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[OT] Interests BESIDES Anime?

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Joined: 22 Jun 2006
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PostPosted: Fri Jan 12, 2007 10:28 pm Reply with quote
Well, I'm putting my webcomic up again after a six month hiatus (I got grounded, and....well, it sort of stopped getting done after that), so that's a hobby. I like to draw generally, too, and I've recently developed a fondness for oil paints.

I also enjoy reading (especially fantasy), and I'm a bigger Harry Potter geek than I feel comfortable admitting. I write alot too, although I think my creative power was totally drained by a 45-page fanfic I did over the summer. I also have a novel in progress.

Oh, and my best friend and I like to pass the time with our two-girl, massive FMA-Shaman King-whatever other anime we feel like pulling in-MSN roleplay, in which we each roleplay at least 40 (if not more) people. It's a ton of fun, especially since there's not much else to do in this town^^;;;
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Joined: 09 Jul 2006
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PostPosted: Fri Jan 12, 2007 11:27 pm Reply with quote
--I listen to a lot of German, Russian, Turkish, Finnish, and Japanese music.
--I play plenty of video games. (Mostly FPSs, RPGs, and RTSs)
--Outside of anime, I watch South Park, the History Channel, Mind of Mencia, Seinfeld reruns, [Adult Swim]'s comedy shows (except Assy McGee, Tom Goes to the Mayor, Futurama, 12 Oz. Mouse, and Squidbillies) and the FOX Sunday lineup.
--I read quite a bit on the sciences, foreign languages, and guns.
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Buster Blader 126

Joined: 14 May 2005
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PostPosted: Fri Jan 12, 2007 11:33 pm Reply with quote
Besides anime, I enjoy:

- watching hockey
- playing the piano
- reading (not just manga, but novels as well)
- playing video games (primarily UT & any multiplayer games with my friends, as I rarely play video games by myself anymore)
- The news, either reading the newspaper or listening to the radio.

That's pretty much it.
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Joined: 11 Jan 2007
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PostPosted: Fri Jan 12, 2007 11:43 pm Reply with quote
fighterholic wrote:
LydiaDianne wrote:
Laughing Yes, and we both know who's better!

The Florida Gators! Wink

Yes, and we both know who Florida has to thank for their National Championship! Wink

God Florida owned my school so hard...it was embarassing. My (male) roommate was practically sobbing as he threw things at the walls.

But I can honestly say that Buckeye football is not a hobby for me what-so-ever, which makes me a minority at OSU. However, I do love video games, just hanging out with my friends (eating, drinking, I have a weakness for watermelon frozen margaritas and chocolate crepes), reading (novels and manga), and I'm really into celebrity gossip an the whole hollywood scene and I looooove Sex in the City, most of the shows on AS (mainly Metalocalypse right now), and Buffy the Vampire Slayer.
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Joined: 19 Dec 2006
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PostPosted: Sat Jan 13, 2007 12:01 am Reply with quote
Outside of anime I like:

Reading, basically manga and anything else that I find interesting. My favorite novels are The Grapes of Wrath and East of Eden by John Steinbeck.

I like doing artwork, mainly pencil or pen drawings and acrylic paintings.

I play and collect video games although I haven't really had time to play them much with college, plus I think I was getting a little tired of video games so I've been doing other stuff more often. My favorite genres are RPG, FPS, and platformers.

Three times a week I go to a gym to weight lift and run to stay in shape.

I also enjoy computers and programming (I guess it only makes sense for a Computer Science major). Currently I know Visual Basic, C#, C, C++, and assembly for a PIC chip; and also have a working knowledge of the DirectX graphics API. Although coding for school takes up a large chunck of my time I do enjoy it.

I also have been playing the piano for 13 years and violin for 7 years but I only do it ocassionly for fun now that I'm in college.

Oh and outside of Anime in visual media my favorite movie is Memento and I have really been enjoying the TV series LOST.

Last edited by icebeast on Sat Jan 13, 2007 12:47 am; edited 1 time in total
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Joined: 20 Feb 2005
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PostPosted: Sat Jan 13, 2007 12:07 am Reply with quote
I really enjoy sports, mainly hockey, football, and martial arts. I still do a little martial art training, but I no longer play football. But I devoutly follow my favorite teams.

