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REVIEW: Tenchi Muyo! War on Geminar Episodes 1-3 (Dub)

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PostPosted: Mon Jan 21, 2013 2:17 am Reply with quote
Yea... sounds pretty much Tenchi.
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Joined: 05 Nov 2012
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PostPosted: Mon Jan 21, 2013 2:45 am Reply with quote
A lot of words to say the same thing over and over again, like the author is expecting to teach by rote.

"From a technical standpoint this is as unremarkable a series as it is from every other standpoint."

Hi, I'm from the Department of Redundancy Department. >.< Do they pay by word?

I suggest chapters 1-4.

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Joined: 03 Apr 2009
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PostPosted: Mon Jan 21, 2013 3:01 am Reply with quote
Wow, a bunch of "C"'s. So what. I still say this is gonna end up on Toonami after Tenchi Muyo! GXP ends its run. Besides, most of 'em are "C+"'s.

But the real question is this: since this review is from a screener disc, are the episodes 45 minutes long each as the OVAs were in Japan, or are they split down the middle. I ask this question because we might be evaluating the first 3 episodes of a 26-episode series instead of a 13-episode one, and it might have more room for improvement than it seems as the show goes on.

On the other hand, GXP started out decent but apparently winds up complete crap (Music="F"!?). I've only seen the first 11 episodes (on Toonami), so I don't know who to believe...
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Joined: 02 Dec 2011
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PostPosted: Mon Jan 21, 2013 5:58 am Reply with quote
This didn't seem like an anime I thought would be a must buy so I wasn't expecting "the greatest dub ever" but I've noticed a lot of Carl's reviews are pretty repetitive when he talks about dub performances.

He praises a lot of the same individuals (their performances aren't always as great as he claims) and criticizes a lot of the same people (maybe Carl has poor taste? since I read numerous other reviews that praise the performances he dislikes) Confused

No such thing as a perfect review and everybody has different tastes for what they consider "good" but Carl seems to be very bias with certain dub VAs... and it's hard to take his opinions seriously at times Rolling Eyes

If ANN cares about visitor feedback, I suggest you have other staff members review dubs who will be fair but not the staff members who gave a half-assed "I always like the Japanese performance better" response for some of their past reviews.
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PostPosted: Mon Jan 21, 2013 6:17 am Reply with quote
FrameFreeze100 wrote:
This didn't seem like an anime I thought would be a must buy so I wasn't expecting "the greatest dub ever" but I've noticed a lot of Carl's reviews are pretty repetitive when he talks about dub performances.

It's a must buy for me as I've already seen the streaming version and it passes the entertainment value bar - maybe mine's low but that's fine by me.

This review confused me on a number of levels. I like the Tenchi OVAs and I liked Photon and for me, Kenshi was just as good and its OVA charm is apparent throughout. But why review several episodes of a dub that won't be available for the public until much later? And I mention that simply because the complete series is streaming and that only gets passingly remarked upon but explicitly not reviewed. {except when to dismiss the dub, of course...}

So, he's not reviewing the show or the dub {except what was proffered on the review disk?} and the C+ rating pretty much means there's no real dislike involved with the show. It's more like a halfassed reaction to someone from Funimation's production staff.

So, who rubbed Carl's ego the wrong way?
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Joined: 09 Mar 2006
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PostPosted: Mon Jan 21, 2013 7:35 am Reply with quote
I do agree about the orgasmic-massage part, which was really one of my two only nitpicks.

Otherwise, I loved this show, which I watched subbed on Funimation's website as an excuse to watch it dubbed next when on DVD/Blu Ray. It takes old-school Tenchi elements and uses them as part of a building epic sci-fi/fantasy series. And I had the opposite reaction to the first episode, which really intrigued me and drew me in as it introduced its characters and established its world little by little, with something new to find out each episode as it builds everything up to its climax. Maybe I'm speaking as a biased Tenchi fan, but it's still better than OVA3 and GXP (both of which I never actually hated), and I think it's possible that people new to Tenchi could get into this show if they're into sci-fi/fantasy with romcom elements, becuase it really is fun and action-packed once the action gets going.

