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NEWS: Another ADV License

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Joined: 13 May 2004
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PostPosted: Sat Jul 03, 2004 7:47 pm Reply with quote
This must be a very popular show since it started airing a few weeks ago.
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Joined: 03 Jul 2004
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PostPosted: Sat Jul 03, 2004 9:24 pm Reply with quote
oh yeah hmm.. same thing happened to naruto.. so popular they licensed it right off the bat
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Joined: 01 Nov 2003
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PostPosted: Sat Jul 03, 2004 11:08 pm Reply with quote
shaddix wrote:
oh yeah hmm.. same thing happened to naruto.. so popular they licensed it right off the bat

Naruto hasn't been licensed...Unless I missed something..o.O
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Joined: 15 Sep 2003
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PostPosted: Sun Jul 04, 2004 1:05 pm Reply with quote
I watched the first episode of Kurau Phantom Memory, and I have to say it's quite good, I would be able to judge better had I seen a few more episodes but that doesn't look likely now.

I have to say ADV were very quick on this one and it's only been available on fansub for a week which is strange. Does this mean that companies are gonna start trying to bag series quicker than usual to push out the fansubbers?

If this is the case I don't think it will work. Fan subs I believe help these companies know what we want and like to see on dvd, and without that they don't have a window to our tastes. Though many might disagree in this digital, I believe fansubs perform a vital service, kind of the same way scanalations do for manga. Because they are free online it doesn't mean we won't buy them on dvd. Perhaps fansub groups should sign a contract to pull a licensed anime from their site within 7 days of a series being licensed or something, because the last thing we need is court action and a rift between fans and ADV etc. It's also very hard to fight against things online.

I'll be looking forward to Kurau if I don't see anymore of it beforehand, and will be buying it on dvd. Also thanks ADV for picking up Gantz too.

I don't class fansubbing as theft because fansubs were here long before their was a huge market for anime and manga in the U.S, so they do deserve to co-exist with the mainstream anime market, like small import game stores do in an over saturated mainstream games market. I can understand some fans will be over the top while some are more reasonable and remove licensed torrents from sites.
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Joined: 10 Aug 2002
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PostPosted: Sun Jul 04, 2004 1:55 pm Reply with quote
When all is said and done, in the end the license company is loosing some money, and nothing anyone says will make them legal. We're still seeing them for free. Digital fansubs are bad mainly because they can replace the need for someone to get them on dvd, and that is the big difference between scanlations and fansubs. Scanlations aren't going to be replacing the actual manga you hold in your hand any time soon.
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Joined: 08 May 2004
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PostPosted: Sun Jul 04, 2004 8:26 pm Reply with quote
littlegreenwolf wrote:
When all is said and done, in the end the license company is loosing some money, and nothing anyone says will make them legal. We're still seeing them for free. Digital fansubs are bad mainly because they can replace the need for someone to get them on dvd, and that is the big difference between scanlations and fansubs. Scanlations aren't going to be replacing the actual manga you hold in your hand any time soon.

I'm a good example of this. I really dislike reading manga on the computer, so nearly all my funds go to 'hard' manga. I usually only buy Tokyopop titles, because they are my favourite company. But, I do not buy DVDs because I can get the fansub for free. However, I only get $7.50 CDN a week, as I do not work (What, I'm 15?) so I do not think I'm really hurting the anime economy THAT bad. Oh, but I did get alittle extra cash this week, and I bought Geisters yesterday. Now, I'm helping Korean and Japanese animation. I'm good Very Happy And when I get a job, I'm getting my Gravi box set. I'm being veeery patient and waiting for it to come out as one big box. Oh, and I want Tactics too. From the same manga-ka as Loki I believe, and shonen-ai hinted. w00t.

What was the thread about? Phantom Memory? Oh, I missed downloading that one :b damn. Good job for scooping that one up so fast ADV!
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Joined: 08 May 2004
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PostPosted: Sun Jul 04, 2004 8:27 pm Reply with quote
UberTai wrote:
shaddix wrote:
oh yeah hmm.. same thing happened to naruto.. so popular they licensed it right off the bat

Naruto hasn't been licensed...Unless I missed something..o.O

Pehaps he's talking about the manga...even then...(sorry to post twice in a row ^^;Wink
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Joined: 27 Jul 2003
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PostPosted: Mon Jul 05, 2004 4:12 pm Reply with quote
I believe Shaddix was being sarcastic.

You frequently see as many 7000 (or more) people uploading/downloading Naruto episodes at a given time as they are being released, particularly ANBU's releases. No other recent series has, as far as I recall, even come close to this level of enthusiasm with the possible exception of Fullmetal Alchemist before it was licensed. And that's just on bittorrent, not even mentioning other p2p networks, newsgroups, etc.

That Kurau was licensed so quickly perhaps means that ADV might have some financial stake in the production of the series, as they have done for other shows in the past. Or else just the nature of the anime market drives them to beat other companies to the punch like Onizuka666 suggested.

If you download fansubs at all, then you're probably aware that ADV has been cracking down on sites that host files or torrents for their licensed shows. After all, they have their investments, such as Kurau now, to protect. For us that means we'll be having to wait a bit until ADV starts releasing it to really check it out. I was only able to get the first episode before it was licensed (haven't watched it yet). Personally I would like to see a few episodes before committing to buying it, so most likely I'll try to rent the first DVD when it's available.
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