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Charred Knight

Joined: 29 Sep 2008
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PostPosted: Fri Jun 21, 2013 7:56 pm Reply with quote
Sparrow's Hotel has the best new character of the season in Billy. Therefore we can consider that the best new anime of the year. Flowers of Evil can only hope to simply bathe in the genius that is Sparrow's Hotel.

As for whether or not we are outside of the beltway just look at our twitter feeds. Does everyone on your feed talk about how excited they are about Call of Duty: Ghost? No one on my feed is talking about it and yet preorder numbers are already in the hundreds of thousands and the game is going to sell about 30 million copies. So I am entirely in the niche when it comes to games.

Yeah I think Naoko Tekeuchi is the one holding up production since she has all that money from her and Togarashi's various properties and she wants it to be perfect since remaking Sailor Moon should be easy. Give it a budget, and just copy the manga down to the look.
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Joined: 16 Dec 2012
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PostPosted: Fri Jun 21, 2013 8:37 pm Reply with quote
Since you guys mentioned the Street Fighter bluray, well, I'm surprised Justin didn't groan like he did with the Macross Plus bluray, seeing as how the new SFII release uses the softer PG-13 version of Manga Entertainment's english dub. In other words, the couple of instances of f-bombs being dropped (specifically by DeeJay and later Guile in the final fight with Bison) are gone, as well as Vega's threat of making Chun-li suffer now has him calling her a bit---sorry, "witch".

There may be some other instances of sailor mouth removal, but it's odd that the bluray contains all the violence and fan service people have been clamoring for in HD, but is stuck using an out-of-place parental approved dub.
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Lord Geo

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PostPosted: Fri Jun 21, 2013 9:03 pm Reply with quote
Just because Zac asked... It's pronounce "Yo-vovich". I remember watching Resident Evil with the commentary & Milla Jovovich continually corrected Michelle Rodriguez on how to pronounce her name. It's cool to see Daryl talk about Asura. I'm interested in checking it out, so it's cool to hear what Daryl thought about it. Toei was the company that animated it, though, not I.G.

In terms of what "reasonably feasible" anime Kickstarter I would do, my heart says Ring ni Kakero 1... But considering how few people really know & appreciate the show, combined with it technically being a sports anime, my brain can't also say it. What my brain says would be maybe some of the titles that d-rights owns, like both Eat-Man animes, Haunted Junction, Next Senki Ehrgeiz, Princess Nine, etc. I would have to pull a Discotek & go for the license rescues that come with complete English subs & maybe even a dub or two to help keep costs low.

I am looking really forward to Otakon this year. I missed last year so definitely wasn't going to miss this year, especially considering everything that's going down: 20th Anniversary, an amazing guest list, a really good fan panel list, ANN being there in full-effect with Zac & Justin, and I'm glad to be a part of it myself by having a panel there! Well, since I just mentioned it & Mike & Daryl did some unabashed panel advertising I might as well do a quick one too; I'll be doing 45 Years of Shonen Jump: A Visual History, where I'll be going over the history of Jump by way of the anime openings of the magazine's biggest titles of the 60s, 70s, 80s, 90s, & 00s... Or at least as many as I can get to in the span of one hour. It was well-liked when I did a "proof-of-concept" variant at Anime Boston & the "Obscurities & Oddities" version I did at AnimeNEXT had a great reaction (but had to be cut short due to scheduling issues), so I'm hoping the Otakon version will be even better.
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Joined: 08 Dec 2004
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PostPosted: Fri Jun 21, 2013 9:24 pm Reply with quote
It isn't too surprising that Funimation hasn't licensed (or at least hasn't announced a license for) the new DBZ movie. Toei probably wants to control this as much as they can for the time being. And they're already working on more Kai, so perhaps they're biding their time and sell it as a collective package. But I'm sure the movie will fly off the shelves in seconds, even though, much like every other DBZ movie, there really isn't much meat on the bone (wow, yet another form of Super Saiyan? How novel!).

