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Right Stuf, tried and true

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Joined: 17 Sep 2004
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Location: Florida
PostPosted: Thu Mar 17, 2005 10:20 pm Reply with quote
eBay aside, 95% of everything anime I order comes from The Right Stuf (www.rightstuf.com). They're located in the US, so shipping is fast with a good variety of options and their customer service (both on phone and e-mail) is great. Their prices are normally discounted to the point where they cancel out the shipping charges and you end up paying about retail price, but it's still a good deal if you live in an area where your stores don't carry a good selection. They also have great company sales where they pick a company like ADV, Viz, Dark Horse, etc. and discount their merchandise up to 44% in some cases. They also have weekly specials which can net you some AMAZING deals (got the entire Rayearth series 1 and 2 on DVD for $10 a disc). They carry all the domestic US releases, plus merchandise, clothing, bags, manga, artbooks, and pretty much anything else that was licensed in the US, as well as some Japanese stuff (mostly companies that have US divisions). Not the place for rare, unique stuff...but a great place for deals on US goods.

They're also very good about updating you on your order status, should your item be backordered or unreleased. They'll actually ship portions of a multiple-item order if one item is out of stock. Instead of waiting for everything to be in stock, they send you what they have from your order and then send the rest when it comes in, no extra shipping costs. I've never had a problem with them and I've been ordering with them for over 4 years now.

If you're looking for pretty good deals on imported goods that are a bit more hard to find here in the states, I've found that Anime Castle is a good, reliable place. Also US located, so shipping is relatively good. Only ordered from them once when they had an artbook sale, but they're good about communication and shipped everything well.

The only place I had a bad experience with was japanamation.com, also known as JSTORE. I ordered an "Anime Kicks @$$" shirt and had to wait nearly 2 months before I got it (a few weeks late to be the Christmas present I intended it to be), only to find that they sent me "Anime Kicks Butt" instead. When I contacted customer service, they told me that it wasn't an error, the "@$$" shirt was never produced, the orders were sort of a survey to see which styles were most popular and only those were produced. I was never told that the shirt I ordered wasn't produced and never asked if I wanted the "butt" shirt in exchange. Apparently, even though it was written as "@$$" they didn't want to swear on a shirt...and apparently they have a problem with telling their customers about changed in their orders as well. Their customer service is rude and unhelpful...I made it a point not to buy from them again.
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Joined: 11 Mar 2005
Posts: 1266
PostPosted: Fri Apr 29, 2005 2:26 pm Reply with quote
I've had a bit of an issue with Animecastle.com. Since it was linked to this site, I went and bought import music sountracks off of it. Course at that time, I had no idea how to spot a bootleg that wasn't obvious. Anime cry Unhelpful customer service though, that really is a pain.
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