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Punny Anime

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Joined: 02 Dec 2005
Posts: 8
PostPosted: Tue Sep 26, 2006 3:25 pm Reply with quote
The idea is that you post anime titles with a pun in it or slightly changed to give humourous results!

Grate Teacher Onizuka - A dull businessman decides to quit his job and become a teacher

Azumanga Dire - An anime following the lives of 5 very boring high school girls

Drag-on Ball - Just like Dragonball, but with the fight scenes draggggeeeeeddddd out. Wait a minute...

Punslinger Girl - Henrietta survives the brutal slaughter of her family and is taken in by an Agency who rebuilds her into the ultimate comedian
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Tony K.

Joined: 18 Nov 2003
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Location: Frisco, TX
PostPosted: Tue Sep 26, 2006 6:09 pm Reply with quote
Thisthreadisuselessmono - Tony K. has lost his memory after succumbing to the trolling of 4KrapSucks and crappy threads like this; but thanks to watching all of Genshiken yesterday, he is nursed back to health. His face is covered by a pair of glasses and he often sees visions of idiocy. ANN now cares for him as he becomes accustomed to the forums and its inhabitants who all bear strange ears (the women have tails too). Though these people venerate the forces of The Internet, desecration of the Anime forum forces them to take drastic measures to preserve their lives from the stupidity of 4KrapSucks, guardian of annoying users..

Capthread Harlock - Space pirate guy who goes around locking threads.
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Tony K.

Joined: 18 Nov 2003
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Location: Frisco, TX
PostPosted: Wed Sep 27, 2006 5:58 pm Reply with quote
So I'm unlocking this because I got a complaint from the author. I will not give my opinion on the matter and will leave it up to you, the users, to decide if this thread serves any purpose other than entertainment.

Is it fun(ny)? Should I keep it open? If not, why should it be locked? What are your opinions?

If you just want to chime in with an opinion or list some pun you think is clever and witty, do whatever. Apparently, I am the new Nagisa because I continue to piss people off by locking threads Rolling Eyes.
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Joined: 11 Dec 2005
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Location: The Nacirema Dream (17 and counting Asuka)
PostPosted: Wed Sep 27, 2006 6:13 pm Reply with quote
Tony K. wrote:
So I'm unlocking this because I got a complaint from the author. I will not give my opinion on the matter and will leave it up to you, the users, to decide if this thread serves any purpose other than entertainment.

Is it fun(ny)? Should I keep it open? If not, why should it be locked? What are your opinions?

If you just want to chime in with an opinion or list some pun you think is clever and witty, do whatever. Apparently, I am the new Nagisa because I continue to piss people off by locking threads Rolling Eyes.

No, but you are pissing people off by acting like an ass. Post the rules, state what what was broken, and what it takes to improve. You know, that thing you used to do. You (or any other mod) acting worse than the person that posted the thread is what pisses people off.

"But Rema, sometimes people just get me angry by continuously breaking the rules. Sometimes I just can't take it and I need some release by acting like my elemntary-school bus driver."

You signed up for the job, thats what you do. You deal with the rule-breakers and the new people who's only ambition is to have a 26743 post count. If it bothers you to the point that you have to abuse your position, quit. Its just some kids on a damm forum trying to have fun in a way that might occasionally (or habitually) break the stiff rules that this site forces its people to abide by; no need to act like an asshole.
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Encyclopedia Editor

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PostPosted: Wed Sep 27, 2006 6:39 pm Reply with quote
Tony K. wrote:
Is it fun(ny)? Should I keep it open? If not, why should it be locked? What are your opinions?

It really doesn't matter to me. I'm not particularly interested in making up cheesy word jokes for anime though.

camelot187757 wrote:
No, but you are pissing people off by acting like an ass.

Says the person who has been banned from the ANN chat room 16 times for acting like an ass.
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Joined: 05 Jul 2006
Posts: 156
PostPosted: Wed Sep 27, 2006 6:47 pm Reply with quote
There is allways one mod on any forum you go to that it makes you realize that they are told to be an ass by the people higher up than they are.

This thread is pointless but at least let it go a little to see if people actually reply (other than these past four replies and myself).

Let's here...

The Watermelon of Haruhi Suzimiya - About a wacko watermelon named Haruhi.

The end...
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Joined: 12 Sep 2005
Posts: 745
PostPosted: Wed Sep 27, 2006 7:10 pm Reply with quote
Tony K. wrote:
So I'm unlocking this because I got a complaint from the author. I will not give my opinion on the matter and will leave it up to you, the users, to decide if this thread serves any purpose other than entertainment.

Is it fun(ny)? Should I keep it open? If not, why should it be locked? What are your opinions?

