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Joined: 30 Jan 2012
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Posted: Fri Apr 20, 2012 12:46 pm
Ah, streaming sites like Hulu and CR has definitely changed my ways of watching anime compared to the past
Quote: | Yesterday, NicoNico just pulled all of their Funimation titles. All the speculation online is that this is related to FUNico. Does that mean the whole company is a bust? Are the shows going to come back? What's going on? |
Ye, hopefully the shows gets put back together again and as far as it goes right now, only time will tell.
Anyways, interesting stuff.
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Joined: 05 Aug 2008
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Posted: Fri Apr 20, 2012 12:55 pm
so, check me if I'm wrong, Sparky, but wasn't Avatar: LAB animated in South Korea? Seems like Brian and Di did keywork here, and then shipped it to a studio there... but that is based on recollection of extras on the disks, which I haven't watched recently...
in any case, seems like the interests of the producers/directors and Nic themselves would bring the main flavor to the show, and no matter the homage, they are Americans... they know their audience as well. Particularly the audience they have to sell to at the studio.
I don't see it as inferior, but just different. There are just lines you can't cross in the domestic market... like they gonna discuss if Toff goes commando? Or have Sokka accidentally grab a random boob?
I think the show is better for all that, there is some stuff that happens in Anime for that age group that is occasionally cringe worthy, but you generally just shrug it off as 'hey, it's anime".
The bigger difference for anime to me is the sheer output of it. There is so much more. That means there are higher odds of good stuff, and more likely that I'll find something to like.
Ultimately I like it all, but the slightly skewed sensibility is kinda nice, you get things that are a bit more challenging.
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Joined: 01 Feb 2012
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Posted: Fri Apr 20, 2012 12:56 pm
It's worth noting that it isn't just non-North American markets that don't have access to the streaming; it's basically non-US period. I live in Canada and Crunchyroll is pretty much the only place I am able to watch anime legitimately. If I want to watch something hosted on ANN, Hulu, Funimation, or The Anime Network, I'm constantly stymied because they are available to US residents only, even if the streaming rights are for all of North America. It's a pain in the ass that should really be sorted out; not just for the rest of North America, but for other regions in the world too.
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Joined: 27 Jun 2010
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Posted: Fri Apr 20, 2012 1:07 pm
I'm sorry, but that one answerfan was just plain insufferable. I see what's they're trying to say, but then they pulled that "true fan" BS. All that does is make an arbitrary wall between "true fans" and "not-true fans" (nevermind that "true fan" almost always means "everyone who likes what I like") and cause drama.
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Joined: 14 Oct 2011
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Posted: Fri Apr 20, 2012 1:17 pm
Pandering, of any kind, can be fine in moderation. Every show has some type of fan service. But too much can alienate some viewers. I can watch shows with pandering, but not excessive amounts of it. I can only take so many bath scenes, skimpy outfits, and panty shots before dropping a show because, as a woman, I'm not the target. For the people who like those kinds of shows, go ahead and watch them. But I don't want to watch it because nothing panders to me and my tastes.
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Joined: 12 Mar 2008
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Posted: Fri Apr 20, 2012 1:22 pm
I think having near 30 shows a season allows for everyone to be satisfied in content. You get your serious shows, your lighthearted shows, your comedy, your "otaku pandering derivative crap", your sports, your oh-so-obvious-yuri-undertones, and your yaoi/BL. They all have their place and shouldn't be demeaned or belittled. It's certainly better than having one show a season to watch, because that's all there was aside from shows for kids. The funny thing about a good many of these "anime-destroying" shows is that they don't often sell 20+ units, more like 3-5k from what I've seen checking the sales numbers. What more, the kind of show we see, harems and highschool settings, were becoming firmly rooted in the mid to late 90s, the era people always point to as the "Golden Years" because of some miraculous coalescence of good shows from 1995 to 1999 that coexisted with a whole lot of trash. Just like today.
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ANN Executive Editor
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Posted: Fri Apr 20, 2012 1:27 pm
walw6pK4Alo wrote: | They all have their place and shouldn't be demeaned or belittled. |
Nope. Making fun of stuff is and generally always should be OK.
Otherwise you're taking yourself too seriously.
