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Gundam SEED.

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Joined: 29 Apr 2011
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PostPosted: Fri Apr 29, 2011 2:17 pm Reply with quote
i think gundam seed should make a come back in my opinion its the best gundam show that hit gundam 00 it is my second choice but gundam seed should most defintely come back
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PostPosted: Fri Apr 29, 2011 3:14 pm Reply with quote
First, welcome to the forums!

Second, we do expect at least an effort to use proper grammar around here.

Third, just making a statement like this does nothing to promote discussion. You need to explain why, argue your case beyond just saying "it's the best." This is always expected, and threads that don't make such an effort generally end up locked.
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Joined: 19 Nov 2004
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PostPosted: Fri Apr 29, 2011 11:48 pm Reply with quote
The thing about Gundam is that they usually create a universe, bleed it dry until they can't sell anymore models and DVDs, and then move on to a new one. They usually don't go back to an older one once they've started something else, in an "Out with the old and in with the new" philosophy. A notable exception being Gundam Unicorn which resurrected the UC timeline. I would say since they haven't had anything new by now from the Seed-verse then it's not likely to have any more sequels/prequels/whatnot. Sad

I call it the New-type phenomenon. Razz
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Joined: 18 May 2008
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PostPosted: Sat Apr 30, 2011 2:43 am Reply with quote
Kruszer wrote:
A notable exception being Gundam Unicorn which resurrected the UC timeline.

Actually not. The UC timeline has seen visited back before in 08th MS Team, MS IGLOO trilogy and the Zeta Gundam New Translation.

Other than that, if Sunrise would want to, there are lots of manga and novels to adapt from any of the timelines. It just seems that they're more interested in booting up a timeline with an anime and then expanding it with manga, games and plamos. There is an expanded side to Gundam SEED in the form of Gundam SEED Astray manga.
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Joined: 19 Aug 2003
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PostPosted: Sat Apr 30, 2011 3:34 am Reply with quote
There are two huge problems with SEED getting a continuation. Firstly, it had a continuation already. It was called Gundam SEED Destiny, and it was god-flummoxing-awful. It resolved none of the hanging plot threads from the first SEED, created a whole mess of new ones, was exceptionally poor in presenting its villains (Blue Cosmos is one-dimensional, LOGOS is quickly swept under the rug despite supposedly being the most powerful big-bad in the Cosmic Era, and Durandal is just...pathetic), mangled the returning characters (Cagalli no longer has a spine, Athrun's actually getting reverse character development by repeating his exact same character arc from SEED), and of course there's the infamous mid-series protagonist shift because the production staff flipped their wig when Shinn didn't climb very high in the Gundam Ace popularity polls.

Secondly, and this somewhat relates to the first problem, backstage politics have already killed the SEED franchise. Husband-and-wife team Mitsuo Fukuda and Chiaki Morosawa were director and head writer respectively for both SEED and SEED Destiny, and they were notorious for last-minute scenario changes (again, mid-series protagonist shift in Destiny), getting scripts in extremely late (and you all think Shaft have problems with punctuality?), and pissing off just about everyone they worked with. During the course of Destiny's production, there was quite a public dust-up between Fukuda & Morosawa on one side, and voice actors Naomi Shindoh (Cagalli) & Kenichi Suzumura (Shinn) on the other, which probably contributed to Cagalli being written out of the show and Shinn getting a reduced role as second third banana to the bad guys.

Anywho, after Destiny wrapped up, Fukuda and Morosawa made a big deal about a Gundam SEED movie to continue the franchise, and true to form, their screwed up method of dealing with things behind the scenes has led that concept to linger in pre-production hell for half a decade now. That's assuming Bandai & Sunrise haven't already shut it down and simply not bothered to tell anyone. I'd imagine Gundam 00 is confirmation enough that SEED is done.

