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Joined: 23 Mar 2005
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PostPosted: Wed Jun 08, 2011 12:34 am Reply with quote
Happy 3rd X-Button Anniversary, Todd! Your slaving was/is not wasted. This is the only place I get my gaming info now a days after all. Mostly because my newest console is still the PS2. (I never "upgraded.") I do like to keep up with things however. In case I actually do decide to "upgrade" into the next gen.

Keep up the great coverage and thanks! Cool
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John Casey

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PostPosted: Wed Jun 08, 2011 12:42 am Reply with quote
Once people stop talking about Forever, they'll start talking about Versus XIII, and you can start hating that one next.

But, just so you know, I have a head start on you. Wink
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PostPosted: Wed Jun 08, 2011 1:24 am Reply with quote
The other day I was talking with a friend about a game I speculated would become the new Duke Nukem Forever, but now all of a sudden I can't remember what it was.

And let's hope that I'm wrong about Nintendo ignoring every halfway interesting Wii game that's hit Japan.

I know I hope you're wrong, Todd. I hope and pray from the bottom of my heart.
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Joined: 19 Aug 2006
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PostPosted: Wed Jun 08, 2011 1:52 am Reply with quote
gatotsu911 wrote:

And let's hope that I'm wrong about Nintendo ignoring every halfway interesting Wii game that's hit Japan.

I know I hope you're wrong, Todd. I hope and pray from the bottom of my heart.

If my lips were to ever speak a prayer for anything gaming related, it would be for the NA release of these titles that should be blindingly obvious to localize.

These games-- specifically, The Last Story, Xenoblade, and even Pandora's Tower-- have to be announced sometime soon for already starved Wii owners. Seriously, what the heck is up with this? Is Nintendo's localization team so small that they can't handle a few RPGs? Are they afraid of releasing games that don't remind people to take a break every 30 minutes? Did they think that the audience would laugh derisively for announcing the localization of technically already-released games? Do they think that only ten people will buy these games apiece? Hell, The Last Story probably has Western tastes more in mind than most other JRPGs that have already come stateside this generation!

Of course some of this questioning isn't serious, and most of it is rhetorical. It's just... it's just.... AUGH.
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Joined: 24 Dec 2005
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PostPosted: Wed Jun 08, 2011 2:15 am Reply with quote
"On that note, Nintendo now has the eShop up and running for the 3DS. The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening, in all its black-and-white glory, is the first original Game Boy game to join the online store."

I'm sorry. Please take no offense to this, but this statement is completely wrong. Firstly, the eShop launched basically in the middle of the night on June 6/7 with three original Game Boy games available. Super Mario Land, Alleyway, and Radar Mission.
And secondly, the game that was added was "The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening DX" for the Game Boy Color, which turns the "black-and-white glory" into complete color, adds an additional "color-based" dungeon (which when completed will allow the player to obtain either a red or blue tunic which increase attack and defense, respectively), and allows the game to connect to the Game Boy Printer (not in the Virtual Console re-release though).
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Joined: 07 Aug 2006
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PostPosted: Wed Jun 08, 2011 2:35 am Reply with quote
well, Nintendo beat the hell out of the other pressers. Seriously, the WiiU stole the show just due to how BONKERS that controller is
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PostPosted: Wed Jun 08, 2011 2:48 am Reply with quote
Happy 3rd Todd! It's been a joy following along with your articles and commenting on them all this time. =D

FFXIII-2: What do you have against Laura Bailey anyway dude? Anime hyper
In any case, I bet the playable monsters will be more interesting than the main cast unless they try some actual development for the heroes instead of tossing together six random characters and expecting us to laugh and weep with them. I think that regardless of the still ongoing war between people who wanted to give it a chance and those who outright despise XIII, many will buy it just to see what kind of "hero" they're going to turn Serah into and just who's returning. I'm sure no one could much less care about Noel.


*Not to be an anti-360 guy since it was the first of the next gens I bought and it did allow me to enjoy JRPGs before the PS3 started getting them, but I have to admit I'm surprised to see very little love for varying genres outside of their precious shooters and more toward this Kinect fad. And I have to say it because no one else will, but does the gaming world really need another Halo? Enough shooters Microsoft, for pete's sake. -_-


*A souped up PSP, well that's nice I guess. Still I'm wondering if we can play our old PSP games on this. We knew the Go was a complete joke as it stands, so this better not turn out the same. Incidentally I heard a lot of people accusing Sony of copying Nintendo because of the cameras and the motion sensor. Can you believe these people?

*I instantly recognized Dragon's Crown as Vanillaware's handiwork, but I'm still hoping Grand Knights History will be coming here. That one looks especially good.


*A lot of people are just mocking the Wii U. Other than having a ridiculous name, it looks a bit too much like an iPad and seems to be really unwieldy. On the other hand, it seems innovative for all the hype the advertisement built up. Only time will tell.

*Another Smash Bros? God, enough already. I can just imagine what the idiot forums look like right now at the thought of who's going to be in it as well as all that ridiculous fighting jargon they use.

*Poor Luigi. Back to ghostbusting again it seems.

