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REVIEW: Broken Blade

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Joined: 09 Jun 2011
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PostPosted: Wed Jan 25, 2012 12:28 am Reply with quote
There's something fundamentally weird in the fact that some of the most real-feeling mech battles I've ever seen are in this show where the mechs are literally moved by magic. The audio work especially gives them a feeling of weight that often is missing from other shows. And they don't explode for no reason! Yay!

I think I'd compare the music more to Book of Bantorra than Death Note, though I guess Death Note definitely has more people familiar with it.

One of the things I really liked about this series is that Rygart actually grew and started striking a character and style that actually felt like it belonged among the other pilots. So often in Gundam shows, the main character sticks out like a sore thumb compared to other pilots. But by the third movie or so, Rygart felt like he actually belonged among them, with his own look and attitude.
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Joined: 08 Mar 2011
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PostPosted: Wed Jan 25, 2012 1:11 am Reply with quote
For me the best way to describe this show was that it was "entertaining". Not great, pretty straight forward, didn't blow me away and its certainly not going to have the impact of say NGE or even Gundam. I think the review for the most part was accurate. I thought the music was pretty good, backgrounds were also very good, the action and some of the details in the action were really cool. I liked that the story was told in 50 minute movies as it felt more satisfying.

On the other hand I thought the character designs were a bit boring and didn't really grab me. I also thought it started weak and disjointed. The first episode/ movie was not my favorite. It might have been about the 3rd movie that I really started to get interested. Usual tropes and stock characters abound: the dude who finds his special power (pilot a machine no one else can), the hot scientist chick, the Ace (pilot), etc. I found some more acceptable than others. Personally didn't care for the ruthless military commander as I found him boring and predictable. I found the fan service, though very limited in comparison to other anime, to be just thrown in there and unnecessary. This includes the overly endowed 12 year old girl. Its like they were throwing a bone out to the fan service crowd.

Story wise its ok-ish. I think the tension between former friends who find themselves on opposite sides of a war (has been done before) is interesting because there are many ways that can go. I also think that Rygart the main lead was having difficulty hanging onto his beliefs in a war and all he could fall back on was to protect those who were closest to him. But we don't know how this is resolved because the story concludes. It wasn't a bad ending by any means, but story is obviously not over with. It feels like the first book/act/arc in a series. As a matter of fact I think the manga its based on is on hiatus and the anime covers almost all the chapters in print.

So, like I said entertaining but doesn't make me wanna rush out and buy it. Maybe if they come out with a second series, resolve a few things, pull out a few surprises then I might feel more satisfied.
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Joined: 26 Jun 2009
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PostPosted: Wed Jan 25, 2012 1:12 am Reply with quote
Had to go check my orders to make sure I wasn't missing anything when I saw this was up.

Nice Review.
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Joined: 05 Feb 2008
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PostPosted: Wed Jan 25, 2012 1:22 am Reply with quote
Theron wrote:
The great attention to detail on battle damage and normal wear and tear gives the mecha battles a grittier, earthier appearance, too; you will not see here any shiny all-CG mecha battle without apparently laying a scratch on one another prior to one or the other's complete destruction.

Yes, it went to a lot of trouble to show damage, even moreso than the even better-animated Gundam Unicorn. The golems look and move more realistically than many a Mobile Suit, which is funny since MS don't run on magic and yet golems essentially do.

Theron wrote:
A combination of excellent battle choreography, an operatic musical score, and highly detailed animation regularly generates an exceptional degree of tension and intensity, especially in one key battle in the third movie where Rygart's pre-magic mech, the Delphine, charges around the field like a highly-mobile battering ram, literally plowing through some of his opponents.

The battle where Rygart (with help from Sigyn) turns the Delphine into a battering ram is in episode four, not three. Episode four is incidentally the best of the lot. The fights were well choreographed and rather exciting to watch, and yet there was still room for tactics and strategy. For a Mecha fan like myself it was a great watch.
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Joined: 14 Dec 2009
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PostPosted: Wed Jan 25, 2012 4:47 am Reply with quote
I must have this.

Thank you for the early review, Theron.
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PostPosted: Wed Jan 25, 2012 4:15 pm Reply with quote
Making one of the protagonists special for what he doesn't have, rather than what he does, is also an intriguing notion, and one not without consequences in the story.

It felt like SaGa Frontier 2 all over again when I read that line.

The writing tries to populate both sides with colorful characters – such as the half-mad Athenian pilot Nike, who has the body and behavior of a 12 year old but is actually 25.

That seems to be a concept used a lot. Jr. from Xenosaga, Presea from Tales of Symphonia and Cheyenne Rainstorm from Wild Arms TV, the whole child who's actually an adult thing.
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Joined: 27 Aug 2007
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PostPosted: Wed Jan 25, 2012 6:40 pm Reply with quote
I really liked this show, albeit I haven't watched the last one yet. I got someone else into it and they are caught up now with me.

