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Angel M Cazares

Joined: 23 Sep 2010
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PostPosted: Sun May 26, 2013 12:02 pm Reply with quote
Article wrote:
Q: When you release a blu-ray, there are questions of economy of scale plus what's in the catalog. How hard is it to get HD masters for older shows from Japan?
A: It depends on the title. I can say this: we won't do a blu-ray without an HD master. That's mandatory now, and I'm actually pushing Sentai to insist on 1080p masters. 1080i isn't quite enough for me! We don't like releasing upscales.

This is interesting but very worrisome. From what I have heared from Justin Sevakis and other people, R1 distributors are supposed to convert themselves the 1080i masters they receive from Japan to 1080p.

The answer from the Sentai representative sound amateurish.
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PostPosted: Sun May 26, 2013 3:33 pm Reply with quote
The original ADV wasn't all that worried about looking professional - it's hardly surprising Neo-ADV isn't, either.
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PostPosted: Sun May 26, 2013 4:21 pm Reply with quote
angelmcazares wrote:
Article wrote:
Q: When you release a blu-ray, there are questions of economy of scale plus what's in the catalog. How hard is it to get HD masters for older shows from Japan?
A: It depends on the title. I can say this: we won't do a blu-ray without an HD master. That's mandatory now, and I'm actually pushing Sentai to insist on 1080p masters. 1080i isn't quite enough for me! We don't like releasing upscales.

This is interesting but very worrisome. From what I have heared from Justin Sevakis and other people, R1 distributors are supposed to convert themselves the 1080i masters they receive from Japan to 1080p.

The answer from the Sentai representative sound amateurish.

What Justin referred to is a process called inverse telecine. That means taking the 1080i/60 masters, removing the 3:2 pulldown, and restoring the original progressive 24 frames (1080p/24). David gave an explanation at Anime Central last week as to why he doesn't do inverse telecines for their releases, you can watch it here starting at 36:49. I don't agree with it but if they can get progressive masters from the Japanese than it doesn't really matter.

I don't care how they go about it as long as their releases are progressive when they are supposed to be so we don't get stuff that looks as bad as Penguindrum and other releases have. I still believe the encoder they used for interlaced is the cause of the poor video quality, not because the masters themselves are interlaced.

Their recent BD of Mysterious Girlfriend X was supposed to be 1080i according to the back cover but the discs are 1080p so it looks like they were able to get progressive masters from Star Child at least. All of the other Star Child titles Sentai have released have been 1080i up until now so that bodes well for future releases. I'm still hoping they'll fix Penguindrum too when it's re-released likely next year.
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PostPosted: Sun May 26, 2013 4:37 pm Reply with quote
Small correction from the person who requested Dog Days, I specifically mentioned The World God Only Knows OVAs.

I also had asked about them streaming Rozen Maiden to Crunchyroll in addition to my question about their streaming plans for Gatchman.

DLW is always fun to see do a panel.
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PostPosted: Sun May 26, 2013 4:38 pm Reply with quote
Wow, that was an exhaustive write-up. Thanks, Mike.

Also, Roku app: yes, please! Although I suppose the "another company" that Williams refers to is The Anime Network, which provides much of the Sentai catalog via their website and iOS/Android apps.
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PostPosted: Sun May 26, 2013 6:13 pm Reply with quote
Overall, a very very good panel IMHO. I was surprised with Kokoro getting a dub since I was betting it would'nt get one. Along with the rescue of gatchaman, now I have to get it because the opening theme is now stuck in my head. Laughing

The answer from the Sentai representative sound amateurish.

What were you expecting compared to any other company representative (ex:funi, viz, aniplex) which majority of the time, "sound(ED) amateurish"? What would you do in his position? would you have gotten the same amount of applause he had making that statement? You make it sound like some conservitive protest which I'm somewhat offended of because I'am conservative.

I would probably agree if you said Funimation was becoming somewhat, "amateurish" with there so called funny youtube shows too try and keep out of our minds the delay flag up on titles they put out constantly. Though sentai has done what I assume have delayed only 1 so far with Queens Blade Rebellion so I'm nervouse if they will continue doing that down the line.

