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REVIEW: Bunny Drop GN 9

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Joined: 04 May 2013
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PostPosted: Tue Oct 22, 2013 1:51 pm Reply with quote
Oh boy, I've been anticipating this thread for quite some time now
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Joined: 01 Jul 2013
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PostPosted: Tue Oct 22, 2013 3:39 pm Reply with quote
gedata wrote:
Oh boy, I've been anticipating this thread for quite some time now

Lol Razz

a woman who knows little to nothing about a teenage girl who has come to her for advice is suggesting that she and a man thirty years her senior engage in an inappropriate relationship.

Exactly. Probably the most idiotic thing that could have been done with Masako's character, given that she was redeeming herself (kind of) just fine in my eyes prior to this.

And what's worse, Daikichi's response towards Rin... totally killed his character for me too. Where was the resistance? Why this sudden caving in and what was his reason for loving Rin that way *two years timeskip in the end be damned*? I agree, he just looked really uncomfortable most of the time.

But probably the most horrifying thing for me in this manga was that Kouki actually encouraged the relationship between Rin and Daikichi. That line, "Better you than Yunohara (orwhateverhisnameis)". How is it better?? Daikichi was as much a surrogate father to Kouki as he is to Rin. So messed up...
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Utsuro no Hako

Joined: 18 May 2012
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PostPosted: Tue Oct 22, 2013 9:13 pm Reply with quote
The worst part is the way the story completely avoids the consequences. We get one line from Daikichi wondering, "How am I going to explain this to everyone?" Yeah, I'd really like to see the part where everyone Daikichi knows disowns him for schtupping his own daughter.
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Joined: 21 Feb 2006
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PostPosted: Tue Oct 22, 2013 10:13 pm Reply with quote
I'd love to have been a fly on the wall at Yen Press when these last few chapters landed on their desks with a heavy, sickening thud. I bet you could hear a pin drop.

If you ask me, this is so far the most laughably, head-shakingly awful ending to a manga I've ever seen and there's no sign that it'll lose that crown of turds anytime soon.
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Joined: 20 Dec 2007
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PostPosted: Tue Oct 22, 2013 10:29 pm Reply with quote
I haven't read the post time skip volumes, so you can tear me apart if you want.

You are right about the consequences, and there will be consequences. If this is the future they want together, then they are going to have to write their families off. So if they are smart, they will move away and tell no one where they are going. You have to pay the piper his due.

Rin's boyfriend shouldn't have outed her. Rin might not have done anything given enough time to think about it or became wiser about the matter. But once it was out, she has it hanging over her head.

Your free to rip into Daikichi as much as you want, but his character has the worst choices of all the characters. It is easy to say what he should do, since none of us have a real emotional stake in this. All choices, both good and bad, have consequences that have to be paid. Sometimes the consequences for what is right are the worst.

Rejection could lead to suicide or lead to the destruction of their family ties. Those are real possibilities that Daikichi must also consider.

So whatever you say about Daikichi, he didn't ask for this, and none of us would want to be in his shoes, being forced to make choices that have no good outcomes.
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Joined: 16 Aug 2006
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PostPosted: Tue Oct 22, 2013 11:10 pm Reply with quote
Reminds me of the Oreimo ending which I for one didn't see coming. Just stopped the whole thing before I wasted my time.
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Joined: 01 May 2007
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PostPosted: Wed Oct 23, 2013 2:51 am Reply with quote
TarsTarkas wrote:

You are right about the consequences, and there will be consequences. If this is the future they want together, then they are going to have to write their families off. So if they are smart, they will move away and tell no one where they are going. You have to pay the piper his due.

Life Imitates Art: Preteen Lolita Elopes With Stepfather

  • An affair between a young girl and her stepfather was the subject of fiction in Nabokov, but a woman in China has found herself at the center of a real-life Lolita story when she received a shocking email from her missing daughter.

    Ms. Huang’s daughter had disappeared without a trace about two years before, when she was just 12-years-old, along with her stepfather Liu. This April, Huang suddenly got a mail from the missing girl that read, “I am Liu’s wife now. We’ve already been living together for more than two years and we have a daughter together. Mom, please divorce Liu.“

Like that?
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Joined: 16 Oct 2003
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PostPosted: Wed Oct 23, 2013 3:26 am Reply with quote
A good story to highlight some people should never be allowed to breed. Rolling Eyes

TarsTarkas wrote:
I haven't read the post time skip volumes, so you can tear me apart if you want.

You are right about the consequences, and there will be consequences. If this is the future they want together, then they are going to have to write their families off. So if they are smart, they will move away and tell no one where they are going. You have to pay the piper his due.

Rin's boyfriend shouldn't have outed her. Rin might not have done anything given enough time to think about it or became wiser about the matter. But once it was out, she has it hanging over her head.

Your free to rip into Daikichi as much as you want, but his character has the worst choices of all the characters. It is easy to say what he should do, since none of us have a real emotional stake in this. All choices, both good and bad, have consequences that have to be paid. Sometimes the consequences for what is right are the worst.

Rejection could lead to suicide or lead to the destruction of their family ties. Those are real possibilities that Daikichi must also consider.

