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Joined: 13 Jul 2009
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PostPosted: Wed Sep 21, 2011 1:16 pm Reply with quote
Isn't Rune Factory: Tides of Destiny getting a delay? I know that Amazon has changed the release date to late October...
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The Count

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PostPosted: Wed Sep 21, 2011 2:56 pm Reply with quote
Although mainly remakes were shown this years TGS really got me excited for the Vita. Gravity Rush is looking to be the launch window game to look for. The Ys remake looked amazing and seems like it will improve on the Ys7 formula, which was a fantastic game. Both of the new Tales games also look good, but I won't expect them here.

The FF10 HD release has me very excited but also reminded me that there probably is no fan base more split than the FF"s. There is plenty more from the show that has me excited and I pray most of it makes it stateside.

The one disappointment for me was learning the Vita won't come with any internal storage and Sony is using a new type of card that will max out at 32GB.

As for games in the near future I have Atelier Totori and the Team Ico collection pre-ordered and can't wait to start them. I just wished Ico would receive as much love as SotC does as I find Ico to be a bit more enjoyable.
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PostPosted: Wed Sep 21, 2011 4:25 pm Reply with quote
Here's hoping it's something more original than a virus or global warning.

Warming dude, warming. Anime hyper

Project Draco: Dragons are not basically big cats, you rube. I hope you're kidding. XP

Can't say I ever got into Panzer Dragoon either (you'd think I would). I wonder how popular this will be with the fantasy and dragon enthusiasts crowd. They could see it as a darker adult version of How to Train Your Dragon.

Suikoden PSP: Hopefully they don't create the colossal fail they did with Tierkreis. I'm a little skeptical, seeing as I have given up hope on the series. It got mediocre with III, went downhill with IV, got slightly better at V and then really hit the bottom of the slope with Tierkreis.

Kingdom Hearts 3D: I'm curious as to what other new potential Disney worlds there'll be. I'm still waiting for Gargoyles and Black Cauldron to appear, maybe in KH3. Much like 358/2 and coded, this one seems skippable honestly. Besides, "Dream Eaters" doesn't sound like a very intimidating name for enemies.

Atelier Totori: I can't believe the game is already here. I'm nowhere near done with Rorona yet! Argh! Curse my being stuck with assignments all the rest of the year. Anime cry

Rune Factory ToD: What's wrong with marrying outside your species, huh Todd!? You one of those old-fashioned types? Marrying a golem would make for a great story! >XP

Solatorobo: If people actually do ignore this simply because of the animal people, then said people have a lot to learn about judging games from artwork alone. 'Course, they could just be single genre dolts.

Last edited by belvadeer on Sat Nov 26, 2011 6:55 pm; edited 2 times in total
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Joined: 10 Aug 2002
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PostPosted: Wed Sep 21, 2011 5:02 pm Reply with quote
All of the games being released next week are ones I want to play, but Atelier Totori is the only one I've got pre-ordered. NISA is supposedly shipping it out Friday so I should have it right on time. Looking forward to seeing how they've improved it.

I'll probably pick up Ico/Colossus after I've beat Totori and Persona 2, which hopefully will be before Skyrim takes over my life...

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Joined: 24 Dec 2005
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PostPosted: Wed Sep 21, 2011 6:54 pm Reply with quote
The unlikely crossover of Professor Layton and Phoenix Wright sounded too good to be true when it was announced last year. And it's still to good to be true, at least for fans who want to play the adventure game in English; the game's not coming here. But there'll be plenty for Japanese fans when Professor Layton vs. Phoenix Wright arrives on the 3DS next year.

There actually hasn't been a confirmation of a yes or a no that it won't be released outside of Japan. And to point out, a press release about the game was handed out at the Tokyo Game Show by Capcom, written in English, with the string of text "English names are TBD" found in the press release itself. This implies that they are at least talking about releasing the game outside of Japan.
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Joined: 01 Mar 2006
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PostPosted: Wed Sep 21, 2011 6:57 pm Reply with quote
SaharaFrost wrote:
Isn't Rune Factory: Tides of Destiny getting a delay? I know that Amazon has changed the release date to late October...

Yeah, Natsume announced the delay today.
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Joined: 16 Dec 2007
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PostPosted: Wed Sep 21, 2011 6:58 pm Reply with quote
Forte-sama wrote:
And to point out, a press release about the game was handed out at the Tokyo Game Show by Capcom, written in English, with the string of text "English names are TBD" found in the press release itself. This implies that they are at least talking about releasing the game outside of Japan.
This so hard. I can see this being published by the new Level-5 US Branch.

Man, there are too many releases this Sept.. Rune Factory being one of them but just right after Kirby Mass Attack? I just can't keep up, and I'm only so far in Deux Ex:HR....
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Joined: 05 May 2011
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PostPosted: Wed Sep 21, 2011 7:40 pm Reply with quote
belvadeer wrote:
Here's hoping it's something more original than a virus or global warning.

Warming dude, warming. Anime hyper

Project Draco: Dragons are not basically big cats, you rube. I hope you're kidding. XP

Can't say I ever got into Panzer Dragoon either (you'd think I would). I wonder how popular this will be with the fantasy and dragon enthusiasts crowd. They could see it as a darker adult version of How to Train Your Dragon.

Suikoden PSP: Hopefully they don't create the colossal fail they did with Tierkreis. I'm a little skeptical, seeing as I have given up hope on the series. It got mediocre with III, went downhill with IV, got slightly better at V and then really hit the bottom of the slope with Tierkreis.

