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Posts: 340 |
I need some ideas of what games I should try out. I have a 360 but I pretty much played everything that's out I wanted to before the new console comes out. So I thought I'd play some classic games. I'm getting a NES from a family member and I hope to buy a new SNES since mine broke. So any suggestions for those or any of the Gameboys up to advance would be appreciated.
![]() Posts: 512 Location: New York |
Grab that SNES and pick up the following:
Chrono Trigger Secret of Mana Secret of Evermore Final Fantasy III Illusion of Gaia Earthbound Super Mario RPG Lufia II: Rise of the Sinistrals Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past Breath of Fire II Those should keep you busy for a good while. |
Posts: 340 |
Seems hard to come by a SNES where I am. The games you can find everywhere but the system is horrible to find. I wanted to play a couple Zelda games. Any good ones for Gameboy?
![]() Posts: 512 Location: New York |
Link's Awakening is essential GB gaming! |
Sailor S
Since you're getting an NES, then Contra is a must, and the Mega Man games, but especially Mega Man 2. I'm also rather fond of Punch Out. I don't know how much you're interested in sports games, but Techmo Super Bowl is hands down the greatest football game ever made. Anyone that disagrees has apparently never experienced the joy of watching Bo Jackson singlehandedly carry a team to the Super Bowl, or seen Joe Montana launch a pass 99 yards in the air to Jerry Rice. Truly some of the greatest moments in sports history.
Posts: 340 |
I'm looking for more action adventure games.
Posts: 166 |
For that matter, there's not really a whole lot of Zelda that can't be played on GBA and a 3DS, just console titles from Majora's Mask and beyond. I just finished Ages+Seasons for the first time recently thanks to the Virtual Console release. There's plenty of action/adventure games for the NES to go around, I'll second Mega Man since I've always been a huge fan of it, along with actually most of the NES Capcom games for that matter. I probably don't have to mention Mario, but check out the Double Dragon, Ninja Gaiden, Castlevania, and TMNT series, and of course most of the standalone Nintendo titles. |
![]() Posts: 7361 |
You should get a GBASP, it's the last GBA system that could play original gameboy games and the backlight is amazing, I can't believe I ever played without a backlight once I got the SP! Also, I am infinitely more familiar with the GBA library than the original GB one. And I can name more actiony games. You should be able to find one on ebay for $40 or less, it's well worth it, the best gameboy system easily if you ask me (just make sure it has a charger, you can get replacement batteries online for like $3)
Astro Boy: Omega Factor-the usual assumption is that tie in games will suck. Except this was made my Treasure, aka "people who can actually make games" (the PS2 version was made by eww Sonic Team for reference). So it's part Tezuka cameo fest, and mostly side scrolling action goodness with awesome bosses. There's a lot to love about this game, and it's what got me into Osamu Tezuka in the first place, really. On second playthrough, you'll probably need to go through it with gamefaqs up to get to the real ending though. Broken Sword-going on the "adventure" word there in the request, it's a point and click style old school adventure game. Newer systems have remakes of this game though. Gunstar Super Heroes-I think Treasure made this too, also making it a side scroller beat 'em up (one of their specialties) Klonoa 1 and 2-I love this series, it's a series of puzzle-platformers. If you have a Wii, the first PS1 game has a Wiimake. I should clarify, there's the GBA Klonoa 1 and 2s, and the system Klonoa 1 and 2s, and they are not related (as in, they're not the same games or anything, it's 4 games very confusingly named, though I guess they do all have subtitles). PS2 Klonoa 2 is awesome too. While I do think the PS1 Klonoa 1 is better than the Wiimake, the Wiimake is still very good and a hell of a lot cheaper/easier to find. Magi Nation-for all your non-Pokemon RPG needs. You do summon mons, of course, but if someone told me this was based on a TCG game, I'd never guess that, it's like someone made a straight up good RPG, TCG base be damned! It's also pretty damn exploding sock puppet funny with the dialogue. Mario & Luigi: Superstar Saga-the first of AlphaDream's Mario & Luigi RPG series, of all the Mario RPG series, it's the one that's most hybrid with being a platformer. Instead of blocking damage like you do in Super Mario RPG or Paper Mario, you need to dodge or hammer enemies to avoid damage (and give some instead). Damage is generally all or nothing this way, but if you get good, you won't get any damage. And every enemy has a tell who they'll attack and how. And the overworld is plenty of platforming. Scurge Hive-I've only played a bit, but it's pretty good so far, might be something you want. I heard GBA was better than DS version (though I've no experience myself on this one) Shantae-ahahaha, no, you aren't going to find this for less than $150. At least I think it's on 3DS VC or something like that (and a sequel) Summon Knight: Swordcraft Story-here is an action RPG for the gameboy that actually works. Most of them don't seem to, but it could be that you only have one character for the whole thing and it runs nice and smooth, but it works here. I also enjoyed dungeon trekking to find new materials to make awesome weapons and