So whatever you say about Daikichi, he didn't ask for this, and none of us would want to be in his shoes, being forced to make choices that have no good outcomes.
None of that is any excuse for the way he responds. He is the adult and therefore needs to man up and take responsibility, meaning setting her down and explaining the meaning of life to her, not be limp wristed, or lead her on as if her infactuation can, or will be reciprocated. I won't except that he has no one to turn to for advice about this, no social services, no child psycologists? Hell he could of even asked his relatives who I'm sure would have slapped him in the face with the cold dead cod of reality. Rolling Eyes

Last edited by Mohawk52 on Wed Oct 23, 2013 3:45 am; edited 1 time in total
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Joined: 21 Feb 2012
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PostPosted: Wed Oct 23, 2013 3:57 am Reply with quote
What bothered me the most about this ending is that it seemed really rushed and poorly written. I might have been able to accept it at least a bit more more if it didn't feel so much like the mangaka had a last minute change of mind and/or ran out of time...
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PostPosted: Wed Oct 23, 2013 5:52 am Reply with quote

No, that's kidnapping and statutory rape. At least in the U.S. it is.


I didn't read the final volume, so I don't know if things were taken all the way. Rin is an adult so I don't know why you would send her to a child psychologist.

I am not saying it is right, it is morally wrong.

But it is easy for armchair critics, who have nothing vested in the outcome, to make it seem like a consequence free decision.

Don't know why the author felt the need to go this route, as it does leave a sour taste. But if we take the characters at face value, including Rin, then the clear moral decision, is also the most cutting. Things could go horribly wrong, just like in real life, despite what help you try to bring. That too will be your cross to bear. Then again things may go good. Who knows.

Kind of reminds me of Poul Anderson's King of Ys series of novels.
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Joined: 16 Oct 2003
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PostPosted: Wed Oct 23, 2013 6:05 am Reply with quote
TarsTarkas wrote:


I didn't read the final volume, so I don't know if things were taken all the way. Rin is an adult so I don't know why you would send her to a child psychologist.
Legally she is an adult in Japan, but she is still a teenage adolescent girl, physically and psychologically immature.

I am not saying it is right, it is morally wrong.

But it is easy for armchair critics, who have nothing vested in the outcome, to make it seem like a consequence free decision.
I hope you're not pointing that thing at me mate. I'm the father of a teenaged daughter for real. Wink

Don't know why the author felt the need to go this route, as it does leave a sour taste.
I think you just answered your own question there. There's no such thing as bad press when it comes to promotions. She knew damn well this would be a wind up of a lot of controversy and she just couldn't resist the temptation to piss all over her other wise a well baked cake, just for the hell of it.

But if we take the characters at face value, including Rin, then the clear moral decision, is also the most cutting. Things could go horribly wrong, just like in real life, despite what help you try to bring. That too will be your cross to bear. Then again things may go good. Who knows.
There can only be one "clear road" in a situation like this. Any other will mean whatever crosses there are, it's guarenteed they will be used against one taking that route sooner, or later.

Last edited by Mohawk52 on Wed Oct 23, 2013 7:45 am; edited 1 time in total
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Joined: 21 Jun 2007
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PostPosted: Wed Oct 23, 2013 7:17 am Reply with quote
Spoiler If You Don't Know The Ending (but I think you do if you've read any of the other posts or the review...)

Aside from the fact that she was a little too well behaved, Rin came across as a realistic little girl. I liked that. I also liked how her relationship with Daikichi felt like a real father and daughter relationship and not one with sexual undertones. I'm not here to fan a debate about how little girls are depicted in most anime titles, but when I first read Bunny Drop, it felt like it was a series that really "got" what it was like to be a parent.

Looking back at the entire story, it's creepy to think that Rin supposedly never saw Daikichi as a father, but rather a future husband/lover. I honestly felt tricked. It stinks to invest your time into a seemingly sweet story, only to realize that it's basically fapping material for a certain demographic.
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Joined: 04 Apr 2013
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PostPosted: Wed Oct 23, 2013 7:36 am Reply with quote
I watched the anime and found it to be one of the most wonderful shows I've seen both in anime and just in general. I would put this in my all time top 5 shows.

With that in mind, when I finished the show I was keen to find out if there was any more, so I looked up the manga and then discovered the controversy. I haven't read the manga, but just learning the outline of the plot was so disappointing that I haven't bothered picking it up.

Bunny Drop was such a sweet, innocent, joyful and heart warming tale that I just don't understand why you would twist it into something tawdry and sordid. I get that there is the whole siscon/lolicon/incest genre in anime/manga and that's fine and has it's place but Bunny Drop is not it!

Next season on Bunny Drop - Time skips forward another 18 years and now Daikichi has to decide whether to act upon his feeling toward his new daughter/grandaughter, because, hey why not!
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Utsuro no Hako

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PostPosted: Wed Oct 23, 2013 8:33 am Reply with quote
TarsTarkas wrote:
I didn't read the final volume, so I don't know if things were taken all the way. Rin is an adult so I don't know why you would send her to a child psychologist.

She's only sixteen when she confesses to Daikichi.
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Joined: 29 Jul 2003
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PostPosted: Wed Oct 23, 2013 8:43 am Reply with quote
I really felt that Unita crafted these sensitive, subtly developed characters in the first arc only to smash them together like Barbie dolls and make "KISSY KISSY MWAH MWAH" noises in the last volume. It didn't make sense.
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