*Kirby Mass Attack: That wouldn't happen to be that new Kirby game that was leaked on the net some months ago, would it? The one where he's got these insane super finishing moves for his copy powers? Doesn't sound like it.

*On the subject of missing, yes well, we've come to expect no less from Nintendo. Let's face it, they're not going to bring those two RPGs here. They probably think the subject matter is questionable or whatever.

And the rest...

NEC: *pats Todd's head pitiably* You poor soul, clutching at straws that aren't even there. Anime hyper

Duke Nukem Forever: I share your sentiment. I personally don't get what the big whoop is about this game. It's amazing how many Americans grew up on this macho man crap back in the 90s and actually liked it. I'm glad I didn't. Honestly, the original sounded like some cheap plot for a bad alien invaders movie.

Record of Agarest War: I haven't played the first one due several factors but this one might be more promising (that depends on the roster though). Haha, but no one will ever forget the booby mousepad fiasco. It's sparked its own fad now.
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The Count

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PostPosted: Wed Jun 08, 2011 4:37 am Reply with quote
belvadeer wrote:
*A souped up PSP, well that's nice I guess. Still I'm wondering if we can play our old PSP games on this. We knew the Go was a complete joke as it stands, so this better not turn out the same.
Sony has stated that all games bought through PSN will work with the vita. They will also be enhanced on the Vita by smoothing and dual analog support for all games. Of coarse if all youv'e been buying are UMD's you're screwed.

belvadeer wrote:
*Another Smash Bros? God, enough already. I can just imagine what the idiot forums look like right now at the thought of who's going to be in it as well as all that ridiculous fighting jargon they use.
You will find no one more likely to agree with you than me, but having watched all three press conferences, the Smash Bros announcement garnered the largest applause I can recall. So guess what you and I can expect more of, Yeah. Crying or Very sad

For me FF13 officially killed the mystique that was attached to the franchise. It will take considerable work on SE behalf to get me to pre-order much less buy anything FF related.

The Vita, Team Ico collection, Z.O.E. collection, Dark Souls and so so many more games that I've already or plan to pre-order are making this one of the best years in gaming for me.

Also, what's up with not mentioning Alice Madness Returns for next weeks releases? That's another I've pre-ordered and can't wait to play.
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Issac Sarrowtail

Joined: 16 May 2011
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PostPosted: Wed Jun 08, 2011 5:11 am Reply with quote
belvadeer wrote:
Happy 3rd Todd! It's been a joy following along with your articles and commenting on them all this time. =D


*Not to be an anti-360 guy since it was the first of the next gens I bought and it did allow me to enjoy JRPGs before the PS3 started getting them, but I have to admit I'm surprised to see very little love for varying genres outside of their precious shooters and more toward this Kinect fad. And I have to say it because no one else will, but does the gaming world really need another Halo? Enough shooters Microsoft, for pete's sake. -_-.

I will be honest, from what I heard... Mircosoft seems to have dropped the ball on this one.
Not much of interest, in what I heard after the keynote.


*A souped up PSP, well that's nice I guess. Still I'm wondering if we can play our old PSP games on this. We knew the Go was a complete joke as it stands, so this better not turn out the same. Incidentally I heard a lot of people accusing Sony of copying Nintendo because of the cameras and the motion sensor. Can you believe these people.

Yeah, well... that is what happens when you get beaten to market on a feature.
The thing about the Vita that really bugs me, I was kind of hoping for something different out of them for the PSP follow-up. This is where Vita seems to just lag, Sony seems to think that it's a rather good to have a PS3-like game for a portable system.
I am not as sold on that idea as most gamers seem to be, I would rather fresh ideas in the space that anything else and that doesn't seem to be happening with the line up of games as it stands. I'll give it a year to see if Sony and it's partners can get it's house in order and use the Vita well. I don't hold much hope in that

*I instantly recognized Dragon's Crown as Vanillaware's handiwork, but I'm still hoping Grand Knights History will be coming here. That one looks especially good..

Nice to see that Vanillaware is still about. Mildly interested in this game if only to see what they do with it.


*A lot of people are just mocking the Wii U. Other than having a ridiculous name, it looks a bit too much like an iPad and seems to be really unwieldy. On the other hand, it seems innovative for all the hype the advertisement built up. Only time will tell..

Leave it to Nintendo to really think outside the box when coming in with a new system.
The hardware leaves me curious, the controller... I would like to see what programmers do with this in hand. That should be interesting.
Sadly, given the systems power... I can smell quite a few ports within it's first year. That will be bothersome should that continue.
We'll all have to wait and see.

*Another Smash Bros? God, enough already. I can just imagine what the idiot forums look like right now at the thought of who's going to be in it as well as all that ridiculous fighting jargon they use.

I am more that welcoming to another Smash Bros' fighter. Just a few things on the wish list, a more finely turned system, some things from Brawl... new characters that are from Nintendo proper, and maybe one or two licenses. (Personally, I would not mind KH's Sora and Disney's Mickey).
The thing that I want the most however, isn't from the game it from the Smash "community"... in the "community" they really have to stop thinking that the game will be something like Street Fighter, Tekken and then like. It's not, build fighters and contests based around this factor....