I'm a big video gamer; currently playing Final Fantasy 12. Favorite game of all time is Metal Gear Solid. I wish I had more time these days to play more.

Music of the hard rock/heavy metal variety is a huge passion. But it's not limited to just CDs, I attend many concerts because there's just nothing quite like a live show.

I don't go to movies very often, but I enjoy a good one when I see it.

Last edited by DemonEyesLeo on Sat Jan 13, 2007 12:08 am; edited 1 time in total
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Joined: 02 Apr 2006
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PostPosted: Sat Jan 13, 2007 12:08 am Reply with quote
Celes wrote:
fighterholic wrote:
LydiaDianne wrote:
Laughing Yes, and we both know who's better!

The Florida Gators! Wink

Yes, and we both know who Florida has to thank for their National Championship! Wink

God Florida owned my school so hard...it was embarassing. My (male) roommate was practically sobbing as he threw things at the walls.

But I can honestly say that Buckeye football is not a hobby for me what-so-ever, which makes me a minority at OSU. However, I do love video games, just hanging out with my friends (eating, drinking, I have a weakness for watermelon frozen margaritas and chocolate crepes), reading (novels and manga), and I'm really into celebrity gossip an the whole hollywood scene and I looooove Sex in the City, most of the shows on AS (mainly Metalocalypse right now), and Buffy the Vampire Slayer.

You know the funny thing is despite all the support they had at the game there wasn't a damn person in my neighbor hood who thought the Gators had a chance...then after they win 41-14 everyones like "Oh yeah I knew they were going to win" then they started putting flags up. It is sad when your own state barely supports you. I was for the Gators all the way. Very Happy I guess I forgot to mention that I do enjoy Football.
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Joined: 28 Jan 2006
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PostPosted: Sat Jan 13, 2007 12:19 am Reply with quote
Celes wrote:
fighterholic wrote:
LydiaDianne wrote:
Laughing Yes, and we both know who's better!

The Florida Gators! Wink

Yes, and we both know who Florida has to thank for their National Championship! Wink

God Florida owned my school so hard...it was embarassing. My (male) roommate was practically sobbing as he threw things at the walls.

Off Topic - Sometimes I think there should be a "Mercy" rule in College and Pro Football.

On Topic - I enjoy looking at various sites, especially news or funny ones, on the internet.
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Joined: 08 Feb 2006
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PostPosted: Sat Jan 13, 2007 12:44 am Reply with quote
My main hobby is trying to find ways to spend the money I earn from working. At least the part the bank lets me keep. No, I don't have kids...yet. My ski, fishing and camping trips are few and far between but I'm working on getting myself back into better shape so I can get into more outrigger races (was in five last year). That I do inbetween dragon boat practices and races/festivals (four festivals last year including the club crew world championships in Toronto). I used to build model kits of WWII warships, passenger liners, planes and cars but I've come to a realization that if I were to build all the kits I've collected I'd have to build a personal museum to house the collection. Do going to concerts, visiting art galleries and museums and movie going count as hobbies? If you offer me tickets to a hockey game, I'll take them off your hands with no hesitation. I keep telling myself I've lost interest in hockey but I check the scores every night the Canucks play. Actually, when I go to bars and pubs with friends I try to pick a seat where I can't see a TV screen with a hockey or soccer game on. Because odds are my focus will drift off to the game and away from the conversation. Of course, if we're going to the bar/pub specifically to watch the game then that's a different story. And then there's that ever growing CD and DVD collection to attend to. The list goes on...
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Tony K.

Joined: 18 Nov 2003
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PostPosted: Sat Jan 13, 2007 2:10 pm Reply with quote
Surprise, surprise! I got a PM from the author and have managed to unlock the thread. While I don't like too many of these off topic threads, having at least one would be a nice distractor from all of this other stuff. Plus, it helps to get to know everyone a little better.

My other interests include watching sports; mostly pro. I don't like college sports mostly for the fact that there are too many teams and no one team has a long-standing core like pro sports. I do not like the Oklahoma Sooners (football) or the Texas Longhorns, but I don't like the Aggies even more (most of the ones I've met were jerks). I also don't like the chauvanistic attitude of "THE" Ohio State University (who had their butts handed to them on Monday Razz).

Anyway, I enjoy them in this order: NFL, NBA, MLB. Favorite NFL team is the Cowboys. I grew up in Irving and wasn't able to grasp the world of sports till the late 90s.