I have little interest in double-dipping with DBZ. I have the Dragon Boxes, they're excellent, they cater to my specific tastes, great quality video, good. It would be nice for the people who didn't get the chance to get the Dragon Boxes to have a quality release (the Season Sets are terrible), though. I like DBZ, but not enough to buy it twice. In fact, barely enough to buy it once (the DBoxes were too good to resist).

Man of Steel was excellent, the only Superman movie where the exhilaration and impact of super powers are palpable. I'm fine if you disagree, but I don't really see the huge flaws many of you seem to have with it. I've been reading Superman comics for a decade or more and no other movie has captured the world of Superman better. It's far from flawless (too many coincidences, too much time on Krypton, elements of the ending), but don't pretend you're being persecuted because you hate something I like. Iron Man 3 was decent. MoS was better.

"Yeah, you only like it because it's popular!" No. Prove it.

Oh, and the Sears logo is barely seen once. Those Donner movies had worse product placement. "Oh look, they threw him into the Malboro truck!"

I have the Wings of Honneamise DVD/Blu-Ray release. It was quite a pricey set. It's great, though. That's my favorite anime movie.

I don't know why you would care about the Macross Plus dub, since it was so horrible. Even Bryan Cranston was terrible in that. The only decent performers were Richard Epcar and Beau Billingslea. The woman who played Myung might be the worst VA I've ever heard. One of Animaze's rare misses. But it's not surprising. Nothing Macross related has ever had a good English version.

Speed Racer was a live-action cartoon. It was extremely fun.

My prediction for LoGH is that it'll get licensed, be extremely expensive, contain no extras, a bad English dub (if any), and after the first set only sells nine copies, the licensor doesn't release the rest.

I would love to have all of LoGH on DVD or Blu-Ray, though.

Last edited by penguintruth on Fri Jun 21, 2013 9:54 pm; edited 10 times in total
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Joined: 09 Nov 2006
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PostPosted: Fri Jun 21, 2013 9:25 pm Reply with quote
Lord Geo wrote:

In terms of what "reasonably feasible" anime Kickstarter I would do, my heart says Ring ni Kakero 1...

Of course you do.
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Joined: 31 May 2005
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PostPosted: Fri Jun 21, 2013 11:37 pm Reply with quote
I don't know anything about this cybernetic giraffe, but as everyone should know, nothing can kill the Grimace.
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PostPosted: Fri Jun 21, 2013 11:46 pm Reply with quote
Great episode as usual, guys! I feel like I could listen to the "Supernerds" talk about anything and I'd still listen, hahaha!

I need to get to watching Flowers of Evil and Attack on Titan, but I have a feeling we'll see a DVD/Blu-Ray of both of those in the States fairly soon.

Regarding the new Dragon Ball Z movie: Latin America and the Phillipines are starting to get showtimes and screenings of the movie in place, but the status of an English/NA release is still very much in the air. 20th Century FOX was one of the major backers of the DBZ film, so I imagine it'll get here sooner than later.

Regarding the whole Man of Steel debate: I can see why some might hate it. I certainly enjoyed the movie, I won't deny it for a second. I think, despite some of the writing issues and other various changes made, I still think it's pretty good representation of Superman, especially the post-80s Superman. I may notice more flaws upon a second viewing, but without watching any of the trailers or promos, I walked into it and enjoyed it. I personally looked at it like an action/special effects movie, and that's what I got.

But... I can understand if someone totally hates Man of Steel. Iron Man 3 was decent at least, though it certainly wasn't what I was expecting.

Perhaps I'm just a much more laid back person than many, but I don't get super defensive or abrasive when someone hates/likes something I feel the opposite about. Everyone's tastes are different. It's a good thing, really. I like Prometheus and The Hunger Games even those there are plenty of haters of those. Likewise, I hate Transformers movies even though it has fans as well.

I never got the whole "liking something just because it's popular" thing myself. I don't care about Doctor Who, I don't care about Game of Thrones, I don't care about sports. Laughing Oh well, if I miss out on a conversation because I missed out on something on TV, so be it. I'm more of a movie/video game guy than a TV guy.