*Poor Luigi. Back to ghostbusting again it seems.

Interested to see what happens this time, I heard more houses in this one... That should be curious.

*On the subject of missing, yes well, we've come to expect no less from Nintendo. Let's face it, they're not going to bring those two RPGs here. They probably think the subject matter is questionable or whatever..

Still no plans to localize... Classic Nintendo problem (I give Nintendo to much credit here, it's more of a general thing in Japanese Business). A shame in Last Story's case.
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Joined: 01 May 2007
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PostPosted: Wed Jun 08, 2011 5:12 am Reply with quote
The LCD on the Wii-U (the "Wii" was already a well-ridiculed name even before it came out, so what's one more, just to continue the annoying name tradition Laughing ) controller would be useful for games in which 2 or more local players cannot show what they're doing to the other players/competitors, like sports, quiz, or card games. But what's up with being able to use only 1 Wii-U controller at a time?

belvadeer wrote:
I think that regardless of the still ongoing war between people who wanted to give it a chance and those who outright despise XIII, many will buy it just to see what kind of "hero" they're going to turn Serah into and just who's returning. I'm sure no one could much less care about Noel.

No Snow Villiers for a possible love triangle aside (NTR?), think they're turning Serah into a playable character to contest Vanille on the shortest skirt in the game. Laughing

belvadeer wrote:

Duke Nukem Forever: I share your sentiment. I personally don't get what the big whoop is about this game. It's amazing how many Americans grew up on this macho man crap back in the 90s and actually liked it. I'm glad I didn't. Honestly, the original sounded like some cheap plot for a bad alien invaders movie.

So was Doom, but look how far the industry it spawned.
Yeah, I had played those originals. Laughing

belvadeer wrote:

Record of Agarest War: I haven't played the first one due several factors but this one might be more promising (that depends on the roster though). Haha, but no one will ever forget the booby mousepad fiasco. It's sparked its own fad now.

It's ergonomic on my wrists! Laughing
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Joined: 04 Dec 2002
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PostPosted: Wed Jun 08, 2011 5:45 am Reply with quote
Wow, that Wii U controller isn't just clunky, it's Jaguar clunky.
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Joined: 13 May 2008
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PostPosted: Wed Jun 08, 2011 6:15 am Reply with quote
Considering that I liked FF XIII and think it is a good game, I am going to pick up XIII-2 once it comes out. I am also going to get KOF XIII once it comes out as well.
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Joined: 28 Oct 2007
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PostPosted: Wed Jun 08, 2011 6:41 am Reply with quote
E3 is usually my favourite time of year, but I have to say I'm a little underwhelmed this time. I think the problem is that there's just not a whole lot new being announced.

I guess to break it down by developer like some other people are doing:


Kinect= all of the mistakes of the Wii with none of the advantages. Seriously, I'm incredibly disappointed by this. Pretty much all of the games built from the ground up for it are either casual or aimed at kids. And I'm not one of these people who think Farmville is the antichrist- there's nothing wrong with that, they look like perfectly good causal games, but there's nothing there for me. Like the Wii before it, Kinect seems to be a case of squandered potential, only this time it's worse because Microsoft should have been able to look at the mistakes Nintendo made and act accordingly.


Sony came out very strong this year. The Vita has some great looking games (check this out), and the price is making it very attractive. Add in the PS3's usual strong lineup and I think Sony are on top right now. The Move still seems like a total non-entity, though. I can see it simply dropping off the map in a year.

My only real disappointment with Sony is that The Last Guardian appears to be totally absent from the show.


Much ado about nothing. As far as I'm concerned, they didn't actually reveal the Wii U at their conference- a console may as well not exist until we know what games we're going to be playing on it. And yes, it's great that they're finally getting third party support, but what they need are exclusives. No one who already owns a PS3 or 360 is going to buy this to play games that are also available for those consoles. Basically I'm just going to reserve judgement on this until we see some actual games.

(Although to address one concern a lot of people are having, early hands-on demos are suggesting that the controller is very comfortable).

In slightly happier news there are a lot of good 3DS games coming up, and Zelda: Skyward Sword is looking awesome. I think it's a strong contender for game of the show for me.


Last edited by Penguin_Factory on Wed Jun 08, 2011 6:44 am; edited 1 time in total
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PostPosted: Wed Jun 08, 2011 6:43 am Reply with quote
I hate the way people parrot the catchphrases that the original Duke Nukem stole from They Live and the Evil Dead trilogy.

I believe it was not the original Duke Nukem that became renowned for such phrases. Perhaps the most memorable element of the 1991 original was its visually-jarring "8×8 block" background scrolling. Still, such a graphical limitation gave it character.
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Big Hed

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PostPosted: Wed Jun 08, 2011 7:51 am Reply with quote
belvadeer wrote:
... but does the gaming world really need another Halo?

Yes. The announcement of the new trilogy singlehandedly ensures my continued purchasing of requisite Microsoft hardware for the next 6-8 years.
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