I like NFL teams that use a 3-4 defense and a Smashmouth style of football (unfortuantely, Parcells can't do that here). Run the ball well, eat up the clock, throw when you have to, and play good defense. Hopefully with Zimmer going to the Falcons, we might get a coordinator that's really knowledgable of the 3-4. If Parcells returns, that is.

I hate the New York Giants for their arrogant demeanor and that stupid jumpshot celebration after sacks. My favorite player on offense is LaDanian Tomlinson because he's so darn unstoppable. My favorite defensive player is Ray Lewis (you have to listen to him when he's huddled with the defense, he sounds so pumped up). And special shout out for Peyton Manning (love that commercial: "they're not saying boo, they're saying moo~vers! Laughing).

NBA is taking a bit of a backseat right now because of the NFL playoffs ("playoffs?!"). I used to be a huge Mavericks fan until they lost my respect by losing 4 in a row in the finals. A co-worker of mine says I'm a "fair-weathered" fan because I said I'd get back on the bandwagon if they ever win a championship. I don't care that they're the hottest team in the league right now winning 30 of their last 34. Redeem yourselves with that trophy, then you'll have me back as a fan. Sure, the Cowboys lost in a heartbreaking fashion too this postseason, but at least those 5 Super Bowls account for something.

As for Baseball. Well, I refuse to talk about the past. So I don't care who won the world series and the discrepancies between AL hitting and NL pitching. It's already said and done, and according to this philosphy, we should only look at the present and future Razz. My little jab and Big Steroi-, I mean, Mac. If he refuses to talk about the past, then that automatically negates his stats for the Hall of Fame, right?

Don't really have a favorite team. It seems like free agency is always making teams switch their rotations and batting orders, yet another unstable core. I'd like to cheer for the Rangers, but they just can't put anything together. Should never have listened to Scott Boris (aka Satan) for that A-Rod deal. The Astros were a nice underdog team for a while, but boy did they miss hitting for a while.

Anyway, I like also like movies, Hollywood and Asian. My favorite Hollywood movie is Star Trek: First Contact. Yes, I'm a bit of a Trekkie (post-Shatner), and Pichard is my favorite captain (Patrick Stewart is awesome, by the way). As much as I dislike Tom Cruise off screen, I also love The Last Samurai. Seeing Kenshin helped as a sort of precursor.

Asian movies I like are mostly martial arts (wushu and wuxia) like Iron Monkey (w/ Donnie Yen and Yu-Rong Guang) or any movie choreographed by Ching Siu-Tung, Yuen Wo-Ping, or Cory Yuen. I've also gotten into Korean cinema the last couple of years. I suggest everyone check out My Sassy Girl and A Tale of Two Sisters (ATTS has an R1 release, but not MSG). ATTS is a great horror/mystery film. If you like Satoshi Kon, you'll love this movie. MSG is the best romantic comedy I've seen. Had me laughing and cheering for those two the whole time through. I've been wanting to check out a lot of Asian horror movies as well for some reason, but haven't really had a chance. I really want to see the Ringu series.

By the way, for those up to date with Asian cinema, I've been wanting to check out two TV series: The Seven Swordsmen and Legend of the Condor Hero. I saw the R1 box sets licensed by Tai Seng, and was wondering how the quality on those are.

Oh, and video games are also an interest. I have a PS2 and play mostly fighting, action/adventure, and sometimes RPGs (not really willing to put the time in anymore). My favorite RPG series of all-time is Genso Suikoden. Love the first 2, but couldn't stand the transition from 2D to 3D, so I hate 3 and refuse to play 4 and beyond. Chrono Trigger is my favorite SNES game next to Final Fantasy VI, Mario RPG, then followed by the Mega Man X series.

I also used to play an MMORPG called Maple Story, but that's just way too time consuming. I haven't played since around Sept. '06. For those of you familiar with the game, I had maybe 10 characters across 4 accounts (one was a mule). My highest lvl'ed character was a lvl 64/65 Assassin under the name Soujirou0083. I wonder if the prices of throwing stars are still outrageously high?...

So there ya' go!

EDIT: Fixed some spelling, hopefully.

