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NEWS: Cardfight!! Vanguard Anime Streamed with English Dub on YouTube

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Joined: 03 Jul 2010
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PostPosted: Mon Jun 04, 2012 12:32 pm Reply with quote
Guess this means they couldn;t find a broadcaster huh. I was wondering when that dub would get brought over here.

Acting itself is kinda meh, but I;m surprised the dub is so...well faithful. Never thought I;d see that happen for a card game dub. Well I do enjoy the show itself more or less so I;ll maybe keep up with this.
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Joined: 08 Jun 2010
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PostPosted: Mon Jun 04, 2012 12:54 pm Reply with quote
+Cards look like they're supposed to. No stupid, weird 4Kids looking abominations where it's just a giant picture. With actual Japanese text!
+Actual original theme and (I think) original music, but I haven't seen the early episodes in forever so I'm not 100% sure
+Original character and card names from the one episode I skimmed through.
+Eyecatches and other little details that usually get gutted

= That's.. not the original ending theme. They're using a later one for the early episodes? Any reason why? Weird.

-The voices. Oh god, they're.. not good at all. Especially Kamui and Emi and most importantly: Aichi. Children never get good dub voices, but they're really bad here.

Overall, it's faithful, though the voices are off putting.. but if kids can watch 4Kids' dubs with it's awful voice acting quality, they can watch this probably. How tragically ironic if the only faithful dub of an merchandise anime show like this can't find a broadcasting.

Last edited by TitanXL on Mon Jun 04, 2012 4:40 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Joined: 25 May 2010
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PostPosted: Mon Jun 04, 2012 1:03 pm Reply with quote
Hmm, interesting that they went for streaming then trying to get it on U.S. TV somewhere, understandable though. Have to check the show out later.
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The King of Harts

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PostPosted: Mon Jun 04, 2012 1:20 pm Reply with quote
I only listened to about half of the first episode, but this might be the best dub Blue Water has ever put out. Of course, that's not saying much since Blue Water is awful and this is only "not terrible". I guess even BW can put out a mediocre product with a capable director like Karl Willems.
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Joined: 03 Dec 2011
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PostPosted: Mon Jun 04, 2012 2:06 pm Reply with quote
I thought Blue Water shut down because they weren't getting enough work (Unless they've been doing Western cartoons and TV commercials to pick up some more Dead Presidents).

Their dubbing? I haven't yet watched Cardfight!! but I've seen other shows they've dubbed and the quality varies.

So far, their best dub: G Gundam.
Worst: Doki Doki School Hours. (I will not live down how they butchered the Japanese language by pronouncing "manga" as if it were English!) DDSH's dub was crap. No, wait, fudge that. It's worse than crap. It's ass crap! The only saving grace was that it's not a total Macekre like anything 4Kids churned out! I gave it 12 or so episodes and then dropped it. I didn't feel like watching it subbed at the time, but goddamn was that dub horrible. What a shitload of fudge!
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Lynx Amali

PostPosted: Mon Jun 04, 2012 3:04 pm Reply with quote
-Precure dub
-G Gundam dub

I don't want to live on this planet anymore. Shoot me now.

Is that an English version of Vanguard? SUNG BY JAM PROJECT?!

Holy crap. Just simply holy crap. Very Happy

Voices are..different. But I said the same thing about the Duel Masters dub initially after watching the Japanese version as it aired but I grew to love that dub so much.

I'm sad to see it might've not been picked up as this would've fit well on what's left on YTV's anime lineup.
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Hagaren Viper

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PostPosted: Mon Jun 04, 2012 3:47 pm Reply with quote
I stumbled upon this just a couple days a go and was mighty surprised. I'm not sure I can bring myself to watch it either way [Saw a few eps subbed and it was SO bland] but it's nice to see it get such a faithful translation. It will be interesting to see how the youtube only treatment works out for them.
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Joined: 24 Dec 2005
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PostPosted: Mon Jun 04, 2012 4:27 pm Reply with quote
Divineking wrote:
Guess this means they couldn;t find a broadcaster huh. I was wondering when that dub would get brought over here.

Acting itself is kinda meh, but I;m surprised the dub is so...well faithful. Never thought I;d see that happen for a card game dub. Well I do enjoy the show itself more or less so I;ll maybe keep up with this.

I'm susprised that Ocean Studios are using unknowns for this series instead of it's vetrans VA. This is starting to feel a lot like Zoids Chaotic Centrury where the same thing happened.

Luckily Chaotic Century was a preety decent dub,so this dub will probably be fine as well.

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Joined: 01 Mar 2006
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PostPosted: Mon Jun 04, 2012 4:59 pm Reply with quote
Clyde_Cash wrote:
I thought Blue Water shut down because they weren't getting enough work (Unless they've been doing Western cartoons and TV commercials to pick up some more Dead Presidents).

No Blue Water is alive and kicking as is Ocean. If you want to get a good grasp on what Blue Water's up to check their casting agency which lists almost their entire body of work (some shows haven't even been announced yet) though interestingly this show isn't on there.

jr0904 wrote:
I'm susprised that Ocean Studios are using unknowns for this series instead of it's vetrans VA. This is starting to feel a lot like Zoids Chaotic Centrury where the same thing happened.

Luckily Chaotic Century was a preety decent dub,so this dub will probably be fine as well.


