like subs are nothing but gold.

I greatly prefer subs to dubs in general, but if the Japanese voice acting sucks I won't hesitate to criticize it. Lemon Angel Project had some of the most terrible voice acting I've ever heard from a 21st century cartoon; I couldn't stand to watch past the first episode because I absolutely DETESTED the main character's voice. When I think of what a typical Japanese transvestite hooker's voice sounds like, she's the first person I think of. I don't care much for Venus Versus Virus' Japanese dub either, especially Sumire's irritatingly nasal voice. I seriously went WTF Shocked when I looked her character up in the encyclopedia here and saw Minori Chihara did her voice, since I loved her as Yuki in The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya. I was also disappointed with the sub for Descendants of Darkness, although that was probably because I had a lot of fun picturing the show as an alternate-universe Yugioh spinoff since the English dub shared MANY voice actors it. (When Tsuzuki shouts GO SUZAKU!!! it sounds just like Yami Yugi screaming GO EXODIA!!!! It's awesomely unintentionally hilarious.)
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PostPosted: Fri Mar 16, 2007 1:00 am Reply with quote
ice9 wrote:
I think someone should totally make a youtube video about anime as a religion, it would probably be hilarious.

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