It may be fan-service-y (believe it or not, the OP theme song contains more nudity than the entire show itself), but the girls were allowed to be characters with personalities (way more than you can say for most harem series or series with harem elements), and Kenshi really is kind of a new change in pace as Carl said, spoiler[although he still gets kinda annoying later on when his main drive to saving his friends and Geminar is mostly to save his crystal collections, making this my second nitpick]. Plus, I can't get enough of that catchy opening theme song. Very much looking forward to collecting it upon its release!
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Joined: 05 Aug 2008
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PostPosted: Mon Jan 21, 2013 2:27 pm Reply with quote
I think this sort of thing may well be boiled down to: If you liked Tenchi based series, in all it's parallel universes... you will probably like this one.

If not, then not.

The takes on characters and situations are nothing new, really... personally I hated the general music, though I like the opener and especially the closer.

Ultimately I am amused by the humor, and always have been of Tenchi based shows... so this is definitely a will buy, but I realize there are people out there who absolutely cannot stand them.

It ain't earth shattering, nor is it a classic... but if you watch the participants carefully, their interests in Kenchi are legitimate over time. [with the exception of secondary characters]

I'll be curious to see how it is released. Also, since you can stream it, do, then you can make up your own mind.

There are many reviews of different shows that are positive, where the story never grabbed me, and others that say the story is terrible, where I busted a gut laughing. Your Mileage May Vary.
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Joined: 08 Jul 2009
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PostPosted: Mon Jan 21, 2013 7:04 pm Reply with quote
You know, normally, when this sort of "mostly dialogue with action and humor dispersed sparingly" approach is taken with franchises such as The Lord of the Rings and Neon Genesis Evangelion, it draws praise, but in Tenchi Muyo! War on Geminar it draws ire. Or at least it does in this reviewer's opinion.

And saying that this is a generic fantasy realm is really not giving it enough credit. The designs are actually quite inventive and unique, and the concepts of the Mechamasters and things regarding the Royal bloodline are actually rather intriguing. Saying "they must all be important because they are capitalized" is astoundingly asinine and unprofessional, and something only a fool would willingly write in a serious tongue like you did here.

And I find these "cardboard cutouts" to be much more interesting than the sum of their parts. Yes, they may take basic character tropes and cliches and work them into the world that they see fit, but it's done in a smooth and engaging manner, something which you fail to mention at all in this "review".

And saying that the weighty stuff is replaced with "buoyant silliness"? Another falsehood. Episode 1-3 feature heavy world-building and character molding, and help one get interested in the world of War on Geminar. I also fail to see how the exchanges and world-building elements are not presented gracefully; I've seen this sort of thing done in other franchises in the exact same manner and nobody batted an eye, and yet here you have the audacity to say otherwise? Kinda hard to believe that you're supposed to be a professional at a job.

Ultimately, this is a very biased and flawed review, with a large amount of falsehoods, backtalk, self-fulfilling banter and very little information. These episodes deserve better praise than what you've given them.

(And yes, I realize that I just reviewed a review. Inception, much? Razz)
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PostPosted: Mon Jan 21, 2013 7:15 pm Reply with quote
CCharmanderK wrote:

And I find these "cardboard cutouts" to be much more interesting than the sum of their parts. Yes, they may take basic character tropes and cliches and work them into the world that they see fit, but it's done in a smooth and engaging manner, something which you fail to mention at all in this "review".

Ultimately, this is a very biased and flawed review, with a large amount of falsehoods, backtalk, self-fulfilling banter and very little information. These episodes deserve better praise than what you've given them.

"This review is biased and flawed because it doesn't parrot my opinion back to me."

What continues to baffle me is how statements like this somehow don't strike the person writing them as being ludicrously arrogant. Your opinion is not RIGHT and Carl is not WRONG, you disagree. Everything you're saying here is a subjective disagreement, not facts vs. fiction.

CCharmanderK wrote:
Saying "they must all be important because they are capitalized" is astoundingly asinine and unprofessional, and something only a fool would willingly write in a serious tongue like you did here.