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Joined: 08 Jun 2010
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Posted: Fri Apr 20, 2012 1:33 pm
ArthurFrDent wrote: | I don't see it as inferior, but just different. There are just lines you can't cross in the domestic market... like they gonna discuss if Toff goes commando? Or have Sokka accidentally grab a random boob? |
That doesn't have much to do with the animation process itself so much as censorship. Now, if there was boob bouncing and grabbing in Avatar, you could compare how different it's animated. I think it's safe to say the west doesn't have as much practice at 'jiggle physics' as Japan does, or even the video game industry does, so it probably wouldn't look as well.
When it comes to why the art and cinematography isn't as good, I look at it like eating a buger at a restaurant compared to making your own burger. You can try to replicate it all you want, but it will always taste different than having a 5 star chef make it (assuming you are not a 5 star chef) There's techniques and styles you pick up while actually working in an industry , which no matter how hard people try, you're not going to replicate no matter how much you imitate, because you didn't grow up in that environment and have exposure to all those techniques and common practices. Or rather, might be technically impossible in another industry based on how it's made since the production method is so different.
Have multiple stream sites is a bit of a pain at times, I'm still finding new ones I've never even heard of, and it's definitely more annoying trying to find which shows are and aren't streamed each season when I can't just look at one place, which would be nice to do.
Otaku pandering is such an odd word to use It implies no one but them would like whatever we're talking about (apparently fanservice in most cases I see the word thrown around) which makes me think if they would call Sharon Stone's scene in Basic Instinct is 'otaku pandering' as opposed to typical 'sex sells'
In terms of references? It seems to have it's places. Gokaiger pretty much thrived on pandering to hardcore fans of Super Sentai with it's callbacks and everything since it was the 35th anniversary.
I'm not sure if I'd call people 'fake fans' if they don't like fanservice, but it does make me question what anime they like, since just about every anime will have it to some degree since Japan is more open to that stuff.. even Pocket Monsters, Hamtaro, and Beyblade is full of it. I can't imagine it being easy hating fanservice and being an anime fan.
Though people should keep in mind the whole 'culture difference' when judging these things. Obviously something like a recurring joke in Doraemon of a little girl being walked in on in the bath and shown nude probably wouldn't go over well with westerners. I just wish more people wouldn't fall into the trap of "Well I don't like it, so that makes it wrong"
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Mesonoxian Eve
Joined: 10 Jan 2012
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Posted: Fri Apr 20, 2012 1:42 pm
Melicans wrote: | I'm constantly stymied because they are available to US residents only, even if the streaming rights are for all of North America. |
Use a proxy service that hosts IP addresses from the US. They're legal, despite what some in the industry will state.
I concur it makes no sense to block access to an ad based site.
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Joined: 29 Mar 2011
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Posted: Fri Apr 20, 2012 1:44 pm
walw6pK4Alo wrote: | The funny thing about a good many of these "anime-destroying" shows is that they don't often sell 20+ units, more like 3-5k from what I've seen checking the sales numbers. |
The big thing is that they are a safe investment to make. The budgets aren't too high so there isn't a lot of risk, and they aren't gonna be massive flops for the most part either. Doing anime original stuff, or larger budget aimed at non buyers is a much larger risk, so studios are scared off of doing them. This leads to all of the "Otaku pandering" stuff we have now.
That said, they also generally have a much higher ceiling. A great show that isn't aimed at otaku generally won't sell more than 2-3k, but a great show aimed at otaku can be the 20-30k type of seller.
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Joined: 28 Nov 2008
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Posted: Fri Apr 20, 2012 1:49 pm
TitanXL wrote: | I'm not sure if I'd call people 'fake fans' if they don't like fanservice, but it does make me question what anime they like, since just about every anime will have it to some degree since Japan is more open to that stuff.. even Pocket Monsters, Hamtaro, and Beyblade is full of it. I can't imagine it being easy hating fanservice and being an anime fan. |
What the heck are you talking about? It's not a zero sum game, you can find fanservice annoying but find everything else in the show fun enough to give it a pass. I think this is certainly the case for shows like Fairy Tail or Queen's Blade or some NisiO titles. A lot depends on just how much the fanservice drives the show: is it just like Upotte!! or DxD?
