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Black Lagoon

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Joined: 22 Apr 2006
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PostPosted: Wed May 24, 2006 1:36 am Reply with quote
I just watched the first 5 eps of this show!! It seems pretty rad. Its like a modern day pirate story thats filled with violence and has a sort of cowboy bebop feel to it. Or maybe that just the large breasted female lead, levi reminds me of fey but with a few more helpings of badass. please write and tell me what everyone else thinks

ooohhh ya does anyone know the day it airs in japan?
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Joined: 30 Jan 2006
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PostPosted: Wed May 24, 2006 1:44 am Reply with quote
Black Lagoon does most definately kick all kinds of ass. Revy is probably my all time favourite female lead. And it looks like my fears that Rock would be a giant pansy throughout might not be justified. Makes me kind of sad there's only twelve episodes. Lets pray for a second season.
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Joined: 27 Mar 2006
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PostPosted: Wed May 24, 2006 1:49 am Reply with quote
I've read the manga and only seen the first episode. Did they do a episode with the Maid?
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Joined: 22 Apr 2006
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PostPosted: Wed May 24, 2006 1:54 am Reply with quote
the first 2 eps i watched her name was subbed Levi the others it was Revy sorry if that confussed anyone. Im worryied rock will end up being a sissy as well, my guess is they will make him be a sissy 70% of the time and a tottal badass the rest. that way they can build up a typical anime relationship between rock and revy. You know what i mean..... he'll get punched alot and all us guys who are bad with girls will watch and laugh. But it would be really cool if he became skilled just like the other crew members

Last edited by lordjoel on Wed May 24, 2006 1:55 am; edited 1 time in total
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Joined: 30 Jan 2006
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PostPosted: Wed May 24, 2006 1:54 am Reply with quote
crow-kun wrote:
Did they do a episode with the Maid?
This is just what I've heard. I haven't read the manga so I don't really know who 'the maid' is, but from another forum someone was ranting about someone making an appearance in episode 8.
[edit]Quoted for relevance:
Roberta is in the ep8 preview.

Maid fetish for the win.
I can't wait to see what Roberta looks like animated - damn you slow subs!

they will make him be a sissy 70% of the time and a tottal badass the rest. that way they can build up a typical anime relationship between rock and revy. You know what i mean..... he'll get punched alot and all us guys who are bad with girl will watch a laugh. But it would be really cool if he became skilled just like the other crew members
See, I hope they do absolutely nothing of the sort. Rock just isn't supposed to fit in. He's come from a completely different world and has to struggle just to stay alive. It makes it that much better because everytime he does something right for a change we get to cheer for him.

And they had better not fit Rock and Revy into a lame steriotypical anime relationship. Hell, I don't think they should even be in a relationship at all. They interact so well because they intrigue each other so much. Neither has really seen someone like the other. Rock with his strong morals and Revy with her carefree kick ass attitude.
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Joined: 31 Dec 2002
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PostPosted: Wed May 24, 2006 2:10 am Reply with quote
my favorite series this season.

i hate that it's only 12 episodes. i'm worried they're gonna pulll a "Hellsing" move on us.
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Joined: 17 May 2006
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PostPosted: Wed May 24, 2006 4:53 am Reply with quote
I liked the first 2 episodes but the 3 others had nothing special (I didn't dislike them, don't worry), I think I'll buy the manga. Smile

edit :

Not bad ! Embarassed I'll take them today.
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Joined: 15 May 2006
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PostPosted: Wed May 24, 2006 6:03 am Reply with quote
This is next tot Haruhi en Higurashi one of my favourite shows this season. It has a good atmosphere, lots of action and a kick-ass female lead.

Too bad there are only twelve episodes though. Wonder if they can give the series a good ending, since there isn't really an ongoing plot seeing from the first 5 episodes.
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Joined: 16 May 2006
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PostPosted: Wed May 24, 2006 6:40 am Reply with quote
major_pain wrote:
crow-kun wrote:
Did they do a episode with the Maid?
This is just what I've heard. I haven't read the manga so I don't really know who 'the maid' is, but from another forum someone was ranting about someone making an appearance in episode 8.
[edit]Quoted for relevance:
Roberta is in the ep8 preview.

Maid fetish for the win.
I can't wait to see what Roberta looks like animated - damn you slow subs!

they will make him be a sissy 70% of the time and a tottal badass the rest. that way they can build up a typical anime relationship between rock and revy. You know what i mean..... he'll get punched alot and all us guys who are bad with girl will watch a laugh. But it would be really cool if he became skilled just like the other crew members
See, I hope they do absolutely nothing of the sort. Rock just isn't supposed to fit in. He's come from a completely different world and has to struggle just to stay alive. It makes it that much better because everytime he does something right for a change we get to cheer for him.

And they had better not fit Rock and Revy into a lame steriotypical anime relationship. Hell, I don't think they should even be in a relationship at all. They interact so well because they intrigue each other so much. Neither has really seen someone like the other. Rock with his strong morals and Revy with her carefree kick ass attitude.

yeah roberta is in the ep eight Smile

and she's just a spoiler[crazy maid body guard for some latin drug lords son (who revi and crew capture for a ransom)... course she's completely badass Smile]

oh and as to revi and rocks relationship spoiler[they have a pretty nice chain smoking moment that seems almost like the pocky or spaghetti thing you see in anime/movies where they look like theyre about to kiss Very Happy

and rock does seem to get more and more confident every episode... I think he's still going to take a less active role...would be cool if he became theyre spokesman or somethoing...

but so far it's pretty good ... the whole nazi thing was kinda laughable epsecially spoiler[ the guy with the gold luger(or whatever it was) and the chest about 8 feet wide]
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Joined: 19 Nov 2004
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PostPosted: Wed May 24, 2006 11:16 am Reply with quote
Black Lagoon does indeed rule. I like the idea of an anime about modern day pirates. I also like the characters and the awesome opening theme.
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Joined: 15 Oct 2003
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PostPosted: Wed May 24, 2006 11:34 am Reply with quote
Kruszer wrote:
Black Lagoon does indeed rule. I like the idea of an anime about modern day pirates. I also like the characters and the awesome opening theme.

Though it kind of surprised me that the opening song is actually done by I've Sound. Shocked

They're really branching out from their ero-game opening days. Wink
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