Speaking of LOGH, that's a kickstarter I would definitely contribute to! Though I have a feeling it'll get picked up within 2-3 years, since I feel that old school/nostalgia-driven anime is making a bit of a comeback and one can definitely make a profit by appealing to the older fans with money to spend. Look at Discotek's and Right Stuf/Nozomi's releases.

Last edited by theoriginalbilis on Fri Jun 21, 2013 11:58 pm; edited 1 time in total
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PostPosted: Fri Jun 21, 2013 11:50 pm Reply with quote
I've been watching the new Hunter X Hunter at work, and I love it. Normally I don't like long-winded shounen, but there's something about this series that just feels completely different from everything else out now.

On Man of Steel: It's clearly a polarizing movie, but what bothered me is that seems like a lot of professional reviewers went into that movie with a specific agenda. When you see like twenty reviews on RT that say "It's not Richard Donner", there's something very wrong. It's obvious that a lot of critics knew what they planned to write before they even saw the movie.

You DEFINITELY need to read "Chew", not only is it absolutely hilarious, but the story's also good. It won the Eisner awhile back for best ongoing series.

Last edited by v1cious on Sat Jun 22, 2013 12:18 am; edited 5 times in total
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Joined: 23 Nov 2005
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PostPosted: Fri Jun 21, 2013 11:56 pm Reply with quote
You're right, guys, I think to some degree you have surrounded yourselves with people with like minds.

Hating so much on summer blockbusters seems a bit silly. They are there to fill a particular role, and while not exactly high art, occasionally they can surprise you, even if they have seemingly giant, gaping plot holes like the suit... But it's ok, not every movie can be a Wild Strawberries (I am quite fond of Bergman's work).

I can't fault you for your tastes however. I'm ok swallowing the cool-Aid served up by Armageddon or the Fast and Furious franchise yet somehow I am very turned off by the Transformers movies or Day After Tomorrow. It is, admittedly, a lot of personal taste involved.

I think think Man of Steel is a cut above the usual summer faire, superior in my mind to Iron Man 3 which I think stopped pandering to even pseudo-realism. Not without its flaws (many of them) but perhaps the anger is amplified by the fact that more people have completely bought into it or into summer blockbusters in general when there are far more deserving movies.
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PostPosted: Sat Jun 22, 2013 12:03 am Reply with quote
ActionJacksin wrote:
Since you guys mentioned the Street Fighter bluray, well, I'm surprised Justin didn't groan like he did with the Macross Plus bluray, seeing as how the new SFII release uses the softer PG-13 version of Manga Entertainment's english dub. In other words, the couple of instances of f-bombs being dropped (specifically by DeeJay and later Guile in the final fight with Bison) are gone, as well as Vega's threat of making Chun-li suffer now has him calling her a bit---sorry, "witch".

There may be some other instances of sailor mouth removal, but it's odd that the bluray contains all the violence and fan service people have been clamoring for in HD, but is stuck using an out-of-place parental approved dub.

He may not have watched or even cared to spot-check the dub. Plus, it's easy to miss since only a handful of those lines were changed in the "PG-13" version. I do want to see an American release of that Street Fighter II Blu-Ray though, the screenshots I've seen look absolutely gorgeous.
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PostPosted: Sat Jun 22, 2013 12:17 am Reply with quote
I wonder if the problem I'm having with caring about Kasuga in Aku no Hana is that I never had a social outcast or dreadful highschool experience. I'd say it went rather swimmingly. As for getting stuff that's artistically unique and different, I loved Kaiba and really enjoyed Trapeze, but I'm not getting that same joy with this show.

Shingeki no Kyojin, assuming they don't wrap the show up with something original, can get another season. It's going to sell well. Aku no Hana is already finished, it's basically dead last in both DVD and BD rankings. Go ahead and rip on that, Zac, but those order numbers accurate enough when they're that pathetically low. It's not like Kaiba or pretty much any of Yuasa's stuff sold well either, so I don't care what Japan thinks, but I do care how they spend. If Kaiba's first DVD sales were estimated at 459, AnH is close to or below that...

I agree with Justin on Windaria, and make Genmu Senki Leda a stretch goal. Those always pop into my mind first. Since LoGH's preorder rally several years ago, the fandom has dramatically increased steadily since 2007. There's definitely a willing market out there.