The first SEED was good, don't get me wrong, but given how the same general production staff was apparently slated to handle all of the Cosmic Era's mainstream anime entries, and given how the first SEED was apparently a one-time miracle out of these morons, I'm kinda glad nothing more came about after Destiny. However, if some kind soul at Sunrise decided to green-light an anime adaptation of Gundam SEED Astray--which was handled by different people and remained consistently good at least through its first four manga incarnations--I certainly wouldn't complain because that was my favorite part of the Cosmic Era hands-down. But that's incredibly unlikely to happen at this point.
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Joined: 12 Feb 2007
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PostPosted: Sat Apr 30, 2011 4:55 am Reply with quote
Yeah, Destiny was a train wreck. It pretty much eliminates the possibility and point of a sequel. I wouldn't mind seeing an OVA set somewhere pre-Destiny though. Maybe take the various Astray manga story lines, blend them a bit better, smooth em out, and make them into a single OVA series. I'd watch that. (Of course, this is just empty speculation. The cosmic era universe is probably pretty much dead at this point regardless if they've moved on to Gundam 00).
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Joined: 26 Apr 2006
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PostPosted: Sat Apr 30, 2011 5:16 am Reply with quote
I'm with you guys...I thought Gundam Seed was a solidly good anime. Not great by any means but it definitely had some replay value. I know I've watched it two or three times (rewatched in English sub and dub).

I also agree that Gundam Seed Destiny was absolute carnage. It's like they took everything they did in Seed, dropped a great big nuke bomb on it and start from scratch. It was just terrible and you didn't have to know about the behind-the-scenes issues to tell that there were some production problems with Seed Destiny.

To be honest, I was actually somewhat looking forward to the Gundam Seed movie because I wanted it to make up for how God awful Seed Destiny was. For example, kinda like how they made Devil May Cry 3 pretty awesome to make up for how badly they screwed up on Devil May Cry 2...or making Oceans 13 to make up for how dreadful Oceans 12 was.

However, since there is no movie and doesn't appear there will be a movie, I'm just going to pretend Seed Destiny never happened.
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Charred Knight

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PostPosted: Sat Apr 30, 2011 8:22 am Reply with quote
Nagisa wrote:

Anywho, after Destiny wrapped up, Fukuda and Morosawa made a big deal about a Gundam SEED movie to continue the franchise, and true to form, their screwed up method of dealing with things behind the scenes has led that concept to linger in pre-production hell for half a decade now. That's assuming Bandai & Sunrise haven't already shut it down and simply not bothered to tell anyone. I'd imagine Gundam 00 is confirmation enough that SEED is done.

You do know that Morosawa has cancer right? I mean that's the entire reason that the movie was never made, considering how insanely popular Kira, Athrun, Cagalli, and Lacus are in Japan. They are 4 of the most popular anime characters of the decade. You claim that Fukuda and Morosawa are these incompetent morons who got lucky made one of the most successful anime of the decade and then couldn't somehow find work. Fukuda and Morosawa was unheard of in America, but where well known for anime like Future GPX Cyber Formula, and Gear Fighter Dendoh, but clearly that means nothing because they made one bad series so that means their morons.

Yes, they have had problems with one series, but even Tomino made anime like Garzey's Wing. I am not going to trash a person because they made a bad anime once.

You also contradict yourself first claiming that Shinn's role was reduced because Kira was much more popular (most likely) than claiming that it's entirely a personal vendetta between these people. I don't claim to know what happened with the production of GSD, but I don't repeat rumors as facts.

Also how the hell is Durandal a pathetic villain? He actually had a well thought out motivation for his actions that tied into the theme of the series. He wasn't like a member of the Titans who are cartoonishly evil or the Zeon who have become this pathetic remnant of themselves because Sunrise is to lazy to come up with something new.
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PostPosted: Sat Apr 30, 2011 10:35 am Reply with quote

look here i've been on GS era since 2004 really the GS series is really something to me.

besides really it one of those series felt real more on characters, story, drama, emotion, feelings, etc besides i would see a live action full based on it.

look at how GS era did reinvent gundam world, more well known, fanbase, etc indeed truly this generation anime.

beisdes they still owe a GS movie till now where GS movie?

& how knows a 3rd season might happen?
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Joined: 12 Feb 2007
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PostPosted: Sat Apr 30, 2011 3:35 pm Reply with quote
Charred Knight:

You're right that the illness was the final nail in the coffin for the SEED movie. However, by the sound of it, that movie was in pre-production hell for a good while before that happened.
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Joined: 19 Nov 2004
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PostPosted: Sat Apr 30, 2011 7:38 pm Reply with quote
naninanino wrote:
Kruszer wrote:
A notable exception being Gundam Unicorn which resurrected the UC timeline.

