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Joe Mello
Joined: 31 May 2004
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Posted: Sat Nov 06, 2004 1:47 am
Our esteemed reviewer wrote: | These past few years have seen a disturbing trend in anime and manga known as "moe" (pronounced mo-eh): wide-eyed girls with improbable proportions and looks that would land most interested guys in jail. Dressed in fetish outfits that combine the worst elements of frilly, short, and skintight, these female characters are designed to be "everyone's favorite girlfriend" with their blank personalities and complete subservience. |
Highly agreed. I'm somewhat afraid that American idealism may have something to do with this. While "we" for the most part have finally accepted the concept of anime for a more adult audience, the trend may be overemphasizing the word "adult."
I could go on about this for hours, but it's a quarter to 2 in the morning and I really should be in bed. ^__^;
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Joined: 15 Oct 2003
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Posted: Sat Nov 06, 2004 2:03 am
Reading this bad review makes me want to buy it more.
And the fact that I would like to hear how the English dub from the Ocean Group and Industrial Smoke & Mirrors went; I don't think this hybrid dub has been done before.
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Joined: 26 Oct 2003
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Posted: Sat Nov 06, 2004 2:10 am
I saw it on Anime Network, and wasn't thrilled. The Gatchaman spoof was pretty funny though.
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Joined: 31 Dec 2002
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Posted: Sat Nov 06, 2004 4:46 am
wow, and i remember awhile back there was a lot people who were saying this is the most hillarious thing ever. brutal.
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Joined: 13 Apr 2002
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Posted: Sat Nov 06, 2004 8:01 am
v1cious wrote: | wow, and i remember awhile back there was a lot people who were saying this is the most hillarious thing ever. brutal. |
Comedy's a tough thing to review in some ways, since unlike a lot of other areas it's usually much more personal. Someone can find George Carlin funny but not (classic) Robin Williams. While someone else will just find the "You might be a redneck..." jokes to be the absolute best thing they've ever heard.
Even worse with anime, and shows like Komugi in particular, they tend to spoof and do comedy on specific things in an episode. It can vary from episode to episode what's funny. I found about half of Excel Saga to be completely hilarious but other episodes barely a smile. I couldn't stand Puni Puni Poemi at all and found half of Komugi to be enjoyable. Same with Abenobashi. But throw Kodomo no Omocha at me and I'm in stitches for the bulk of the episode.
There've just been a lot of comedies like Excel and Komugi in the last few years. I miss the more situational comedies since I think they work better since there's a basic plot around it instead of the episodic stuff. This was good when it was just Excel, but then everyone got on the badwagon.
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Joined: 11 Feb 2004
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Posted: Sat Nov 06, 2004 2:35 pm
Ugh. I'm hurt. I really enjoyed this series. It's a whole lot better than that god-awful piece of crap called SoulTaker.
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Joined: 22 Aug 2004
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Posted: Sat Nov 06, 2004 2:53 pm
I like Nurse Witch Komugi-chan Magikarte, and I intend to buy it. I watched to fansub of it, and liked it alot, which is why I want to buy it. Some people just have different tastes than other.
I've never seen the SoulTaker series, but I do want to see the KomugiZ TV series.
Oh, and in my opinion, people like our reviewer here is probably the kind of guy that likes stuff like Dragon Ball.
Besides, its an OVA, you can't expect as much character development in an OVA as you can in a TV series.
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Joined: 11 Feb 2004
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Posted: Sat Nov 06, 2004 3:19 pm
kusanagi-sama wrote: | Oh, and in my opinion, people like our reviewer here is probably the kind of guy that likes stuff like Dragon Ball.
Besides, its an OVA, you can't expect as much character development in an OVA as you can in a TV series. |
While that's true, there are some exceptions (R.O.D. and FLCL comes to mind).
And I'll add this for our reviewer: If you think that "moe" is a disturbing trend in anime, I have three words for you: DON'T WATCH IT!!!!!
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Posted: Sat Nov 06, 2004 3:31 pm
biliano wrote: | And I'll add this for our reviewer: If you think that "moe" is a disturbing trend in anime, I have three words for you: DON'T WATCH IT!!!!! |
It's his job to watch it.
Just because you disagree with a review, or have different tastes than a reviewer, it doesn't mean that the reviewer is wrong, or bad.
Remember that whether or not a show it enjoyable is an entirely subjective matter.
The job of a reviewer is to write his feelings, based on as near as objective set of standards as is possible for such a subjective matter, in such a way that people who will feel differently can read the review and walk away from it with a conclusion entirely different from the reviewers.
If I were to say "This show is bad because of A, B, C" and you happen to be a fan of A, B, C then you should be able to walk away from reading my review under the impression that you might enjoy the show. If that's the case, then my review was successful.
darkchibi07 wrote: | Reading this bad review makes me want to buy it more. |
Exactly my point.
I refuse to dilute ANN's reviews by not giving shows to people that don't like the genre, or by having ANN's reviewers write reviews that pander to the fans of a particular show.
On the other hand, when a review is particularly negative, or positive for that matter, I often don't give future installments of that series to the same reviewer but rather seek to get alternate opinions.
Oh, and for the record, I'm not particularly bothered by MOE, I just ignore it, but one must say that it, like any fanservice, shows driven by the appeal of MOE, fall rather low on the refinement scale. It's essentially Baywatch anime with less plot, younger girls, bigger breasts and a sugary (saccharine even) coating.
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Joined: 04 Jan 2002
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Posted: Sun Nov 07, 2004 12:22 am
Yeah, I do back Carlo Santos up on this one. After the second "ironing board" joke and that preverted . . . I'm not sure what it is, it got boring. I did find the ASCII monster funny though. Outside of that and the 2.5 final music video, it was really was boring. BTW: Volume 2 has every favorite director/action star Nabeshin (Yes I know, don't try to fill in the blank.) Too bad he didn't save NWK.
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Posted: Sun Nov 07, 2004 1:23 am
kusanagi-sama wrote: | Oh, and in my opinion, people like our reviewer here is probably the kind of guy that likes stuff like Dragon Ball. |
Ouch (No offense, DBZ fans). Actually, since the reviewer seems to wish there was more depth to this show, and thus seems to be someone who likes depth and maturity, I doubt he's the DBZ type. Just trying to defend him from what I would consider an insult.. ^^;; Not everyone has to agree.
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Joined: 21 May 2004
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Posted: Sun Nov 07, 2004 1:52 am
Hadn't read the review until now, since it's a series that I have no interest in. But I was bored, and I have to say that I loves me a good anti-moe rant.
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Joined: 26 Oct 2003
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Posted: Sun Nov 07, 2004 2:20 am
In Komugi's defense, it acknowledge's it's own absurdity.
All Soul Taker tries to be is Devilman with psychobabble.
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Joined: 16 Apr 2004
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Posted: Sun Nov 07, 2004 6:59 pm
I certainly got the impression it wasn't taking itself seriously. I came away at times feeling like the show was trying to simultaneously make fun of moe and be moe. In that respect I don't believe the reviewer took a good enough look.
Like people said, humor is a funny thing. If you believe certain types of anime are going to single-handedly destroy the world, 'moe' in particular, you probably won't find this amusing no matter what.
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Joined: 23 Sep 2004
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Posted: Mon Nov 08, 2004 5:27 pm
Well, I must say I feel a little better after reading the review. I watched the first episode when I stumbled over it because I recognized the style but couldn't remember from where. (I remembered eventually). I wasn't a fan of Soul Taker, but it was pretty enough, visually.
But I could not figure out how this tied in, other than having the same characters. Turns out it doesn't.
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