Last edited by Tony K. on Sat Jan 13, 2007 2:39 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Joined: 25 Oct 2005
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Location: England. Robin is so Cute!
PostPosted: Sat Jan 13, 2007 2:30 pm Reply with quote
Errr...let's see

I have practiced a lot of martial arts(JuJutsu, Tae-Kwon-Do, Western) and enjoy combat sports, I am also currently involved in a local boxing clubs league...though I lost my first bout recently (4 rounds, I knocked him down in the third but he won on the cards in the other three rounds).

I like learning about different (non blackpowder) weapons, seeing how and why they developed, how they affected the culture they were in. I also have a fair collection of swords (including my pride and joy, an original Landsnechkts greatsword, bought at auction for for a mere £550)...though it's actually a tad too small for me!

I quite enjoy reading fantasy, Steven Erikson being my favourite...

Politics too, sometimes, let's all dance for the end of Blair.
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Joined: 30 Oct 2005
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PostPosted: Sat Jan 13, 2007 2:51 pm Reply with quote
Foreign films, specifically Japanese and French, those tend to be what I lean towards.

Music, I play guitar in a band.

Art, usually surrealism.
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Joined: 06 May 2006
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PostPosted: Sat Jan 13, 2007 3:13 pm Reply with quote
Anime is my third favorite hobby.

My primary hobby is reading. I like some of the classics and older stuff, John Steinbeck's East of Eden is my favorite all time. However I won't say that I do not absolutely enjoy reading Oscar Wilde, Melville, Tolstoy, Alexandre Dumas, C.S. Lewis, Jules Verne and Tolkien of course, along with many others which I can't name all off the top of my head. I also love to read short stories and poetry from some of the same authors and others. I have a really worn copy of collected works of Emily Dickinson that keeps me company from time to time.

But I read just about anything. Well almost, I do hate about 95% of anything William Shakespeare ever wrote, so that makes me a bit different from most fans of literature. I actually once, a long time ago in my high school days, turned in a paper explaining in detail why Stephen King today is a much better author than Shakespeare was alive or in any period.

And I do like Stephen King books as well, actually most of his work before Insomnia. The only works he wrote afterwards that I really enjoyed were the end of the Dark Tower series and his last short story collection. But then I can get into any well written horror tale, my other favorites here would be Anne Rice and Thomas Harris, although I do read a lot of others.

Actually, I think horror novels are the only contemporary works that I enjoy, I have read novels from just about any popular author today, and I think Michael Crichton and Frank McCourt are probably the only ones who have truly managed to impress me. Not that I don't enjoy other popular works, I did spend quite a bit of time in the Harry Potter fandom and am still anticipating the final book, hoping Rowling redeems her story.

I also love children's books, I have finally managed to collect every book I remember reading when I was young. English is my second language so I started late, but I still remember how much fun i had reading books from Beverly Cleary, Jean Craighead George, London, and many others growing up, and I still take the time to read through one of those stories for old times sake whenever the urge kicks in. And I also like some of todays children's works, Lemony Snickets: A Series of Unfortunate Events, even if a bit dark, is almost brilliant in the way it develops from book to book, especially the latter ones which all finally start to bring all the events together to an the eventual end. The darkness in the series reminds me a lot of the Grimm's stories.

After reading, my second biggest hobby and biggest money taker is Movies. I love movies. I love going to the theatre, I love movies on DVD, I even have a lot of VHS tapes that I used to buy before DVD. And like with literature almost anything will do. Well, except artsy pretentious crap with no entertainment value, but I'm against that in any medium. I'm ok with artistic films as long as they at least entertain, but most of the really bad ones just try to come at you with something "innovative" that doesn't really do anything other than look somewhat interesting.

My favorite film of all time is an old Oliver Stone film titled Wall Street. I own that on Beta, VHS, and DVD. Somehow the storytelling and the way yo just see the characters get lost in this world, like if it was a completely fictional one, instead of an imitation of life, it is just powerful. It also helps that I think Michael Douglas, pre Traffic, was the best actor alive and used to watch any and every movie he made.

but I don't just get into drama, like with anime I actually prefer romantic comedies. You name the romantic comedy or chick flick I have probably seen it, my favorite among these being French Kiss. But I am a sucker for most of these and love even the really cheesy ones like 13 going on 30.

