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NEWS: Miyazaki Invited to Join Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences

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Carl Horn

Joined: 09 Jun 2005
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PostPosted: Mon Jul 31, 2006 4:16 pm Reply with quote
I'm kind of glad his reply was, in the words of Huey Freeman, "Deeeeez nuts."
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Joined: 03 Jan 2002
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PostPosted: Mon Jul 31, 2006 4:28 pm Reply with quote
So, where's that Best Picture award for Passion Of The Christ if the Academy only likes to play it safe with their votes?

You do know the director just apologized for going into an anti-Semitic rant while on a DUI, don't you? Plus his dad denies the Holocaust. While Million Dollar Baby might seem more controversial than Passion, given that it won Best Picture around the time Terry Schiavo's hubby finally euthanized her, it's considered "safe", because it's a generic boxing drama which happens to include a crappy ending. Of course, the only reason it won was Clint has better connections than Marty, but that's a different subject, entirely.

I don't think Brokeback Mountain lost the Best Picture award because of homophobia; I think it was because it was truly a mediocre film.

True, but it was loved by critics and general audiences(even many of the ones who voted for Bush and against gay marriage) alike.

I myself am gay and I thought it was one of the most boring movies I had ever seen. I swear I almost fell asleep during the first 30 minutes of it.

Can I join the club?

The only thing about the movie that was half-way interesting were the sex scenes which I thought looked so obviously fake.

I wouldn't even call them sex scenes. It's more like watching someone playing charades by pretending to have sex. Laughing

On the flip side, you could also say that the only reason why Brokeback Mountain was successful enough as it is was because of the homosexual content.

I don't think anyone thought it was going to be a success for the gay content, not even the distributor. (Especially considering certain theaters were banning the film.) Focus probably thought it would just make money through the usual arthouses and then be forgotten. The actors aren't even box office draws. It's probably one of the few genuine hits of 2005, especially in the wake of the slump.

If Brokeback Mountain was a film about a heterosexual romance, I seriously doubt the film would've even made it pass the production stages because it was just so mediocre and uninteresting.

*cough* Every Julia Roberts romantic comedy ever made. *cough*

This makes one wonder if Brokeback Mountain was about two lesbian cowgirls instead would the movie's success be any different.

Probably would have done as well as Imagine Me and You or Kissing Jessica Stein. Movies about lesbians coming out are so '97.

Anyway, I'm surprised Miyazaki was asked to join at all, considering he's not part of the DGA or white.
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PostPosted: Mon Jul 31, 2006 4:45 pm Reply with quote
GATSU wrote:
So, where's that Best Picture award for Passion Of The Christ if the Academy only likes to play it safe with their votes?

You do know the director just apologized for going into an anti-Semitic rant while on a DUI, don't you?

I don't know if you are trying to be funny or not. It is funny regardless. But if you were trying to prove a point about a movie(one that involved thousands of people to make), then this has nothing to do with that. I mean what someone says when they are drunk(and apparently in this case really really drunk) doesn't translate to why a movie didn't win. But the Passion was a good movie, so you can't just throw this out there and expect to be taken seriously. Course I did like Baby as well, least most of it.
GATSU wrote:
the only reason it won was Clint has better connections than Marty

Got to agree with you there, 100%.
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Joined: 03 Jan 2002
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PostPosted: Mon Jul 31, 2006 7:28 pm Reply with quote
Dargon: I wonder if A Nightmare Before Christmas is eligible, since it's being re-released in 3-d...
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Joined: 14 Jan 2002
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PostPosted: Tue Aug 01, 2006 8:20 am Reply with quote
Kouji wrote:
But wasn't he supposed to retire after Howl's Moving Castle anyway or am I misunderstanding something?

He was supposed to retire after Mononoke Hime... Rolling Eyes
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Joined: 04 Feb 2005
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PostPosted: Wed Aug 02, 2006 12:30 am Reply with quote
While this thread has become pretty off-topic for ANN, I just want to say that really none of the movies nominated last year were very "Oscar material" in my opinion. I saw all of them in theaters, and both Brokeback Mountain and Crash were easily the least impressive of the bunch.

The nomination for Brokeback Mountain was purely an Academy politics move, with intentions of appearing progressive (and a career saver for Ang Lee after the disastrous "Hulk"), but face it, homosexuality in cinema has been approached in much better ways in many better films long before this was released. While Crash may have been slightly better, it still wasn't very good, and seemed like a straight-to-video affair. The plot felt forced and in some scenes came off as considerably constructed, and to be honest, a bit hammy. Of the other three nominees, I would have to go with Good Night, And Good Luck. It felt the most genuine of the nominees, and had the best acting, set/art design, etc.. Munich and Capote were great movies too, but it's hard to pick a real standout winner between such lackluster films like we've seen over the last few years. Here's to hoping it gets better soon.

As far as the whole Miyazaki "denying the Academy" thing goes, if it keeps him out of retirement, I say stay off the damn committee!
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