I ordered it the other day but I was watching the subtitled version, so I can't speak for the dub.
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Joined: 25 Jan 2011
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PostPosted: Thu Jan 26, 2012 9:55 pm Reply with quote
Already had the BD for this title on my "Purchase" list. I'm eagerly looking forward to its release in February, even more so after reading Theron's review. Though they are rare, it's nice to see grittier works being produced in Japan and even nicer when they're picked up for a North American release (Mardock Scramble and Rin - Daughters of Mnemosyne come to mind).
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PostPosted: Fri Jan 27, 2012 12:50 am Reply with quote
Music gets an A- really? I find the music so incredibly boring and generic. The best of it was KOKIA's opening them and that was about it.
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Joined: 07 Feb 2012
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PostPosted: Tue Feb 07, 2012 9:21 am Reply with quote
I saw the dub in anime dubbed on t.v and Grey Ayres voice acting as Rygart really ruined the show for me. He also acts acts as one of the main characters (I don't like his voice in that role either) in Ef- A tale of memories making him a leading role in two releases in the same month. I love the Renji/Chihiro dubbed in Ef - A tale of memories so I didn't cancel it, but I really cannot stand the protagonist of show not having his voice fit with the character.

*I don't hate Greg Ayres, but I do not enjoy his specific voice in these shows.
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Joined: 31 May 2005
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PostPosted: Thu Feb 09, 2012 5:08 am Reply with quote
After watching the first two episodes on The Anime Network, I was thinking of picking this up during the current sale at RightStuf. Does anyone happen to know if the picture dramas are going to be included with the set? RightStuf just lists the opening and ending, but I was hoping someone might have heard otherwise.
Some of their newer releases have been getting the same extras that were on the Japanese releases, so I was hoping that Sentai was putting an end to bare bone releases.
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Joined: 18 May 2008
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PostPosted: Thu Feb 09, 2012 7:25 am Reply with quote
Music was definitely one of the shows weakest aspects, along with a plot that is only slightly better than the golden age of short OVAs. The action is slow and I thought the only reason to watch it was for the fanservice involving the blonde and the other girl that she for some not explained reason slept with.

I'm quite big on mecha anime, but still found the show boring. Useless characters, poorly set up world, the politics happen mostly on the background. A lot of things go unexplained so there is never any real meaning behind the whole deal. It's just skirmishes with robots shooting nailguns at each other.
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Joined: 03 Nov 2003
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PostPosted: Thu Feb 09, 2012 4:12 pm Reply with quote
Covnam wrote:
After watching the first two episodes on The Anime Network, I was thinking of picking this up during the current sale at RightStuf. Does anyone happen to know if the picture dramas are going to be included with the set? RightStuf just lists the opening and ending, but I was hoping someone might have heard otherwise.
Some of their newer releases have been getting the same extras that were on the Japanese releases, so I was hoping that Sentai was putting an end to bare bone releases.

I just received the Blu-Ray but haven't popped it in the player yet. I'll check this when I get home from work.

EDIT: Just checked, and there are no picture dramas included with this set. No big loss, though, as it is incredibly stupid.

Last edited by Key on Fri Feb 10, 2012 10:13 am; edited 1 time in total
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Joined: 31 May 2005
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PostPosted: Thu Feb 09, 2012 11:10 pm Reply with quote
Key wrote:
I just received the Blu-Ray but haven't popped it in the player yet. I'll check this when I get home from work.

EDIT: Just checked, and there are no picture dramas included with this set. No big loss, though, as it is incredibly stupid.

Thanks for checking for me. That's too bad that they're missing, even if they are stupid, it's still content that's not there. Oh well on that point I guess.
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Joined: 27 Aug 2007
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PostPosted: Fri Feb 10, 2012 9:12 am Reply with quote
ShinnFlowen wrote:
I saw the dub in anime dubbed on t.v and Grey Ayres voice acting as Rygart really ruined the show for me. He also acts acts as one of the main characters (I don't like his voice in that role either) in Ef- A tale of memories making him a leading role in two releases in the same month. I love the Renji/Chihiro dubbed in Ef - A tale of memories so I didn't cancel it, but I really cannot stand the protagonist of show not having his voice fit with the character.

*I don't hate Greg Ayres, but I do not enjoy his specific voice in these shows.

Really, they cast Greg as Rygart? I bought the series but I haven't watched it yet.

I did watch the first episode of Ef after I got that in and it was pretty jarring to have him there.

And I agree with you, I don't hate Greg Ayres either, but the casting for Ef seemed quite a bit off with him there.

Heaven's Lost Property is a series where his voice actually fits.

Unfortunately his vocal quality isn't very dynamic so he can't fill the variety of roles that some can.
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