So was it your intention to sound like a complete dick or was this on accident?
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Joined: 08 Jul 2009
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PostPosted: Mon Jan 21, 2013 7:24 pm Reply with quote
Zac wrote:
CCharmanderK wrote:

And I find these "cardboard cutouts" to be much more interesting than the sum of their parts. Yes, they may take basic character tropes and cliches and work them into the world that they see fit, but it's done in a smooth and engaging manner, something which you fail to mention at all in this "review".

Ultimately, this is a very biased and flawed review, with a large amount of falsehoods, backtalk, self-fulfilling banter and very little information. These episodes deserve better praise than what you've given them.

"This review is biased and flawed because it doesn't parrot my opinion back to me."

What continues to baffle me is how statements like this somehow don't strike the person writing them as being ludicrously arrogant. Your opinion is not RIGHT and Carl is not WRONG, you disagree. Everything you're saying here is a subjective disagreement, not facts vs. fiction.

CCharmanderK wrote:
Saying "they must all be important because they are capitalized" is astoundingly asinine and unprofessional, and something only a fool would willingly write in a serious tongue like you did here.

So was it your intention to sound like a complete dick or was this on accident?

What I'm trying to say is that he's given this show flak for things that other series and franchises have gotten praise for while doing them in the exact same way. I'm sorry if I'm sounding like a dick (I will admit, I could have worded that last bit better Rolling eyes), and it's not a fact of "my opinion is right, his is wrong". I'm simply pointing out thing I believe are flawed or arrogant in his review. The whole "these must be important because they are capitalized" bit WAS a little over-the-top, you gotta admit.
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Joined: 05 Nov 2012
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PostPosted: Mon Jan 21, 2013 8:26 pm Reply with quote
Have to agree with ArthurFrDent.

More ANN reviewers could really learn something from famous movie critic Roger Ebert. I don't agree with the man's opinions all the time, but what he generally does well in his later years is to put himself in the shoes of the intended audience and grades it on the genre. Not how well, say, Disney's Tangled stacked up there with Citizen Kane. Apples and Oranges.

I've read ANN reviews in the past and they mention how such and such an anime is okay but whine that it doesn't rank up there with the classics or some such and a few even mention out of genre titles. It'd be like mentioning Shakespeare when reviewing a Sci-Fi novel - sorry most of that audience doesn't care about old William. ANN makes me actually feel bad for not liking the more high-minded or highly regarded stuff, when it doesn't do anything for me.

I wish some actual harem fans could start reviewing harem titles. Just list the genre/sub-genre and the ones who dislike it can avoid it and no whine about genre has to occur within the review itself.

Not that I disagreed with the grades all that much, maybe bump a few of ISM grades higher. Isekai no Seikishi Monogatari is a fun romp but a so-so anime for me and I like quite a few of the characters. I'd consider something like Sekirei the standard-bearer harem series of the last few years.
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PostPosted: Mon Jan 21, 2013 8:43 pm Reply with quote
jibrilmudo wrote:
Have to agree with ArthurFrDent.

More ANN reviewers could really learn something from famous movie critic Roger Ebert. I don't agree with the man's opinions all the time, but what he generally does well is to put himself in the shoes of the intended audience and grades it on the genre. Not how well, say, Disney's Tangled stacked up there with Citizen Kane. Apples and Oranges.

I've read ANN reviews in the past and they mention how such and such an anime is okay but whine that it doesn't rank up there with the classics or some such and a few even mention out of genre titles. Like mentioning Shakespeare when reviewing a Sci-Fi novel - sorry most of that audience doesn't care about old William.

I wish some actual harem fans could start review harem titles. Just make the audience understand the genre and the ones who dislike it can avoid it and no whine about genre has to occur in the review.

Not that I disagreed with the grades all that much, maybe bump a few a grade higher. Isekai no Seikishi Monogatari is a fun romp but a so-so anime for me. I consider something like Sekirei the standard-bearer harem series of the last few years.

I don't think you read very many of our reviews. This reads to me like you have a preconception of what our reviews are like, and you're repeating how you "feel" they are without actually having read enough of them to be giving us some kind of diagnosis as to what you think our structural problems are.