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Joined: 11 Feb 2010
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Posted: Fri Apr 20, 2012 1:53 pm
dragon695 wrote: |
TitanXL wrote: | I'm not sure if I'd call people 'fake fans' if they don't like fanservice, but it does make me question what anime they like, since just about every anime will have it to some degree since Japan is more open to that stuff.. even Pocket Monsters, Hamtaro, and Beyblade is full of it. I can't imagine it being easy hating fanservice and being an anime fan. |
What the heck are you talking about? It's not a zero sum game, you can find fanservice annoying but find everything else in the show fun enough to give it a pass. I think this is certainly the case for shows like Fairy Tail or Queen's Blade or some NisiO titles. A lot depends on just how much the fanservice drives the show: is it just shitty like Upotte!! or DxD? |
Personally, I have to question how healthy someone is sexually if they see "fanservice" in everything....
And I'm someone who doesn't find 2D characters (or CGI characters...well not-real charaters in general) sexually attractive at all.
So I guess by TitanXL's standards, I'm not a "real" anime fan, nor have I ever been.
But honestly, not only do I consider myself an anime fan, I think that being an anime fan who hates fanservice to be pretty easy
Last edited by Shenl742 on Fri Apr 20, 2012 2:16 pm; edited 3 times in total
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Petrea Mitchell
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Posted: Fri Apr 20, 2012 1:54 pm
Brian Hanson wrote: | As sometimes happens with this segment of the column, sometimes I'll get too many responses to use and I have to do some judicious cutting, and sometimes I get... one response. This was one of the latter.
Having provided some of those cut responses in the past, I'd given up trying. But the one that formed in my head anyway went something like this:
I object to "otaku pandering", because what I find it generally means is pandering aimed at a stereotypical group of men with immense disposable income, no social life, deep knowledge of 2chan in-jokes, and an emotional age of about 13. This is a population that excludes me on several points. My problem with "otaku pandering" is that it's not pandering to me.
I was originally going to add that if a show wants to pander to me, it should have a strong story and likeable characters... but on reflection, that's not pandering. Just about anyone will respond to that. Pandering is what you want to see so much that you're willing to ignore serious basic deficiencies in a show.
Case in point for me: Space Brothers. It's not bad, but it's off to a slow start and the start of the story is a little contrived. And I do not care. Because I am a sucker for space-related sentimentality. When the opening sequence plays, and those kids' dream rockets go flying off to join the real ones, I get all misty-eyed and the part of my brain which critically evaluates plots and so forth shuts right off.
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Petrea Mitchell
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Posted: Fri Apr 20, 2012 2:02 pm
Mesonoxian Eve wrote: | I concur it makes no sense to block access to an ad based site. |
Sure it does. Advertisers are paying to get their ads run to a certain number of viewers, and they want those viewers to be people who can actually buy their product. There are also matters of different regulatory environments-- what's a great, funny commercial in one country could be illegal in another.
For that matter, the actual content being streamed may be illegal or politically unacceptable in some countries.
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Joined: 29 Mar 2011
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Posted: Fri Apr 20, 2012 2:04 pm
Petrea Mitchell wrote: | I object to "otaku pandering", because what I find it generally means is pandering aimed at a stereotypical group of men with immense disposable income, no social life, deep knowledge of 2chan in-jokes, and an emotional age of about 13. This is a population that excludes me on several points. My problem with "otaku pandering" is that it's not pandering to me.
I was originally going to add that if a show wants to pander to me, it should have a strong story and likeable characters... but on reflection, that's not pandering. Just about anyone will respond to that. Pandering is what you want to see so much that you're willing to ignore serious basic deficiencies in a show. |
"Otaku Pandering" typically means that its being aimed at the Type B fans... which are fans who watch anime for the characters, not the story. You sound like Type A, which watches anime for stories.
As people probably know, I'm Type B. I don't really care about the story so much as if the show has characters I like. For example, my favorite show of the season (not counting Fate/Zero 2 since its just a continuation) is Haiyore! Nyarko-san. Nyarko is one of the better characters to come around for a while, she's hilarious and really cute. And the references everywhere are great.
Its not that I am "Willing to ignore serious deficiencies in a show" as much as thats not the reason I watch. If a show has a great story but I couldn't care less about the characters, then I won't enjoy watching it. Monster is a good example of this.
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