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NEWS: Funimation Offers Unedited Sankarea Replacement Discs

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Joined: 29 Jul 2006
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PostPosted: Sat Sep 28, 2013 1:38 am Reply with quote
How does this even happen? Did they not look at the material? Did they think people wouldn't notice? or care?

At least there replacing them for free. Weird situation though.
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Joined: 06 Dec 2012
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PostPosted: Sat Sep 28, 2013 1:47 am Reply with quote
So annoying, waiting for my copy to ship then I have to wait more. lol
Funimation, if you're reading this you need to ship the replacement discs in dvd cases. If you put them in sleeves I guarantee the discs will be damaged upon arrival. Then you'll give us another thing to complain about, so don't do it.
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Joined: 20 Dec 2006
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PostPosted: Sat Sep 28, 2013 3:42 am Reply with quote
Escaflowne2001 wrote:
How does this even happen? Did they not look at the material? Did they think people wouldn't notice? or care?

At least there replacing them for free. Weird situation though.

I assume they usually receive unedited materials from Japan without having to specifically ask for them. Of course they looked at the materials, but without knowing that there is are censored/uncensored versions, it wouldn't be something that one would even think about.

I'm not sure why in the world you think they're trying to trick people when they're being up front about it and offering a replacement program.
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Joined: 29 Jul 2006
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PostPosted: Sat Sep 28, 2013 4:26 am Reply with quote
xScar wrote:
Escaflowne2001 wrote:
How does this even happen? Did they not look at the material? Did they think people wouldn't notice? or care?

At least there replacing them for free. Weird situation though.

I assume they usually receive unedited materials from Japan without having to specifically ask for them. Of course they looked at the materials, but without knowing that there is are censored/uncensored versions, it wouldn't be something that one would even think about.

Really? Since censoring TV versions are pretty common place and givin' the subject matter of this anime. I think that would be one of the things that would be checked.

Even if they usually receive the uncensored versions it would be best to check every time to be safe. Don't really think there trying to trick anyone but like I said I just find it weird that this could happen.
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Joined: 05 May 2011
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PostPosted: Sat Sep 28, 2013 4:44 am Reply with quote
xScar wrote:
Escaflowne2001 wrote:
How does this even happen? Did they not look at the material? Did they think people wouldn't notice? or care?

At least there replacing them for free. Weird situation though.

I assume they usually receive unedited materials from Japan without having to specifically ask for them. Of course they looked at the materials, but without knowing that there is are censored/uncensored versions, it wouldn't be something that one would even think about.

I'm not sure why in the world you think they're trying to trick people when they're being up front about it and offering a replacement program.

Im not going to say they were trying to trick anyone but their response seems rather apathetic. Oh if you want the unedited version ship it back, kind of like a restaurant saying whoops we gave you salmonella, but if you want a cure write and show us your receipt.
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Bargain Hunter

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PostPosted: Sat Sep 28, 2013 4:47 am Reply with quote
I agree this is very odd. Usually, censored versions of shows are extremely easy to tell from uncensored versions, so it's strange this wasn't picked up on earlier. Anyway, glad that Funi is acting quickly to rectify this.

I gots to have my zombie rom-coms pristine and in their natural state, thank yew vury mooch.
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Joined: 16 Aug 2008
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PostPosted: Sat Sep 28, 2013 5:44 am Reply with quote
Yeah you would think *someone* sometime during production would be curious and ask why certain scenes still appear to be censored. If you're familiar with anime, it is fairly obvious. Maybe they should always download the JP BD raws or fansubs just to make sure, or at least on any slight suspicion (this blacked out area, this fog, etc--is it supposed to be there?) Razz

I am actually serious about that, since if they had done so, it would have saved them the expense of re-authoring and replacing the BD and DVD discs. I am also afraid that some buyers may not even be aware. I wouldn't be aware of this until this ANN news piece and Funimation had to be contacted by Righstuf:
Some customers have notified us that when they received their Sankarea DVD or Blu-Ray, that there was some censoring on the video. We contacted Funimation about this matter and received the following response:

and seems to have only confirmed it on their tumblr blog; no email Funi's site members. What about the folks buying from Amazon?

Anyways, I placed an order a couple days ago during Rightstuf's Funi sale. About this, Rightstuf says:
We're currently oversold on this title, and it is our guess that we won't receive additional stock until this reauthoring occurs.

If I get the discs soon, then that means it will be from the original censored batch. But If I get it, say a few weeks later, I still would not immediately know if it means my disc came from the original batch, or they are from the new re-authored batch.

I will watch the fansubs (and the unlicensed OVA) in the mean time, but it is still a hassle to wait and check various scenes to determine whether you've received the old version or the new fixed version. It would be nice of video releases had some kind of indicator of revised versions on the disc or package.
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Joined: 17 Jul 2011
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PostPosted: Sat Sep 28, 2013 8:04 am Reply with quote
Yep, someone was asleep at the switch.