Our Sekirei review: animenewsnetwork.com/review/sekirei/dvd-the-complete-series

Sekirei Pure Engagement review:

The latter was written by Carl, who specifically does recommend it to people who enjoyed the first series, despite his own reservations about it. Grades might not be high enough for your liking, but he isn't being wildly irresponsible or unprofessional with his assessment here.

Cat Planet Cuties review:

Very positive review. Also by Carl.

Theron Martin is an outspoken fan of harem/fanservice shows and most of his reviews are generally positive when it comes to that genre.

So in short, we do have fans of those genres reviewing shows in those genres.

"You've read some ANN reviews in the past" - we publish 365+ reviews a year and then offer up hundreds of preview guide impressions every season. Please tell me where the reviews are that are "whining that the show doesn't rank up there with the classics" and then compare the show to something that's outside of its genre. Because I'm pretty sure that while our critics have high standards generally and are not super easy to please or give automatic passes to shows that sufficiently repeat genre tropes they enjoy, I don't think they're commonly "whining" about how something isn't an instant classic or as good as something else.

Speaking as someone who does literally read every single word of editorial we publish, I do my best to shoot down what I think are unfair generalizations, misrepresentations, and assumptions based on feelings rather than evidence about our reviews. I'm not saying we're doing it perfectly or that nobody here has *ever* unfairly compared a show to something else, but it most certainly doesn't happen often enough and certainly not recently enough for you to be presenting it as an inherent, overwhelming flaw that needs correction.

You disagreed with Carl's review. That's fine. There are ways of expressing that where you aren't telling us that he's literally doing his job wrong because he doesn't agree with you.
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Mike Toole
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PostPosted: Mon Jan 21, 2013 9:08 pm Reply with quote
jibrilmudo wrote:
More ANN reviewers could really learn something from famous movie critic Roger Ebert.

Yeah, and what does Roger Ebert think when you ask him about subjective vs objective reviews?

Roger Ebert wrote:
Subjectivity is the only possible approach to reviewing. What is a review but an opinion? Those who call for you to be objective are revealing that they have not given the matter a moment's serious thought. Most times, those calling for objectivity are essentially saying they wish you had written a review that reflected their subjective opinion.
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Joined: 21 Jan 2013
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PostPosted: Mon Jan 21, 2013 9:51 pm Reply with quote
You should probably be aware that jibrilmudo is posting here as a representative of Useless Tenchi, a hardcore Tenchi fan forum where it's considered good form to hate ANN reviewers with a passion, because in their eyes you look down on the kind of harem and fanservice anime they cherish. A bitching session about this review is in progress there right now. Their basic belief is that you shouldn't review an anime unless you're a hardcore fan of its subgenre or, better yet, franchise, because otherwise you'll end up exposing its obvious faults and we can't have that. Truth be told, jibrilmudo is not nearly as extreme as some of the others there, but it's still worth knowing that the reviewer's style or verbosity is not the motivation here.

But that's not what I signed up to say. I did it to commend Carl on a spot on review which matches my own experience with War on Geminar almost to a tee. I'm more forgiving of the fanservice aspects, but that's about the only difference of opinion I have with his take. It doesn't happen very often that I end up feeling that a reviewer has read my mind, but in this case it's happened and the experience was worth delurking and thanking the man for a job well done. I quite literally couldn't have said it better myself.
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Spastic Minnow
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PostPosted: Mon Jan 21, 2013 10:06 pm Reply with quote
I can admit to flaws but don't understand your complaints with most of it.