stuff. During some of the bosses, I re-did them to make sure I broke their weapon so I could make it myself. Oh and no buying weapons! You're the damn sword master, you make the weapons your damn self! Also has a sequel, plays just as well Wario Ware Inc-the ultimate time waster of the GBA. It's these little micro games all linked together, but there's also a copy of Dr. Mario and Sheriff and a few other small arcade style games on there to further waste your time. There's a reason I usually leave that stuck in my GBA slot on the DS. Zeldas-Link's Awakening/DX, a classic for sure, but my original LA battery just ran out, had to get it replaced, so beware. Might be better to go with DX, but batteries could have dried out on a lot of those too. Or just expect to have to replace the battery if you get it. Oracles, made by Capcom, but you'd never guess. They also have a bonus linked dungeon. Playing these two games on the GBA unlocks the "Advance Shop" where you can buy certain useful rings. Now, which between Seasons and Ages would I recommend, other than both? Seasons tends to be a bit more fighting heavy, Ages more puzzle heavy. Both games also have unique items, which is cool. They recycle graphics and a few basic items between the games, but not dungeons, areas, plots, or much else, unlike Pokemon red and blue, these really are two different games. Minish Cap-so glad they linked lifting things to the R button, rather than give it a freakin' item. Also just a really fun game, even if it has less than 8 dungeons, I barely noticed/cared. Also made by Capcom. |
![]() Posts: 1863 Location: Chinese cartoons are srs biz |
The Sonic Advance series is pretty awesome. Way better than the console Sonic games that were coming out at the time.
![]() Posts: 1257 Location: Covington, KY |
You can buy a SNES/NES hybrid system for between $40-$50 new on Amazon. You could also buy a used Gamecube and Gameboy Advance Player for it.
Posts: 340 |
Crap. I forgot there was a battery in the GB cartridges. Is it easy to fix?
![]() Posts: 7361 |
Well I couldn't fix it myself, but I was able to take my Link's Awakening, Pokemon Gold, and Pokemon Silver to a place and got them fixed for $5 each. I opened one up to see if I could do it myself, it's like, glued in there or something, I wasn't gonna try to do it myself. Not to mention, it's not like there's a typical screw in the back there, I had to use some of my dad's eye glasses repair equipment (like the heavy duty stuff, he's an optician) to even get the damn screw off, but I'm guessing they must make something to get them off specially, logically speaking.
A specialty game or perhaps battery store might be able to help you. I went to a specialty game store (it was a good hour from my house, but only fifteen from my sister's, so when I went to cat sit for her, I went then), they fixed all three within 24 hours. I'd advise seeing how recently the battery was replaced, just because it's working when you buy the game doesn't mean a whole lot, those batteries are old and starting to die off. Pokemon Gold and Silver died before Blue and Yellow for me (which are still fine), presumably because they had to save more information. |
victor viper
![]() Posts: 630 Location: The deep south |
Absolutely. How many other sports games can you sit down and play with your friends 20 years later and still have a blast? And even though there are some things in the game that are broken, there are workarounds (when playing against a friend, let player one pick the teams and player two chooses which team they want, or try to get one of the lesser teams to the Super Bowl in one-player mode with no resets and no do-overs). Even if you don't like sports games, there is no such thing as a complete NES collection without Tecmo Super Bowl. In addition to Contra, you can't go wrong with most of the Konami games of that time period: Castlevania, Gradius, Life Force, and so on. Capcom games are generally solid: 1942/1943, Gunsmoke, Ghosts N Goblins. And since you're on ANN, why not two adaptations of anime franchises-Fist of the North Star and Golgo 13 (almost certainly the edgiest NES game there is!). |
Posts: 340 |
Ok, went out looking and got links awakening. That's the good news. The bad is after four hours of playing I turned it off to go to work. When I got back and turned it back on, nothing. The battery is dead, which sucks. I either have to find someone to fix it or return it.
I did find a lot of NES games that was suggested. Didn't get any yet. Don't know what games are being sent with the system. So I didn't get as much as I liked on this trip. I'm going to get one more console and one more handheld. Just don't know which. Trying to decide between a GameCube or a Wii and a DS or 3ds. I can get both the consoles cheap. And I can get a DS for a good price but I don't know if its going to be obsolete soon. |
Posts: 166 |
Get a 3DS if you already have a GBA. If you can't find a physical copy of certain games listed or for a reasonable price (a lot of non-NES/Wii Nintendo titles are overpriced nowadays), there's always the Virtual Console. They usually only add 1 game a week now, but there's still a lot of good ones, including some NES titles. All of the pre-2012 or so Wii models play Gamecube games and have GC controller and memory card ports, so a GC system itself is pretty much obsolete as long as you don't buy a brand new model that doesn't have the backwards compatibility. Plus there's a very large virtual console library there, too. |
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