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NEWS: Japanese Comic Ranking, June 9-15

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ashura zoldyck

Joined: 29 May 2013
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PostPosted: Fri Jun 21, 2013 6:58 pm Reply with quote
damn y'all kinda late with this one but anyways great for one piece and attack on titan, i like that Smile
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Joined: 26 Sep 2012
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PostPosted: Fri Jun 21, 2013 9:01 pm Reply with quote
Chihayafuru 21 down a bit on 20's first week, one day later hopefully all that is.

Still wonder if Oricon has 4-koma manga in this category or not as I can't remember any ranking, certainly none that I buy! Teekyuu 4 came out that week as well for example and I thought it was fairly popular but never ranks.
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Joined: 25 Oct 2011
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PostPosted: Fri Jun 21, 2013 9:21 pm Reply with quote
Woot! Aku no Hana there, Chihaya as well. Good.

Shingeki rocking as always but dont get carried away and begin this shingeki vs One Piece sales battle please, there you have it so clear, OP after 2 weeks @ 2.5 million, shingeki latest one after 10 weeks @ 1.17 million, theres no sales battle competition between the two, or OP vs any for that matter.
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Utsuro no Hako

Joined: 18 May 2012
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PostPosted: Fri Jun 21, 2013 9:38 pm Reply with quote
hpulley wrote:
Still wonder if Oricon has 4-koma manga in this category or not as I can't remember any ranking, certainly none that I buy! Teekyuu 4 came out that week as well for example and I thought it was fairly popular but never ranks.

I've seen Working! on the list in the past, so other 4-koma must not do well.
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Joined: 24 Apr 2013
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PostPosted: Fri Jun 21, 2013 9:46 pm Reply with quote
dan9999 wrote:
Woot! Aku no Hana there, Chihaya as well. Good.

Shingeki rocking as always but don't get carried away and begin this shingeki vs One Piece sales battle please, there you have it so clear, OP after 2 weeks @ 2.5 million, shingeki latest one after 10 weeks @ 1.17 million, theres no sales battle competition between the two, or OP vs any for that matter.

If you're referring to the previous comic ranking thread - you were the only one who was leaping to conclusions and acting as though other people were acting nuts while they were just "politely" discussing the "possibility" of Shingeki challenging One Piece in sales..

Refer to : animenewsnetwork.com/bbs/phpBB2/viewtopic.php?p=3081257#3081257


Shingeki count for 2013 is currently at 6.27 million copies. It will definitely grab Kuroko's second place (8.07 million).

It's anime boost is currently at 500k per volume, already surpassing Kuroko's 2012 anime boost of 400k per volume.

Blue Exorcist 2011 anime boost of 700k per volume is within reach as well as there's still 22 weeks left to be counted in 2013 comic ranking.
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Joined: 23 Apr 2011
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PostPosted: Fri Jun 21, 2013 10:28 pm Reply with quote
Still great sales for 'Attack on Titan'. New volume is in less than two months time (9th of august) and it should give the whole series yet another small boost. Let's see how it holds on until then.
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Joined: 12 Jun 2013
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PostPosted: Fri Jun 21, 2013 10:29 pm Reply with quote
Sorry I just read your posts in the previous thread. That thread is dead for a week so I though it would be best to reply here

st_owly wrote:

It just so happens that the biggest shonen magazines are weekly, rather than monthly, and magazines aimed at older people are monthly rather than weekly. Most shojo magazines aimed at teenage girls are fortnightly or monthly. I can't think of any weekly shojo magazines.

