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The X Button - Marvel Combat

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Joined: 27 Feb 2004
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PostPosted: Wed Feb 16, 2011 1:09 am Reply with quote
So Aksys is only localizing the edition of the game that a lot of Arcana Heart fans already imported.

This baffled me as well. I would have already bought the import version if I owned a PS3. Ah well, I guess I will have to hope that it does decently enough on PSN for Aksys to try putting out a US 360 version. Do you think it has something to do with Microsoft's weird policy on download sizes?

Radiant Historia's battles favor positioning first and foremost: certain attacks knock enemies around the playfield, and they can be grouped together and destroyed with rapid multi-character strikes.

This is the kind of game that used to be right up my alley, but now I cannot play an RPG who's battle system either doesn't involve some sort of active control (a la the Mario DS RPG) or that isn't brutally hard. The movement mechanic in Radiant Historia sounds unique, but it sounds like something that could be more tedious than fun (i.e. every turn you have to push the enemies back together so that you can damage them properly).

I think I'm going to have to wait and see if people are still talking about it in a couple of months after release.
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Joined: 27 Dec 2010
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PostPosted: Wed Feb 16, 2011 2:21 am Reply with quote
Good ole' Arm Joe. It was a crap game but I laughed my ass off with Pom Pom.
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Joined: 09 May 2008
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PostPosted: Wed Feb 16, 2011 2:42 am Reply with quote
utawoutau wrote:
So Aksys is only localizing the edition of the game that a lot of Arcana Heart fans already imported.

This baffled me as well.

Well of course people are going to import it right away. Not everyone is patient enough to see if something WILL get localized. The game came out VERY recently, and everyone assumed it wasn't coming, or just had to play it RIGHT away!

But, apparently there are quite a few 360 fighter fans, and they are not too happy with the PS3 approach. And then there's me, who only buy physical copies of games and don't do imports. So, no game for me being PSN-only Sad I was hoping for a CE....
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Joined: 08 Oct 2003
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PostPosted: Wed Feb 16, 2011 3:11 am Reply with quote
Oh god, thank you for bringing this NES Great Gatsby thing into my life! I love all the little neat things this column exposes me to. Also I might need to pick up Pocket Fighters for PSN. What system was Pocket Fighter originally released for way back when? I only recall getting to try it at a friend's house, wanting it, but not being able to have it myself at the time.
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Joined: 13 Dec 2006
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PostPosted: Wed Feb 16, 2011 4:22 am Reply with quote
When their armour is reduced in temperature!
Heinrich, being the non-mortal half of the team, has to protect Gretchen by carrying her around and beating back all sorts of slavering monsters
Using Gretchen, who acts as a loud and somewhat ineffective club.
Gretchen assists with various spells, and she's fortunately immune to Heinrich's careless axe swings.
Step 1: Tie witch to axe blade
Step 2: Magic axe!
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Joined: 17 Feb 2005
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PostPosted: Wed Feb 16, 2011 4:33 am Reply with quote
Sheleigha wrote:
And then there's me, who only buy physical copies of games and don't do imports. So, no game for me being PSN-only Sad I was hoping for a CE....

While technically an import, AH3 is getting a physical release in the UK. So if you want everything in English, you could get that release if you want a physical copy. (which is what I may ultimately do)
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Generic #757858

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PostPosted: Wed Feb 16, 2011 5:10 am Reply with quote
Ranma824 wrote:
Sheleigha wrote:
And then there's me, who only buy physical copies of games and don't do imports. So, no game for me being PSN-only Sad I was hoping for a CE....

While technically an import, AH3 is getting a physical release in the UK. So if you want everything in English, you could get that release if you want a physical copy. (which is what I may ultimately do)

It's also getting a X360 release in Europe.
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Joined: 08 Mar 2010
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PostPosted: Wed Feb 16, 2011 5:29 am Reply with quote
Well I guess I"m interested in getting a couple of games from that article. It sucks living in Australia, most games I want to play don't usually make down here. I had to order them through the internet including many Atlus games. I'm trying to get my hands on Knights in the nightmare and you can't even see it in PSN.

