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Joined: 13 May 2008
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PostPosted: Fri Dec 06, 2013 4:16 pm Reply with quote
japanese cast owns
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Joined: 09 Nov 2013
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PostPosted: Sat Dec 07, 2013 9:21 am Reply with quote
Kougeru wrote:
japanese cast owns

And you think this, because? Confused Do you even know the character's personalities? Do you even know if the Japanese voices from the clip(all of 5 seconds of voices) fit the characters? Do you even know if the Japanese version was recorded afterwards? You haven't even HEARD the English clip, for God's sake!
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Joined: 16 Aug 2008
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PostPosted: Sat Dec 07, 2013 9:54 am Reply with quote
Space Dandy is set to be Animax Asia's latest simulcast anime title. Across Southeast Asia, Space Dandy will premiere on January 5th at 10:00pm (SG, MY, PH, HK, TW) / 9:00pm (JKT, TH) first and exclusively on Animax, in a same-time-as-Japan broadcast. In addition, Space Dandy will debut in India on the same day as the Japan premiere at 10:00pm (IST) on Animax. The series will air with local language subtitling and an option of English dubbed audio on Animax.

I wonder if this will manage to escape anime censorship in S.East Asia.

ReverseTitan wrote:
Kougeru wrote:
japanese cast owns

And you think this, because? Confused Do you even know the character's personalities? Do you even know if the Japanese voices from the clip(all of 5 seconds of voices) fit the characters? Do you even know if the Japanese version was recorded afterwards? You haven't even HEARD the English clip, for God's sake!

For me, the Japanese version sounds good and I don't expect the rest to sound bad. That doesn't mean the English version will suck, because I expect that to sound good too, given the type of show this is and the huge release.

But WRT to the whether it was recorded afterwards. That doesn't matter for determining original language since nearly all anime is "recorded afterward" anyways, regardless if there's an English dub. What determines the original language is the script used in production that is used to time the scenes and animate the lip flaps to. In this case it, as well as Kurokami (another simulcast with English dub), the original language is still Japanese.

This matters because something like:

"demo watashi wa ..." *pause*turn*

results in very different timing and both scene animation and lip flap animation than the same line in English:

"but I ..." *pause*turn*
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Joined: 09 Nov 2013
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PostPosted: Sat Dec 07, 2013 10:46 am Reply with quote
@configspace So by that logic, is something like Bayonetta or Metal Gear Rising originally in Japanese? I mean their scriptwriters are Japanese and I assume that the script was written in Japanese, so that means that the script was translated into English. For Kurokami, the English cast were voicing off of storyboards, before the animation was being completed and this was done for Korean as well. We don't know what the true original language for Kurokami is, because there is none. There are 3 original languages for Kurokami, but not one. As for something like Tenchi in Love, the original language was English and it was done in English, before the Japanese recording and the scriptwriter was Japanese. Same with Tenkai Knights.(At least I think it was)
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Joined: 16 Aug 2008
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PostPosted: Sun Dec 08, 2013 10:31 am Reply with quote
No, my logic is based on the script used to time the scenes and animate the lip flaps to, not necessarily the nationality of the writers. For the Bayonetta game, the writers are Japanese, but since there is no Japanese track, I assume they had the script translated and the cut scenes and lip flaps timed to the English script, so the original language there is English.

The animation and scene and mouth timing down to the fractions of a second is fixed. Do you think they reanimate the show for each language? Even if the dub is done simultaneously or before, what matters is the animation script language. Everyone else then uses a translated version that is then edited to fit the timing that the original script uses. This is one of the challenges the ADR director faces.

Going back to my example above, the ADR director could not use the actual translation since the timing--and hence the animation--is very different. He would have to fill the space to match the timing between the start of the line and the pause, to match that of original script. So it's impossible for there to be multiple original languages. There can only be one for 2D/frame-by-frame animation.

I'm not sure if you are aware, but it does not matter when the recording was done, because (aside from just a handful of exceptions) with anime, the animation is NOT produced from or timed to the recordings! They don't wait for the recordings to be done to make the animation off of that. The timing is already fixed, and the VAs record in parallel or out of order while the animation is being made. This is done to improve anime production efficiency. It is the opposite of American animation, where it's actually possible to ad-lib lines because the animation is produced off the recordings.
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