I expect that whoever unlucky schlub at Funimation was they know they blew it. Evil or Very Mad Embarassed

Mark Gosdin
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Joined: 12 Dec 2006
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PostPosted: Sat Sep 28, 2013 8:44 am Reply with quote
ZorinBlitz wrote:
So annoying, waiting for my copy to ship then I have to wait more. lol
Funimation, if you're reading this you need to ship the replacement discs in dvd cases. If you put them in sleeves I guarantee the discs will be damaged upon arrival. Then you'll give us another thing to complain about, so don't do it.

Don't BDs have some sort of anti-scratch thing that could protect it a little? And the replacement DVDs I've received from NISA stuff always came fine. Heck, I think Sentai's replacement BDs for Kids on the Slope didn't even come in a sleeve. I think they were placed in a large envelope, which was folded up to keep the discs from sliding around. lol

configspace wrote:
Maybe they should always download the JP BD raws or fansubs just to make sure, or at least on any slight suspicion (this blacked out area, this fog, etc--is it supposed to be there?) Razz

Or always verify with the licensor. They have a responsibility too. FUNi got the clean OP and ED. Unless they got those before the masters of the entire episodes, both sides messed up.

Anyways, I placed an order a couple days ago during Rightstuf's Funi sale. About this, Rightstuf says:
We're currently oversold on this title, and it is our guess that we won't receive additional stock until this reauthoring occurs.

If I get the discs soon, then that means it will be from the original censored batch. But If I get it, say a few weeks later, I still would not immediately know if it means my disc came from the original batch, or they are from the new re-authored batch.

TRSI also mentioned that future customers would be notified what version they get. However, I don't know if that will be TRSI's doing or FUNimation's...

I will watch the fansubs (and the unlicensed OVA) in the mean time, but it is still a hassle to wait and check various scenes to determine whether you've received the old version or the new fixed version. It would be nice of video releases had some kind of indicator of revised versions on the disc or package.

Fansubs of what? The uncensored version? At the very least, the simulcasted videos are still on FUNimation's website and Hulu.
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Joined: 20 Oct 2009
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PostPosted: Sat Sep 28, 2013 9:38 am Reply with quote
why would they care to check?

its a bother meeting expectations of the anime collectors.

I mean just look at the web site, Funimation has had issues with it for years and its still a beta.

This should say something.
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CrisGer A.A.

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PostPosted: Sat Sep 28, 2013 9:49 am Reply with quote
Silly blunder. And if we have ONLY a PO Box that is what you will be sending to Funi, stop trying to tell people how to receive mail. Some people live where there ARE ONLY PO boxes. sigh.
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Joined: 17 Jul 2009
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PostPosted: Sat Sep 28, 2013 9:52 am Reply with quote
Try to look at the bright side guys. TV versions of anime rarely get any kind of release on DVD, even in Japan. I get the feeling this release will become quite the rare (and pricey) collectors item once the uncut version is out.
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Joined: 02 Mar 2008
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PostPosted: Sat Sep 28, 2013 10:38 am Reply with quote
CrownKlown wrote:
Im not going to say they were trying to trick anyone but their response seems rather apathetic. Oh if you want the unedited version ship it back, kind of like a restaurant saying whoops we gave you salmonella, but if you want a cure write and show us your receipt.
Brilliant hyperbole there.
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Joined: 12 Mar 2008
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PostPosted: Sat Sep 28, 2013 10:47 am Reply with quote
doubleO7 wrote:
Try to look at the bright side guys. TV versions of anime rarely get any kind of release on DVD, even in Japan. I get the feeling this release will become quite the rare (and pricey) collectors item once the uncut version is out.

Maybe when things like that were impossible to find elsewhere, but you can get TV versions anywhere on the net.
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Joined: 07 Jan 2012
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PostPosted: Sat Sep 28, 2013 11:49 am Reply with quote
Asrialys wrote:
ZorinBlitz wrote:
So annoying, waiting for my copy to ship then I have to wait more. lol
Funimation, if you're reading this you need to ship the replacement discs in dvd cases. If you put them in sleeves I guarantee the discs will be damaged upon arrival. Then you'll give us another thing to complain about, so don't do it.

Don't BDs have some sort of anti-scratch thing that could protect it a little? And the replacement DVDs I've received from NISA stuff always came fine. Heck, I think Sentai's replacement BDs for Kids on the Slope didn't even come in a sleeve. I think they were placed in a large envelope, which was folded up to keep the discs from sliding around. lol

Yup, blu-rays come with a much better anti-scratch protection than DVDs so shipping one in a paper sleeve should be fine.
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