That said, I wish Atlus made some more games in PSP too than DS. It is overloaded with RPGs and PSP's loaded with rehashed games back in PS-era, hardly no graphic update and kept the way it is. It needs more RPG's than downgraded PS2 games. Hopefully by the time NGP comes out, things get different.
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Joined: 11 Mar 2009
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PostPosted: Wed Feb 16, 2011 7:22 am Reply with quote
This column reminds me of the constant failure of Nintendo for refusing to bring a DS player to the Wii (as it did for the GCN).

It seems so many good games are going for the hand-held while the console gets no ounce of love at all.

It's so bad, people are creating fake NES games in Flash because the console is so horrid (though I'd buy the Great Gatsby on WiiWare!).


See you next week when the best games come out for consoles I don't own.
Anime cry
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Joined: 15 May 2010
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PostPosted: Wed Feb 16, 2011 7:46 am Reply with quote
I'm disappointed that the Marvelous PS3 RPG got canceled. I'd have loved to have more RPGs for my PS3.

I've never played the Ys series. Is it any good?
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Joined: 22 May 2008
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PostPosted: Wed Feb 16, 2011 7:58 am Reply with quote
Just wanted to mention another game getting released this week that someone else mentioned last week - Hyperdimension Neptunia from NISA. I actually received a rather long, involved email as to why the release was delayed (blizzards) and how they were gonna make up for it (priority shipping). Just got an email last night that it had shipped out. Here's to hoping it was worth the wait.

*crosses fingers for it showing up in the mailbox soon*
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Joined: 17 Feb 2005
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PostPosted: Wed Feb 16, 2011 8:24 am Reply with quote
Generic #757858 wrote:

Will it be region coded? If so, then US 360 owners are still in a black hole.

PetrifiedJello wrote:
This column reminds me of the constant failure of Nintendo for refusing to bring a DS player to the Wii (as it did for the GCN).

Uh, how would that work? With the touch screen and all...

yaminokaitou wrote:
I've never played the Ys series. Is it any good?

Real time action RPG. You can probably find Ys VI The Ark of Napishtim for cheap somewhere. It was released on the PS2, and it's as good a indicator as any as to whether or not you'd like the series. I personally enjoy the series; with the XSEED release, I think it's going to be the third of fourth time I've bought Ys I & II.

JohnnySake wrote:
Just wanted to mention another game getting released this week that someone else mentioned last week - Hyperdimension Neptunia from NISA. I actually received a rather long, involved email as to why the release was delayed (blizzards) and how they were gonna make up for it (priority shipping). Just got an email last night that it had shipped out. Here's to hoping it was worth the wait.

Yeah, got that email also. Can't do much about the weather; I'm still waiting to receive my shipping confirmation email though.
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Joined: 17 Mar 2006
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PostPosted: Wed Feb 16, 2011 9:07 am Reply with quote
Ranma824 wrote:
PetrifiedJello wrote:
This column reminds me of the constant failure of Nintendo for refusing to bring a DS player to the Wii (as it did for the GCN).

Uh, how would that work? With the touch screen and all...

That was my first thought... in theory, you'd map the stylus to the wiimote, but that'd be so hard to control it's render a lot of DS games unplayable.

Every time I hear name 'Radiant Historia', I assume it's related to 'Radiata Stories' on the PS2. I know it isn't, but it sounds similar enough that my mind won't let the connection go. Confused
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Joined: 07 Jul 2008
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PostPosted: Wed Feb 16, 2011 9:13 am Reply with quote
I disapprove of the complete lack of mention this column has had about Hyperdimension Neptunia. I mean, hey. Quirky, joke-filled, anime-style video game... isn't that relevant?
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Joined: 17 Feb 2005
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PostPosted: Wed Feb 16, 2011 9:26 am Reply with quote
Rednal wrote:
I disapprove of the complete lack of mention this column has had about Hyperdimension Neptunia. I mean, hey. Quirky, joke-filled, anime-style video game... isn't that relevant?

Todd usually mentions games a week in advance of their ship date, so he mentioned it in last week's column.

Speaking of, are you doing a Neptunia review for the X-Button Todd?
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