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REVIEW: Valvrave the Liberator eps 7-12

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Big Hed

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PostPosted: Fri Aug 09, 2013 12:06 pm Reply with quote
Theron wrote:
Quite possibly lost in the hubbub over the rape scene is that it is, in fact, a quite well-used and well-executed scene.

It's a pity some chump animator blew the surprise right out of the water when they leaked frames from a pertinent animation sequence two weeks early. What a [expletive] child.

But moving on, how about that Akira? She took that finale and ran--pun not intended, if this counts--with it. I know a lot of people were waiting for her character transformation to happen in particular, and kudos to Aoi Yuuki for really putting everything she had into it (and, uh, I guess certain perverse YouTube clips resulting from her performance are further proof to that end). And to heap more praise on the music: the scoring during her scenes in episode 12 was also excellent, barring a few seconds where I think silence would have been preferable sound.

On a related note, I'm really delighted with the way Akira and Shoko have come together as friends. They're easily the brightest pair in Valvrave's constellation of character relationships, and I look forward to seeing how that develops in Part 2.

And of course, the end-of-cour cliffhanger made for a perfect blend of dread and excitement. Where L-Elf is going to go from here, I can't wait to find out (notwithstanding what's seen in the preview).
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PostPosted: Fri Aug 09, 2013 12:21 pm Reply with quote
In the opening of one of the ladder half of the season it showed spoiler[Saki talking to a child as if she was the child's caretaker or mother]. That was clearly a future foreshadowing, but I wonder whether the kid is the result of that rape.

Last edited by jojothepunisher on Fri Aug 09, 2013 2:10 pm; edited 1 time in total
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PostPosted: Fri Aug 09, 2013 12:37 pm Reply with quote
So let's get the elephant in the room pushed out the door right now: Episode 10 has an obvious sex scene which could quite easily be interpreted as rape. Whether or not it actually is rape depends on whether one puts more weight on the perpetrator's intent or the victim's reaction, as the equanimity with which the victim handles the situation – both during the event and in the days after – suggests that she was not particularly troubled by what the perpetrator did; in fact, the perpetrator is ultimately considerably more bothered by what he did than she is, and she refuses to let him take blame or responsibility for it.


Absolutely not. Its not "it could be interpreted as rape", it was rape. Full stop. Do not pass go, do not collect 200 dollars, DO NOT TRY TO SNEAK IN RAPE APOLOGY.

Saki was raped. She had sexual intercourse forced upon her without her consent, it is literally the textbook definition of rape. Saying "well she started to accept it" or "Haruto wasn't in control of himself" are irrelevant. For the first, thats basically "well she orgasmed so she must have liked it so it isn't rape", which is obviously bullshit. As for the second, well. So [expletive] what? Maybe Haruto ultimately is not responsible for what his body did. That doesn't change the fact that SHE WAS RAPED.

By focusing on Haruto's culpability, you make him into the victim, instead of the GIRL WHO WAS RAPED.

[expletive] christ. We just had several people banned for writing stuff like this on the forums, and now it shows up in a goddamn review!?

What the hell Theron, what the hell.
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Bargain Hunter

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PostPosted: Fri Aug 09, 2013 12:38 pm Reply with quote
Glad to see Theron had the same reaction to the infamous scene that I did. A nice counterweight to Bamboo's achingly superficial view of the same material.
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PostPosted: Fri Aug 09, 2013 12:48 pm Reply with quote
Blood- wrote:
Glad to see Theron had the same reaction to the infamous scene that I did. A nice counterweight to Bamboo's achingly superficial view of the same material.

Yes, how dare Bamboo be upset about what happened. Clearly she can only understand it in "simplistic" terms.
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PostPosted: Fri Aug 09, 2013 12:53 pm Reply with quote
I tried to watch the first 15 minutes of Valvrave. I failed. The art and visuals are inferior to Gundam 00 S2/Code Geass Lelouch of the Rebellion R2, which was produced in 2008, were from 5 [expletive] years ago. And unlike Gundam 00 S2/Geass R2, were 25 episodes, Valvrave is 12/13 episodes. So why is the art inferior to shows from half a decade ago?
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PostPosted: Fri Aug 09, 2013 12:59 pm Reply with quote
YamadaKun wrote:
I tried to watch the first 15 minutes of Valvrave. I failed. The art and visuals are inferior to Gundam 00 S2/Code Geass Lelouch of the Rebellion R2, which was produced in 2008, were from 5 [expletive] years ago. And unlike Gundam 00 S2/Geass R2, were 25 episodes, Valvrave is 12/13 episodes. So why is the art inferior to shows from half a decade ago?

You do realize you're comparing 15 minutes of the first episode to 1250 minutes of two other series, right?
I haven't watched Gundam 00 S2 or Geass R2 though, so perhaps you're right with your weird comparison.
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PostPosted: Fri Aug 09, 2013 1:00 pm Reply with quote
YamadaKun wrote:
I tried to watch the first 15 minutes of Valvrave. I failed. The art and visuals are inferior to Gundam 00 S2/Code Geass Lelouch of the Rebellion R2, which was produced in 2008, were from 5 [expletive] years ago. And unlike Gundam 00 S2/Geass R2, were 25 episodes, Valvrave is 12/13 episodes. So why is the art inferior to shows from half a decade ago?

Because not every show is as popular as Gundam. Also, it's not like those shows looked bad either.

