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What does an Otaku do...

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Joined: 29 Jan 2003
Posts: 64
Location: Ontario Canada
PostPosted: Thu Jan 30, 2003 9:47 pm Reply with quote
...When there is no station on TV that shows anything better than Pokemon and Yu-gi-oh and CCS reruns, the bookstore has stopped carrying all the magazines except Shonen Jump, and are to poor to buy the DVDs? Supposing there was a place to buy them? Which there is not?

Welcome to my life. The deprived otaku... I only got involved in anime when a station started playing Gundam Wing. And most of now has come from the precious internet. Precious internet...

Anyway, I really should be quiet now. But my question is, what would you do if you were me?
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Joined: 10 Aug 2002
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PostPosted: Thu Jan 30, 2003 9:59 pm Reply with quote
I'd get a job, or atleast hold off until I was old enough to get one. Trust me, this stuff isn't going anywhere. Even titles that are out of circulation are still easy to find online. Yeah, it can be a bit agonizing having to wait for something I love, but sometimes waiting is your only solution. Either that or turn to a friend that does have money and get them hooked.

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Joined: 08 Aug 2002
Posts: 513
PostPosted: Thu Jan 30, 2003 11:05 pm Reply with quote
my first thought goes to manga-- its not as expensive as anime, and you can get most of your favourite series in manga form (and its usually their orignal form anyway, so double cookies). if your bookstore doesn't carry them, as you've mentioned, and you can't order online for one reason or another, you can always special order them by getting the ISBN numbers (or even the title and publisher). anyway, manga costs $10-17 normally as opposed to a dvd's $20-30. another trick is to buy dubbed vhs tapes-- yeah, we all want subbed and dvds, but because of that, dubbed vhs tapes can be found for really cheap if you look hard. always check bargain bins-- i got all of evangelion for $5 a tape that way. if you have a discount store like half-priced books in your area, be sure to check their shelves. mine has brand-new tapes starting at a couple of bucks and dvds for $10, and what with anime being so popular these days, most places will have *something.*
also consider joining an anime club, or, if your area doesn't have one, starting one (thats what i had to do)-- there will be someone, at some point, in the group that has what you want to see or has the money to buy it. clubs are also a great way to broaden your horizons anyway ^__^
kira kira
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