Overall, I somewhat agree with chronoclast and you on further questioning them. Did sentai filmworks get bad masters, or did they do it themselves. I question that because of Cannan which have a bad look IMO where they might actually be 1080i upscaled poorly. I was surprised on the quality of MGX to which brought up my trust a bit to continue preordering titles from them.
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PostPosted: Sun May 26, 2013 6:30 pm Reply with quote
Maybe somebody should have asked why they keep making the mistake of letting Steven Foster direct English dubs. Or why they license title after title of things almost nobody is interested in.
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PostPosted: Sun May 26, 2013 6:49 pm Reply with quote
penguintruth wrote:
Maybe somebody should have asked why they keep making the mistake of letting Steven Foster direct English dubs.

what good would that do?
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PostPosted: Sun May 26, 2013 7:07 pm Reply with quote
Q: Thanks for getting the rights to Girls und Panzer, I love it! But during the overseas stream, the licensor cut out an image song in episode 8. Will you be including that? I'm not sure I want the show if there are cuts...
A: That's a good question, and right now, I don't have an answer for it. That is a music rights/clearance issue, hopefully it will be cleared for our release.

I hope to God it's there when it comes out. I know it's not as bad as "Casanova Cat" and "Mouse Cleaning" almost being removed from the upcoming Tom and Jerry Golden Collection sets, but still, I'd rather have a complete set, thank you.
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Joined: 07 Nov 2011
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PostPosted: Sun May 26, 2013 7:13 pm Reply with quote
Or why they license title after title of things almost nobody is interested in.

Oh really? Then obviously Funimation is licensing high class and interesting titles such as highschool DxD, Haganai, KenshiMWOG, Sankarea, Ikki Tousen, Robotics;Notes, "is This a Zombie?", Binbongomi Ga!, and Strike Witches. They are on a roll, all they need to do is delay these poor low and not interesting class shows such as Shana, Steins;Gate, Last Exile, and maybe Attack on Titan, Psycho Pass, Future Diary, and Wolf Children since those can't get in the way of these very very interesting shows. Ain't that right "penguinbais"? Rolling Eyes

Oh well. "different strokes for different folks" Laughing
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PostPosted: Sun May 26, 2013 7:21 pm Reply with quote
I never said Funimation doesn't license crap, too, but their entire catalogue isn't as peppered with crap as Sentai's. Seven bad anime for every good one. Funimation's rate is better.
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PostPosted: Sun May 26, 2013 7:34 pm Reply with quote
bs3311 wrote:
Or why they license title after title of things almost nobody is interested in.

highschool DxD, Haganai, Sankarea, , Robotics;Notes, "is This a Zombie?", Binbongomi Ga!,

Oh well. "different strokes for different folks" Laughing

simulcasts did well so obviously people are interested in these shows
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PostPosted: Sun May 26, 2013 8:09 pm Reply with quote
You need to understand the fun of sarcasm. Laughing

Seven bad anime for every good one. Funimation's rate is better.

Must be opposite day because Funimation is slakin. I do admit that they released/streamed good to great titles................in the golden past Crying or Very sad . As I said, "different strokes for different folks" so I acepted your "subjective" opinion. But I'am still free to critisize Laughing

simulcasts did well so obviously people are interested in these shows

simulcasts did well for Kokoro Connect, MGX, Horizon, Champione, Medaka Box, and Bodacious Space Pirates so obviously people are interested in these shows. Which side of the fence are you on? Because I'm afraid I might start a flame war Embarassed.
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PostPosted: Sun May 26, 2013 8:12 pm Reply with quote
I'm on the side that gets us more anime, regardless of our personal opinions of various shows
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Joined: 07 Nov 2011
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PostPosted: Sun May 26, 2013 8:34 pm Reply with quote
I'm on the side that gets us more anime, regardless of our personal opinions of various shows

soooooooooooooooooo, your like grifith from berserk? Or main character from Kaze no Stimata? Laughing

I kid, I kid. Thats cool.

Sorry. I was letting off some steam because Psycho Pass, From the New World, Kokoro Connect, Future Diary, Another, and Machiko & Hatchin are going to be a long wait before they're on my shelf. And now I gotta put Gatchaman on my list Cool
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