Actually not. The UC timeline has seen visited back before in 08th MS Team, MS IGLOO trilogy and the Zeta Gundam New Translation.

Other than that, if Sunrise would want to, there are lots of manga and novels to adapt from any of the timelines. It just seems that they're more interested in booting up a timeline with an anime and then expanding it with manga, games and plamos. There is an expanded side to Gundam SEED in the form of Gundam SEED Astray manga.

Never said it was the only exception, but now that you mention it all of those areactually UC. Have they ever resurrected an AU Gundam after multiple years of inactivity? I don't think it happens too often.
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Charred Knight

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PostPosted: Sat Apr 30, 2011 7:59 pm Reply with quote
ikillchicken wrote:
Charred Knight:

You're right that the illness was the final nail in the coffin for the SEED movie. However, by the sound of it, that movie was in pre-production hell for a good while before that happened.

I don't think we will ever know what happened to that movie. Most likely due to the success of Gundam Seed, and Gundam Seed Destiny they green-lighted the movie without actually having any ideas. They never really pushed it, and Morosawa's cancer was revealed a couple of years ago.

My problem is that when Nagisa called Fukuda and Morosawa a moron Nagisa basically ignored their entire career and trashed them for ONE series. When you feel the need to call any person a moron because they made one bad anime then you might take anime way to seriously. It's simply a form of entertainment.

I didn't like Gundam 00, I felt that it was poorly written, with themes that don't appear to have any thought put into it. Does that mean Kuroda and Mizushima are morons? Considering how successful their careers are I would think that Gundam 00 was merely a misstep and hopefully their next projects are much better.

The reason why Fukuda and Morosawa have not made a new anime is due to Morosawa's illness and I would think that people will respect that.

Kruszer wrote:

Never said it was the only exception, but now that you mention it all of those areactually UC. Have they ever resurrected an AU Gundam after multiple years of inactivity? I don't think it happens too often.

Gundam Wing just came out with a fairly high profile light novel series (like how Unicorn got its start), and several AUs have had manga projects. My personal feelings is that due to the success of Gundam Unicorn, Bandai might push the Gundam Wing novels into an OVA.
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Joined: 19 Aug 2003
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PostPosted: Sat Apr 30, 2011 10:53 pm Reply with quote
Charred Knight wrote:
You do know that Morosawa has cancer right?

Yikes. No, I did not. I wish her the best of luck.

Charred Knight wrote:
You claim that Fukuda and Morosawa are these incompetent morons who got lucky made one of the most successful anime of the decade and then couldn't somehow find work. Fukuda and Morosawa was unheard of in America, but where well known for anime like Future GPX Cyber Formula, and Gear Fighter Dendoh, but clearly that means nothing because they made one bad series so that means their morons.

Okay, maybe I overstepped my bounds, but you're assuming I'm making a big fuss over one bad show, which is not the case. I'm making a big fuss over late scripts, clashes with employees, rampant scenario changes (and I'm sorry, but I'm really not in the mood to comb over three years of Gunota Headlines posts to go find the interviews that cover all of this, but I do remember most of them being there), all of which are typically indicative of unprofessional behavior and poor project leadership. Perhaps I'm wrong and perhaps Destiny was just a troubled production and Fukuda & Morosawa were under Bandai's thumb and forced to rush out an unsatisfactory product, but most of the time that sort of poor work ethic doesn't just pop up overnight.

Charred Knight wrote:
You also contradict yourself first claiming that Shinn's role was reduced because Kira was much more popular (most likely) than claiming that it's entirely a personal vendetta between these people.

Again, it's back in Gunota's archives somewhere, but I'm pretty sure an interview with Kenichi Suzumura outlined the whole row as issues being raised regarding who had top billing in the series blowing way out of proportion. It's been half a decade though, so you'll pardon my less than verbatim memory, but it's not a contradiction if both points are related.

Charred Knight wrote:
Also how the hell is Durandal a pathetic villain? He actually had a well thought out motivation for his actions that tied into the theme of the series.

