Manga Video announces Perfect Blue cut, responds to rumors
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After Perfect Blue couldn't get past the Motion Picture Association of America ratings board with an "R" label, Manga Entertainment will be issuing ONLY the dub version in an "R"-rated slightly-edited form. An unrated "Director's Cut" will be made available in both dubbed and subtitled formats.
The MPAA refused an "R" rating to Perfect Blue due to the intense amount of violence in the work, calling it "The most violent animated film we have ever seen." (Ironically, they have seen Urotsuki Doji, but only the edited version -- which they did rate NC-17.) Such practices are anything but unheard of in the home video industry. Contracts involving films for home video distribution almost always include what is commonly known as a "Blockbuster clause", making it necessary for the filmmaker to cut an NC-17 or X-rated film down to an R-rating so that tape copies can be sold to rental stores that do not carry such harshly rated material. According to those in the industry, most home video profits are made from such markets.
All three versions of the film (dubbed/cut, subtitled/uncut, dubbed/uncut) will be available on VHS at the end of November, according to Manga representative Danielle Opyt. "Movie studios do certain things because they don't always have a choice," she commented.
Of course, paranoid fans have taken this as a warning sign regarding the release of End of Eva. Rumors that the film will be edited for violence (due to the reaction Perfect Blue got) have surfaced on various message boards around the internet, and this rumor met with strong reaction from Manga Entertainment.
"Don't believe any rumors about the EVA movie," Opyt asked of fans. "NOTHING has been publicly discussed except the signing and our use of the original voice actors. For those who are spreading rumors: How can Perfect Blue have anything to do with EVA?"
Opyt assured fans that they will be kept informed in matters regarding the Eva movie.