I don't mean to defend Valvrave, I haven't seen it, but this is a silly complaint.
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PostPosted: Fri Aug 09, 2013 1:02 pm Reply with quote
Um... Haruto was also raped. Textbook definition, full stop, all that jazz. Which is why the discussion differs depending on from whose perspective you look at it.
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Bargain Hunter

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PostPosted: Fri Aug 09, 2013 1:05 pm Reply with quote
Fencedude5609 wrote:
Blood- wrote:
Glad to see Theron had the same reaction to the infamous scene that I did. A nice counterweight to Bamboo's achingly superficial view of the same material.

Yes, how dare Bamboo be upset about what happened. Clearly she can only understand it in "simplistic" terms.

That's a vapid argument. I don't blame for Bamboo being upset - it was supposed to be upsetting. I just found her take on how the show handled the incident to be misleading. If you go by her, you would think the show itself treated the event lightly, which wasn't my interpretation at all.
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Joined: 09 Nov 2006
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PostPosted: Fri Aug 09, 2013 1:07 pm Reply with quote
Blood- wrote:

That's a vapid argument. I don't blame for Bamboo being upset - it was supposed to be upsetting. I just found her take on how the show handled the incident to be misleading. If you go by her, you would think the show itself treated the event lightly, which wasn't my interpretation at all.

As opposed to you, who have repeatedly demonstrated a lack of any understanding as to why people would be upset by what happened and how it was portrayed.
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Joined: 17 Jul 2013
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PostPosted: Fri Aug 09, 2013 1:09 pm Reply with quote
I don't mean to defend Valvrave, I haven't seen it, but this is a silly complaint.

Sorry. I'm a bit of a visual/artsy person. It is very hard for me to get into anime(or even US animation) without solid visuals. I was watching The Incredibles for the 100th time a while ago, but the visuals still blow me away till this day. Same with Macross Plus. Don't know how much Macross Plus cost per episode, but the visuals and character design details are superior to that of even Gundam 0083. It's not OVA level. It's frigging movie quality and I HATE AnimeOverviewer, so using one of his quotes says something about the quality. VVV doesn't look all that good for a Sunrise show. Even Gundam W, with all the off model moments, recycled animation and all at least LOOKED decent and in certain scenes, was on par with the opening quality. Same with Macross 7, despite what the naysayers may say. Visuals are part of anime for me.

@jet Yeah, Geass and S2 are objectively better in every scene and contain virtually no off model sequences.

I also have beef with Haruka Tomatsu in anything. Can't stand her. Worst Japanese VA ever.
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PostPosted: Fri Aug 09, 2013 1:14 pm Reply with quote
Blood- wrote:
Fencedude5609 wrote:
Blood- wrote:
Glad to see Theron had the same reaction to the infamous scene that I did. A nice counterweight to Bamboo's achingly superficial view of the same material.

Yes, how dare Bamboo be upset about what happened. Clearly she can only understand it in "simplistic" terms.

That's a vapid argument. I don't blame for Bamboo being upset - it was supposed to be upsetting. I just found her take on how the show handled the incident to be misleading. If you go by her, you would think the show itself treated the event lightly, which wasn't my interpretation at all.

It didn't treat the event lightly during the scene itself. It was a terrifying scene and it was obviously meant to be disturbing to the viewer. However, the follow-up to the event was done extremely shoddily. A horrifying moment like that was succeeded by the two being awkward around each other like one of them did something embarrassing the night before. It was treated like the two got drunk and had sex and regretted it in the morning, not like one of them had sexually assaulted the other. Yes, I know it was the OS of the Valvrave taking control, but even then they could have had a serious scene or discussions around that (or at least more than they did), and it was just...it was poorly done. They had an opportunity for genuine drama to follow up this dark moment, and they dropped it badly.
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PostPosted: Fri Aug 09, 2013 1:16 pm Reply with quote
LupinTheFourth wrote:

It didn't treat the event lightly during the scene itself. It was a terrifying scene and it was obviously meant to be disturbing to the viewer. However, the follow-up to the event was done extremely shoddily. A horrifying moment like that was succeeded by the two being awkward around each other like one of them did something embarrassing the night before. It was treated like the two got drunk and had sex and regretted it in the morning, not like one of them had sexually assaulted the other. Yes, I know it was the OS of the Valvrave taking control, but even then they could have had a serious scene or discussions around that (or at least more than they did), and it was just...it was poorly done. They had an opportunity for genuine drama to follow up this dark moment, and they dropped it badly.

Right having SAKI GET RAPED was not at all necessary for what they ended up doing with it. It was added purely for shock value, which despite what Theron seems to think, is not "edgy". Its sloppy, lazy writing.
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Joined: 25 Oct 2011
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PostPosted: Fri Aug 09, 2013 1:19 pm Reply with quote
Fencedude5609 wrote:
LupinTheFourth wrote:

It didn't treat the event lightly during the scene itself. It was a terrifying scene and it was obviously meant to be disturbing to the viewer. However, the follow-up to the event was done extremely shoddily. A horrifying moment like that was succeeded by the two being awkward around each other like one of them did something embarrassing the night before. It was treated like the two got drunk and had sex and regretted it in the morning, not like one of them had sexually assaulted the other. Yes, I know it was the OS of the Valvrave taking control, but even then they could have had a serious scene or discussions around that (or at least more than they did), and it was just...it was poorly done. They had an opportunity for genuine drama to follow up this dark moment, and they dropped it badly.

Right having SAKI GET RAPED was not at all necessary for what they ended up doing with it. It was added purely for shock value, which despite what Theron seems to think, is not "edgy". Its sloppy, lazy writing.

I get the feeling that someone decided it would be more "dramatic" for it to be rape, and that's how that scene got put in. It really feels like there was a different scene in mind for the followup we got.
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