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Joined: 24 Oct 2013
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PostPosted: Mon May 12, 2014 2:40 pm Reply with quote
Got both Eureka Seven LE & Fusé. I've just watched one episode of Eureka Seven & i'm not too sure if I like it or not. I'm hoping it gets more appealing in the coming few episodes.

Waiting to see what Sentai does with the release for Chuunibyou demo koi ga shitai, really can't care less about the dub, but i'm genuinely interested in what their LE/PE-type release will include, as it's their first one. I'm also hoping they'll do proper QC for the release.
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Joined: 23 Jun 2013
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PostPosted: Mon May 12, 2014 3:05 pm Reply with quote
I'm gonna disagree hard on eureka seven, oh not about it being great, it's one of the best show around. The visual are phenomenal, the soundtrack is the only time I took noticed of an OST which wasn't made by Yoko Kanno, the initial idea that sound so silly (Mech riding wave in the air) is pulled off effortlessly, even all the mombo jumbo about trapper and all that work really well. And the cast, the cast is so great, all character feel like well developed character, Rays and Charles are my favorite character of any media. But there is one small, annoying, insignificant caveat that I need to comment on the cast, one that, for some inexplicable reason the producer decided to put a giant magnifying glass on, Renton, OMG Renton!

Renton ruin the show for me, he ruin it so much. Pretty much every scene which Renton is in (the vast majority) is like if your drunken uncle decided to barf on your wife during your wedding. He's like everything wrong in every protagonist bundle into one character and unleashed on the show, like if the creator of the show wished on a monkey paw for eureka seven to be created and Renton was there cursed.

He's stupid, weak, cowardly, absolutely awful at anything he tries, the only reason why he's even relevant to the plot is one entirely outside his control, Renton could have been literally anyone and he would be just has necessary to the plot, Holland could have just tied him up and dumbed in Nirvash whenever he needed it to move and it would have functioned just has much. And I'm suppose to care and root for him? I'm suppose to buy the love story between him and Eureka? For half the show Eureka make it clear she's not interested in him whatsoever and then half way she suddenly fall in love with him. Why? Well because he was in love with her, that's pretty much it, great romance… They had no chemistry, which is no surprise considering Renton is pretty much just a stalker for most of the show. Oh a problem is brought up, what's Renton answer? Crying, whining or running away, sometime all three at the same time. Oh Renton doesn't understand what's going on in the plot, well he could read up on his dad research and actually educate himself, Naw crying and whining it is.

Really at this point the only way to make me buy a new version of eureka seven would be if it came with a director cut where they relegated Renton to nothing but a footnote. Which the manga sorta did, so that I enjoyed quite a bit.
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Joined: 02 May 2014
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PostPosted: Mon May 12, 2014 3:12 pm Reply with quote
Ah, Eureka Seven. Easily one of the best mecha anime ever. Also, I completely agree on the characterization in that series. One of the few series, anime or otherwise, where I liked pretty much every character.
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Joined: 05 Jul 2011
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PostPosted: Mon May 12, 2014 3:14 pm Reply with quote
This is a great Shelf Life! Eureka Seven is my favorite anime, and Chunibyou is one of my favorites as well, I'm glad to see that they are both shelf worthy.

I wouldn't call Eureka Seven flawless, some of the background characters don't get much development, and the series is rather slow to start...But the pay off is huge, and nearly everything besides what I mentioned is pretty flawless. I've seen the series 4 times, and I plan on getting the Blu-Ray as well.

Also, I have to disagree about Renton being a bad character. Sure he's annoying at first, no doubt about that, but because he was so annoying, watching his character grow is one of the best things about the series. That and his relationship with Eureka. How he is at the end of the series, is so incredibly different from how he was at the beginning, that it is startling, and is one of the reasons why its a fantastic coming of age story.

Also, I'm waiting for the Dub release of Chunibyou. I doubt it will be that great, but I'm still hyped to own the show anyway! I just wish it had a release date...
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Joined: 31 Jul 2006
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PostPosted: Mon May 12, 2014 3:22 pm Reply with quote
Please tell me you made a video of yourself whaling away on a tree with a crappy sword. Youtube needs that right now. Smile

I really don't want to buy Eureka Seven again as the DVDs remain unopened on my shelf, but the urge is rising.
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Joined: 26 Sep 2004
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PostPosted: Mon May 12, 2014 3:24 pm Reply with quote
Lol Love, Chunibyo & Other Delusions... the start of the death of Kyoto Animation.
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Joined: 10 Aug 2013
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PostPosted: Mon May 12, 2014 3:25 pm Reply with quote
What's the aspect ratio like on Eureka Seven on blu-ray?

Do you gotta put up with sidebars?
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Utsuro no Hako

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PostPosted: Mon May 12, 2014 3:26 pm Reply with quote
I don't think I ever had chūnibyō myself, but I certainly did some dumb things that I don't like remembering, like the very long phase where I fancied myself a swordswoman.

Nope, that's definitely chuuni.
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Ian K

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PostPosted: Mon May 12, 2014 3:37 pm Reply with quote
I've just watched one episode of Eureka Seven & i'm not too sure if I like it or not. I'm hoping it gets more appealing in the coming few episodes.

I hate to be that guy saying "it gets better I swear", but IT GETS BETTER, I SWEAR. E7 is one of the very few series that I went from strongly disliking to loving.

E7 Starts off pretty slow - personally I hated Episode 1 the first time I saw it. The early episodes are all about establishing the characters, and these characters aren't very likeable. They're immature, stuck-up, dim, and outright mean. But the key to getting through these episodes to realize that these are flawed characters at the beginning of a journey, and they will grow in the course of the show. Things start to get more interesting with the world building in Episode 8, and in Episode 12 crap gets REAL. The series continues to build to the finale at the end of this set, which is one of the most emotional scenes in all of anime.

