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Joined: 01 May 2007
Posts: 14911
PostPosted: Tue May 31, 2011 1:28 am Reply with quote
Incidentally, here's another book that just came out too:

A Geek in Japan

"Comprehensive and well informed, “A Geek in Japan” covers a wide array of topics in short articles accompanied by numerous photographs, providing a lively digest of the society and culture of Japan. It’s a hip, smart and concise guide to manga, anime, J-pop, or zen, martial arts, Japanese people’s character and society: It may be everything together. This book is based on the contents of a blog named “Kirainet.com” by author Hector Garcia, and the Spanish version is already a best-seller in Europe."

(And incidentally to that incidentally, here's what “Pelican Babaa," err, I mean, "Shokotan" is doing now: Laughing )

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Joined: 20 Nov 2010
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PostPosted: Tue May 31, 2011 1:33 am Reply with quote
For anyone going to ASU or using its libraries, they've got a copy (and of course if you're on one of the satellite campuses, you can request to have it sent over). Definitely check it out.
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Joined: 11 Oct 2008
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PostPosted: Tue May 31, 2011 4:00 am Reply with quote

since World Masterpiece was mentioned, I would have to say, that at least one of anime from this series was a really work of a master... of masters, actually, since it involves original classic literature novel, as well as people who has made the anime...

i mean Romeo's Blue Skies (Romeo and Black Brothers)...

some may know that i am one of the people who barely ever satisfied in anything, and i do not certainly find this anime perfect, but it really stands out...

(this show was never reviewed, so i would guess it was not released in USA...)

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PostPosted: Thu Jun 02, 2011 8:13 am Reply with quote
So I say this to all of the otaku out there – if you want anime to survive through the 21st century, it is your duty to go out there and reproduce.

Yep. I wonder if any influential person(s) in Japan expressed the same view as Brian's. The problem is that young people in Japan are not striving for the future. Their baby boomer generation is deeply suspicious of the younger generation when it comes to investment and they are squandering economic opportunity for new generation to thrive. Where are the entrepreneurs? They are the ones who creates jobs, opportunities, innovation, and more importantly, the motivation to move forward. They need to create brighter future in order to have children.

Baby boomers are doing all sorts of things to extend their life, but at the expense of the young. They are forcing their outdated norms and values which are not compatible with what young people want. With the downturn of the economy, they're stuck in the rut.

I hate to say this, but I think the similar things are creeping up in the U.S. as well.

when you get away from fans’ perspectives, you're going to generate different ideas than you might if an anime fan was trying to create art based on his or her own fandom. (This is all too common in contemporary anime – too many creators seem to be influenced only by other anime, instead of taking in a wide variety of global film and literature as many of the best creators have done.)

This is what I don't like about Anime and Manga creation. Creators of Anime and Manga have developed tunnel vision. Manga artists, who are the forefront of the visual storytelling, are not looking outside of their comfort zone. They have to get back to the basics. When Manga was non-existent right after the Second World War, the first manga creators have observed the world and gained inspiration from the all over, including foreign literature and films. They spent their time outside imagining ideas without heavy media influence like we face today. Sure, they read books and watched films, but their lives didn't centered around it. Their imagination is born from experience and observation of human conditions outside of their immediate comfort zone.

Even the anime creators have looked somewhere else for their best creations. Just look at 70's to early 80's anime titles. Unlike many other animation industry in the world, Japanese animation industry is blessed to have stable visual medium like manga and light novels as their story material. When it comes to story material now, they cannot rely on works of someone else that won't return a dime in long term. They have to develop their own story materials first. They have to seek out quality stories that inspires them.

Another note, be sure to check out Ghost in the Shell: SSS, Eden of the East, and Princess Jellyfish. Those shows really address the social problems that Japan faces in entertaining way.
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