Kingdom Hearts 3D: I'm curious as to what other new potential Disney worlds there'll be. I'm still waiting for Gargoyles and Black Cauldron to appear, maybe in KH3. Much like 358/2 and coded, this one seems skippable honestly. Still, Dream Eaters doesn't sound like a very intimidating name for enemies.

Atelier Totori: I can't believe the game is already here. I'm nowhere near done with Rorona yet! Argh! Curse my being stuck with assignments all the rest of the year. Anime cry

Rune Factory ToD: What's wrong with marrying outside your species, huh Todd!? You one of those old-fashioned types? Marrying a golem would make for a great story! >XP

Solatorobo: If people actually do ignore this simply because of the animal people, then said people have a lot to learn about judging games from artwork alone. 'Course, they could just be single genre dolts.

Tierkries wasnt a bad game, and had decent ratings. Although I should have stopped reading when you said the series went downhill with III, which is the best reviewed game in the series.

I dont see the big deal, yes I would like the original creator to be involved, but many series have surivived and even flourished in sequels under other people, besides suikoden never really got to in depth in an overarching story other than there being 24 true runes, or in that ballpark, so its not like Konami has there hands tied with the story anyway.

Does X button guy/girl never learn. Always a day late and dollar short. Stating once again how dead the psp is and we will not get god eater burst 2 here. Black Rock Shooter, Fate/Stay Extra say hi. Persona 2 passing through. Besides Sony unlike Nintendo has never really abandoned systems, so I can easily see a few more games sneak in even at the launch of the vita.
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Dark Absol

Joined: 09 Dec 2009
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PostPosted: Wed Sep 21, 2011 10:17 pm Reply with quote
Out of those games, I'm looking to get Solatorobo few days after it comes out for my DSLite. ($35)

Would get Kingdom Hearts 3D after I finally buy 3DS handheld. ($170 + $40 = $210)

I'll just have to ignore the others because I don't have PS3 (too expensive at this moment). ($250)

All combined for myself. (Priceless!)
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Joined: 12 Feb 2007
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PostPosted: Thu Sep 22, 2011 12:58 am Reply with quote
Visions of Resident Evil heroes fending off tuque-wearing Canadian zombies and mutant beavers were short-lived.

Good. I for one find the prospect of an American character gunning down droves of Canadians (zombies or otherwise) to be deeply, deeply racist. Wink
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Joined: 01 May 2007
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PostPosted: Thu Sep 22, 2011 2:00 am Reply with quote

Is she crying? Or sweating? Or both, ala Satoshi Urushihara? Typical. I see it as a realistically idealized sexualization myself.... Laughing

Murder She wrote:

Several characters from Rune Factory Frontier make cameos, and the game even allows one-night temporary marriages to some supporting characters (the Harvest Moon version of a Vegas wedding, if you will). And for PlayStation 3 owners, there's also the option to use the PlayStation Move motion controller, presumably in combat and not in marriage.

Oh c'mon! There's several things I could think of with that stick! Laughing

ikillchicken wrote:
Visions of Resident Evil heroes fending off tuque-wearing Canadian zombies and mutant beavers were short-lived.

Good. I for one find the prospect of an American character gunning down droves of Canadians (zombies or otherwise) to be deeply, deeply racist. Wink

Canadian is not a race, eh! Razz
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PostPosted: Thu Sep 22, 2011 11:30 am Reply with quote
CrownKlown wrote:
Tierkries wasnt a bad game, and had decent ratings. Although I should have stopped reading when you said the series went downhill with III, which is the best reviewed game in the series.

I don't see the big deal, yes I would like the original creator to be involved, but many series have surivived and even flourished in sequels under other people, besides suikoden never really got to in depth in an overarching story other than there being 24 true runes, or in that ballpark, so its not like Konami has there hands tied with the story anyway.

I said went downhill with IV. Reading comprehension isn't your strong suit apparently. III was mediocre. I still liked it well enough, but it just lacked something and the battle system was terrible.

Plus, you don't need to quote everything I wrote to reply for just one game.
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Joined: 14 Jul 2004
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PostPosted: Thu Sep 22, 2011 4:05 pm Reply with quote
CrownKlown wrote:
suikoden never really got to in depth in an overarching story other than there being 24 true runes, or in that ballpark,

I won't comment on the overarching story (it's there in spades, if you look), but it's 27 True Runes.
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Joined: 18 Jul 2006
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PostPosted: Fri Sep 23, 2011 2:24 am Reply with quote
Looks like someone (in the third screenshot) is attempting a Lust cosplay... with mixed results.

(Seriously though, that is one of the most blatant character design ripoffs I have ever seen. They even copied the tattoo, for god's sake.)

I read somewhere (I think it was on Joystiq) that the Team Ico collection will include a special feature in which Fumito Ueda discusses Ico's original North American box art. I couldn't tell if they were joking.
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Joined: 17 Aug 2007
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PostPosted: Fri Sep 23, 2011 4:21 pm Reply with quote
Regardless of how the 'furries' lurking on the internet have destroyed any likability for Solatorobo, I'm still gonna check it out. The artwork is awesome, the gameplay seems pretty appealing and I'll be honest, I'm desperate for something that feels 'different' in the RPG market... Sounds like maybe this should be up my alley.

...Now it's just a question of do I choose to rent Dark Souls or Rage the week of October 4th...
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