And here's a weird, maybe acquired, taste. I absolutely love, LOVE, bad, terrible awful horror movies. I mean I like a good one too, but I love the bad ones. I don't care for the mediocre ones too much and will usually stay away. But show me movies like the Evil Dead trilogy and I can watch all three in one sitting. I also like it when a horror movie really tries to be scary but it turns into a comedy. I think the Exorcist is one of the funniest movies ever made.

Another thing I have gotten into in the past decade, being a big comic fan, is comic to film adaptations. I have seen and bought every Marvel Movie as it has come out, even the Hulk which sucked, and will probably keep on buying them. My favorites have been Spider-Man and Dare Devil. However I will absolutely refuse to watch anything from DC adapted today. I loved the first 2 original Superman movies and Michael Keaton will always be my favorite Bat-Man, but just watching a trailer for the new ones that have been coming out just make me want to roll my eyes. It doesn't even look like they are trying.

Among other hobbies are watching Football, although I prefer when Tony Romo doesn't drop the ball before an easy kick. I've been a Cowboy fan since 1980. I also like walking/hiking almost anywhere but I obviously prefer interesting surroundings, whenever I travel I look to see if there is a Zoo in the area. And I love pets, I just got a new puppy, actually he was just born, I'll be getting him in about 6 weeks, and as with my past canine friends, I'll be glad to have someone to keep me company at home again.

I used to do theatre, acting, set/lighting/sound design, directing, and more, but as I get older I find I want to spend more time either at home or outdoors, so I haven't even been out to watch a play in about 2 years.

I used to write a lot. Well I still write a little, the occasional short story or another chapter in the Novel I'll never finish, but not as much as I used to. I think it probably shows in my sloppy posts nowadays that I'm pretty rusty. But I used to co-write screenplays, plays, stories both long and short, and just about anything that popped in my head. That's another thing that is probably going with age. I used to want to create, now I'm happy just being entertained. Not that I'm old, in my 30s, but I guess I'm starting to finally feel content I guess; it's the best way I can put it.

Another hobby that is not so big is TV, well actually if anime were included I guess it would be considered bigger. However outside of anime I don't watch a lot of TV but there are some things I eat up. Whenever I find a good show I follow it like the earth will swallow me up if I don't. This started when I started following Buffy in the third season. I can't believe how much this show grabbed my attention and I still consider it my favorite show of all time. Hooror, comedy, adventure, action, romance, hidden meanings, symbolism, and so much more are what I feel made that show so incredible.

To a lesser degree I used to also really enjoy Dead Like Me. I was really getting into this show when Showtime decided to pull the plug on it and I hated that I never got to see a proper conclusion. And I have also followed different cartoons over the years. The Simpsons, Family Guy, The Critic, Dungeon's and Dragons, South Park, Dark Water, Loony Tunes, and a slew of others I can remember watching at least semi regularly at some point in my life. And I can never really knock TV, growing up I learned English watching programs on PBS as a young kid, like Sesame Street, Mr Rogers, and The Letter People.

And not just old TV, I think there are two shows today that are more than just good TV. I follow the intricate Heroes and the wonderful Rescue Me in the Summers. I don't think there are any other shows today that can match the story telling of either of those. And sadly, I'll admit I'm a big WWE fan. Yes I watch RAW and Smackdown and even order the bigger PPVs. It isn't what it was even a few years ago and some of my favorites have come and gone, Kurt Angle and Chris Jericho, but I still watch it. Although it looks like Triple H may be out for a while so it might not be too fun in the next couple of months. I hope he comes back as a bad ass heel again, I'm getting tired of him being a baby face. I like him more when he's bad. Actually I'll generally root for a good heel over a good baby face, they are just more fun.

Another Hobby that I don't get into nearly as much as I used to is comics. My favorite series is Spawn. I have every issue including 2 mint copies of the #1 issue, one of them signed by Todd McFarlane. However I also love Marvel comics, particularly Spider-Man and I even turned down a #1 issue someone was selling me for only $2000 at the time. I hated not having tat chunk of change on me back then, that issue is worth so much more. And I can also get into X-Men and Daredevil, and some of the other better ones.

Ok, well I must've felt like writing today. That's it for me, I guess. If anyone's actually read this far, you have my sincere apologies.


ETA: I came back to complete the list after a nice long nap. I was starting to fall asleep earlier while writing it.