So yeah, it's worth sticking with it through the slow start.
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Joined: 16 Feb 2012
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PostPosted: Mon May 12, 2014 3:43 pm Reply with quote
I'm a fan of Chunibyo and I'm eagerly awaiting the details of the special edition BD {and to find out why I won't want to buy it}. Cool series directed with quiet confidence, it's a hard series not to like with characters you want to see.

Which brings me to Eureka Seven. I've heard of it before, heard good things about it but as neither a fan of mecha shows or sports shows, I've long thought that it wasn't the kind of show for me. Also not a fan of BONES; They're great at doing individual scenes but once you put those scenes in context, storytelling flaws and design mistakes start to become evident. In spite of all that, I bought the two DVD sets at a price lower than the sale price of the first BD set - and I still fell cheated.

I've seen the first seven episodes of Eureka Seven and there's nothing compelling me to continue {it's so bad, I watched all of Shangri-La just so I wouldn't have to continue with disc two. And I'm still coming up with excuses} . It takes the worst aspects of sports shows {the lingo, the pros, the ringers, the events} and the worst aspects of mecha shows {the reasons, the tech, the babble} and combined them in one incomprehensible mess.

And then there's Renton. Yes, keeping a character on a lower level allows for greater heights when development kicks in but how many times do we have to watch him complain about working for the crew, how they don't respect him, how they don't like him while he's loafing in the hanger, avoiding work, his responsibilities {as opposed to complaining while working}? Come on, clue me in. Is he stupid, clueless or just a waste of space?

Unlike many mech shows where the teenaged hero comes on board and is immediately tasked with saving the world, we spend a lot of time getting to know the Gekkostate crew. And they spend a lot of time doing nothing, like taking on chump missions, or hazing Renton. There's an entire episode where they send Renton out on an elaborate prank, just because he's the new kid. It's charming and adorable, and while it's not exactly high-octane excitement, it gives viewers a chance to really feel like they're one of the group.

Translation: We spend a lot of time watching them while they spend a lot of time doing nothing. I think K-On is charming and adorable, Eureka Seven is just boring.

It's 50 episodes. Where and how is it good if 12 % of it has already got me grinding my teeth?

And I haven't even gotten to the point of Eureka being more plot device than character {Ren from DearS has more personality}, how the Gekkostate Crew don't understand the concept of "changing their clothes {maybe their closets are just filled with one design like other BONES shows} or how Renton took the kids on a tagging mission against the military {"Did I just see something that stupid? Yes, I must have. Why?"}
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Joined: 31 Jul 2006
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PostPosted: Mon May 12, 2014 3:55 pm Reply with quote
Hellwarden wrote:
What's the aspect ratio like on Eureka Seven on blu-ray?

Do you gotta put up with sidebars?
People who don't want to watch titles in their original aspect ratio are the lowest form of life in the universe.

Was that enough exaggeration to convey that I don't really care that much and am simply trying to make light of the question, or should I have gone more extreme, replete with expletives?
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Joined: 05 Feb 2008
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PostPosted: Mon May 12, 2014 4:06 pm Reply with quote
Can't agree with Bamboo at all on Eureka Seven. The crew of the Gekkostate were pricks, Holland was a monster (and Talho not much better), Renton was a sniveling brat and Eureka could have been replaced by a cardboard cutout for all the personality she displayed. And then there's the effed-up morals and the silly battles; oh dear.

Bamboo wrote:
I don't think I ever had chūnibyō myself, but I certainly did some dumb things that I don't like remembering, like the very long phase where I fancied myself a swordswoman. Not because I liked martial arts, mind you, or had any real intention of studying martial arts, but because I liked Rurouni Kenshin (obviously). I bought shitty swords off the internet and mindlessly hacked away at trees in my backyard, all with the idea that someday, with enough practice, I'd be able to slice through an entire trunk. Dumb.

LOL. Judging from your description it's obvious you were a chūnibyō. Not that there's anything wrong with that; we all have silly anecdotes from our teenage years.

Bamboo wrote:
Still, for all the entertainment of the comedy aspects of show, Love, Chunbyo & Other Delusions really shines in the last arc.

I thought the last three or so episodes was precisely when the show fell on its face. It was a damn fine comedy, but a decidedly weak drama and romance.
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Joined: 25 Mar 2009
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PostPosted: Mon May 12, 2014 4:20 pm Reply with quote
Loved the hell out of Eureka Seven, so glad these blu-rays are coming out.
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Angel M Cazares

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PostPosted: Mon May 12, 2014 4:53 pm Reply with quote
dtm42 wrote:
Bamboo wrote:
Still, for all the entertainment of the comedy aspects of show, Love, Chunbyo & Other Delusions really shines in the last arc.

I thought the last three or so episodes was precisely when the show fell on its face. It was a damn fine comedy, but a decidedly weak drama and romance.

I agree with Bamboo. I enjoyed the comedy a lot, but I really fell in love with Chuunibyou because of the dramatic elements in the second half. I also think the conclusion was great and very satisfying.

Last edited by Angel M Cazares on Mon May 12, 2014 4:59 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Joined: 29 Apr 2013
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PostPosted: Mon May 12, 2014 4:57 pm Reply with quote
IanC wrote:
Lol Love, Chunibyo & Other Delusions... the start of the death of Kyoto Animation.

If you say it because of the reasons I think, aka kyoani pretty much writing their own stuff while being "based" on something else that started since k-on, that one based full episodes on as little as 3 pages of manga content. kyoani is great when they adapt someone else's plots, the plots they create are not that good; that being said chu2 is for me the most enjoyable show of post key kyoani.
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