Last edited by walw6pK4Alo on Sat Jun 22, 2013 1:09 am; edited 2 times in total
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Joined: 07 Sep 2004
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PostPosted: Sat Jun 22, 2013 1:02 am Reply with quote
Daryl regrettably failed to mention that the plot of 009 Re:Cyborg is crazy town. When you see the Kenji Kamiyama credit on the movie don't think Eden of the East or Ghost in the Shell, think more along the lines of those great 90's OVAs where you could merely wonder what on Earth the person who wrote it was thinking at the time. Glorious.

I'm not as sure about it's accessibility as Daryl though. It is a standalone story that separates itself from the 009 source material (there is a bit of a 'getting the gang back together' plot present) but it also does assume prior knowledge - it spends no time at all telling the viewer who the characters are, what their origins are, what they can do, or what their relationships are, etc.

It's also pretty interesting to look at, an attempt at using 3DCG but making it look like 2d anime in style. It's not always successful (still shots and talking heads can look stiff) but not a bad effort, and the action looks cool for the most. Especially on a 3dtv, although for some reason the Japanese release has subtitles only on the 2d version, an expensive discovery. Wait for a licensed release if you want to see that.
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Joined: 24 Aug 2005
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PostPosted: Sat Jun 22, 2013 2:25 am Reply with quote
Really glad to hear Asura get some praise on the cast because that's a movie that I really enjoyed. It's a shame that pretty much nobody talks about it but it's not too surprising.

And yeah, Zac. Flowers of Evil, in terms of disc sales at least, is going to do really, really, really bad. But isn't that how most artistic experiments usually turn out? They're not for the masses. They'll consume stuff like Attack on Titan instead. But then again, I don't think just because barely anyone will buy it that means that everybody hated it. It's just that the slim percentage of people in Japan that actually buy TV anime don't like it.

Also, with the Time of Eve kickstarter doing so well, not one of you brings up Yoshiura as a new generation of talent? He's 12-13 years younger than Hosoda! Hopefully Patema doesn't take 4 years before it gets released here in the States.
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Joined: 18 Nov 2006
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PostPosted: Sat Jun 22, 2013 3:27 am Reply with quote
walw6pK4Alo wrote:
I wonder if the problem I'm having with caring about Kasuga in Aku no Hana is that I never had a social outcast or dreadful highschool experience. I'd say it went rather swimmingly. As for getting stuff that's artistically unique and different, I loved Kaiba and really enjoyed Trapeze, but I'm not getting that same joy with this show.

Yeah, I also usually like experimental shows like Aku no Hana, but this one just doesn't click with me at all. I have seen two episodes (and read some spoilers) and I feel completely detached from the main character. He wants to appear smarter and more mature than his colleagues, but the hard truth is that he is as painfully average as they are, as nothing he has done suggests otherwise. I suppose he reads books like The Flowers of Evil, because he wants to distinguish himself from his peers, and I wonder if he allows all the dreadful things happen to him so that his experience will set him apart from them. I see it as a show about a boy who desperately tries to be unusual, but unfortunately I'm not interested.

Megiddo wrote:
And yeah, Zac. Flowers of Evil, in terms of disc sales at least, is going to do really, really, really bad. But isn't that how most artistic experiments usually turn out?

It depends, Mononoke was very popular and sold well and as far as I know, Kenji Nakamura's works usually manage to at least brake even.
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Joined: 01 Feb 2010
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PostPosted: Sat Jun 22, 2013 12:02 pm Reply with quote
I loved the commentary about "nerd tribalism." Unfortunately, it doesn't only apply to blockbuster films and the like, as we all know. It is rampant everywhere, including the anime industry. A lot of people take personal offense if you criticize an artistic work that they love. I don't really understand it. I thoroughly enjoy ripping to shreds the movies/anime/etc that I love. It is fun to test your own knowledge and imagination by questioning the things which you value. Of course, it is even more fun to rip the stuff I don't like, but I think we all can, and should, be able to do both.
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