Thanks, so the type of manga doesn't matter. It all depends on the mangaka's choice. He/She can create any type of weekly/monthly manga they want.
I read somewhere that Shueisha rejected Attack on Titan is it because it is a monthly show and then only do weekly shows or is there any other reason.

ashura zoldyck wrote:

You said that weekly manga is more popular which i totally agree because well to me they totally deserve it mangakas of weekly manga's work everyday a week with only 4 hours of sleep and only one restday(which i believe it's sunday), the job of mangaka is very hard, alot of mangakas have said it, while a monthly manga has it more easier then a weekly one, so for me weekly mangas completely deserve being more popular.
by the way the mangaka of blue exorcist(which is a monthly manga) even said herself how hard this job is, just imagine what a weekly mangaka gotta deal with

Totally agree with you. Mangaka's that create weekly manga need to come up with almost twice as much material then mangaka's of monthly manga in the same period of time. They well deserve that popularity which is a result of their hard work. But still if you create crap and you are creating it weekly there is nothing special about that. Its not only the amount of time they put into their work but the quality of the product they can produce in that time. Again, I agree with you creating quality material in a shorter amount of time is more impressive and deserves all the popularity it has.
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Joined: 12 Jun 2013
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PostPosted: Fri Jun 21, 2013 10:33 pm Reply with quote
pykrete wrote:
dan9999 wrote:
Woot! Aku no Hana there, Chihaya as well. Good.

Shingeki rocking as always but don't get carried away and begin this shingeki vs One Piece sales battle please, there you have it so clear, OP after 2 weeks @ 2.5 million, shingeki latest one after 10 weeks @ 1.17 million, theres no sales battle competition between the two, or OP vs any for that matter.

If you're referring to the previous comic ranking thread - you were the only one who was leaping to conclusions and acting as though other people were acting nuts while they were just "politely" discussing the "possibility" of Shingeki challenging One Piece in sales..

Refer to : animenewsnetwork.com/bbs/phpBB2/viewtopic.php?p=3081257#3081257


Shingeki count for 2013 is currently at 6.27 million copies. It will definitely grab Kuroko's second place (8.07 million).

It's anime boost is currently at 500k per volume, already surpassing Kuroko's 2012 anime boost of 400k per volume.

Blue Exorcist 2011 anime boost of 700k per volume is within reach as well as there's still 22 weeks left to be counted in 2013 comic ranking.

Best thing to do is just ignore. All he needs to do is clear his mind and read the posts in the previous thread again and then he will see clearly.
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Joined: 24 Apr 2013
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PostPosted: Fri Jun 21, 2013 10:56 pm Reply with quote
^ Everyone (else) was being polite (and some excited) about Shingeki's long shot at challenging One Piece. So it was annoying to see a poster acting as though everyone else was acting silly when he was the one actually being silly.

One Piece atm has about 11 million to Shingeki's 6 million. Let's just make it 12 to 6 (2 to 1) so it's easier to compute.

One Piece, I think, releases a volume every 3 months to Shingeki's one volume every 4 months. Assuming, it keeps to this trend, we'll see One Piece 71 in mid-September while 72 comes out in mid-December.

So yeah - looks like only 3 One Piece volumes in 2013, which may explain why it's 2013 mid-year Comic Ranking was only 8 million, which is a 40% drop from 2012 mid-year ranking of 14 million.

In 2012, One Piece sold 23.5 million copies. If in 2013, it still maintains close to this number, then no way can Shingeki even come close (unless it manages to average 50k per volume for the next 22 weeks).

However, if like its 2013 mid-year ranking, there's a 40% drop in One Piece sales overall in 2013 - 23.5m down to 14-15 million - then Shingeki has a chance at first place.

But, of course, let's make this clear - if Shingeki does get first place - it won't be because it beat One Piece at its peak performance and little doubt that in 2014 - One Piece will get back first place (if it ever even loses it in 2013).
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Joined: 26 May 2013
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PostPosted: Sat Jun 22, 2013 3:15 am Reply with quote
dan9999 wrote:

Shingeki rocking as always but don't get carried away and begin this shingeki vs One Piece sales battle please, there you have it so clear, OP after 2 weeks @ 2.5 million, shingeki latest one after 10 weeks @ 1.17 million, theres no sales battle competition between the two, or OP vs any for that matter.

We get it. You still get butthurt when anyone compares AoT to One Piece. Move on.
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Joined: 30 Mar 2012
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PostPosted: Sat Jun 22, 2013 4:38 am Reply with quote
So I guess nobody care about Sankarea last volume low sales?
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Joined: 05 Nov 2007
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PostPosted: Sat Jun 22, 2013 7:44 am Reply with quote
pykrete wrote:

One Piece atm has about 11 million to Shingeki's 6 million. Let's just make it 12 to 6 (2 to 1) so it's easier to compute.

