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Anime Expo 2012 - The Right Stuf International

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Joined: 01 Jul 2010
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PostPosted: Sat Jun 30, 2012 1:06 am Reply with quote
I'm guessing "sixth" in "sixth volume of Bizenghast" should be "eighth", or perhaps "fifth". For what it's worth, here's some info from Right Stuf's online store:

Hetalia 1 - Print on Demand (POD) title
Hetalia 2 - Print on Demand (POD) title
Hetalia 3 - In Stock, with 8 color pages. After initial print run, will be POD title with the 8 color pages in b&w.

Bizenghast 1 - In Stock
Bizenghast 2 - In Stock
Bizenghast 3 - In Stock, Quantity Remaining: 24
Bizenghast 4 - In Stock
Bizenghast 5 - In Stock, Quantity Remaining: 33
Bizenghast 6 - In Stock
Bizenghast 7 - In Stock
Bizenghast 8 - Date Available - Jul 16 2012. After initial print run, will be POD title.

Psy-Comm 1 - In Stock
Psy-Comm 2 - In Stock
Psy-Comm 3 - No page yet
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PostPosted: Sat Jun 30, 2012 1:54 am Reply with quote
Kosaka wrote:

Hetalia 3 - In Stock, with 8 color pages. After initial print run, will be POD title with the 8 color pages in b&w.
Ehh? Does this mean because I preordered my copy I'll get the color pages? (It just shipped out 2 days ago so I haven't gotten it just yet.) I hope this is the case, though if it's not I won't rage over it.
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Joined: 20 May 2008
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PostPosted: Sat Jun 30, 2012 2:28 am Reply with quote
I'm sure I remember them saying everyone who preordered would be guaranteed colour pages.
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PostPosted: Sat Jun 30, 2012 2:43 am Reply with quote
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Joined: 05 Sep 2009
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PostPosted: Sat Jun 30, 2012 1:29 pm Reply with quote
I'd like to see RightStuf expand to licensing more anime on the same level as Sentai and FUNimation, heck, they could even expand to being a manga publisher as well, with the likes of Viz, Yen Press, and Kodansha. Their anime releases are generally very good, and it's nice to have several companies releasing this stuff, leaving the holes left behind from Bandai, Media Blasters, and Tokyopop.
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Collector Extraordinaire

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PostPosted: Sun Jul 01, 2012 10:58 am Reply with quote
TsukasaElkKite wrote:

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PostPosted: Sun Jul 01, 2012 5:48 pm Reply with quote
I'm very, very happy that Right Stuf is planning to expand their print-on-demand manga service. Now I need to figure out how to find the former editors at CMX and find out what actions I would need to take to convince them and Right Stuf to consider publishing my favorite unfinished titles of theirs...
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Joined: 16 Jan 2012
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PostPosted: Mon Jul 02, 2012 2:13 am Reply with quote
It'd be great if they could expand this to titles that only some volumes are out of print, like Lucky Star(2 & 3) and Sunshine Sketch(4 - and volume six is a new release, too).
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Joined: 29 Aug 2006
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PostPosted: Mon Jul 02, 2012 8:39 am Reply with quote
the Nozomi brand will mostly focus on collector's editions of critically acclaimed series, while “budget friendly” editions will be released on their new Lucky Penny label.

Oh how I wish/hope this means they will be joining the dubbing circuit. It seems kinda overkill to create a new division depending simply on whether the box could stop a tank versus not even a puff of air. Unless they are just setting up a Honnêamise-like label (*shudder*.)
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Joined: 12 Mar 2012
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PostPosted: Mon Jul 02, 2012 8:42 am Reply with quote
bglassbrook wrote:
the Nozomi brand will mostly focus on collector's editions of critically acclaimed series, while “budget friendly” editions will be released on their new Lucky Penny label.

Oh how I wish/hope this means they will be joining the dubbing circuit. It seems kinda overkill to create a new division depending simply on whether the box could stop a tank versus not even a puff of air. Unless they are just setting up a Honnêamise-like label (*shudder*.)