Last edited by undeadben on Sat Jan 13, 2007 11:08 pm; edited 2 times in total
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Joined: 11 May 2005
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PostPosted: Sat Jan 13, 2007 3:38 pm Reply with quote
I'm very amazed at all the different interests I'm seeing here; it's nice to see some anime fans who have lives outside of anime for a change.

I can't say I'm too interested in sports - not to mention, I'm extremely unathletic - but I do enjoy playing tennis, especially doubles tennis. But I spend much more of my time inside, and most of that time is spent on the computer. There's nothing I love more than web design and HTML, and I love to build new content and designs all of the time. I'm always admiring other people's domains and wondering how I could make my own sites better, and it gives me a lot to do. I also like to browse the Internet, but all I really look up is anime.

I also love to play the violin and the piano. I could play them for hours, and I wouldn't even notice the time passing. I've played the piano since I was five, and the violin since I was ten, so I'm a lot better at the piano, but I find playing music to be a good stress reliever. Speaking of music, I also adore karaoke; if I like a song, I have to find a karaoke version of it. I don't like American music too much; in fact, I think I only listen to Asian music. I especially love C-Pop, J-Rock.

I like to learn foreign languages as well. I study Japanese on my spare time, as well as Chinese, since I am Chinese. I might take up Korean soon, too, or maybe Hindi, since I'm also Indian. At school, I've studied up to Spanish 3-4 and I'm in German 1-2.

Lastly, I won't be afraid to admit that I love Harry Potter; have since the third grade. I thought it was going to be a stupid book at first, but then I just got sucked in and I've been hooked ever since. So, I collect a lot of Harry Potter merchandise, watch the movies, and reread the books about five million times. I also still like to watch cartoons, and I play a few video games here and there.
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Joined: 10 Jul 2004
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PostPosted: Sat Jan 13, 2007 3:49 pm Reply with quote
The things that I enjoy outside of Anime and manga:

- I enjoy wacting sports such as the NFL, NBA, MLB, NHL, and Soccer.
My favorite football team are the San Diego Chargers and I'll be rooting for them this sunday against the Patriots. My basketball team are the LA Lakers, my favorite baseball teams are the San Fransico Giants and the New York Yankees and my Hockey teams are the San Jose Sharks, LA Kings, and the New York Rangers, atlhough they are really struggling right now. And as for soccer I sometimes follow the EPL and my team is Machester United.

- I also like wrestling although it's been rather dissapointing especially the WWE. IMO The WWE was at it's best doing the attitude era (1998-2000) and after that it has been down hill. I like TNA and all but I'd wish they stop trying to compete with the WWE and focus on making their product even better because nowhere near the level where they compete with the WWE. My all time favorite wrestlers would have to be Bret Hart and Shawn Micheals because imo they both had the charisma and they had both in ring skills.

- Mixed Martial Arts are quickly becoming something that I enjoy wacthing and I like both the UFC and Pride although I think Pride is a little bit better imo.

- Other programs that I like wacthing are Heroes, House, Smallville, Some other Adult Swim shows such as Aqua Teen Hunger Force and Venture Bros., Supernatural and America's Next Top Model.

- I'm also a huge gamer. Some of my favorite genres are RPG''s, FPS, and Fighting Games. I have an Xbox 360 but I plan on getting a PS3 and a Wii. Some of my favorite games of all time are The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past, Chrono Trigger, Super Metriod, Earthbound ( I really hope that Nintendo of America brings Mother 3 for the GBA to the states, that really would make me one happy gamer Very Happy ), The Legend o Zelda: Ocarina of Time, and Final Fantasy VI. Some of my most anticipatted games of 2007 are Metal Gear Solid 4, Halo 3, Metriod Prime 3: Corruption, Super Mario Galaxy, Virtua Fighter 5, and Super Smash Bros. Brawl.

- I'll admit I like wacthing disney movies athough they've been rather mediocre as of late.
Some of my favorite disney movies are The Lion King, Alladin, and Robin Hood. I really alot of pixars stuff as well such as Finding Nemo and the Incredibles.

- I aslo love wacting movies and some of my favorite movies of all time are the Star Wars Original Trillogy, The Maxtrix Trillogy, Both Spider-Man movies, Secret Window, Forest Gump, Super Man Returns, Batman Begins,and Cinderella Man. Some of my most antcipated movies of 2007 are Spider-Man 3, The Simpsons Movie, and Transformers.

Well thats all folks. Very Happy
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