He's overwhelmingly anticlimactic. This big, sinister plan he's been cooking up for fifty episodes with all this global manipulation and staged conflict ultimately boils down to a cartoonish form of eugenics or Social Darwinism that (if I recall correctly) the rest of the world still calls BS on even without the Three Ships Alliance's intervention. People like to claim that Rau le Creuset was an anticlimactic villain, but at least there was something big and grandiose about his grand revenge scheme against the world. Durandal's plan is just...dull, sterile, and hardly befitting of all the prior, unnecessarily complicated buildup.

Charred Knight wrote:
When you feel the need to call any person a moron because they made one bad anime then you might take anime way to seriously. It's simply a form of entertainment.

I think you're putting way too much stock in my word choice, now that I read this. Since when do I have to take something deadly serious in order to flippantly refer to someone who evidence suggests is unprofessional with an unkind noun? Hell, who says I'm taking any of this seriously at all anymore? After all, it's been half a decade. Trying to assume someone's state of mind based on text on a website is a bit fruitless, remember.

Also my calling Fukuda & Morosawa morons for unprofessional behavior implied that Shaft are also morons for behaving in a similar way, if you'll recall. Now if I were taking all of this as seriously as you seem to assume, do you honestly think I'd direct that much venom at one of my favorite studios in anime today?
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Charred Knight

Joined: 29 Sep 2008
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PostPosted: Sun May 01, 2011 12:48 am Reply with quote
Nagisa wrote:

He's overwhelmingly anticlimactic. This big, sinister plan he's been cooking up for fifty episodes with all this global manipulation and staged conflict ultimately boils down to a cartoonish form of eugenics or Social Darwinism that (if I recall correctly) the rest of the world still calls BS on even without the Three Ships Alliance's intervention. People like to claim that Rau le Creuset was an anticlimactic villain, but at least there was something big and grandiose about his grand revenge scheme against the world. Durandal's plan is just...dull, sterile, and hardly befitting of all the prior, unnecessarily complicated buildup.

Durandal had the world in the palm of his hand, the Earth forces where mostly destroyed. He had set himself up as the savior of the world, saving the Earth from Logos, while promising a world of peace. The only thing in the way of his plan from becoming reality was the Three Ship Alliance. Compare that with say Zeta where I still have yet to figure out what the hell the Titans where even trying to accomplish outside of the Earth Federation being so stupid they would just hand over control of the Earth to them.

You stated that Fukuda and Morosawa where incompetent and that Gundam Seed was a fluke. Why wouldn't I assume you calling them morons was serious?
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Joined: 19 Aug 2003
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PostPosted: Sun May 01, 2011 1:12 am Reply with quote
Charred Knight wrote:
Durandal had the world in the palm of his hand, the Earth forces where mostly destroyed. He had set himself up as the savior of the world, saving the Earth from Logos, while promising a world of peace. The only thing in the way of his plan from becoming reality was the Three Ship Alliance.

Three major world powers stood up to the Destiny Plan (the Atlantic Federation, the Kingdom of Scandinavia, & Orb), and only one of them was struck down. It wasn't long after that when elements of ZAFT (as evidenced by Yzak & Co.) eventually turned against the plan, as well. It just seems to add to how anticlimactic the ending of Destiny was that for all of his overly-elaborate scheming, Durandal still failed to win over some of the world's most powerful and influential governments, including his own to a point.

Charred Knight wrote:
You stated that Fukuda and Morosawa where incompetent and that Gundam Seed was a fluke. Why wouldn't I assume you calling them morons was serious?

You implied that the only way anyone could conceivably say something like that was if they were so humorlessly wrapped up in this idle little hobby that they treated its every coming and going like a personal crisis. Or something to that effect. At least, that's what most people imply when they say things to the effect of "you take _____ waaaay too seriously, relax." Reality, however, is that one does not need to be so bound up in something to say such things and can easily make such commentary in a completely casual and off-hand manner.

I meant what I said, but did not say it in the worked-up, super-duper-serial tone you seem to think I did. After all, Gundam SEED is essentially ancient anime history; all I'm doing is dredging up idle assessments of things that happened in the past.
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