This show is dubbed in Calgary not Vancouver. There are veteran Blue Water actors?
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Joined: 13 Aug 2004
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PostPosted: Mon Jun 04, 2012 5:06 pm Reply with quote
TitanXL wrote:
+Cards look like they're supposed to. No stupid, weird 4Kids looking abominations where it's just a giant picture. With actual Japanese text!
+Original character and card names from the one episode I skimmed through.

Why are these pluses? Most of us cannot read Japanese, so the card text will not be useful to us. Also aren't there English versions of the cards? Why not use those texts instead?

And sure the character names are important but I wouldn't want the cast to read out the Japanese readings of those cards. Thankfully that's not the case throughout. Genocide Jack was renamed Brutal Jack (as per the English version of the card game)...another reason why the card text should be changed.

Man Bushiroad appears to be really pushing this one. I remember seeing ads for Vanguard the card game in at least two baseball stadia in Arizona while I was at Spring Training.
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Joined: 05 Sep 2009
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PostPosted: Mon Jun 04, 2012 6:28 pm Reply with quote
Remember the days when Ocean Productions was hired to do voices for anime, they would actually use their Vancouver studio... with great voice actors? In the past few years, nearly every anime dub from Ocean has used CALGARY talent from their cheaper Blue Water studio. Pretty Cure, Deltora Quest, Hunter X Hunter, Vanguard, etc have all used these guys... even some newer Mega Man games... Seriously, when was the last VANCOUVER English dub (other than Inuyasha: The Final Act)? Even Powerpuff Girls Z's English dub used Vancouver talent. If it was done now, it would almost certainly use Calgary talent. The only talented voice actor in Calgary is Carol Anne Day...

Seriously, their dubs suck. When I was watching Deltora Quest on The Hub, I was in shock that they actually let that trash be heard on national television (which is a shame, because it was a decent anime), and their dub of Dragon Ball and Dragon Ball GT for EuroCanadian broadcast was borderline laughable...

Don't get me wrong. I'm glad this series got an English dub, but I can't help but be a little disappointed at the quality.
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Joined: 08 Jun 2010
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PostPosted: Mon Jun 04, 2012 6:56 pm Reply with quote
osakaedo wrote:
Why are these pluses? Most of us cannot read Japanese, so the card text will not be useful to us. Also aren't there English versions of the cards? Why not use those texts instead?

Because the animators took the time to make it look like the actual cards, so why pointlessly edit it out? Unless you're xenophobic and hate the sight of Japanese text like 4Kids. Plus the 4Kids cards stick out like a sore thumb, as do all digital paint edits. How do they even know what the cards do if there's no text on them? They can't enforce ruling when you can just lie and say it does something else.

And why on Earth would you want them to pointlessly Americanize the names? They have no problem keeping words like devil, God, Saint, Demonic, in the cards like 4Kids edited out of the anime (and Konami edited in the actual card game) Cardfight Vanguard is probably the most well preserved merchandising title to ever hit America and the fact someone is against that and wants it to be like 4Kids Yu-Gi-Oh dub is mind boggling.
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Joined: 16 Jan 2012
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PostPosted: Mon Jun 04, 2012 11:18 pm Reply with quote
A) Merely blanking the cards has to do with FCC regulations - broadcast shows have to pussyfoot around being merchandise-driven these days.
B) Why on earth would you want the name used in the advertisement to not match the name used on the product? That's not pointless Americanization, that's simple consistency.
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Joined: 01 Mar 2006
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PostPosted: Mon Jun 04, 2012 11:21 pm Reply with quote
TitanXL wrote:
osakaedo wrote:
Why are these pluses? Most of us cannot read Japanese, so the card text will not be useful to us. Also aren't there English versions of the cards? Why not use those texts instead?

Because the animators took the time to make it look like the actual cards, so why pointlessly edit it out? Unless you're xenophobic and hate the sight of Japanese text like 4Kids. Plus the 4Kids cards stick out like a sore thumb, as do all digital paint edits. How do they even know what the cards do if there's no text on them? They can't enforce ruling when you can just lie and say it does something else.

And why on Earth would you want them to pointlessly Americanize the names? They have no problem keeping words like devil, God, Saint, Demonic, in the cards like 4Kids edited out of the anime (and Konami edited in the actual card game) Cardfight Vanguard is probably the most well preserved merchandising title to ever hit America and the fact someone is against that and wants it to be like 4Kids Yu-Gi-Oh dub is mind boggling.

In what universe is it xenophobic to ask for a show dubbed into English, with English dubbed intros/outros, English credits, title cards, and interstitials to have the products it's selling be in the same language? Because this show will stay online only it probably wasn't worth the visual edit effort.
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Joined: 12 Mar 2008
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PostPosted: Mon Jun 04, 2012 11:40 pm Reply with quote
PurpleWarrior13 wrote:
If it was done now, it would almost certainly use Calgary talent. The only talented voice actor in Calgary is Carol Anne Day...

Don't get me wrong. I'm glad this series got an English dub, but I can't help but be a little disappointed at the quality.

It's been many years since Ocean Group were close being the gods of voice acting studios with Mcneil,the Dobson brothers,Jaynse Jaud,Kirby Morrow, Andrea Libman,Brad Swaile and David Kaye. Were the best of doing great cartoons and anime when we grew up. To the part about dream dubs along side with other VA talent from Cali,New York and Texas despite break off with Funi. I do think it's really hurt them in the process including Bluewater.

As for Carol Ann Daye

spoiler[Whenever the next Mai series and hoping Sunrise will have NYAV do the dubbing, let Daye have the franchise role as Mai Tokiha for good, She deserves it.]
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