The chances that they dub anything on their "budget label" is even less than their Nozomi label.....
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Mesonoxian Eve

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PostPosted: Mon Jul 02, 2012 12:58 pm Reply with quote
In an effort to rebrand Right Stuf's home video offerings, the Nozomi brand will mostly focus on collector's editions of critically acclaimed series, while “budget friendly” editions will be released on their new Lucky Penny label. Three new titles were announced for this label—Ristorante Paradiso, Hyakko, and Aoi Hana: Sweet Blue Flowers. The series will be released in complete boxsets, likely in 2013.

*holds breath

Am I reading this to believe the three titles listed are only coming out on the cheap label?

If so, get ready because I'm going to get all us Nozomi fans together and fire off one of the biggest campaigns (to correct this potential mistake) it'll ever see since its opening.

That's a promise.

If I did read it wrong... well, disregard and I'll be sure to have these three titles in my shopping cart once they're released, with their pretty packaging and (possible, but not required) booklets.

One very proud slice-of-life anime fan whose only hope for very niche title licenses rests on the shoulders of Nozomi.
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Lord Geo

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PostPosted: Mon Jul 02, 2012 2:27 pm Reply with quote
Mesonoxian Eve wrote:
Am I reading this to believe the three titles listed are only coming out on the cheap label?

If so, get ready because I'm going to get all us Nozomi fans together and fire off one of the biggest campaigns (to correct this potential mistake) it'll ever see since its opening.

That's a promise.

If I did read it wrong... well, disregard and I'll be sure to have these three titles in my shopping cart once they're released, with their pretty packaging and (possible, but not required) booklets.

One very proud slice-of-life anime fan whose only hope for very niche title licenses rests on the shoulders of Nozomi.

Oh, get over it.

Shawne Kleckner himself admitted that part of the problem with always doing the usual special/limited Nozomi release is that not every title has enough extra content to it, especially physical items, artwork, etc., to warrant giving them the limited edition treatment. This is where Lucky Penny comes in, and it honestly allows TRSI to potentially license and release more shows than they originally could, since they now don't have to worry about whether or not they can get stuff that would make a release more "limited edition"-worthy. For example, Gasaraki probably would have been a Lucky Penny release had the label been around before, and even Dirty Pair TV probably would have been a LP release, since the most that show got for an "extra" is a pair of booklets. Creating a different label allows Nozomi to be more focused on shows that are not only well-regarded, but also have the extra content to make them worthy of limited edition releases.

By putting these three shows on the "cheap label" it just means that none of the three shows have the kidn of extra content to warrant giving them limited edition releases, so they're getting a more basic release. The same care will be given to them as the Nozomi releases get in terms of video & audio quality, but the overall release will be more basic; i.e. LP releases will likely not have artboxes or any sort of physical extras, outside of maybe a small booklet.

Honestly, it's absurd reactions like this that me really annoyed, since it just proves that some anime fans can be absolutely ridiculous in what they want. The most important thing is that those three shows are getting releases here in North America; I'd kill to have three shows I want more than anything licensed and released over here, and I'd be more than happy with basic releases for them, so threatening to "start a campaign" just because the company felt that there wasn't enough stuff to warrant giving them limited edition releases just shows how ridiculously high your standards are.

Take a good look at what you said and realize how silly it sounds. Honestly, the fact that you're, essentially, complaining that three shows you want are getting releases at all makes me wonder why companies are so ready & willing to pander to guys like you when there are fans who are perfectly content with just being able to own a series they want on DVD or BD, with the only response being "Thank you for bringing this over!"
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Joined: 21 Jan 2008
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PostPosted: Mon Jul 02, 2012 2:39 pm Reply with quote
Mesonoxian Eve wrote:

Am I reading this to believe the three titles listed are only coming out on the cheap label?

If so, get ready because I'm going to get all us Nozomi fans together and fire off one of the biggest campaigns (to correct this potential mistake) it'll ever see since its opening.

That's a promise.

If I did read it wrong... well, disregard and I'll be sure to have these three titles in my shopping cart once they're released, with their pretty packaging and (possible, but not required) booklets.

One very proud slice-of-life anime fan whose only hope for very niche title licenses rests on the shoulders of Nozomi.

Here's the thing, Aoi Hana didn't come with ANY of that stuff on the Japanese releases, no booklets, no box set, maybe not even any on-disc extras, nothing. And it's rather hard to get approval for those things if they don't even exist in the first place....
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