Animation: C+ ???
Complaints on artistry? It's not inventive per se, it's not SHAFT or something you'd see on Noitamina but this is extremely well polished stuff. Animation is crisp and and while scenery isn't fine art it is ever changing and well defined. The campus woods are leafy and bright, The elves forest is dark and swampy, the area around Flora's resort is full of tall trees and vines. Characters talk about unique flora at one point and that flora is used and never seen again even though it is a supremely unimportant detail. The action moves from floating islands to caves and mines. Mecha battles take place in open schoolyards, forrsetry, a stadium, over water and in caverns. It seems there is rarely a scene staged in the exact same place. No, The action changes location constantly but keeps a balance between smooth character animation and defined scenery throughout. This should be heralded and not discounted.
The complaint seems to be it doesn't have the scene detail of Le Chevalier D'Eon AND the character motion of a showcase fight in an action show, without skimping heavily on other parts of artistry to get such scenes right. Geminar never significantly deviates in animation quality. Watch scenes where characters are doing little more than talking. Sure, such scenes aren't powerhouse animation examples but notice the little things. Characters use gestures, necks actually move, and GET THIS, when characters talk, THEIR CHINS MOVE WHEN THEIR LIPS DO! Watch a show whose animation people will brag about. The Ghost in the Shell TV shows for example. Entire scenes of dialogue with unblinking characters moving stiffly and mouths open and shut like goldfish.
You may not be blown away with impressionistic beauty, startling landscapes, startling monster creatures, or photo realistic facial features but it is also not a show that blows their budget on animating 5 minutes of fight scenes and spends the rest off model and secluded in dark rooms talking to each other.

I will admit that the first episode is a bit heavy on the mystery but I would not call it a mess. This isn't Horizon in the Middle of Nowhere stuff. As it deals in archetypes set formula its not so hard to figure out and the rest will come to you. Bad guys are going after the princess, they fight in mechas, the mechas have limitations. Kenshi is obviously being tricked, and the princess probably knows who is coming after them. There is very little we have to be versed in to get this story.

Then you complain about the light comedy? This is a show and franchise grounded in light comedy and taken for what it is, it is expertly done. Wacky hijinks ensue, the various bathhouses open and some of the most pleasant light sexual comedy is unleashed. And I'm sorry if you didn't like it but I thought the fan-service varied in girl-types and scenario. It's not extremely erotic type ecchi but it is very appealing.
It is an absolute shame more shows can't pull this sort of thing off like a Tenchi show can and this is also so pleasantly devoid of the male lead doing the "Waaa! oh no! Boobies!" shtick. He is suitably embarrassed often but never does the tiresome "Why ME?!" bit. One girl calls him a "beast" and looks down on him, while another yells and beats him like a tsundere, but the amazing thing is, they often have reason for their complaints and mainly get over it.

And as for the action. I LOVE the action in this show. When Kenshi gets into fights he is the most versatile ass-kicker a Tenchi show has even featured. And though he is normally the sweetest little Cabbit/Kuro-like person it is also true that you do not make Kenshi angry- you wouldn't like Kenshi when he's angry. He is a boy raised by some of the most formidable fighters, swordsmen, goddesses and royalty of his universe an it shows.
Plus, the organic nature and neural sympathetic response of the mechas give the fights that extra visceral edge. And when you say mecha fights where your hero regularly rips other "robots" apart limb from limb, in two, and, at one point, tears out the "spinal column" of an enemy lacks "panache" I really don't know what you're talking about. These things are not completely new but they are also not commonplace, and its done very well here.

Of course there are a couple low points.

Although most of the minor villains actually have a range of motivations, personalities, and can garner some sympathy, The Big Bad, Babalun, sucks big time. He looks evil, he acts evil, he has no human characteristics at all. And even though developments in the final epside sort of explain why he is that way, he is still just a tiresome power-hungry monster-man complete with claims of "resistance is futile" type dialogue and regular bouts of maniacal laughter. And the final showdown with him is basically predictable, especially if you are familiar with the franchise, eventually you know what the trump card will be.

And for a harem show, there is actually very little chemistry between Kenshi and the girls. While you can understand why the girls like him, there is little indication he harbors any feelings for them other than friendship and loyalty. Well, except for one character with whom there is visible mutual attraction... and never developed- as she is actually just a supporting character and barely talks.
For a harem show this is actually missing a very basic feature, the focus episodes in which Kenshi spends time with each girl in turn.

Now, as you can tell, I am biased. I am a big Tenchi fan, but I really mean it when I say this is one of the best Masaki Kajishima shows made. Different but just about as good IMO as Tenchi Universe.

I just recently watched the Funimation stream on Hulu, which made it my 3rd or 4th watch, and I considered bumping it up to a Masterpiece rating. Because when I watch something this many times and look forward to watching it again, it has to be something special.
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