If you just want to chime in with an opinion or list some pun you think is clever and witty, do whatever. Apparently, I am the new Nagisa because I continue to piss people off by locking threads Rolling Eyes.

Let me start off.


Teh Rules wrote:
1) Discussion should be related to anime, anime news, Anime News Network, the forum topic, or in some way relevant to this website. Excessively off-topic ("OT") posts will be locked or deleted.

3) Discussions should carry some measure of intelligence to them. Consider if what you are writing is relevant or important to others. If it does not contribute to the discussion, do not post it. Please post detailed answers to questions, lists and one-liners do not contribute.

I wouldn't have mentioned the "some measure of intelligence" part but none of the puns are funny at all. This is just another "let's spam with an excuse" thread. I'd recommend waiting for the next 4-5 replies, which probably won't be funny either, then throw this thread into the abyss.
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Anthony P

Joined: 27 Oct 2005
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Location: Phoenix, Arizona, US
PostPosted: Wed Sep 27, 2006 7:12 pm Reply with quote
Tony K. wrote:
I will not give my opinion on the matter and will leave it up to you, the users, to decide if this thread serves any purpose other than entertainment.

Is it fun(ny)? Should I keep it open? If not, why should it be locked? What are your opinions?

The thread will barely qualify as entertainment. I'd say to continue locking threads like these.

camelot187757 wrote:
No, but you are pissing people off by acting like an ass. Post the rules, state what what was broken, and what it takes to improve. You know, that thing you used to do. You (or any other mod) acting worse than the person that posted the thread is what pisses people off.

It's our responsibility to be familiar with the rules; there's no reason that the mods should be explaining them constantly to rule-breakers. And if one doesn't want to be teased by the mods for making lockable threads and breaking the rules, then don't break the rules in the first place. The rules are clear and concise enough for anyone to understand.
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Joined: 13 Aug 2006
Posts: 144
PostPosted: Wed Sep 27, 2006 8:03 pm Reply with quote
Fajac wrote:
Punslinger Girl - Henrietta survives the brutal slaughter of her family and is taken in by an Agency who rebuilds her into the ultimate comedian

Is Gunslinger Girl really that bad?... I'm considering buying this anime, and it seems pretty dark... Does anyone have any constructive comment about this anime...

Ben come comment as your avatar is supposedly a character off Gunslinger Girl right? lol..

Tony K. has lost his memory after succumbing to the trolling of 4KrapSucks and crappy threads like this

I laughed at this for a minute straight.


No, but you are pissing people off by acting like an ass. Post the rules, state what what was broken, and what it takes to improve. You know, that thing you used to do. You (or any other mod) acting worse than the person that posted the thread is what pisses people off.

This is like that other guy with bad english eh... If you really don't like the rules then leave, or do something about it. Stop complaining, because it will not get you anywhere, the people on this forum aren't going to change for you since you think the moderating is unfair. Don't like it? then seriously stop posting, because there are other forums.
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Joined: 22 Jul 2006
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Location: columbus, ga
PostPosted: Wed Sep 27, 2006 8:57 pm Reply with quote
eh...GSG (gunslinger girls) was all flash and no substances. It lacked the character development to make it a good show. It had a lot of potential, but there was no story line that I could make out. It was totally episodic, focusing on 1 character at a time, but not giving them enough time.
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Past ANN Contributor

Joined: 08 Jul 2004
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Location: San Diego
PostPosted: Wed Sep 27, 2006 9:33 pm Reply with quote
ANN Ni Youkoso! (Welcome to ANN!) Many anime fans are familiar with the Anime News Network -- but few of them realize that it's a cover-up for a much darker conspiracy, the Association of Narutarded Nutjobs! Thaddeus "Tatsu" Sateaux is an unsuspecting anime lover who stumbles into this conspiracy and enters a world of histrionic dub/sub arguments, mind-numbing recommendation threads, endless bitching about shounen action series fillers, and anti-editing/censorship crusades that can only end in bloodshed. Can an "angel" named Bamboo Dong save Sateaux by giving him some good anime recommendations in Shelf Life, or will he fall into the inconsolable depths of Narutardation?

...okay, I've had my fun, locky time.
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Joined: 28 Jul 2003
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PostPosted: Thu Sep 28, 2006 12:17 am Reply with quote
Tony K. wrote:
Should I keep it open?


Tony K. wrote:
If not, why should it be locked?

Teh Rules wrote:
3) Discussions should carry some measure of intelligence to them. Consider if what you are writing is relevant or important to others. If it does not contribute to the discussion, do not post it. Please post detailed answers to questions, lists and one-liners do not contribute.
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