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NEWS: ADV Manga Talks Chrono Crusade

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Joined: 10 Aug 2002
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PostPosted: Wed Jan 14, 2004 2:01 am Reply with quote
Oi, I'm happy about the manga coming here and everything, but I was already confused about the title once being connected to the Chrono videogames. Now I'm not going to be the only one. -_- This doesn't help seperate the two, but then I guess they're not thinking about that, or they don't care. I'll never stop getting the two mixed up now. -_-
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Joined: 12 Jun 2003
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PostPosted: Wed Jan 14, 2004 2:11 am Reply with quote
Having seen some of the anime now ahead of that, I'm not worried about getting the two different ones confused.

What I did find confusing...

However, for this particular title for mass market distribution in an English speaking population, Chrno would be perceived as a mi! sprint.

Perceived as a what?
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Joined: 10 Aug 2002
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PostPosted: Wed Jan 14, 2004 2:13 am Reply with quote
I have no idea what that meant. Rolling Eyes
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Joined: 14 Jan 2004
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PostPosted: Wed Jan 14, 2004 3:21 am Reply with quote
I think he meant "misprint". And i agree with him because when people see's *Chrno* they probably wouldn't know how its pronounced so changing it to *Chrono* makes it alot easier because thats basically how its pronounced anyway.

This is not such a bit deal and its nothing to whine about. As long as they keep the contents of the manga the same all's fine with me.

Now Tokyopop changing *Ikkitousen* to *Battle Vixens* is just plain retarted. But thats another story....
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Joined: 12 Jun 2003
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PostPosted: Wed Jan 14, 2004 3:44 am Reply with quote
Given the considerable amount of guys that fight in it too, I'd say that Battle Vixens is one of the worst titles they could have given to Ikkitousen. The concept that disturbs me further is how much more explicit the content of the manga may be, considering how far the anime pushed the envelope.

And my thanks for clearing up the... misprint of the misprint. Rolling Eyes

That had me scratching my head there for awhile.
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Joined: 01 Nov 2003
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PostPosted: Wed Jan 14, 2004 8:29 pm Reply with quote
Now it looks way too much like Chrono Trigger! The two really have nothing in common...

But, I am excited to see this one come out. The anime is excellent and I suppose the manga will be the same.
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Joined: 10 Aug 2002
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PostPosted: Wed Jan 14, 2004 10:29 pm Reply with quote
UberTai wrote:
Now it looks way too much like Chrono Trigger! The two really have nothing in common...

>.< That's my problem. When I talk about it, I accidently call it Chrono Cross, or Chrono Trigger, and now that they are using the "Chrono" spelling, it's just going to get worse for me.
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Joined: 05 Nov 2003
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PostPosted: Wed Jan 14, 2004 10:38 pm Reply with quote
So they mispelled the title so it doesn't look like they mispelled the title.

And now people might get it confused with the Chrono games more easily.

ADV is teh smrat.
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Joined: 18 Jun 2003
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PostPosted: Thu Jan 15, 2004 5:13 am Reply with quote
UberTai wrote:
Now it looks way too much like Chrono Trigger! The two really have nothing in common...

People will confuse them as much as they confused Final Fantasy with Final Fight (i.e. not at all)... unless you try really hard Wink
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PostPosted: Thu Jan 15, 2004 5:50 am Reply with quote
Dejiko wrote:
UberTai wrote:
Now it looks way too much like Chrono Trigger! The two really have nothing in common...

People will confuse them as much as they confused Final Fantasy with Final Fight (i.e. not at all)... unless you try really hard ;)

Hm.. maybe more like... Ninja Scroll, and Ninja Resurrection?

For CC, however... It circulated around the net AS "Chrono Trigger manga" for a time. I purchased the 1st volume, thinking it was Chrono Trigger-related. When I realized it wasn't, I picked up the next 2, but that's beside the point. ;P

No, i'd say it's entirely possible that people will confuse it with CT.

<-- PS: the avatar was blatently stolen from JJR, who is brilliant.
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Joined: 10 Aug 2002
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PostPosted: Thu Jan 15, 2004 11:17 pm Reply with quote
Cookie wrote:
For CC, however... It circulated around the net AS "Chrono Trigger manga" for a time. I purchased the 1st volume, thinking it was Chrono Trigger-related. When I realized it wasn't, I picked up the next 2, but that's beside the point. ;P

No, i'd say it's entirely possible that people will confuse it with CT.

<-- PS: the avatar was blatently stolen from JJR, who is brilliant.

That is exactly what happened to me. Someone advertised it as "Chrono Cross" manga, I got it, and was so pissed I wouldn't look at it again untill at least a month after I bought it.
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Joined: 12 Jun 2003
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PostPosted: Thu Jan 15, 2004 11:31 pm Reply with quote
I hope that you were at least pleasantly surprised after looking at it then?
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Joined: 10 Aug 2002
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PostPosted: Fri Jan 16, 2004 12:31 am Reply with quote
Godaistudios wrote:
I hope that you were at least pleasantly surprised after looking at it then?

Anime smallmouth I was actually after I got through the initial dissapointment of it not being connected to one of my faveorite videogames.

Me looking at the manga a month later: "Hey... this is pretty cool. It's like... a light Hellsing mixed with the Shadow Hearts videogame!"
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Joined: 18 Jun 2003
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PostPosted: Fri Jan 16, 2004 1:50 pm Reply with quote
Cookie wrote:
Hm.. maybe more like... Ninja Scroll, and Ninja Resurrection?

ADV changed the name of that show, knowing they could cash in on the popularity of the older, popular OVA which was vaguely based on the same historical character. It's the same with people who'll sell you Chrno Crusade manga under the pretense of it being connected to Chrono Trigger, Chrono Cross, Chronojohn, Chronos or Chronowar. If you see the two side by side, you can't confuse one for another, it's entirely different. Don't mix that up with cheap-ass sale persons / tactics Wink

For CC, however... It circulated around the net AS "Chrono Trigger manga" for a time. I purchased the 1st volume, thinking it was Chrono Trigger-related. When I realized it wasn't, I picked up the next 2, but that's beside the point. ;P

Like I said: the person who put it under that pretense on the net must be visually challenged. I don't see the connection, aside from one, differently spelled word in the title.

No, i'd say it's entirely possible that people will confuse it with CT.

...which IMHO says more about these people than the alleged similarity, really Wink
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Joined: 12 Jun 2003
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PostPosted: Fri Jan 16, 2004 2:05 pm Reply with quote
Well, I can understand where Cookie is coming from. I can easily see people getting the two confused. Simply put, it shows how great an impact Chrono Trigger had here in the U.S.

If we as a society had incorporated the term of "Chrono" (which IIRC is a greek term referring to time) more into the English language, then this confusion wouldn't be so likely.

Instead, we as a society have applied the term of Chrono to a franchise and assumed a relationship between anything coming out of Japan as being related one to the other. (I was guilty of this as well when Chrono Cross was coming out.) If we can get back to a point where we use our brains on a regular basis when it comes to new titles coming our way, we will start noticing the differences and confusion will give way to enlightenment.

Ah screw it... society has a tendency to be simplistic and one-minded. It would be nice, but it's not gonna happen. Wink
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