One Piece, I think, releases a volume every 3 months to Shingeki's one volume every 4 months. Assuming, it keeps to this trend, we'll see One Piece 71 in mid-September while 72 comes out in mid-December.

So yeah - looks like only 3 One Piece volumes in 2013, which may explain why it's 2013 mid-year Comic Ranking was only 8 million, which is a 40% drop from 2012 mid-year ranking of 14 million.

In 2012, One Piece sold 23.5 million copies. If in 2013, it still maintains close to this number, then no way can Shingeki even come close (unless it manages to average 50k per volume for the next 22 weeks).

However, if like its 2013 mid-year ranking, there's a 40% drop in One Piece sales overall in 2013 - 23.5m down to 14-15 million - then Shingeki has a chance at first place.

pykrete I agree with most part of what you said, but you have two things wrong.
If shingeki sells an average of 50k for the next 22 weeks it will make ~17.7Million(6Million added). Still way less than last year One Piece 23.5M.
40% drop in half year isn't a 40% drop in a year, but a 20% drop(taking in consideration that last half will have no drop). This gives One Piece a ~18.8M sells this year. More than the 17.7M Shingeki.
Now, last year One Piece second half was way weaker than first one. If this year the same thing happens, instead of 18.8M in total it will be 17.6M. Less than the 17.7M Shingeki.

Shingeki has a chance to surpass One Piece, a really slim one, but the best any manga done in years. One Piece bad second half, added with the already bad first one, and a >= 50K next 22 weeks average sells is where Shingeki chances preside.

Personally, I don't believe is possible to constantly keep the weekly sells of Shingeki for that big an interval nor that One Piece second half will be as bad as that of last year; but seeing how things go will certainly be a very interesting ride Smile.
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Joined: 23 Apr 2011
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PostPosted: Sat Jun 22, 2013 8:08 am Reply with quote
It's not about the second half being worse than last year, just that as time goes on the old One Piece volumes will obviously be selling less and less to the point where eventually they will almost not sell anymore (the backlog obviously can't keep selling for ever) and where the yearly sales will basically end up being 3-3.5 million * 3 or 4 + a negligible amount of old volumes sold.
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Joined: 24 Apr 2013
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PostPosted: Sat Jun 22, 2013 10:07 am Reply with quote

6m - Shingeki 2013 current sales rounded off to nearest million
11m - average of 50k per volume (10 volumes) for 22 weeks
sales from volume 11 (coming out in August 2013)

If in the next 22 weeks, Shingeki does manage to average 50k per volume, that means every volume will have sold at least 2 million copies.

17m + 2m = 19m
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Joined: 05 Nov 2007
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PostPosted: Sat Jun 22, 2013 10:29 am Reply with quote
Kutsu wrote:
It's not about the second half being worse than last year, just that as time goes on the old One Piece volumes will obviously be selling less and less to the point where eventually they will almost not sell anymore (the backlog obviously can't keep selling for ever) and where the yearly sales will basically end up being 3-3.5 million * 3 or 4 + a negligible amount of old volumes sold.

True, the backlog will progressively decrease. Since 2011 it have decreased drastically. From 16M first half of that year to 4M currently, but this year first half had an unexpectedly backlog sells increase. Not in the Millions, but in 200k (is possible is just a one time deviation). So it seems One Piece received a small group of new fans that compensated the ones that already bought the volumes; because of that I believe this second half will be better than last year.

pykrete wrote:

6m - Shingeki 2013 current sales rounded off to nearest million
11m - average of 50k per volume (10 volumes) for 22 weeks
sales from volume 11 (coming out in August 2013)

If in the next 22 weeks, Shingeki does manage to average 50k per volume, that means every volume will have sold at least 2 million copies.

17m + 2m = 19m

Yep, my bad, I didn't counted the first weeks selling boost of volume 11. Only counted those weeks as it selling 50k.

So giving the good probability of One Piece backlog to decrease even further and the 19M Shingeki selling limit if 50k average, it makes this year 1st place competition even more interesting.
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